Top of the big era

Chapter 2904 Local Thinking

Many of Zhou Shaoning's strategies are effective in international competition, but not domestically.

Domestic competition is much more intense than abroad!

Especially in the fields of the Internet, mobile phones, and future new energy vehicles, it is truly hellishly difficult, dangerous and cruel, far beyond comparison with foreign countries. Except for local entrepreneurs who can play well, foreign giants have to stop one by one when they come.

How have those foreigners ever seen such fierce competition?

So Zhou Shaoning must change.

This trend is already happening now. Xiaomi's domestic brand competitiveness has surpassed that of Asda. This is a very vigilant signal.

Zhou Buqi wanted to draw him into local thinking and said: "Competition in the domestic market still involves a lot of barbaric and cross-border behavior. You cannot copy the international practices. This was the case with Google before, and now with mobile phones The same goes for industry!”

"It really is."

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath, and this was when he truly felt at ease.

Zhou Buqi said: "As you can see, the competition in the domestic market is far more cruel than that in foreign countries. This requires that your competitive ideas should not only focus on the company and products, but also be implemented on the individual entrepreneurs!"

Zhou Shaoning was a little embarrassed, "This is not my strong point. I'm not very good at public expression."

Zhou Buqi said: "You are not good at it. Look at Lei Jun. He is good at it? He can't even speak Mandarin, let alone English. Every press conference speech he gives is internal. The result of countless trainings. The path to success is nothing more than beating yourself up."

Zhou Shaoning nodded.

Taking Lei Jun for comparison, he really couldn't say anything.

His public expression skills are not very good, and his speech skills are even worse.

However, if compared with Lei Jun, he seems to be slightly stronger.

Even Lei Jun can do it, why can't I?

"How good can Xiaomi's mobile phones be? Better than Asda's, better than Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo, and Coolpad's mobile phones? Xiaomi's success is nothing more than Lei Jun's personal success." Although Zhou Buqi took stock again If you look at the domestic mobile phone manufacturers, none of them are as famous as Lei Jun, regardless of whether the mobile phone is good or not.

Zhou Shaoning said: “So we need to build the entrepreneur’s personal IP and use the entrepreneur’s personal image to drive corporate brand and product value.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Domestic traditional business is based on this concept. It is a combination of Chinese and Western. It is also the best competitive strategy that is most suitable for local conditions in such an overly fierce domestic competition environment. This is not only the company's competition, Product competition, but competition among entrepreneurs caused by too brutal and fierce competition.”

Zhou Shaoning sighed, "I'm not that famous."

Zhou Buqi said: "If you don't have fame, then create fame. Don't compare with me. I want to be low-key, but I can't contain the radiance of the universe. There is no other way but to admit it. If you don't have such conditions, , you can find ways to create light to cover consumers. The sun shines during the day, and the moon shines at night. In fact, most people don’t know that the moon does not shine, but reflects sunlight, and as long as there is light, it is enough.

Zhou Shaoning couldn't help laughing, "Should I reflect your light?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You kick a lightbulb in your arms. When it lights up, it emits light. Who can tell whether it is the light from the lightbulb or your personal brilliance? In short, you must have your own brilliance, and you must create it. ! Some stars spread all over the country naturally; some stars are actually promoted by the agency, so what difference does it make? "

Zhou Shaoning had a black line on his forehead.

Depend on!

It really fell into the concept of "star".

What is this for?

Do you want to play hype?

It's really a bit unconventional to let him, a businessman, hype things up like a star in the entertainment industry.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's actually not difficult to make people all over the country know you. You can ask Jieyu Media for help and find a few popular celebrities to plan a few activities. You can basically do it and it won't cost a lot of money." With such a good marketing resource, isn’t it easier than running around like Lei Jun? Well... you can create a persona, such as being a super movie fan, and then go to the press conferences of major movies to gain popularity. Or fans of so and so, going all over the country to chase stars will also give people a sense of intimacy. "

Zhou Shaoning said: "If in the United States, a CEO spends the company's money to promote his personal image, he might be sued by shareholders."

"This is not the United States!" Zhou Buqi's tone was firm, "You must take this path. If you don't, Asda's domestic business will definitely get worse and worse. Now there is a Lei Jun, and in the future only There will be more and more Lei Jun.”

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath and said, "I understand."

Back at the Ziweixing headquarters, we mainly held a technical meeting.

It was Zhou Buqi who suggested it.

It is necessary to promote the cooperation between Ziweixing and Asda, and combine Ziweixing's AI chip project with Asda's face recognition project, so that Asda can launch the world's first true face recognition as soon as possible smartphone.

The iPhone dominates one industry and is slightly behind in terms of innovation, so its impact is not too great.

But Android phones are different. Many mobile phone manufacturers are competing for a track.

In particular, competition in the high-end machine market must rely on innovation.

Samsung's recent innovation direction is the super fast charging project and the iris recognition project.

Zhou Shaoning originally wanted to promote the fast charging project.

Zhou Buqi asked him to stay calm.

Charging the battery involves a very complex energy conversion, and this process will release a lot of heat according to Joule's law.

If the heat is too high, accidents are prone to occur.

Even more than ten years later, the iPhone is still very backward in the development of fast charging.

It's not that Apple's technology is not good.

What kind of technology can fast charging have?

The main thing is safety hazards.

Android phones are very fierce in this regard, and it can be said that they are running all the way.

In fact, it's not bad in China. If an accident occurs, either spend money to eliminate the disaster or delete the post and ban the account, and the incident can be quickly calmed down.

There are no such convenient conditions abroad, so we have to be more restrained.

When domestic mobile phone manufacturers go abroad to develop, they will either limit the charging speed to prevent foreigners from enjoying too fast a charging rate, or the battery solutions they use are slightly different from the domestic versions. Domestic products are generally made in China, supporting domestic products can also show patriotism; the export version will purchase more expensive imported battery pack solutions, which can further reduce the safety of fast charging accidents.

Zhou Buqi reminded Zhou Shaoning that Esda’s mobile phones should not be too radical in choosing fast charging solutions. Just follow the trend and there is no need to lead the industry.

This is not a core innovation.

Others have done it, let them launch it to the market for experiments first. If the effect is fine, it will not be too late for Esda to launch it.

Just like Samsung in the previous life.

After the "explosion gate", Samsung adjusted the plan and no longer charged in the innovation of fast charging. It was all domestic mobile phone manufacturers who charged, one more radical than the other, and one faster than the other. It's as if whoever charges faster has superior technology.

Samsung is watching the effect behind the scenes, learning from each failure, and just sitting back and waiting.

The new fast charging solution is effective, and it is safe and secure to follow it.

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