Top of the big era

Chapter 2903: System-based

Zhou Shaoning was silent for a long time.

He was actually a little "over the line" because of what Zhou Buqi said.

The business rules of modern society are actually introduced from abroad, including futures system, order system, penalty system, distribution system, direct sales system, etc., as well as company systems of brand, finance, market, procurement, design, marketing, and after-sales.

In short, it is institutionalized business.

China has thousands of years of tradition and its own business model, but the domestic business model is "ruled by people". Until the reform and opening up, China has always been the old one, lacking institutional management.

It's like people talking about business with each other.

It doesn't matter whether there is a contract in black and white. Many times it is a verbal promise, relying on the recognition of the credibility of "people".

The modern business model considers human nature with the greatest evil, treating all partners as unforgivable bastards, and then using legally binding contracts to stipulate each other's cooperative relationship, and ensuring each other's interests through "systems".

From the comparison, it can be seen that business under the institutional framework should be more controllable and guaranteed, more sustainable and stable.

In the process of "rule by man" based on reputation, there are certainly some big bosses with outstanding reputation and priceless reputation, so-called "a promise is worth a thousand gold" and "a word is worth nine tripods". But more often, this model lacks guarantees at all.

When people are poor to a certain extent, they are no longer human, but human-shaped animals, and can sell their children.

When people are rich to a certain extent, it is easy for them to slip morally and mutate in the direction of human-shaped animals, especially some princes and nobles in the Middle East, who are not even controlled by the law, and they really live like human-shaped livestock.

If people are not human, who cares about promises?

Therefore, the "rule by man" model is very risky. If the other party is poor to a certain extent, they will not admit it; if the other party is rich to a certain extent, they may also not admit it.

Morality has no binding force on the extremely poor and the extremely rich.

Modern business ethics must still be a system under the "system".

Replace the "rule by man" under the moral framework with the "system" under the legal framework.

Zhou Shaoning is a top student who returned from studying in the West.

The business training he received is of course all modern.

For example, the organizational structure, product operation, commercial marketing and brand building in the company all have a complete set of systems behind them.

No matter who does it, they must follow the company's system and regulations.

The traditional model is different.

It is "people-oriented".

There is no product marketing and brand building at all.

Just create a good personal image.

A big businessman has a good social image, and the products he launches are popular. Other unknown small bosses, if they don't have any social fame or the endorsement of a top hat and flower feather, it is difficult for their products to be recognized by the market.

In fact, it is "people-oriented", everything good or bad depends on people.

If people are good, the product is good;

If people are not good, the product will not be much better!

Even for an old brand like Tongrentang, what is recognized in traditional society is not the "Tongrentang" signboard, but the identity of the Le family as an imperial physician. Once the halo of the imperial physician is taken away, Tongrentang will have no brand power to speak of.

This is completely different from the modern brand logic.

The logic of modern business is "system-based". It doesn't matter who is in the position. Everything depends on the system.

If the system is good, the product will be good; if the system is not good, the product will not be competitive.

Zhou Shaoning received modern business training. He did not agree with Zhou Buqi's concept of "fan economy" and "entrepreneur's personal brand", because these are people-based business strategies, not the system-based that a modern company should follow.

He respected Zhou Buqi very much.

But this collision of views and values ​​made it difficult for him to accept.

Zhou Shaoning said slowly: "Nowadays, large companies are all joint-stock companies. There are thousands or tens of thousands of shareholders. The company's money and assets belong to all shareholders. It is right to spend the company's money to build the company's brand; using the company's money to promote the company's boss's personal image, isn't this misappropriation of public resources for private use? Isn't it using public funds for personal gain? This is simply a challenge to modern business civilization."

"Well, it is."

Zhou Buqi did not expect that he would raise the topic to such a high level.

Zhou Shaoning said: "In the past few years, Jobs is the entrepreneur with the highest personal brand. However, Jobs has never conducted personal image marketing. If he really cared about the outside world's views, he would not behave like a scumbag. Jobs still follows the competitiveness of the product. His focus is the iPhone and the iPad, not Jobs himself."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

This is not surprising, Jobs himself is also a product of modern business civilization.

Zhou Shaoning continued: "The reason why Jobs' personal reputation is so great is not his initiative, just like you. You are also very low-key, but you are so brilliant that you can't cover it up. Jobs is also passive. His strong personal charm and his own product art style have made him unparalleled in the world. He focuses on Apple, not himself."

Zhou Buqi said: "What you said is right. It is indeed the case in the overseas market."


Zhou Shaoning was slightly stunned.

Zhou Buqi said: "The model you mentioned is indeed feasible in Europe, the United States, South Korea and Japan, and in some developed countries and places with modern commercial civilization. However, economic globalization has not unified global business. There are still many places where business development is not so civilized.”

"Uh..." Zhou Shaoning finally understood the core logic from Boss Zhou, "Although there are many small problems in the country, it has done relatively well in terms of market economy. It cannot compare with those developed countries in Europe and the United States. But it’s already better than most countries.”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Of course, so large domestic companies must be based on a modern business model and implement 'system-based'. All large domestic private companies are built on a mature and excellent system. "

Zhou Shaoning heard something in his words, "But."

"Yes, but..." At this time, the car had arrived at the Ziweixing headquarters. Zhou Buqi did not get out of the car in a hurry and communicated with him in the car, "But the domestic market competition, behind the modern civilization, is still brutal and vicious. Look at the competition in the Internet industry over the years. Of course, everyone is civilized, law-abiding and ethical. But behind the fierce competition, who has a clean butt? We must continue to rely on aggressive and brutal attacks to win the market.”

Zhou Shaoning's expression was a little strange and resentful, "This is how Google was defeated by Baidu and Weidian."

When Zhou Buqi heard this, he burst into laughter.

Before accepting the invitation from Boss Zhou to found ASTAR, Zhou Shaoning’s last job was as the president of Google’s Greater China region. A very important reason for leaving Google is that Google search failed miserably in the domestic market, and its market share was reduced to only a few points by the joint efforts of Baidu and Weidian.

Many people believe that Google's failure is due to official factors.

That was never the main reason.

First of all, Google search is not localized enough and its product capabilities are insufficient, far from reaching the standards of Baidu and Weidian.

The second is the deeper reason.

Google's team is basically sent from the United States, and they adhere to the logic of modern business civilization.

Too concerned about rules and institutional processes from Google headquarters.

Google's system is the same all over the world.

Some countries and regions feel that some bad information has appeared in Google searches and require it to be deleted. This is of course possible, and Google must comply with laws and regulations and cooperate. However, you must first come up with something similar to discipline and law. The government must issue clear guidelines, or the court must issue clear judgment requirements, and Google will cooperate to delete the relevant content.

If you don't give anything, how can you cooperate?

There wasn't even a single explanation, and they just said that some relevant content would be deleted. What kind of discipline does this follow? What law are you observing?

The whole thing was so confusing that it seemed like a behind-the-scenes operation with no system at all.

This is Google’s biggest acclimatization problem in the domestic market.

Baidu and Weidian are different. Rules and strategies can be changed at any time according to local conditions. Even if there are not as many top technical talents as Google, they can rely on some less institutionalized processes and less civilized business strategies to beat old people to death. master.

However, it is impossible for Baidu and Weidian to compete with Google after going abroad.

"System-based" can be unified globally, but "people-based" must be adapted to local conditions.

From this reason, we can also see the advantages and disadvantages of China and the United States in business competition.

In economically developed countries and regions, American companies will have more competitive advantages and can use one system to conquer all.

In some underdeveloped areas, where business development is not so civilized and there are a large number of barbaric survival in Third World countries, the advantages of American companies no longer exist, and they become fish out of water. After local companies led by local entrepreneurs expand, they can find some local barbaric survival spots according to local conditions, and then develop like a fish in water.

Lei Jun is a real local entrepreneur.

Zhou Shaoning is also Chinese, and his nationality has not changed, but he is not a local entrepreneur. His set of modern business civilization concepts comes from the United States.

Therefore, there is a current situation in which Asda is clearly divided at home and abroad.

In overseas markets, Asda is truly invincible and is on the same level as Samsung. It has sold nearly 30 million high-end phones and is one of the most popular mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

In the domestic market, Asda cannot even compete with Xiaomi.

Now it can’t compete with Xiaomi. In a few years, will it be able to compete with powerful mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei, OPPO, and Vivo?

It feels like Zhou Shaoning is back in the same predicament he was in when he was president of Google Greater China.

Doing well abroad.

He was valued by Google and sent back to China as its president.

After returning to China, he immediately felt out of place and was defeated by the local forces.

As the big boss behind the scenes and a life mentor in business, Zhou Buqi had to help him! We can't watch Aisda being slowly surpassed by rising stars in such a good situation. Will Big Boss Zhou lose his face?

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