Top of the big era

Chapter 2783 Flow

For any project, cost control is the foundation. Ziweixing’s current cost control organizational structure is a middle-stage strategy. In the current middle office division, four major middle offices have been formed: growth middle office, algorithm middle office, engineering middle office and commercialization middle office.

For example, Weibo needs information flow algorithms, and Friends Network also needs information flow algorithms.

You don’t have to do it yourself.

Just ask the central office directly, and the central office will provide unified technical services.

A set of algorithms serving multiple products at the same time can greatly save costs.

Ziweixing has been working on this model for four or five years, and has developed a complete set of organizational structure and business processes, leading the domestic IT industry.

As a top technology company, there are too many competitors coming to Ziweixing every year to poach people.

Which department is losing the most talent?

China and Taiwan Business Department.

With the great success of Ziweixing in this model, domestic peers have started to learn this model one after another. If you want to learn, the easiest and quickest way is, of course, to recruit people from the Central Taiwan Business Department.

You know, Ziweixing has not been launched before!

No one wants to leave during that time unless they have an offer they can’t refuse. But even so, the China-Taiwan Business Department still lost a lot of talent.

It can be seen what kind of price our domestic colleagues paid to poach people.

In order to build their own middle platform system, they also worked hard.

Now, Ziweixing is on the market.

Everything is different.

To put it bluntly, the attractiveness of Ziweixing will be greatly reduced.

Before listing, Ziweixing's options were all valued, which would be far lower than the actual value. Therefore, during the IPO, a series of wealth-making myths could be created, because everyone got the most at a very low price. stock.

After going public, this will be different.

Ziweixing's stock price has an exact market value, and there is no gray space for estimation. It is whatever it is. When issuing options, it must be calculated based on the real-time stock price.

The attractiveness will be greatly reduced.

The opportunity to get rich overnight like an IPO is no longer available. Many people do not have the patience to rely on long-term holding of stocks for value investment.

Because of this factor, there is a group of "hunters" in the Internet industry who specialize in this kind of business.

Specifically select companies that are about to go public and join them.

Youku is about to go public, so quickly resign from your current company, join Youku, and get an option with an extremely low valuation before the listing. Youku will make a lot of money as soon as it goes public!

After this wave was over, I heard that Vipshop was going to go public again, so I quickly resigned from Youku, joined Vipshop, and got another low-valuation option on Vipshop before it went public.

After a wave of IPOs, another huge profit was made.

When Vipshop is successfully listed, then act like a hunter, look for new targets, and then rush towards them.

Of course, if you want to become a "hunter", you must first have convincing abilities, performance, and resume. You are still doing the kind of business that licks your wounds. Once you fail, you may lose everything at once.

Such as Alipay.

In the process of being a "hunter", you have to exercise your rights. That is to spend real money to buy the other party's stock at the low pre-IPO valuation, and then wait for the listing. The stock price will rise several times. If you are lucky, you will be financially free.

However, the listing was stopped.

This time it was miserable, all the money was taken away.

What's even worse is Didi. After it went public, its stock price plummeted, and it was also ordered to delist due to non-market factors... I thought I could make a big bet and invested all my money in it, but I didn't expect it to come back overnight. Before liberation.

For Ziweixing now, there is such a problem.

The IPO was a huge success.

The wave of resignations is about to come.

Especially the China and Taiwan Business Department.

This department is very popular, and domestic colleagues are constantly sending people to dig out it. Four or five vice presidents of the business department have been poached. So many people were poached before the listing, and even more people will be poached after the listing.

Zhang Yiming has not participated in charity projects. His main work recently is to deal with potential crises in the China and Taiwan Business Department. "Ziweixing is too good, but not very good. It is too easy to be targeted. Now there are some powerful companies in China." Technology companies are poaching people from us in various ways.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's not surprising at all. When Baidu was the boss a few years ago, we also grabbed a lot of people from there. Now Ziweixing is the number one in the industry, and it's normal for everyone to come here to recruit people." Phenomenon. The flow of talents can promote the overall progress of the industry.”

Zhang Yiming shook his head and said with a smile: "You are really angry."

Guo Pengfei came with him to report, so he curled his lips and said: "I think it's just standing and talking without back pain. If you don't participate in front-line business, naturally you don't know the troubles of front-line business. It's only been a few days, and the WeChat business group has Two senior directors at the M5 level were poached."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not necessarily a bad thing. When the industry is strong, only the first in the industry can become stronger. The industry is very weak, and even if it is the first in the industry, it won't be much stronger! Look at Japan's technology industry in the 1990s. , Japan’s Internet industry is second only to the United States. What happened next? In my opinion, the reason why Japan’s Internet industry has not developed is because the influence of traditional Confucian culture is too deep. Loyalty, filial piety, propriety, wisdom and trust, don’t be enslaved for too long. I can’t get up, I’m too loyal. The company is loyal, and the employees are also loyal, which will lead to a lack of liquidity in the entire industry. In the end, it can only become a pool of stagnant water and no longer have vitality. The soul of Silicon Valley is betrayal, and betrayal has made it what it is today. Silicon Valley.”

In fact, this is the difference between traditional thinking and modernization concepts.

Traditional ethics advocate "selflessness". For employees, the company is a public company. How can they betray their employer for a little personal gain?

The modern concept is based on the individual, and it is "abolish the public and preserve the private." Anyone who belongs to the public should get out, and everything is self-centered. If each individual gets better, the whole situation will get better as well.

The development of modernization in the past two hundred years has all revolved around "private". It can be said that it has destroyed all traditional countries and cultures that were "public".

The same goes for the tech industry.

Only employees spare no effort to seek personal gain, constantly seek better treatment within the company, and change jobs if they fail to achieve their goals. There is no loyalty at all.

Only by promoting the circulation of technology among different companies can the industry make progress together.

However, for rulers, of course, they hope that everyone under their command will be selfless, dedicated, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and trustworthy.

In particular, the constraints of traditional etiquette and cultural influence make every ordinary person not think about issues from his own perspective, but make value judgments from the perspective of a ruler.

Some of Ziweixing's senior talents are obviously not ordinary people, they are all elites among the elites. They will definitely not look at the problem from the perspective of Zhou Buqi or Zhang Yiming, and will not applaud them for better controlling themselves and enslaving themselves. Cheers, even moved to tears, they will definitely fight for their personal rights to the maximum extent.

Zhang Yiming said: "Normal talent flow is inevitable. Just like the WeChat business group, two senior directors have left recently. I think this is acceptable. However, the China and Taiwan Business Department is not normal. , this is not a normal flow of talent."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Is it serious?"

Zhang Yiming said solemnly: "Well, it's very serious. We have lost 16 middle- and senior-level managers above M4 in less than half a month. It's equivalent to one middle- and senior-level manager being poached every day."

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