Top of the big era

Chapter 2782 Cost Compression

If you want to do charity, it would be too unreliable to hand over the money to a certain charity association. Not to mention the operating expenses of more than a dozen points, they will always do many operations that will shock the world. .

For example, the charity project of the Hearing Impaired Children Care Center.

Children always receive the greatest care and sympathy. Caring people from all over the country donate a lot of money to this project every year, hoping that they can help as many children as possible.

However, there is no way to say how the funds for the project will actually be implemented.

For example, there was an image project that was half-finished, could no longer be completed, ran out of money, and was about to be unfinished. If this is unfinished, wouldn't it discredit the chief planner of this project?

what to do?

This charity project can be used as charity, and the money can be donated to the country, and the image project can be completed smoothly. It's a donation anyway. Caring people must be patriotic, and it doesn't matter who you give money to.

Zhou Buqi sincerely hopes to do something for the children.

If you want to implement the plan in a down-to-earth manner, you have to do it yourself. Since Meng Houkun is interested, let him take the lead in doing this, and let Guo Dan be his deputy.

After Director Fang left, Zhou Buqi had a small meeting with these people.

CFO Nie Caijun was also called over.

Nowadays, Ziweixing has a lot of money, and there is so much reserve money in the account that it can't be spent all. This is completely different from the situation in previous years. Nie Caijun felt that he was walking like a tiger, unlike in previous years when cash flow was tight. He wished he could wear an invisibility cloak and be transparent.

Isn't it just to do some charity? How much money is this?

should do!

At the small meeting, Guo Dan said seriously: "The current cost of treating hearing impairment is too high. The cochlea alone costs hundreds of thousands or two hundred thousand. The cochlea sounds high-end, but it is nothing more than an electronic product. In the field of electronic products, how can there be something that cannot be made well in China?”

Meng Houkun was as harsh as ever, snorting coldly: "The reason why it can't be done well is that the powerful companies haven't done it. Why don't the top big companies do it? Because the top big entrepreneurs can't do it! Why don't the top entrepreneurs do it? Do it? Because I don’t want to join the others and do this kind of business that relies on the hearing-impaired to make profits!”

However, Zhou Buqi agrees with this, "At least around me...the entrepreneurs I know who are in the technology industry, judging from their personalities, no one is willing to rush into the medical supplies industry. Just like Xiaomi, you can let Xiaomi make home appliances, computers, mobile phones, clothes, and even cars and houses, but if you ask them to do this kind of business, they will definitely not participate."

Many of Xiaomi Ecosystem’s products are not produced by Xiaomi.

Many are original manufacturers that have never been able to develop due to lack of branding, design and marketing capabilities. With the Xiaomi trademark affixed and Xiaomi's professional team doing the design and marketing, it will quickly hit the market.

Once this model is implemented, Xiaomi's ecological products can rapidly develop and expand... without appearing bloated. This is the model of "big front desk, small front desk".

Xiaomi is this middle platform.

All manufacturers from all walks of life are the front desk to implement products, and the middle desk provides unified services and guidance.

In this mode, the quality of Xiaomi's products will not be too high, but they are basically qualified and can provide standards for normal use. The key is that the price is very low, allowing consumers to use big brands at relatively low prices.

This coverage is too broad. Travel wear, headphones and speakers, home appliances, routers, power accessories, healthy children, lifestyle bags, etc. are all popular consumer products.

However, it is almost impossible to get them to do cochlear surgery.

At least not possible in the current environment.

The cochlea is indeed a high-tech product, but it has been around for decades. It belongs to the category of electronic products and is also a consumer-grade product.

Because many healthy people have no hearing impairment, but if they have some ear diseases, they will have certain ear backache and hearing loss. Wearing a cochlear is very comfortable.

This kind of wear is temporary and does not need to be implanted in the body. There is no need to go to the hospital for surgery. You can just buy one and wear it yourself.

Just like headphones.

However, the profit margin of headphones is very thin, so you can do it.

The cochlea is different. After decades of development, it has become intricate. If one is sold, the profit will be several times or dozens of times, and all the participants will have enough to eat and drink... The result is that many hearing-impaired people in need cannot afford it, which indirectly leads to the fact that many hearing-impaired children who have the opportunity to receive treatment and live ordinary lives are destined to become deaf-mute throughout their lives.

Who would make this kind of money?

Entrepreneurs like Zhou Buqi, Lei Jun, and other entrepreneurs in the IT industry simply don't bother to participate. Not only them, senior talents are also avoiding it.

We are also making electronic products. Excellent talents have gone to companies such as Ziweixing, Alibaba, Huawei, Inspur, ZTE, Lenovo, Great Wall, etc. Who will go and do cochlear surgery for them?

Top entrepreneurs will not participate, and excellent talents will not participate, which is destined to result in domestic cochlea being really not good. In fact, cochlear surgery has only been done in China in recent years.

It has been popular overseas for decades, but domestic copycat versions have just been produced. Given the current domestic technical strength in the field of electronic products, it is simply unimaginable.

It’s not that the skills are insufficient, it’s that people with skills and abilities don’t do it. The more outstanding talents are, the less willing they are to join in the same trend.

Even if some people want to do it, they dare not do it.

It doesn't matter, you don't deserve to eat that fat and oily cake.

Even Zhou Buqi wouldn't dare to make a product that is high-quality and low-priced... like a Xiaomi mobile phone that can almost wipe out traditional mobile phone manufacturers like China Kulian.

But if we don’t do it, the cost won’t be reduced and we won’t be able to help more people.

Meng Houkun's relationship was strong enough, so he took the initiative to stand up, "I think we should give full play to the advantages of Internet companies and open up the relationship between manufacturers and hospitals. We can select some key cooperative hospitals in some big cities across the country. All hearing impairment treatment services are provided by these designated hospitals. At the same time, we purchase directly from manufacturers, bypassing the connection between drug dealers and health officials, hospital directors and doctors. We also do not need any follow-up from medical insurance. We can just do it ourselves, but letting them get involved would be more troublesome."

He Yang said: "In this way, the cost can be reduced by at least half."

Guo Dan said: "It is best to add a charity channel to super apps such as WeChat and Toutiao. It is not for profit. It is mainly to do some publicity cooperation and can do more activities with charity organizations in society. There are many Many public welfare organizations are doing many excellent public welfare projects and helping many disadvantaged groups. However, due to the dissemination of information, many people do not know what kind of help they can get, even if they are targeted. "

"Well, it should be!" Zhou Buqi felt that what she said made sense. "Since we have mass communication products, we should give the green light to the dissemination of public welfare projects so that more people can understand and participate. We must Help every hearing-impaired child in the country hear sounds again. Only if they know about it, will they participate. There are more public welfare projects, but they lack the resources to spread them. We should do a good job in popularizing this kind of work. .”

Nie Caijun asked: "How much money do we need to invest in this project?"

"Invest 10 billion first..." Zhou Buqi paused, "Invest 10 billion every year for 10 years and see the effect first. There are 60,000 new hearing-impaired children in the country every year, and there are nearly 1 million existing ones. Hearing-impaired children. No matter what, tens of thousands of children should be helped every year, and this is helping tens of thousands of families."

Meng Houkun is very confident in this, "If we can really reduce the cost, we alone at Ziweixing can make the voice heard by children across the country!"

He Yang coughed and said solemnly: "Even if the cost can be reduced, it will only be for our public welfare project and has nothing to do with the industry. Don't interfere with the prices of the industry. It is better to do less than to do more. If it is for the existing industry The current situation is seriously disrupted, and our public welfare project may be stopped at any time."

Meng Houkun was silent for a long time before nodding, "Okay."

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