Top of the big era

Chapter 2726 Advertising Strategy

A small blogger with 5,000 fans is really just a tiny fragment in the Internet world.

The influence is very weak.

But if hundreds of thousands of small bloggers are brought together, a very powerful influence will be formed. It is understandable that there are many small bloggers on the Internet who post 1,000 or 2,000 unique advertisements for the Yahoo App every day.

Zhou Buqi agreed and said, "Well, one of the characteristics of these bloggers' advertisements is that they are not obvious. If the advertisement is well done, you can't tell whether he is taking money to advertise or sincerely making products for his fans. Recommended. Compared with traditional Internet advertising with logos, this model can reduce users’ defense and vigilance.”

Advertising laws in Europe and the United States are relatively strict, and the same is true for Internet advertising. Whether it is a video advertisement, a picture advertisement, or a text advertisement in the information flow, a clear "advertising" logo needs to be added to these advertisements to clearly inform users This is advertising.

Many people will avoid it as soon as they see such a sign.

There is no need to contact these fragmented bloggers, and you can fish in troubled waters. This is playing on the margins of the advertising law. Many people cannot tell whether this is an advertisement or his personal free expression.

The effect will be very good.

Zheng Xiaoli nodded, "However, these blogger ads are mainly recommendations and lack actual guidance functions. This requires the platform to provide APIs, but platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Ucgram, and Twitter are unwilling to do this. open."

"That's for sure. The platform definitely doesn't want users to receive ads privately."

Zhou Buqi understood this very well.

Ucgram and Yahoo, owned by Ziweixing International, are actually platforms and will restrict such operations.

The so-called guidance function is jump.

For example, a big V on Twitter recommended the Yahoo App and also provided a jump link to the mobile phone... Through this link, fans can directly connect to the Apple Store or Google Store to download the Yahoo App.

This is equivalent to bypassing Twitter’s advertising platform.

Advertisers and clients have cooperated directly. Without middlemen, how can Twitter make any money?

Therefore, if you want to truly have a jump function, you must join Twitter's advertising platform. Only Twitter's own advertising platform will provide an advertising interface that allows external jumps.

This is also the difference between smartphones and computers.

If the Twitter web page on the computer directly links to a URL, it can provide a jump, which is open enough. Smartphones are different. Apps are isolated islands and closed. Apps must provide many different interfaces to connect to the outside world. These interfaces are like ships sailing to isolated islands. Without a boat, outsiders cannot go to the island, and people on the island cannot get out.

If Twitter users want to jump directly from Twitter to the download interface of the App Store on their mobile phones, Twitter needs to provide an interface and a ship that can sail out.

This results in jump import ads in mobile apps being very expensive. If they don’t open the interface, you can’t even think about jumping. This is the core competitiveness of an app to make money.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Yes, if you want to have more guidance, you have to push a large number of platform ads. The main ones are YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Ucgram."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I was quite surprised just now. We spent 600 million US dollars in advertising fees in 4 months. It doesn't cost that much money to cooperate with those fragmented bloggers!"

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said, "Yes, mainly platform advertising has the highest cost. The costs of these major platforms are similar. We mainly do CPC advertising, which is about US$400. This is the price after bidding."

When it comes to this, Zhou Buqi understands better.

He had been involved in this aspect of business as early as when he was a

The CPC advertising model is charged per click, and the cost for 1,000 clicks is US$400. In other words, if Yahoo App ads are displayed on Twitter or some other platforms, and users click on them, they will be redirected to the Yahoo App download page in the mobile application center that matches their mobile phone.

This is a click that costs $0.40.

As for whether the user will actually download after entering the download page, that has nothing to do with the advertising platform.

If you want the platform to be responsible for the user's download behavior after entering the download page, that's fine. That's CPA's advertising strategy, which charges according to the advertising conversion effect.

The price is terrifyingly expensive. 1,000 conversions may cost US$10,000, US$15,000, or US$20,000 in advertising fees.

"Yahoo" is a well-known brand, and the reputation of Yahoo App has also been driven by bloggers with fragmented traffic. As long as users are directed to the page for downloading the Yahoo App, they will most likely choose to download it.

Therefore, when choosing an advertising plan, the CPC model, which is billed based on clicks, will be more in line with Yahoo's interests.

Only those apps that have no reputation and no market influence will adopt the CPA advertising strategy for mandatory promotion. The industry term is "buying volume".

If the product is not good enough, not well-known enough, and the recognition is not high, you can only spend money to buy volume.

Yahoo App obviously doesn't need it.

After what Zheng Xiaoli said, Zhou Buqi quickly realized the importance of advertising recommendations from bloggers with fragmented traffic.

These fragmented bloggers are all private advertisements and cannot be listed on the stage, and it is impossible to obtain a jump interface from the platform.

But it's a kind of propaganda.

It can be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

After users are influenced by these fragmented bloggers, they will attach great importance to the Yahoo App. At this time, when they see the serious Yahoo App platform advertisements with jump interfaces, they will be more likely to click on them. Download and register.

Compared with the advertising model that uses the CPA model and is billed based on conversion results, such a comprehensive strategy can have greater online influence and save money.

Zhou Buqi said: "This is our advantage. We are a platform company. We understand the operating model of platform advertising very well. If we do this kind of platform advertising, we will definitely be able to maximize the input-output ratio!"

"Yes, the highest!" Zheng Xiaoli was very confident about this. "In this regard, my team is the best in the world. I have established a systematic and fragmented marketing strategy."

Zhou Buqi didn't think she was bragging at all, and said sternly: "Really, it's really the best in the world. I'm not the chairman of the board of directors of PayPal now, and I know a little about the business there. It's really better not to understand. , if you understand it, it will really piss you off. In order to attract a new mobile user, PayPal requires a customer acquisition cost of at least US$50.”

Zheng Xiaoli smiled, "I know, our Yahoo president Scott Thompson used to be the CEO of PayPal. He told me. He said that when PayPal started its business in the early years, the customer acquisition cost for a user was more than 100 US dollars. He led PayPal In the early days of the mobile transformation, in order to attract mobile customers as quickly as possible, I launched a series of marketing plans with a customer acquisition cost of US$70. Therefore, he has never been optimistic about my advertising strategy, thinking that I have this point in my hand. Money, it’s simply impossible to make Yahoo App world-class by relying on volume purchases.”

By this time, Jason Kilar and Ann Sarnoff from Ziweixing Global had arrived.

They came to report to Boss Zhou and listen to further instructions.

Zhou Buqi asked them to wait and focus on Yahoo first, "What is the cost of acquiring customers for Yahoo App?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "About 1 billion US dollars has been invested in advertising, and the current number of Yahoo App users is 200 million. On average, it is 5 US dollars per user. But in reality, this 1 billion US dollars of advertising is mainly for Yahoo App and Yahoo News Promotion of two App products. Yahoo App has 200 million users, and Yahoo News App also has 75 million users.”

"Less than $5?"

"No, Yahoo is a well-known Internet brand with tens of millions of loyal users. Among the 200 million users of Yahoo App, I estimate that there are 70 million to 80 million who downloaded it spontaneously and introduced it to friends to use Yahoo App. Like me The marketing plan has little to do with it. In real terms, the customer acquisition cost of my marketing plan is probably around US$7-8.”

“That’s very cheap too!”

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied and wished he could promote Zheng Xiaoli to the vice president of Ziweixing International now, letting her take charge of the company's marketing business.

The direct descendants from China are more reliable!

In the field of science and technology industry, when it comes to scientific research, it is undisputed that Americans are the best. But when it comes to trade, the Chinese are still stronger.

Zheng Xiaoli's set of ideas is out of reach for Americans.

Moreover, she has even more powerful tricks.

"When doing platform advertising, we must constantly introduce new ones. We must change the advertising plan every day, even every half day, every hour." Zheng Xiaoli winked and said, "Big boss, what do you think this is?"

Zhou Buqi was so funny, "I can't keep up with your thoughts!"

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said: "As a reminder, you can find loopholes in platform advertising. The intelligent recommendation mechanisms of major platforms now all started from, which was the product idea you proposed."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

If you catch the loophole, it will definitely be an opportunity to make a lot of money. If you seize the loopholes of the law, you can make a lot of money; if you seize the loopholes of the platform, you can extract profits from the platform.

However, Zhou Buqi really couldn't imagine what kind of loophole it was, even if the personalized recommendation of platform advertisements was indeed his great invention.

Zheng Xiaoli did not want to be too pretentious and said bluntly: "The meaning of the intelligent advertising recommendation algorithm is that in order to increase the advertising conversion rate, the platform uses the smallest platform resources to create the most advertising conversions. The core idea is to recommend ads to the people who are suitable for them. But , the current artificial intelligence is not that good and cannot connect advertisements and user groups. This requires the platform to provide some free traffic first, do some tests first, and determine which type of people this advertisement is suitable for...and then start Formal placement, formal billing, and optimal solutions to display ads will satisfy both the platform and merchants.”

This is the mechanism now used for personalized advertising on major Internet platforms. Zhou Buqi immediately reacted and followed her train of thought, "Free? Free traffic?"

Zheng Xiaoli's eyes narrowed, and she felt like she was picking up money. "Well, it's free traffic. Every time a new ad is posted, the platform needs to provide some free traffic first and do some tests first, and then it will We have officially started charging for this advertisement. If the advertisement never changes, then it would be great if the platform can be used permanently once tested. We constantly update advertisements, and the platform needs to continue to provide free traffic for testing."

“Go to the platform to test traffic for free!”

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized.


It’s really high!

Both Ziweixing and Ziweixing International are engaged in platform-based advertising business. Moreover, the concept of personalized advertising recommendation algorithm was first launched by Boss Zhou on

In this field, Zheng Xiaoli, a top student from Ziweixing, is at the level of an industry master.

This is what she does.

She was certainly able to accurately capture the biggest loophole in the platform’s personalized recommendation advertising model.

Through the placement of different advertisements that change every day, let the platform mechanism continue to provide free traffic for testing...continuous placement and continuous testing, how much testing advertising resources and traffic resources will the Baidu platform have?

Through constant advertising renewal, placing 1,000 or 2,000 different ads a day is enough to enchant Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest and other platforms.

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