Top of the big era

Chapter 2725 Diligence can make up for weakness

Talents are cultivated through opportunities. They are not only smart and talented, but also include rich professional experience. In the early days of the mobile Internet, no one in the world knew how to play it, only Zhou Buqi knew.

At that stage, Zhou Buqi participated in a lot of business matters, gave a lot of suggestions and guidance, and even taught product managers step by step how to make products.

At this stage, the people he led have all grown up, accumulated a lot of work experience in actual combat, and formed their own understanding of the mobile Internet.

Zhou Buqi's level is not enough.

So much so that he had never considered or even thought about the new business plans that Zheng Xiaoli was talking about now.

However, Zhou Buqi still understands the basic principles of marketing.

A good advertising strategy can quickly make a product stand out.

But there is another argument.

The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

As long as the product is made well, even if the marketing intensity is poor, it will gradually accumulate and win the favor of users.

This idea is also correct.

But there is a premise, that is, it is too time-consuming. If you want to rely on the quality of the product to win and gain market recognition, you need to extend the timeline and accumulate it over ten or twenty years.

This kind of strategy is okay in some traditional industries where the industry changes little.

In the technology industry, especially the Internet industry, it is too unrealistic. The industry changes so fast that it can be said that it changes every day. Once the reputation of the product has accumulated, the market conditions may have changed long ago.

Therefore, when making Internet products, the most important thing is one word - fast.

The sooner the better.

There is a faster response speed, a faster development speed, a faster execution speed, a faster market operation speed... Efficiency comes first, speed comes first!

The reason why domestic mobile Internet development can keep pace with Silicon Valley giants is that it has captured the "fast" industry characteristics. It’s not that our level is comparable to Silicon Valley, which has gathered the world’s top talents, but that we work hard enough and are diligent enough!

Diligence can make up for weakness!

While Americans get off work on time and are happy and free, domestic strivers are working overtime in 996; Silicon Valley companies do product iterations every three months, while in China they do it once every three days; Silicon Valley companies do business once a month Reporting is done once a day in China; Silicon Valley companies do data compilation and model analysis once every weekend in China, once in the morning and evening. In the morning, the data from last night are collected, and in the evening, the data from today's day are collected.

This is the trend of the industry.

Putting it in the specific business of advertising, of course it should be the same logic.

Zhou Buqi quickly followed Zheng Xiaoli's thoughts and agreed very much, "You said it very well. There is really no need to overly worship Jobs and Bill Gates. They are great, but they are all from the previous era. People, they may not have a deep understanding of the Internet. The biggest feature of the Internet is its speed. Under the impact of massive online information, only the constantly changing and fresh advertisements can attract the attention of netizens."

Zheng Xiaoli's admiration for big bosses far exceeds those of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, especially now.

In order to implement her new advertising strategy at Yahoo, she suffered a lot internally. Company executives couldn't understand it at all, and even Lu Ji was worried.

This put her under tremendous pressure.

For this reason, she even issued a military order. Once the new strategy failed, all her bonuses and options for this year would be lost.

But what about now?

She only said the beginning, and Boss Zhou understood everything.

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "Yes, the advertising logic in the past was to produce one or two perfect advertisements a year, and then put them on major platforms, playing the same content over and over again... things that are too repetitive, there was a lack of information a few decades ago It was okay in those days, but it’s not okay now. The most important thing about the attraction of the Internet is to constantly bring freshness to users. Of course, that includes advertising.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "How did you do it?"

"For example, Apple's iPhone puts out one advertisement a year. The Yahoo advertising strategy I do is calculated on a daily basis." Zheng Xiaoli smiled and stretched out a finger.

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied, "Well, one advertisement a day? Well, that's good. It changes every day. It's really fresh."

Zheng Xiaoli shook her head, "One finger does not mean an advertisement."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Ten ads a day? That's not possible, right?"

Zheng Xiaoli smiled slightly and said, "Big boss, your thinking is too narrow!"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was shocked and couldn't believe it. "It can't be a hundred, right? Putting a hundred different advertisements into the market every day? How much workload is this?"

Zheng Xiaoli still shook her head, her tone relaxed and calm, "It's still missing."

"A thousand?"

Zhou Buqi's eyes widened. He, who had his legs crossed, suddenly sat upright and looked at Zheng Xiaoli sitting opposite him in disbelief.

There is a feeling of fantasy.

A thousand?

The marketing team established by Zheng Xiaoli for Yahoo App has to put out a thousand recommended ads of different styles every day... Others can only do one a year, but you can do a thousand in a day?

How can this be?

Zheng Xiaoli is not a beauty, but at this time, she pulled her hair around her ears and showed a confident demeanor. She really has the charm brought by success. She smiled and said: "On the most day, we put 2,700 yuan into the market." Multiple ads of different styles and types.”

Zhou Buqi was in a daze, and said in a daze: "Even if there is a gap in efficiency between China and the United States, it wouldn't be so exaggerated, right?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "The gap in efficiency is on the one hand, but more of a difference in thinking and philosophy. Didn't you tell us that in the mobile Internet era, we must seize fragmented time and fragmented traffic."


"However, those big companies are very arrogant and do not look down on the fragmented traffic. Including the senior executives, middle managers and employees of Ziweixing International, they all lack such understanding. In this regard, domestic teams are more Have fighting spirit and be more steadfast in your theories. Therefore, this marketing team can only be produced in China. Liu Qing cooperates well with me, and the work of the Yahoo advertising department in the international department is exciting."

"In the United States, their educational background is to question all authority."

Zhou Buqi has long been indifferent to this and is used to it.

To make mobile Internet products, we must seize users' fragmented time and make good use of the fragmented Internet traffic. This is indeed an important theory put forward by Boss Zhou when Ziweixing was transforming into mobile Internet.

At one point he even wanted to write a book.

Later, He Yang, Guo Pengfei, Han Lexui, and Meng Houkun believed that such a theory was too advanced and clever, and should be used as a nuclear weapon for Ziweixing to compete in the mobile Internet era.

Cannot be shared with outsiders.

If you want to publish a book, wait a few years until other companies have learned the lesson and then publish it. If you publish a book now, won’t the whole world learn from you?

"Fragment theory" is very important in Ziweixing.

This is the norm.

Boss Zhou has absolute authority in Ziweixing and has the full trust of every employee. Everyone has faith in him, including Zheng Xiaoli, who came out from China.

In comparison, Ziweixing International is even worse.

These top talents in Silicon Valley are a bit arrogant and full of questioning and critical spirit. They are not very optimistic about some of the arguments of boss Zhou who does not understand technology.

Zheng Xiaoli was deeply convinced and nodded: "So the domestic team is the most reliable. The Yahoo App has achieved today's achievements. If we reward according to merit, the domestic team... including the team sent from China on business trips, their contribution should be at least 70%.”

"Don't rush to reward your merits. It's still early." Zhou Buqi waved his hand. He only knew that fragment flow was important, and he was still very interested in Zheng Xiaoli's specific application methods. "How did you do it specifically? "

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "To make full use of self-media, I have set a standard for all accounts with more than 5,000 personal fans, whether it is YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Ucgram, or Flickr, Tumblr, YikYak, Google+ and some relatively marginal accounts The platform, including everything, must be won.”

Zhou Buqi said in surprise: "Contact all bloggers with more than 5,000 fans on every platform?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Yes, contact them all and don't let anyone go! The price doesn't need to be too much. The influence of a blogger with 5,000 fans is very weak. It is impossible for any merchant to take a fancy to them. Let's contact them and give him an offer." For $50, he will happily put his best foot forward to promote the Yahoo App. Some have good results and can continue to cooperate; some have bad results and will never cooperate again. Those fans have hundreds of The advertising costs for tens of thousands of big Vs are too expensive, and the enthusiasm is not enough. I have a data model and have calculated it. If the advertising money is invested in the top big Vs, the conversion effect will not be as good as those fragmented small bloggers."


Those big Vs with huge influence have too many businesses targeting them and they publish too many advertisements. Once there are too many ads, fans will become numb and get used to it, and the marketing effect of the ads will be greatly reduced. Moreover, the big Vs are very proud and feel that they are great. They are a bit indifferent to businesses and will not actively cooperate with them.

But those small bloggers are different.

After finally receiving an advertisement for business cooperation, you may be excited for several days. You will put your best foot forward and cooperate with the merchants to use the best strategies for marketing to strive for opportunities to continue cooperation in the future.

With the same traffic scale and the same advertising expenditure, if you place one advertisement on a big V, you may be able to place 3,000 different ads on 1,000 different small bloggers.

This overwhelming advertising will have a more sensational marketing effect.

Of course, this also has drawbacks.

It's "quantity".

To cooperate with big Vs, you only need to find one or two top big Vs. If you communicate with them well, the task will be completed and the work will be very simple and easy.

This is very difficult for fragmented small bloggers. They need to contact thousands and tens of thousands of bloggers, communicate with them one by one, and connect them one by one... How much workload is this?

This requires an advertising team of several hundred people!

It is simply impossible for the big companies in Silicon Valley to have such a large pitching team. Ziweixing International can do it, because Zheng Xiaoli comes from China, and she can have Ziweixing's Magic City International Department behind her to help.

The collaborative organizational structure created by Boss Zhou for Ziweixing and Ziweixing International has given full play to its advantages.

This was in 2013 in the book, and there was no such fragmented traffic strategy at that time. The data I wrote is relatively conservative, only 1,000 ads a day. At this stage in 2024, domestic apps are going overseas, using this kind of fragmented advertising strategy. They can produce 10,000 or 20,000 different advertisements a day. The top downloads on major lists in various countries The name is entirely a domestic app. I think this group of people in China really want to subvert Silicon Valley’s understanding of the Internet and teach them a lesson.

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