Top of the big era

Chapter 2609 The meaning of jump

The Internet has entered an era where content is king.

But this is also conditional.

That’s the scarcity of content.

Such as Netflix.

All contents on Netflix are copyrighted, and many contents are exclusively copyrighted. If users want to watch relevant content, they can only register, pay, and become a member of Netflix.

This model actually has a drawback.

It’s because channels are underutilized and early promotion is difficult.

The advantage is that once the promotion is launched and your own brand is formed, you can get rid of the channels and truly become the king on your own. Even if Netflix's traffic is very low, with stable membership fee income, it can continue to play this model and get rid of the constraints of Internet traffic giants.

The "Wall Street Journal" model is the real model where content is king.

Even if several major traffic products on the Internet do not recommend the content of the Wall Street Journal, it will not affect their survival. Even if the traffic giants do not promote the content of the "Wall Street Journal", it will be a loss for the traffic giants. This pattern of content being king is settled.

Vice is completely different.

They adopted an opportunistic strategy.

Vice puts content on the Facebook platform, and then users can see a lot of Vice content through Facebook.

In this way, Vice can quickly gain popularity and become a fan of Vice on Facebook.

In Vice's statistics, these all belong to Vice users.

There are some small misunderstandings here where experts deceive laymen.

If you become a fan of Vice on Facebook, do you really become a user of Vice?

At first glance, it seems so.

In fact, they are all Facebook users, and these channel users are just users “lent” by Facebook to Vice.

As long as Facebook makes business adjustments or stops providing traffic to Vice, Vice fans will see less and less Vice content.

What should we do if we adopt Netflix’s model?

Also rely on Facebook to attract traffic.

However, Vice does not publish content on Facebook, or only publishes "pilot" or "trial" content. If users want to see more of Vice's exciting content, please jump to Vice's website and register as Vice user.

Only in this way can the conversion of users be truly completed.

Only then can Vice truly form its own user group and establish its own content brand.

Under Zhou Buqi’s advice, when Netflix was doing streaming media, it also needed channel support from Internet traffic giants. It had opened accounts on major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Helo, YouTube, Ucgram, and America Online.

However, the complete content is not provided.

Or a trailer.

Or the first episode of House of Cards.

Or a clip.

In short, cooperation with the channel party is not to provide content to the channel, but to provide the channel with content that can promote its own brand, thereby attracting hundreds of millions of users of the channel party and being able to jump to the website.

If you want to see more full version content, you must jump to Netflix and become a Netflix member.

Such a strategy would be troublesome to promote.

After all, there is a jump in the middle.

Jumps will lead to a large number of user losses.

But from the perspective of long-term interests, we must do this and guide users to jump. We cannot directly show the content on the channel’s platform.

Otherwise, this will be the same as the traditional model, and it will become channel control content.

Just like Douyin and Tomato.

These are two products under the same company. However, if a reader is attracted by a novel on Douyin channel, he cannot read it directly on Douyin. If he wants to read the full version, he must go through a jump. Only on tomatoes.

Even if many people find it troublesome to see the jump, they will stop watching it; even if both parties are from the same family, they must jump.

This is the real Internet logic. The Tomato novel platform is operated by a real Internet team.

But some novel websites are not good enough.

It is the media people who run it, not the Internet people.

For example, on Qidian, you can see many novels from external third-party websites. Readers watch novels from third-party websites on Qidian. After paying, Qidian makes money and then gives a share to those third-party websites.

This is the traditional model.

It is the channel control content.

From this point we can see the future trend of novel reading.

None of the third-party platform novel websites on Qidian can become popular. If you are lucky, you can become a vassal of Qidian, but if you are unlucky, you will die, just like Vice; Tomato is going the same way as Netflix. This kind of jump mode can truly make content king, and it is the only novel platform that can compete with Qidian.

Vice was transformed from a traditional media magazine, and it is obvious that it has not yet truly understood the operating ideas of Internet products.

By pushing content directly into channels, the effect is very significant, you can quickly accumulate a large number of users, and you can quickly earn a lot of income.

This allows the market to give an extremely exaggerated valuation of US$1.5 billion.

However, this is all false.

The lifeblood is in the hands of the channel.

The so-called valuation of US$1.5 billion is like a joke in the eyes of Internet experts. Vice wants to invite the three giants to bid and invest in them. This is really whimsical.

Let alone bidding, I'm afraid there won't even be a single investor.

The final result is destined to be a failed auction.

If someone is willing to invest in Vice at an astonishing valuation of US$1.5 billion, there is only one possibility. The only ones willing to take advantage are those traditional media giants who do not understand the Internet but want to enter the Internet industry.

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied with her handling method and said: "Lack of cognition means poor information. They don't understand, but we understand. If we use it well, we can maximize the value of Vice on Yahoo and the Yahoo App." Let’s build a platform-based content channel.”

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "As far as the current situation is concerned, Yahoo has an advantage. We can give a higher advertising share than Twitter and Facebook, and the advertising revenue is half and half. It should be difficult for Facebook to change their advertising for the sake of news services. Sharing terms.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, it seems that Vice is still using traditional ideas to build a news website. Since it is a traditional idea, it must attach great importance to profits. We can test it and see how our users react to Vice's content. If Okay, you might as well give them more traffic on similar content and let them make more money."

Zheng Xiaoli immediately understood what Boss Zhou was thinking, "The more money you make, the more you will rely on Yahoo."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Not only that, once the reporters and writers who provide content in Vice get used to Yahoo, they may also bypass the middleman of Vice and directly provide content for Yahoo."

Just like many writers on novel websites.

Zheng Xiaoli took a deep breath and said, "Indeed, we're taking the fire out of the cauldron!"

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