Top of the big era

Chapter 2608 The Hippie Bible

Obviously, Zheng Xiaoli now understands what Yahoo's business is far better than Zhou Buqi.

Yahoo's business structure is too bloated.

The reason is also due to free high-quality news services. If this type of high-quality news cannot meet its revenue with a monthly subscription fee of more than ten dollars like the Wall Street Journal, it must work hard on its business model.

The best way is to fully tap the potential value of users.

This is Yahoo's biggest advantage.

Because Yahoo has the best user base in the world.

Yahoo is outdated. The reason why it still has more than 50 million loyal users in North America is because these people have formed usage habits.

After using it for too many years, I can no longer live without it.

Most of them got involved in the 1990s, and the users who were active on the Internet at that time were without exception high-quality groups such as white-collar workers, civil servants, and college students.

Over time, after these people developed and grew up, they became company executives, government and enterprise officials, university professors, doctors, lawyers, accountants, managers and other social elites.

This is Yahoo's biggest asset, this is a group with incredible spending power!

Especially when it comes to financial management.

By providing this user group with free, high-quality online news services, we can bring everyone together and deliver them some business that can really make a lot of money.

For example, Yahoo Finance has the latest financial news. Many listed companies will cooperate with Yahoo Finance, hoping that Yahoo can give more exposure when disclosing information; for example, Yahoo Finance can recommend financial products to these high-quality users. , promote some private equity or public equity funds.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Yahoo's financial report is actually good. Even if some businesses are cut off, the annual revenue can reach 4 billion US dollars. The reason for such high revenue is because of its advantages in mining the value of high-net-worth users. Everyone on Facebook Users can generate revenue of US$4 per month for them, compared with US$8 per month for Yahoo.”


Zhou Buqi felt that this data was not quite right.

Zheng Xiaoli added, "I'm talking about the PC side. Yahoo's mobile side has a larger user scale, but it has not yet been marketed. Yahoo's current revenue is mainly from the PC side. On the PC side, about There are 50 million active users.”

Zhou Buqi said: "I know that the mobile terminal has not created value yet, so there is no rush. But I seem to have read a piece of material before, saying that in terms of the revenue generation ratio of a single user, Google is the highest, and each user has 24 users per month. Dollar."

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said, "That's true."

"What's the reason?" Zhou Buqi asked, "Google's users are better than Yahoo's?"

"No, it has to do with traffic." Zheng Xiaoli explained simply, "It depends on the single traffic of a single user. I can't tell the specific data at the moment, but the approximate ratio is 4:2:1. Google Not the most, on the contrary, Google is the least.”

Google can generate $24 per user per month, and that's because Google's traffic is amazing.

A Google user might generate $24 for 10,000 visits.

Yahoo users may generate 8 US dollars for 1,000 traffics.

Google's strong revenue-generating ability for a single user is due to its strong traffic. The conversion ratio of a single user's traffic is far lower than that of Facebook and Yahoo.

Facebook is a social network for acquaintances, and the conversion rate of advertising is very high; Yahoo has the best high-net-worth groups, and the conversion value of advertising is very high.

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "It can be seen from Yahoo itself that Yahoo's best advertising revenue comes from Yahoo Finance channel. The conversion ratio of a single traffic, Yahoo Finance is three times that of Yahoo Search Channel."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

This is the truth.

It's like a car commercial.

A car sells for $100,000. The best audience for such an advertisement is high-net-worth users. Only such users can afford it, and the advertising value is very high.

If the same advertisement is placed on Facebook, it is mainly young people... It is unrealistic for young people to buy such expensive cars. Even if the traffic is high, the advertising value will be very low.

"Even so, Yahoo can't always walk on one leg like this. It must pay attention to the sinking market." Zhou Buqi remembered something, "By the way, there was a guy named Sean Smith who said he founded Vice, a news website that focuses on the sinking market, is said to be valued at US$1.5 billion, did you know?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Well, I know, the momentum has been quite strong recently."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Do you need investment?"

"Invest in Vice?" Zheng Xiaoli shook her head, "I don't think it is necessary. I have paid attention to Vice... In fact, Yahoo is currently docking with Vice and will reach a series of cooperation."

"What cooperation?"

"They will put their own content on the Yahoo App platform."


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised and couldn't believe it.

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "It's true. They were originally a Canadian magazine. Later, the magazine did well and was very popular in the market. Then they transformed into online news and started the Internet. They don't seem to understand the Internet at all. logic."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How will Vice cooperate with Yahoo?"

Zheng Xiaoli was filled with joy when she talked about this, "Follow our rules. Vice puts their content on the Yahoo App platform, and everyone gets a 50-50 share of the advertising fees they earn."

"That's it?"

Zhou Buqi really couldn't believe it.

This condition is too good, right?

Vice is known as the "hippie bible" in the industry, which means that their content is very popular in the sinking market and has the momentum of a prince.


They licensed it to Yahoo for free?

The only condition is that after Yahoo earns advertising fees through their content, they will share half of the advertising fees with them... Why is there any need to invest in Vice?

There is no need for strategic investment at all, the best conditions have already been negotiated.

You know, Yahoo needs to purchase a lot of good content from outside at high prices.

Even a lot of content, such as the exclusive reports of many senior reporters from the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, CNN, and the Los Angeles Times, cannot be bought even with money, and they are simply unwilling to authorize it.

In an era where "content is king", Vice simply didn't pay attention to their core assets.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "That's true. Speaking of which, our advertising sharing plan is quite good. I am here to build Yahoo's platform and provide the best conditions in the industry. Vice's content is on Facebook and On Twitter, you may only get 40% or 30% of the advertising revenue you earn, and the majority of it is taken away by the platform.”

"Their content is also licensed to Facebook and Twitter?"

"It's not authorization. They took the initiative to activate the service on the social platform."

"For traffic, right?"

Zhou Buqi now understood the reasoning behind this.

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said: "Yes, it's traffic. After all, Vice is just a small website. It lacks a brand and a way to attract traffic, so it can only cooperate with some big platforms and use its own content to exchange the traffic of big platforms. In the past year, Vice has developed That’s good, because Facebook pays attention to news services and gives Vice a lot of traffic, which promotes Vice’s rapid development. Speaking of which, this has something to do with you.”


"After you acquired Yahoo last year, Facebook made business adjustments, began to pay attention to news services, and began to promote its news content. They have supported many news accounts, the best of which is Vice."


As his own strength grows, Zhou Buqi now increasingly feels that he is everywhere in the Internet industry.

Many things seem to have nothing to do with you.

But if you look deeper, it's all caused by yourself.

In order to compete with Zhou Buqi, Zuckerberg strengthened Facebook's news service. Because of such business adjustments, Vice was praised.

After Vice became popular, it was also worried that its lifeline would be in the hands of Facebook.

If one day Facebook stops providing traffic, won’t Vice die?

So while the industry is doing well now, I quickly found a few more big partners to hug. I found Twitter, which is owned by Google, and Yahoo, which is owned by Ziweixing International.

Obviously, Vice still doesn't know much about the Internet and is too naive.

I really thought that the three giants Ziweixing International, Google, and Facebook were competitors, and they would compete with each other to "please" Vice...

Vice founder Sean Smith even approached Zhou Buqi and wanted him to invest.

It is estimated that this Smith has also contacted Google and Facebook.


You really think too much!

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