Top of the big era

Chapter 2582 Control

Jason Kilar is an expert in the streaming media industry. He founded Hulu. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to this topic. He said with a smile: "Actually, the most important channel is Internet streaming. A good movie in the past After that, you need to earn back the profits in stages from different channels. The new model of streaming media is different. Just like Netflix, a movie or a TV series costs 200 million US dollars to produce, and it can be produced backhand. Sold to Netflix for US$300 million, the production company can start the next project with the money, without even using the film's financial operations. The Internet, a deep-pocketed buyout sales channel, will provide a great opportunity for film content production. Great convenience will also put a lot of pressure on Hollywood’s traditional channels.”

Zhou Buqi said: "The advantages of channels will only become weaker and weaker. On the contrary, the voice of content will become greater and greater. Comcast does not have the content capabilities, and their channels are there. Disney is different. , Disney has strong content potential that cannot be stimulated by them."

"This is……"

Kilar vaguely guessed Boss Zhou's plan.

Zhou Buqi said frankly: "Disney's channel capabilities are so strong. In order to maximize the value of the channel, they will definitely increase their access to content. If we don't provide it, Disney will have to do it themselves."

Kilar took a deep breath, "This is a big plan!"

In the previous life, Disney had unparalleled success in business design. It successively acquired Marvel, Lucasfilm, and later even 20th Century Fox.

This gives Disney the most powerful content production capabilities in the world.

Under the impact of the Internet streaming industry led by Netflix, the entire Hollywood is wailing. Even Time Warner and 20th Century Fox are faltering and find it difficult to survive... Only Disney can thrive in the new situation of the Internet, and even survive. Can firmly grasp the initiative to confront Netflix!


Just because of the content.

This life is different.

Zhou Buqi took the lead and bought both Marvel and Lucasfilm. Disney's content production capabilities have been significantly weakened, and content production can no longer meet channel needs.

what to do?

There are only two ways.

First, cooperate with external content providers.

Second, be self-reliant.

Zhou Buqi doesn't want Disney to be self-reliant. Once they are allowed to be self-reliant...under the pressure, Disney might really show off its tricks and improve its content production. Disney might even bite the bullet and directly launch a merger with 20th Century Fox.

This is out of control.

Disney has become a super behemoth similar to its previous life.

If Ziweixing Global takes the initiative to show goodwill at this time, actively reaches a series of content-related cooperation with Disney, and authorizes them as much as possible...

Life here at Disney will be very comfortable.

The pressure is not so great.

There is no need to risk everything, fight against the odds, build up or break down, and go all-out to develop the content industry.

Without the pressure of life and death, it will be difficult to inspire determination at all costs. Even if Disney makes some strategic adjustments to increase its focus on the content industry, the intensity will be very limited.

Such business strategy ideas are absolutely unheard of in Hollywood. Hollywood is all about money and short-term profits, but Zhou Buqi's idea is to take a long-term view to catch big fish.

But that’s not unusual at all for Jason Kilar.

He's from Silicon Valley.

Technological innovation in Silicon Valley plays this kind of routine every day.

For example, open source projects on the Internet.

Many large companies will open source large projects that they have worked hard for many years and spent hundreds of millions of dollars to develop...

Why open source?

If it is open source, others can use it, and they can enter their own system and become their own vassals, and there is no need to go all out to engage in self-research.

If the whole world doesn't know it, only I can.


Want to open source?

There are no doors!

Google has open sourced countless projects, but their most powerful big data processing model has always been top secret and prohibited from being shared outside. So much so that the Hadoop model of the open source project developed by Yahoo is used outside. This is probably the relationship between "Sunflower Collection" and "Evil Sword Manual", the latter is just a copycat version of the former.

Including Elon Musk.

Tesla has open sourced so many technologies just because the times have developed to that point, and fellow automakers are making rapid progress.

After some calculations, I feel that my peers can develop similar technologies, so stop hiding them and open source your own technologies!

Stop doing your own research and use mine!

Once, twice, three times, five times, ten times or eight times, you will slowly form a habit, and you will develop new energy vehicles based on the technical concepts of Tesla Motors.

The entire new energy vehicle industry will automatically take Tesla as the core and build the entire industrial structure around Tesla's ideas.

If only Tesla knows a certain technology, peers will not be able to develop it... and they can't even dream of open source.

This is not a secret in the technology industry, everyone does it.

As a senior Internet person from Silicon Valley, Jason Kilar immediately realized the power of Boss Zhou’s business innovation in cross-border applications.

The big boss is indeed the big boss!

Zhou Buqi said: "Comcast has the most powerful channel capabilities, but it does not have content production capabilities. The most powerful channels must look for the most powerful content. No matter what Comcast does, They will eventually circle around Ziweixing Global."

Kilar said slowly: "Once, twice, three times, five times, ten times or eight times, they will slowly form a habit, and they will repair and improve their channels around our content resources. In the end... Become a vassal of Ziweixing Global!"

"It's not like being a vassal. A large company worth 150 billion US dollars, its market value is no worse than MSI Global..." Zhou Buqi smiled, "However, with the decline of channel advantages and the strong rise of content, Comcast has become the This is to be expected for MSI Global's lackeys. Without content, they can't live at all."

Kilar took a deep breath, "So Disney should also be positioned in this way. We must work hard to guide Disney to become our... follower."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "If we do not deepen our strategic cooperation with Disney, once Disney encounters strategic risks of lack of content, they are likely to break out in desperation, and may even threaten Time Warner, 20th Century A super giant like Fox launches an acquisition."

"No way?"

Kilar was stunned.

Zhou Buqi said: "It is very possible, so we must control the situation. We cannot let Disney be too weak, and we cannot let Disney be too strong. On the one hand, we cannot let Disney develop too strong and lose its tail; on the other hand, we must not let Disney become too strong. Push Disney into a corner and let them learn from the pain and make major changes. It is best to maintain the status quo and just make money happily around Ziwei Star like Comcast."

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