Top of the big era

Chapter 2581 Reversal of subject and object

Regarding Ziweixing Global’s business, Zhou Buqi still has to trust Jason Kilar more.

He is not from Hollywood, and his understanding of movies is obviously not as good as that of professional filmmakers such as Kevin Tsujihara, Bob Friedman, Kevin Feige, Michael Moore, and Jeffrey Katzenberg.

However, this became his greatest strength.

Kilar comes from Silicon Valley, participated in Amazon's entrepreneurship, and was once Bezos's most trusted assistant... Judging from his business methods and conduct, he is cleaner than these people in Hollywood.

They also have more idealistic career ambitions.

Kilar is a rich man, and the Amazon stock he holds is worth more than a billion dollars. He is far richer than other film executives.

This is also the employment principle that Zhou Buqi has summarized over the years.

When selecting direct line executives, the richer the better.

When you have money, you won't be fooled by petty gains. Everyone can work together for a more ambitious and somewhat idealistic goal.

When recruiting low-level employees, the poorer the better, and the harder their lives are, the better.

When you are poor, you will work harder and rely on struggle to achieve a leap in life, escape from the bottom, and climb to a higher level in life.

Anyway, even Zhou Buqi didn't trust these executives who came from Hollywood, and he knew that these people's hands were not very clean.

The cost of a Hollywood blockbuster can easily reach US$100 million or US$200 million... This process has resulted in unimaginable financial waste, consumption of public funds and related transactions. Almost every powerful person has his or her own related accounts, and then Let related households contract the business in the film project.

Zhou Buqi also has to respect this tradition of Hollywood and turn a blind eye as long as it's not too much.

However, it is impossible for him to regard these guys who are doing things in private as his confidants.

Just like former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, when choosing his successor, he killed a large number of high-performing executives, including Jeffrey Katzenberg.

After much selection, I chose Robert Iger from the television, interactive and online media businesses.

Including later Robert Egger.

When he picked his successor, he didn't even consider the film business executives who had made huge contributions to Disney's brilliant achievements.

In the previous life, those Hollywood blockbusters "Star Wars" series, comic book superhero series, animated remake series, etc. were all Disney's top hits. The film business is the biggest contributor to Disney's global dominance, but it is impossible for the managers of this business to get promoted. of. Robert Iger will choose between the presidents of the amusement park business and the consumer products business.

Zhou Buqi has authorized Jason Kilar to prepare a project team for the streaming media business.

Purple Star Global has been successfully listed.

Business has also stabilized.

Next, it’s time to carry out some interconnected strategic reforms.

In addition, Zhou Buqi will also have to explain to Kilar and explain his thoughts, "We must strengthen strategic cooperation with Disney. Disney has an excellent brand image."

"Some of Comcast's channel resources are even more powerful than Disney's," Kilar said.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Of course, cooperating with Disney does not mean giving up cooperating with Comcast. However, in comparison, Comcast is even weaker."


Jason Kilar was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "In Silicon Valley, many companies build barriers through hard-core technology. In Hollywood, content is hard-core technology. Comcast's channel capabilities are quite strong, but they do not have content. In a short time, it may I can’t see anything yet, but as time goes by, TV channels are no longer monopoly-level media channels, and Comcast’s crisis will come.”

After a pause, Zhou Buqi continued: "In the past, in Hollywood, content relied on channels to survive. The reason why independent film companies have difficulty surviving is because of the lack of channels, so they can only rely on Hollywood giants such as Warner, Universal, and Fox. "

Kilar nodded.

In the past, there were mainly two channels for movies.

One is distribution channels, which are film distribution companies all over the world, promoting movies to the world. The other is the TV channel, which can broadcast movies through TV and promote movies through TV.

Therefore, the subsequent Hollywood giant models all have to merge with large television networks.

Zhou Buqi went on to elaborate on his point of view, "In the past, distribution channels could have monopoly-level advantages, but in my opinion, it was actually information obstruction. Many independent film companies, even if they wanted to distribute movies to some countries and regions, were completely unable to do so. Understand the relevant situation. Things are different now. The Internet has connected the whole world, breaking down information barriers and providing conditions for resource sharing. You must have heard about the situation in Silicon Valley, what kind of shared housing and shared housing are they doing? Of course it can also be shared in offices and movie theaters around the world.”

Just like some bad domestic movies, for the sake of publicity and market hype, they always use the American market as a backstop.

I independently contacted several American movie theaters, negotiated distribution agreements with them, and then began to promote how wonderful this movie was and that it had been introduced to the United States for release.

However, American movie theaters cannot be completely mercenary. If it is found that the film is so bad that selling tickets to show it is deceiving the audience, it will be stopped immediately and the film will no longer be allowed to be released.

Domestically, there is another excuse for hype. It is said that this movie has deeply hurt the US authorities and has been blocked by them. This further shows how well the film was shot and the audience rushed to buy tickets to watch it. !

Jason Kilar said: "Indeed, in the past, the Hollywood film industry dominated the world. It is different now. The film industries of various countries have made great progress, greatly narrowing the gap with Hollywood. This has given many independent films It provides opportunities for companies to bypass Hollywood giants and cooperate with emerging film forces."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, streaming media like Netflix."

Kilar comes from the Internet, and everyone knows this truth. "In terms of distribution of film channels, the Internet is deconstructing and subverting the traditional model of Hollywood over the past hundred years."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Many Hollywood filmmakers don't understand this truth very clearly. Comcast and Disney don't seem to understand it very well either."

Kilar said: "Content will replace channels and become the dominant force in Hollywood. This is how movies should be. Content must be king. This is the choice that is most conducive to the development of movies."

Zhou Buqi said: "So for Ziweixing Global, content production will always be the core industry. We don't need Universal Studios, we don't need the TV station business, and we don't need to open retail stores, but we must firmly Hold the content source in your hands.”

This is actually a cliché.

In the past few years, one of the most important investment projects of Ziweixing Global is actually the purchase of film and television copyrights. The total purchase funds spent have exceeded 11 billion US dollars!

Last year, MSI Global raised US$20 billion from its listing, half of which was used to make up for the shortfall of the copyright procurement department.

Fortunately, the results are remarkable! Very gratifying!

More than 12,000 movies and 300,000 TV episodes were purchased from all over the world. The most exciting transaction was the $1.35 billion package purchase of DreamWorks' film library, including "Saving Private Ryan" "En", "How to Get Away with Murder", "Band of Brothers", "The Pacific" and a series of classic movies and TV series.

In addition to the original film libraries of Universal Pictures, MGM, Lucasfilm, Summit Entertainment, and DreamWorks Animation, Ziweixing Universal already has the copyrights of nearly 20,000 movies and 500,000 TV series episodes in its warehouse. .

According to Jason Kilar’s ​​past understanding, Boss Zhou’s purchase of so many film and television rights was actually a huge bet on the future replacement of the television business by the Internet streaming business.

These film and television copyrights can become the biggest pillar of streaming media platforms.

But now it seems that there is a bigger idea.

One of the characteristics of the Internet is information sharing and resource sharing.

The monopoly channels of the past will be broken by the Internet... Hollywood is undergoing subversive changes, and the old ways will eventually pass.

The Internet has broken the resource monopoly and channel monopoly of traditional Hollywood. The future Hollywood giants must not be channel overlords, but content overlords!

With good content and high-quality channels all over the world, are you still worried that the good content will not sell?

If there is no content, no matter how powerful the channel is, it will be a castle in the air.

Zhou Buqi said: "In the past, DreamWorks produced so many good films, what was the result? We still had to commit ourselves to marry a Hollywood giant. Even if Paramount is already at the bottom of Hollywood, it is still countless times more powerful than DreamWorks. In the past In Hollywood, content must surrender to channels, and independent film companies with high-quality content must bow to the Hollywood giants with channels. It will be different in the future, and the most powerful channels must also move closer to excellent content, with the subject and object reversed!"

Even if the goods are delivered live, it will be the same.

Oriental Selection is the channel, and Dong Yuhui is the content.

What consumers care about is content.

Without content, no matter how magnificent a channel is, it is in danger of disappearing overnight.

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