Top of the big era

Chapter 2553: Go your own way

Zhou Buqi took senior Wu Yu to take a mandarin duck bath, and soon Yameng came too.

As the "big three" of the Chaowan Commune, Wu Yu and Ning Yameng have been traveling around the world with Shi Jingmei in the past few months, which has been very busy.

After completing the blind box figure business of football, Chaowan Commune has officially begun to expand its business.

The first thing is to open a store.

Selling blind box football figures is actually relatively simple. This type of figurines are cooperated with some major wealthy teams, and these teams have their own retail stores.

Coupled with some third-party stores and distribution from some overseas dealers, this is enough.

After all, the IP of "football" is super powerful.

It will be easier when marketing.

However, operating new IP cannot rely on a strong market like football. Channels will be very difficult and more retail stores will need to be opened.

This costs money.

Renting a store, hiring clerks, decorating and distributing goods, each directly operated retail store requires an investment of at least US$1 million to start. Then there are self-service vending machines cooperating with major shopping malls and public spaces, and the cost will be much lower.

Since September last year, Chaowan Company has begun to carry out strategic transformation and business adjustments.

In Japan, South Korea, Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and other places, a total of 47 directly-operated stores, 23 franchise stores, and more than 500 self-service vending machines have been opened.

There is also the recruitment and formation of management teams in various countries.

The total investment budget is US$100 million.

At that time, I asked Zhou Buqi for instructions.

Zhou Buqi also feels that the risk is a bit high, but risks and benefits coexist. If you build a few stores first and take your time, it will be safer and give your competitors a chance to react and quickly follow up.

He just said a number, which is to invest 100 million US dollars first to see the effect.

Even if it is not done, the impact will be limited.

With the big IP guarantee of football, the foundation of Chaowan Commune is very solid.

Take the mandarin duck bath, and as you wash, you will fall in love with each other.

After the lingering, Zhou Buqi was praised happily. Wu Yu said with a smile: "My husband is great!" Ning Yameng's face was red and gentle and charming: "Brother-in-law is so good."

When the movement in the bathroom here disappeared, it became quiet.

Guzanli stood at the door for a long time before gently knocking on the door.


Zhou Buqi lay in the bathtub and rested with his eyes closed.

Gu Zanli listened at the door for a long time, her heart agitated, her face slightly red, and she walked over gently, holding a mobile phone in her hand. She was not familiar with Wu Yu and Ning Yameng, so she was embarrassed to raise her head and whispered: "Boss, your phone number, Mr. Ma of Ali is looking for you."

"Come again?" Zhou Buqi was a little disappointed, "How big of a deal is it?"

Guzanli's face turned pale and she was a little scared.

Ning Yameng stretched out her pink arm, very gentle and generous, and said with a smile: "It's okay, just give me your phone."

"Thank you, Mr. Ning."

Gu Zanli was a little embarrassed, so she quickly stepped forward and handed over the phone, then bowed, quickly turned around and ran away. After running out of the bathroom, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was not familiar with Ning Yameng, but she knew that this Xiao Ning was always the biological sister of her immediate boss, Ning Yaxian.

It feels like Xiao Ning is always as gentle and kind as her sister.

They are indeed sisters.

Zhou Buqi dialed Boss Ma's phone angrily, "What's the matter?"

Boss Ma said solemnly: "I thought about it and think you should be cautious about this matter. David Marcus is the CEO of PayPal, and he has been working for many years. During the more than a year as CEO, he has also done Outstanding results.”

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "Haven't the reasons been analyzed?"

Boss Ma said: "It's okay to fire him, but I don't think it's a good time now. Firstly, PayPal is going to be split off and listed independently, so time is very sensitive. Secondly, you, the chairman, have spent the money before you have officially taken office. Tens of millions of dollars in liquidated damages will result in the CEO being fired, which will cause management turmoil.”

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "If the turmoil doesn't stop, I'm going to hold a few meetings with PayPal's management. I still can't calm down the situation?"

Boss Ma said: "Of course you can calm the crowd, but don't forget that PayPal has been a subsidiary of eBay for so many years. Many of the executives here were sent from eBay. I don't believe it. Pierre would be so restrained.”

This Pierre is Pierre Omidyar, the big boss behind eBay and the founder.

Zhou Buqi snorted: "Can he still prevent the split of PayPal?"

Boss Ma said: "You can't stop it now even if you want to, because I'm afraid it will interfere with your business transformation after taking over PayPal. David Marcus is a person he likes, and he won't give in."

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "You don't need to tell me, I can tell that he is not willing to split up PayPal, and he doesn't want to let PayPal go easily."

Boss Ma smiled and said: "Maybe I elected you as the chairman just to make you stand up to the thunder."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "I can't stand up to the thunder. Carl Icahn has stood up for me. My connections in the United States are beyond your imagination."

Boss Ma was almost angry to death and felt despised, "You are really good at bragging!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Really, I have been friends with Carl Icahn for many years... Carl Icahn, you know, how awesome is it? Back then, Redstone and She Tunxiang formed the media giant Viacom. With the help of Carl Icahn, he defeated all competitors. He can help Redstone build such a large media empire and help me win control of PayPal. Isn’t it a piece of cake?”

Boss Ma said helplessly: "We are outsiders after all. In the early days of mastering PayPal, the most important thing is stability. After stability is achieved, let alone fire David Marcus and replace Pierre Omidyar." Clearing out the board of directors won’t make any big waves.”

Zhou Buqi didn't listen to the advice at all, and insisted on his own way: "What the hell Pierre, he is not even a third-rate person in Silicon Valley, what can he use to fight with me? Lao Ma, you think too highly of him, he is not Zuckerberg, not Larry Page! Just go pick a new CEO."

Boss Ma said angrily: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. After you are officially appointed as the chairman of PayPal at the next formal board meeting, they will definitely attack."

"If you make trouble, just make trouble. All the people on the board of directors belong to me."

Zhou Buqi still had the same attitude, unmoved.

Before, he had never heard of Pierre Omidyar.

Just because you are afraid of him, to delay PayPal's personnel's not necessary at all! First get rid of David Marcus, cut off Pierre's wings, and then get him off the board.

PayPal is really getting rid of the influence of eBay.

The power is firmly in hand.

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