Top of the big era

Chapter 2535 Data Business

Zhou Buqi didn't expect that Yan Xinlei was so impressive that he quietly imitated EA's flagship game "The Sims" and developed a mobile version.

Taking advantage of EA's slowness in the field of mobile games, Changyou can attack early and seize this territory.

In order to obtain all the copyrights of this project, Changyou will spend a total of US$3 million.

One million US dollars is given to the school of the University of Southern California, one million US dollars is given to the school of game design, and one million US dollars is a reward for Yan Xinlei, the development team.

The reason why it only cost 3 million US dollars is thanks to Boss Zhou.

Changyou has a university support plan, and the Game Center of the University of Southern California is the best university in the world for game majors, so it is a key partner.

Yan Xinlei and the others developed this game with funding from Changyou.

Judging from the terms, 70% of the copyright of this game belongs to Changyou, 10% belongs to the school, 10% belongs to the college, and 10% belongs to the development team. This means that the total valuation of this game is US$10 million.

This price is relatively high.

Because this game is very popular within the school, after it was released on the school's internal network, it received enthusiastic reviews and praise from the students.

From the perspective of being a leader, Zhou Buqi returned to Silicon Valley from Hollywood after teaching Yan Xinlei some unspeakable secrets of leadership.

The next thing is PayPal's board of directors.

Boss Ma is already here.

Carl Icahn also flew from New York to San Francisco.

Zhou Buqi is a little worried now.

eBay's board of directors, including PayPal's shareholders' meeting, all have unanimous opinions and hope that Zhou Buqi will serve as chairman of the board of directors of PayPal, which will be independently listed after the spin-off.


Zhou Buqi was changing clothes in his cloakroom.

This is a formal occasion, so wear a suit and tie.

The two Japanese maids who were waiting for him to get dressed, who could basically communicate in English, were both wearing black tights and white skirts. One bent over to adjust his upper body, and the other knelt at his feet to adjust his trousers.

It was Shi Jinglin who tied his tie.

"Why are you sighing?" Shi Jinglin didn't think this was a big deal, "I'm just a chairman, I'm not asking you to be a CEO."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's too busy. How can I have time to organize a board of directors for them?"

Shi Jinglin said easily: "That's not easy. You just appoint an executive chairman or vice chairman, and they will work for you during normal times. They asked you to be the chairman because they originally wanted you to be a mascot. , use your brand to bring confidence to the capital market."

Zhou Buqi stretched out his hands, held her delicate face, and kissed her, "If it doesn't work, this is the only way."

Shi Jinglin asked curiously: "Are you not confident in the future of PayPal?"

"How could it be?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "If I didn't have confidence, I wouldn't have joined PayPal's board of directors. I can't afford to lose that person. Mobile payment will definitely become a big trend in the future. It's not even close here in the United States. If you look at China, I heard that Taobao's mobile transaction volume is expanding rapidly and already accounts for 30% of the total transaction volume. I estimate that this number will rise to 80% within three years."

Shi Jinglin smiled and said: "Isn't that good? PayPal has achieved great success in the future, and the whole world knows that this is your credit. If you are not the chairman, who will the halo of this honor fall on? , maybe it was snatched away by Musk."

"What does it have to do with Musk?"

"Isn't he the early founder of PayPal?"

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Forget about others, Musk is definitely an anomaly.

This man's reputation is too great.

The social influence even exceeds that of the legendary duo of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in the IT industry of the previous generation.

No matter how excellent the products of Microsoft and Apple are, they still need to advertise and market them.

Musk's Tesla does not have one. It has no marketing department at all and has zero investment in advertising. He completely relies on his personal charm and his own brand to create a cult of technology, thereby attracting consumers to buy Tesla.

If Zhou Buqi doesn't take over PayPal's honor, after this product becomes a big success, there may really be an argument in the market that PayPal's success comes from its early founder Elon Musk. .

This is so irresponsible.

Musk has been away from PayPal for many years, and he is not close at all.

You still have to listen to your own women.

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "Okay, I'll go take a look, but it doesn't work... I will be the chairman. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, as it should be."

Shi Jinglin chuckled and said, "It's a good thing."

Zhou Buqi asked again: "How is your e-commerce business? Is the team organized?"

Shi Jinglin said: "It's almost the same in China, but it's very troublesome here in the United States. I can't find anyone I can trust. Those Americans with big noses look unreliable."

"Where are the Chinese?"



Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Shi Jinglin waved her hand and asked the two Japanese maids to leave, and then said seriously: "No, I don't know what's wrong with the Chinese here in Silicon Valley. There are not many people engaged in the e-commerce industry. Occasionally there are one or two It’s very special, and I was poached by Alibaba. Alibaba is doing international business, and its branch in the United States is not small.”

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "What's the reason?"

Shi Jinglin said: "I'm not sure, maybe I'm doing e-commerce operations. The most important thing about e-commerce is operations. If you want to do a good job in operations, you have to be familiar with the American market and understand American users. Foreigners like us don't seem to be very good at it. There is no foreign e-commerce company in the United States that can compete.”

Zhou Buqi said "Yeah", "It is indeed a problem."

"What should I do?" Shi Jinglin was a little worried, "Should I continue?"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "You want to give up now?"

Seeing his understatement, Shi Jinglin knew what he was doing, and with a bit of coquettishness, she took his arm and said in a long voice: "Husband, please teach me."

Zhou Buqi said: "In the short term, if you want to start an e-commerce business, it is indeed difficult...well, it will be very difficult, and it may be even harder than surviving in the cracks of domestic Taobao,, and so on. Especially because we are unfamiliar with consumers and the market. But in the long run, it will be easier to do e-commerce in the United States, much easier than in China."

Shi Jinglin raised her eyebrows, "How to do it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Do you know Zheng Xiaoli? The current vice president of Yahoo, I transferred her from China."

"I heard that Wen Zhixia is working as her assistant."

"Yes, that's her."

"I don't know him, I've never seen him before."

Shi Jinglin nodded lightly.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "She put forward an important judgment for making products in the mobile Internet industry, which is to rely on data. This will be a universal approach to solve all problems. Whether it is product design, business innovation, or user Analysis and market judgment. It just so happens that the most indispensable thing for e-commerce is data.”

Shi Jinglin said "Oh", "I know, data analysis, group buying on campus has always been like this."

Zhou Buqi said: "On-campus group buying is based on data analysis, but the scale is too small and the application scenarios are too few. It should be comprehensively based on data analysis. It doesn't matter if you don't understand the American market or American consumers. , can be realized in the market. Just test the water first... Didn't you say, go to Facebook, Taobao, AOL, Google and other platforms to buy volume, that's what it means, you need to analyze consumers. Launch the product first in the early stage, first Test the waters, accumulate data, and use the data to determine what kind of platform, what kind of products, what kind of prices and promotion methods that consumers like... Anyway, there are a lot of them. With the early accumulation, there will be later stages. We have accumulated a lot of experience. First do experiments, get the data, and then mass produce.”

Shi Jinglin said thoughtfully: "Only when data has common characteristics can it cross platforms and regions."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "In the past, when doing cross-border business, we had to conduct thorough market research and invite some local experts and industry elites. This was actually due to lack of understanding of unfamiliar markets. In the Internet era, it is different. The collection of data can be more comprehensive, and the analysis can be more three-dimensional. The analysis of the market and users does not need to be based on anyone’s subjective judgment, but through real objective data analysis. Data can sometimes be deceiving, but Most of the time objective data is more reliable than subjective judgment.”

Shi Jinglin's eyes brightened and she said sweetly: "I seem to understand what you mean. Business based on data can break through all obstacles, whether it is culture, religion, academic qualifications, or policies and regulations of different countries. Human nature is What’s common, the data is also common.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, go and meet Zheng Xiaoli when you have time. Well... Ziweixing Lecture Hall is also sorting out this theoretical idea based on data. You can also pay attention to it and ask for relevant materials."

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips, "Are you going to publish another book? "From Traffic to Traffic Pool", "Internet Platform Economy", what is it this time? "Data Business""

Zhou Buqi said: "I won't publish a book this time."

"Not coming out?"

"Data business is so important. This is a brand-new industry understanding. Well... In other words, this is the biggest advantage of the development of the domestic Internet industry to the present and in the future. This is the magic weapon for the global development of the domestic Internet industry, but it cannot be Write it down. If you write it down, wouldn’t it be learned by Silicon Valley?”

“If you don’t write it, Silicon Valley won’t learn it?”

Shi Jinglin doesn't think so.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "To be precise, even if I write it, they may not be able to learn it. But for the sake of domestic protection, it is best not to write this kind of book. Domestic colleagues only need to know about it. Look now Amazon really dominates the e-commerce industry in the United States. This is based on the traditional business model, based on human market judgment and consumer analysis."

Shi Jinglin was stunned, "What do you mean? Can you still defeat Amazon?"

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