Top of the big era

Chapter 2534 Leadership comes from unfairness

"Visa for Life" is not a domestic film, but a Hollywood film. It is intended for audiences around the world. The main filming language is English.

The domestic version will have Chinese dubbing, but in most countries the original version is mainly in English.

This requires all actors participating in the show to have good English proficiency.

The threshold is relatively high.

Domestic actors are all art students, and their English skills are generally very poor. If you had good English proficiency in middle school, it would be difficult to choose the career of an actor.

Just like football.

A child is very good at studying and also very good at playing football.

Then when making a choice, you will definitely take the route of study. When you reach junior high school, you will give up playing football and start preparing for the high school entrance examination. When you reach high school, you will only care about the college entrance examination.

Only those children who learn nothing and have no academic future will firmly follow the path of professional football.

This determines that the average quality of these industries is very low.

There will be many Chinese characters in "Life Visa", which makes the choice of An Li very difficult. At that time, he had filmed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which was also an English-language film invested and controlled by Hollywood. It also needed to select a group of Chinese actors who could speak fluent English. At that time, he mainly selected actors in the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Not this time.

In order to save costs, reduce risks, and achieve greater market returns in the future, "Visa for Life" was positioned as a Sino-US co-production in terms of project planning.

This means that the film will not only have to receive a large amount of Chinese investment and be shot in the mainland, but also have many mainland actors to participate.

Fortunately, the great actors Tony Leung and Gong Li both speak English very well.

An Li held several auditions in China and selected some young people who were good at English and had certain acting talents.

One of the girls plays the role of "He Fengshan"'s daughter, and I heard that the conditions are quite good.

Here comes this time too.

Zhou Buqi was very interested.

I want to see what kind of newcomers can be selected.

After meeting her, she realized that she was actually an acquaintance, Ni Ning, the heroine of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

Then, Zhou Buqi calmed down.

I feel that I should keep a certain distance from the entertainment industry and keep myself clean. I should especially not do some red-couch tricks in Hollywood, as I might be caught out.

Zhou Buqi talked with them for half an hour and said that this was a rare project. Although he had not seen the movie yet, the feedback from all parties was very positive and it was likely to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival in May. What was gained.

In particular, he had a lot of heartfelt private conversations with An Li.

At the Oscar ceremony two months ago, his film "Life of Pi" became the big winner, and he himself won the Oscar for Best Director for the second time.

Awards alone are not enough.

The film was also a huge success at the box office.

This can easily make a person dizzy.

I feel that I have box office and awards, and now it’s time to do something big, and to be on par with the top directors who can lead the development of the film industry.

It is easy to encounter Waterloo.

An Li in his previous life suffered from such shackles and quickly plummeted after his peak.

John Wu is no longer good and has left Hollywood to make bad movies in mainland China to make money. The only Chinese director leader left in Hollywood is Ann Lee.

Keeping him can improve the status of Chinese people in Hollywood to a certain extent.

Zhou Buqi hoped that he could be more down-to-earth.

When choosing a film project, don't go too far, and make a good balance between elegance and vulgarity, and a compromise between business and art.

The next day, before Zhou Buqi left to return to Silicon Valley, he first met with his college classmate Yan Xinlei.

Yan Xinlei didn't take it seriously, "It's just a game, I didn't take it seriously."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Mattrick said he wants to use this game to block EA's future, and block the future market for "The Sims" mobile games."

"That's it..." Yan Xinlei suddenly realized, "No wonder he is so active. If I had known this, I should have asked for more money."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How much do you want?"

Yan Xinlei stretched out a finger, "1 million US dollars."

"Are you alone? Or a team?"

"Team, there are 5 of us in total, and I'm still hesitating about how to divide it... If we divide it evenly, I'll be the leader, so I'll be at a disadvantage."

"It depends on your team leadership." Zhou Buqi kindly pointed out, "If you want to lead a team well, the most important requirement is to distribute power and wealth well."

Yan Xinlei said "hmm".

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "If the distribution of power is insufficient, it can be made up with money; if the money is not given enough, it can be made up with power."

Yan Xinlei said in embarrassment: "How can a few college students have any power? As for the money...if it is not divided equally, the group will definitely break up in the future."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "The biggest meaning of dividing money is not to actually divide money."

"What's the meaning?"

Yan Xinlei was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "The biggest mystery of dividing money lies in the expectation for the future."

"I don't understand." Yan Xinlei shook his head, "I am a serious person, I can't compare with a big boss like you who plays tricks on your mind."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Do you listen?"

Yan Xinlei smiled and said, "Listen, how about I give you a few tips and become your teacher?"

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly: "This is a magic weapon that I have accumulated over the years. Do you think you can learn it just as an apprentice? You are just doing nothing, and you still want to have a big future?"

Yan Xinlei said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll study with an open mind, how should we distribute wealth?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I said, we must create a sense of expectation. Use the sense of expectation for others to gain the power and wealth that you, the team leader, should have."

Yan Xinlei sat on the sofa in his office, pondered for a long time, and then exclaimed: "Damn! I understand what it means. Is it just a pie? That sounds so nice!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "You can teach me."

"Damn it!" Yan Xinlei gritted his teeth, "You capitalists still have more tricks up their sleeves."

Zhou Buqi said: "If you give me a favor, I will fight with you, do you understand? In fact, the more money you give, the more they ask for. Just like the United States, you have been in the United States for so long, Haven’t you felt it yet? The more benefits society provides to the people, the more dissatisfied the people will be and want more. But if you look at the countries with the highest happiness index, the benefits are not implemented and they are worried about the future. All kinds of promises and good expectations.”

Yan Xinlei said angrily: "Which country's happiness index ranking are you looking at?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Anyway, the principles are the same. You can go on your own. If you want to lead a good team, you must not be fair. If it is fair, how can you highlight the power you have to distribute wealth and power? Fairness is right The ultimate weakening of power and unfairness are the sources of power.”


Yan Xinlei was stunned.

Zhou Buqi said: "Didn't you set up a small team to make games? Do you want everyone to receive the money at once and then disband, or do you want to continue working with this small team in the future?"

"Go on." Yan Xinlei curled his lips, "Didn't I say it last time, and you agreed to let me study in school for another year. In one year, we may be able to develop a good game."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "With Changyou here, this is your opportunity. Even if you are just a marginal member of this team, with the channel resources to connect with Changyou, you are enough to become the leader of this team."

Yan Xinlei waved his hand, "There is no need for those routines. This game is originally my idea, and I organized them. What I have a headache now is how to deal with this 1 million US dollars. As you said, I am also worried If the money is divided, something will happen. Americans go on strike and protest every day. A hundred people have a hundred ideas and are still lazy and not working. It means they are too rich. If all of them were starved, Month, they can unite. Just like Pearl Harbor back then. The more tragic Pearl Harbor was bombed, the more people died and the greater the losses, the more the American people were able to unite as one."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Don't you understand this?"

Yan Xinlei snorted: "I'm just not as cruel as you."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "I didn't ask you to seek wealth or kill someone!"

Yan Xinlei asked: "Then what should I do?"

"What do you think?"

"You're going to teach me?"

"I've said it all, but you still don't understand?"

"I..." Yan Xinlei blinked and said tentatively, "Isn't it good to keep the money and not pay it out?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's a total of 1 million US dollars. You take out 100,000 US dollars and you guys will share it equally. The remaining money is collectively owned and will be kept by you for your next project." Research funding, draw the pie. If anyone withdraws in the future, they will not get a penny. In many cases, distribution rights are more important than ownership. You get the distribution rights of the remaining 900,000 US dollars of collective wealth. Then the other friends who have ownership can only surround you and be led by you."

"Now that we have power, we have money..." Yan Xinlei was dumbfounded, "So that's it!"

This kind of thing is so common.

But looking at the essence through phenomena, after Zhou Buqi said this, we have a deeper understanding.

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