Top of the big era

Chapter 2510 Directional Traffic Card

Went to the company and met Guo Pengfei.

Mainly I want to know about the specific cooperation matters between Ziweixing and operators.

Because Zhou Buqi had something to do last night, he left first after finalizing the general framework. Later, Guo Pengfei and Meng Houkun discussed some ideas with them.

No matter how specific the matter is, the two sides will need further consultations.

This is actually a big deal.

In the history of domestic Internet development, it is known as the "WeChat Toll Gate" incident that is a very iconic signal.

The general meaning is that OTT services such as WeChat seriously threaten and hinder the development of operators' communication services. Therefore, operators request relevant departments to deal with these OTT services policy-wise, or at least charge fees.

Once a fee is charged to WeChat, how is the fee calculated?

In the end, it has to be passed on to users and ordinary people.

I don’t know how Penguin handled it in the previous life, but Zhou Buqi in this life feels that he handled it pretty well. He not only explained his thoughts on the WeChat product, but also discussed the development, innovation and development of the domestic mobile Internet industry in the future. Orderly operations raise some points.

This height has exceeded that of operators.

The reason why Zhou Buqi didn't rush to the United States to deal with so many things was that he was waiting for a call from the top. He had to apply his foresight and the experience accumulated in this life of the Internet to a wider range.

To take advantage of your strengths, you also need to avoid some mistakes.

As for WeChat...

Ziweixing issued a public statement early this morning, announcing to the public and the whole society: "WeChat will never charge fees."

However, the operator cannot treat it coldly.

This was a big deal, so senior executives such as Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Liang Rubo, Zhou Feng, Ji Zian, Wang Xiaochuan, and Nie Caijun also came over to listen to the report.

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "Whether they are willing or not, the data traffic business is the biggest way out for operators in the future... So for operators, the most important thing at the moment is to guide users to actively use mobile phone data to access the Internet. You don’t have to connect to public WiFi wherever you go.”

"Using mobile phone data, operators can earn traffic fees, but when connected to public WiFi, they can't make a penny." Zhou Buqi smiled, "It seems they have listened to what I said, and they need to think about the Internet." , it should be the long-term strategy of operators to cultivate users’ habit of using data to access the Internet.”

Guo Pengfei nodded, "Well, the response from China Telecom is the most positive."

Meng Houkun said: "Definitely, Telecom's strength is its broadband business, which is far behind China Mobile and China Unicom in mobile business. In the new era, China Mobile's reaction is definitely the most conservative. They want to keep the number one position in the market; Telecom The response is definitely the most positive, and they want to take action to grab territory.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, state-owned enterprises are not monolithic. At least there is some competition. As long as there is competition, it is a good thing for the market."

Then, Guo Pengfei briefly talked about the cooperation model between the two parties based on traffic and products.

The logic is very clear.

One side produces traffic and the other produces products.

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "I think Mr. Meng from Telecom is quite open-minded and has some ideas. No wonder one of his vice presidents attended yesterday's dinner. I have initially reached two cooperation plans with him."

"Oh? Tell me."

"The first plan is to cooperate with Ziweixing's three products, WeChat, Weibo and Toutiao. Telecom will launch a dedicated traffic card, which costs about 5 yuan per month, and you can get about 2G of WeChat and Weibo , Toutiao’s three products’ targeted traffic.”

As soon as Guo Pengfei said these words, he immediately aroused applause from everyone present.


This plan is great!

You must know that competition in the domestic Internet industry is too strong, and the degree of involution is definitely the highest in the world. Compared with the level of competition in Silicon Valley, it is like a fight between children.

Although WeChat, Weibo, and Toutiao are all giant domestic products and can be said to be the top three apps in the country, there are many competitors in the market.

How can we ensure that these three flagship products of Ziweixing remain invincible in the market?

In addition to internal operating strategies, there are also external operating methods.

Cooperating with China Telecom to launch directional traffic cards was a stroke of genius.

As long as the user has enabled targeted traffic, in order to save money, the user will use the traffic within a reasonable range... and can only use WeChat, Weibo, and Toutiao.

This is a hard limit.

No matter how good a competitor's product is, it will be difficult to reach users because the moat of targeted traffic is blocked.

At the same time, there are also benefits for operators.

WeChat, Weibo, and Toutiao are all the most popular apps in China, and they are also the three apps that currently consume the largest amount of data on mobile phones. Taking advantage of the momentum of these three super apps, we can launch our own directional traffic cards. And it can ensure that there is a huge demand market.

He Yang smiled and said: "This idea was definitely not proposed by Telecom. They didn't expect it. It was your strategy, right?"

Guo Pengfei pointed at Zhou Buqi and said, "That's what he said."

He Yang suddenly realized, "No wonder!"

This is not surprising.

Boss Zhou!

No matter how amazing or shocking his ideas are, it is not surprising.

Liang Rubo said: "If it is directional traffic, it must have a very large competitive advantage over regular traffic. Only in this way can users be attracted to apply for directional traffic cards. Ziweixing has the advantage that operators can also gain users and customers through this project. Real benefits.”

Guo Pengfei nodded, "Well, the 5 yuan traffic package is normally 500M traffic, and the directional traffic can be given to 2G traffic. The specific price and quantity can be negotiated, that's the idea."

"Where's the money?"

Nie Caijun is the financial officer and is not very involved in product matters, but this is what he cares about most.

This is critical.

If the normal traffic is 500M for 5 yuan, why would the operator offer users a 2G traffic package for 5 yuan? Even if it is just to sell phone cards, this promotion is too strong.

The key is to destroy the market conditions!

Although the three giants China Mobile, China Unicom and Telecom are competing with each other, don’t forget that these are all state-owned enterprises. Behind these three companies are national interests.

Once these three companies start vicious competition, they all continue to cut prices and promote sales...the people will benefit, but the national interests will be harmed.

what to do?

The solution is also simple. There is the National Development and Reform Commission behind it. The National Development and Reform Commission is the former Planning Commission and is responsible for planning.

The operator's traffic price is not set by the operator, but a price standard given by the relevant departments. This price standard is not a specific number, but a formula.

Count the operator's infrastructure costs, daily operating costs, inter-network costs, consumption tax, etc., and use these data to form a formula to calculate the traffic price.

Therefore, the traffic prices of the three major operators are different, but they are not calculated randomly, but must be based on formulas, otherwise it will maliciously interfere with market rules.

Not only traffic prices, but also oil prices, grain prices, mineral prices, iron prices, cigarette prices, electricity prices... and even pork prices are all calculated by formulas in the plan, not by market competition.

Therefore, Telecom's traffic pricing can only be based on the formula stipulated by the state. There cannot be a big jump. It is impossible to change from 5 yuan for 500M traffic to 5 yuan for 2G traffic.

How to solve this?

The people present were all smart people and they figured it all out in one go.

I have to make up the difference!

How to make up for it?

Of course, whoever gets the benefit will make up for it!

Targeted traffic is specifically used to promote Ziweixing’s three products: WeChat, WeChat, and Toutiao. So of course Ziweixing should compensate the operator for the traffic price difference behind this.

Zhou Buqi said: "This price difference can only be made up by Ziweixing. This part of the benefits must be given up. In WeChat's OTT business, it has indeed taken a lot of advantage."

Meng Houkun said calmly: "The country's current strategy is to release the interests of operators and transfer them to Internet companies. But if you take it seriously and use chicken feathers as a talisman, it will be dangerous."

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved his hand, "The profits are mainly given to small and medium-sized Internet companies and startups to encourage the industry to flourish and develop simultaneously, rather than like in Western capital societies where the authorities release the benefits and all are used by industry giants. It has been taken over by the capital tycoons.”

He Yang praised: "This perspective is very good!"

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "After all, our boss came back from doing big business in Europe and the United States, and his vision and perspective are indeed better than those of us."

Zhou Buqi said: "The existence of WeChat will inevitably release most of the benefits of phone OTT services to Ziweixing from operators. It will be difficult for other Momo, Laiwang, Qxin, and mobile QQ to form real competition. Weixing should realize this early and give back part of the benefits it obtains from operators to them. The idea of ​​​​directional traffic cards is the best strategy."

Nie Caijun frowned slightly, "In this cooperation, the operator does not need to pay anything. By adding a new directional traffic card project, you can earn real traffic fees from Ziweixing, and you can also pass Ziweixing's products sell phone cards for them. This is a big help to Telecom. Maybe in one fell swoop, they can expand their mobile business and be able to compete with China Mobile and China Unicom. Is this a fair cooperation?"

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "It's not that serious. After all, there is still a gap between the price of the B-side and the C-side. There are traffic billing restrictions on the operator's side, and they can't get around it. But Ziweixing can, and this is a cooperation between the two parties. Basics. In fact, Ziweixing does not need to spend much money at all, and the strategic value is far greater than that financial expenditure."

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