Top of the big era

Chapter 2509 Security

the next day.

I can't be lazy if I don't have time. I have something to do at the company, so I have to get up early and go to work. Young girls like Yang Mi and Dilireya stay in bed and are unwilling to get up early in the winter.

Aunt Xue was more like a housewife, getting up early to prepare breakfast for him.

Zhou Buqi went to the study first.

Latest news in the morning.

It was Senior Sister Zhen Yu who came back from the United States. Ballmer seemed to be stepping down.

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "No way?"

Zhen Yu said softly: "It seems that this is what the media is saying. At the board meeting at the beginning of the year, several directors challenged him, saying that he led Microsoft's transformation too slowly. Many media and industry insiders speculated that next It is very likely that he will be removed at the shareholders’ meeting in June.”

"This is not okay!"

Zhou Buqi doesn't care about Ballmer's life or death, he cares about the UC Group transaction.

This case has not been finally approved yet!

In other words, if the last hurdle is not passed, the deal will be ruined. Microsoft only needs to pay about US$500 million in liquidated damages to stop the deal.

This case was led by Ballmer and was an important step in his leadership of Microsoft's transformation to the mobile Internet. If he steps down before the deal is completed, the next CEO might come in and veto the case.

This is a big loss for Ziweixing.

Zhen Yu was also very worried and said: "Now there are rumors that something like this is happening, but Microsoft has not expressed its position... There is also a Microsoft director named Thompson who publicly stood up to question Ballmer."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where is the stock price?"

Zhen Yu said: "It has always been very bad, especially in the past few years, many people are worried that there will be chaos within Microsoft, and many short-selling institutions have appeared, as if they are forcing him to make a choice."

"Ballmer's status at Microsoft is too high, not much worse than Bill Gates. It is almost impossible for him to step down with this kind of external strategy..." Zhou Buqi made a simple analysis, "However, We still need to help him at this time, and we must not affect the UC Group's acquisition case. At least we must implement this case before he steps down."

Zhen Yu pursed her lips, "Do you want to see him?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, when I go to the United States, I will meet him first... Also, senior sister, how much money does our family have in our account?"

Zhen Yu said with a smile: "A lot."

"How much is a lot?"

"2.3 billion."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "U.S. dollars? 2.3 billion U.S. dollars?"

Zhen Yu chuckled and said, "Yes, it's US dollars. Didn't there be no dividends the year before last? Coupled with the collective recovery of the technology industry last year, there was a bubble again. Two large funds earned US$8.5 billion."

Zhou Buqi was in a daze, "So much money..."

Zhen Yu said: "If you want to use it, it's best to control it within 1 billion US dollars. I still need to use the other money. I want to reorganize the real estate in several important places in our family."

"Okay, then prepare the funds."

Zhou Buqi was helpless.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu, Teacher Wen Zhixia, Ning Yaxian, and Aunt Xue all have a common hobby, which is to play with the house.

It seems that men are unreliable, and a house is the greatest sense of security.

Although Sister Wu usually has many interests and hobbies, from luxury cars and jewelry to red wine and collections, the little money she spends is just a drop in the bucket compared to the real estate purchased by these women.

The budget for the island estate in Miami has reached 450 million U.S. dollars... The project is getting bigger and bigger. Just to strengthen and raise the artificial island has a budget of more than 60 million U.S. dollars.

In addition, Wen Zhixia also proposed to increase the budget by 30 million US dollars, saying that he would collect all kinds of strange stones from all over the world to use in the layout and decoration of the manor.

Miami is tropical and indeed the perfect place for cats to winter.

But when these women form a team, it will be so extravagant.

In contrast, Zhou Buqi is still diligent and thrifty.

Isn't it just raising a bunch of little celebrities outside and using a bunch of Japanese maids at home? How much money does this cost? Moreover, Miss Yang Mi has been trained, she is very conscientious and loyal, and is willing to share the worries of the sponsor father, so the expenses for raising a little star can be ignored.

Compared with other hobbies, sleeping with women is the cheapest.

After a while, Aunt Xue came over and called him to have breakfast.

Zhou Buqi walked over, raised his palm, and hit her plump buttocks with a heavy weight, making a "pop" sound.

"Oh, be gentle."

Aunt Xue rubbed her hand back and looked at him resentfully.

Zhou Buqi snorted: "I'm going to hit you lightly, I'm afraid you'll lose your memory. If you make a mistake, you should be hit! Do you know what's wrong?"

Aunt Xue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said with a half-smile: "Isn't it because I didn't open the door for you last night? It's so late, why did you come to my room?"

"I'll sleep with you in my arms. What are you doing?"

Zhou Buqi is confident and confident.

Aunt Xue said angrily: "I won't sleep with you. Aren't there Mimi, Reya and the others? It's okay to have a bed to sleep on, but do you have to touch every bed?"

Zhou Buqi hummed, "Master, I want you to sleep with me, how dare you refuse?"

Aunt Xue couldn't stop laughing, with a charming and colorful look in her eyes, "How dare you? I'm in trouble, I can't serve you."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Don't give me any excuses. I haven't seen you waiting on me when I have nothing to do."

The two of them walked out of the study and reached the stairs. They couldn't be too loud. Aunt Xue warned: "Keep your voice down so that no one can hear you."

Zhou Buqi leaned over, kissed her on the cheek, and whispered into her ear: "You don't want me to sleep with you in my arms? It feels so safe!"

Aunt Xue rolled her eyes at him and said, "Stop lying. If I sleep with you, I won't feel safe. There is a high chance that you will lose control and give me..."

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "If you can't control it, just don't control it."

"Bah!" Aunt Xue stretched out her hand and pinched his arm, "You are so stinky. If you want to take advantage of everyone, go find someone else. Don't bully me."

Zhou Buqi looked her up and down with a strange look.

Aunt Xue felt panicked when she saw it.

If this guy was really going hard, she really wouldn't be able to resist. Even if he doesn't force himself, he makes such an unreasonable request and crawls into his own bed. What can he do?

You can't really resist, right?

In the end, I had to obey him obediently.

Seeing her panic, Zhou Buqi felt very proud and hummed: "Now you know how powerful you are?"

Aunt Xue gave him a helpless look, "Yeah, yeah, I'm a woman from the Zhou family, and I'm your woman, okay? Go and eat quickly, don't show off your power here."

Zhou Buqi coughed and said seriously: "I will go to the company in the morning, and I may take time to go to the beauty salon in the afternoon. You have made arrangements."

Aunt Xue almost burst out laughing and gave him a charming look, "I know, sir! Let's go eat!"

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