Top of the big era

Chapter 2489 Former Enemy Headquarters

Xu Liangjie nodded and said slowly: "The concept of big data was proposed by the United States, but Americans are obviously not as comfortable as us in adapting to the changing times. Their application of big data has been slow to develop, especially for many People in the industry believe more in their own professional abilities than in the guidance of big data.”

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Maybe they are too rich."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you rich?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "In the past ten years or so, domestic Internet companies have not been as innovative as the United States. One of the important reasons is that we are learning from the United States, and we are trying to adopt the same innovation method as them. In this case If you want to catch up from behind, it is very difficult, you can only imitate and plagiarize. If the domestic Internet industry... including other industries, the same is true. If you want to surpass the United States, you must not learn from the United States and follow their lead. We must blaze a trail of our own."

This was a very challenging idea, so Zhou Buqi remained silent.

Xu Liangjie has been discussing with her during the Spring Festival and has reached a consensus long ago. He said with a smile: "Just like manufacturing, China can become the manufacturing center of the world because the overall model of the domestic manufacturing industry is different from that of the United States and South Korea. Japan, Britain, France and Germany are all different. You can say that this model is a demographic dividend and squeezing the labor force, but it is undeniable that it has achieved great success. The domestic economy has taken off for thirty years, and the most important industry is manufacturing. "

Zhou Buqi asked: "India is also a country with a large population. Why does India not have a demographic dividend?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Because India has no obedience. The strength of the domestic manufacturing industry and the advantage of demographic dividend are more advantages in scale. The greater advantage comes from the obedience of the culture and social structure from top to bottom. Sex. Obedience is execution."

"Original insights."

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath.

Zheng Xiaoli continued: "From a personal point of view, obedience is a derogatory term, especially under the modern liberal trend of thought, obedience has become a synonym for slavery. But it is undeniable that a team with strong combat effectiveness is often highly A team that obeys.”

Xu Liangjie said: "Apple's success is of course related to innovation, but in my opinion, it is more of a manifestation of obedience. It is the personal obedience of Apple's top and bottom to Steve Jobs. No matter how ridiculous and difficult to complete the task he proposed, his subordinates would always obey him." We must implement it unconditionally and resolutely.”

Zheng Xiaoli said: "With Steve Jobs gone, Apple lacks such a leader. We have reason to worry that Apple's future innovation will decline."


"If there is innovation, it must be implemented with obedience. Many innovations were inexplicably unable to be implemented when they first appeared. Apple has a group of talented designers. In the past, they surrounded Steve Jobs and were led by Steve Jobs. For one thing, the engineering department is required to implement it. But now that Steve Jobs is gone, those designers’ fantastic ideas will definitely be hindered in their execution.”


Zhou Buqi nodded.

This is no longer a prophecy.

Apple is indeed facing such a crisis now.

Jonathan Ive, Apple's chief designer, was almost the number two figure at Apple when Jobs was alive. All Apple products were designed by him and Jobs.

But not anymore.

After Cook came to power, he was obviously unstoppable.

The design department submitted the design report, but the engineering department refused to implement it, saying that the relevant design was complete nonsense and could not be realized at all.

When Jobs was around, he could rely on his reality distortion field to force the engineering department to complete its goals. Cook does not have such domineering and authority, so he can only balance between the design department and the engineering department.

This has caused Jonathan Ive's status at Apple to decline again and again.

Apple, a company dominated by a designer culture, has begun to develop towards a company dominated by an engineer culture, and the results are quite good. It has developed top-notch chips that can replace Qualcomm and Intel, greatly reducing the cost of Apple products and increasing profits.

But the design attributes and innovation attributes are no longer so strong.

In the end, Jonathan Ive could only say "Apple has lost its soul" and left the company where he had worked for half his life.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Innovation and obedience are contradictory, but they cannot be completely separated. If innovation wants to have results, it must obey this idea and execute it. Similarly, strong obedience does not mean that innovation cannot be achieved. It was indeed difficult in the past , and have never been able to find a suitable route that leads to innovation through obedience. Now that big data is here, obey the data and look for highlights from big data, and you can innovate!"

Xu Liangjie said: "Moreover, new directions found from big data can be more convincing to others to participate. The probability of success can also be higher. But if it is a traditional innovation model, relying on subjective If you make judgments, it will be difficult to convince others, and the probability of failure will be higher and more expensive.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It's true, even if you are a liar like Boss Ma, Ali still had a serious employee turnover in the early days."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "So, I need a domestic team with strong execution capabilities to help me build Yahoo App."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "No? Yahoo also has an engineering institute in China, and Ziweixing also has an international department in Shanghai. You didn't go to contact them?"

"That's not enough."

Zheng Xiaoli shook her head.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What do you want?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "I did contact the International Department as soon as possible, and a team was established in China to develop, design, and analyze Yahoo App. There are now more than 180 people. Most of the code for the Yahoo App product, It’s all done by domestic teams.”

"Any questions?"

"Remote working is still not possible."

"Can't you?"

Weishu, which Zhou Buqi strongly recommends, is an important product for remote working.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "If it is a general job, then telecommuting can indeed satisfy. But Yahoo App is now at its most intense stage, and the current market competition is too fierce. If you want Yahoo App to become the undisputed overlord in the industry, You have to race against time, and diligence can make up for failure. One disadvantage of remote working is that the execution ability is not enough. I need to have this team by my side. When problems are discovered, they can deal with them immediately, and deal with them under face-to-face supervision. I need a former enemy headquarters."

If it is a normal task, then telecommuting can satisfy it.

But if there is an emergency, it is best to go to the scene in person and take command on the front line...

Yahoo App has not yet established its leading position in the industry. Its leading advantage is still very small. There are too many competitors in the industry. Microsoft has MSN News, Google has Google News, and Facebook also has Facebook News.

In addition, major TV stations and major traditional newspapers also have their own independent apps.

This is a very competitive market.

Zheng Xiaoli needs to have a "former enemy headquarters" that can deal with problems immediately on the front line, instead of letting the domestic Ziweixing International Department, thousands of miles away, take charge of the tasks if there are problems in the United States.

The military spirit, efficiency and urgency are all gone.

Zhou Buqi then understood her request, "So you hope to bring the entire domestic team here."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Yes, we must arrange it immediately for them to go on a business trip together!"

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