Top of the big era

Chapter 2488 Obedience

This is actually obedience.

Teams with strong obedience tend to have higher execution capabilities, are more able to concentrate on big things, and achieve some amazing results.

If Zheng Xiaoli now wants to lead Yahoo's transformation, she needs a team with strong execution capabilities.

Obviously not in the United States.

Innovation and obedience are antonyms.

To obey means to be obedient.

Innovation means being disobedient. Everyone else goes to the right, but I prefer to go to the left. This is innovation. Innovation is the abandonment of tradition and a challenge to authority.

The social environment in the United States is more conducive to innovation.

But the domestic environment is more obedient.

The wine table culture that has been passed down for thousands of years in various domestic occasions is actually a test of obedience. Only a team with strong obedience can have combat effectiveness.

In the military at all times and at home and abroad, a very important military rule is to obey military orders unconditionally.

Whose army has strict military discipline will have strong combat effectiveness.

One side is innovation, the other side is obedience.

It can be said that each has its own merits.

Pros and cons.

In the development and operation of apps in the Internet industry, innovation is of course also very important, but when choosing between innovation and obedience, which one is more important?

Obviously, Zheng Xiaoli chose the latter.

Zhou Buqi actually has this tendency.

First of all, the latter is the most powerful advantage of domestic Internet companies. If it makes good use of this, Ziweixing International will be able to compete with Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon on the international stage for a long time.

Secondly, it is foresight.

In the booming mobile Internet era, the development momentum of the domestic Internet industry is much stronger than that of Silicon Valley giants. As long as the field is not too high-tech, Silicon Valley must learn from China.

Third, if it is done, this will be a new path.

The domestic environment is like that. All walks of life and all levels are dominated by obedience from bottom to top, with insufficient innovation. The domestic Internet industry has inherent flaws in trying to compete with Silicon Valley at this level.

If the advantages of obedience can be utilized, domestic Internet companies can really stand up and compete with Silicon Valley giants.

You are good at innovation, and my advantage is obedience. It is not certain who is stronger and who is weaker!

These are originally the two core management schools in the business field.

If Ziweixing explores this path, it will play a very good role in demonstrating and leading the domestic Internet industry, and point out a clear development direction for domestic peers.

However, such an important matter cannot be decided on the forehead. Zhou Buqi asked: "Will using too many obedient teams stifle innovation?"

Zheng Xiaoli said bluntly: "Of course, it will definitely happen. Thousands of years of tradition have already proven it. However, there are some new changes in the new era. As far as my Yahoo team is concerned, I will not just use obedience. The team in the United States also has a team of hundreds of people, and more and more people will be recruited. As the business expands and the scale of users grows, the team in the United States may expand to 1,000 people within three years. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The innovative team and the obedient team can be separated."

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "On one side is the American team, and on the other side is the domestic team. There is a separation in space, culture and language. Moreover, innovation and obedience are not completely opposite. The American team is innovative, but also not lacking in innovation." Obedience is just a matter of who has more and who has less. As for the domestic teams, they are very obedient, which is our biggest advantage. There is another point that we must make full use of."

"What is it?"


"Oh?" Zhou Buqi smiled, "Aren't you a slave to data?"

"This is the era of big data!" Zheng Xiaoli said with piercing eyes, "What is big data? Big data will be a technological concept that rules the world. Big data is the god in the technological era! People are originally slaves of gods. , all religions have such views expressed. There is no shame in becoming a slave to big data."

Zhou Buqi laughed after hearing this.

I feel that this Zheng Xiaoli is really a newly discovered new generation of direct line executives.

This level is okay.

At least he is so good at deceiving people that he has learned his true story.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Obey big data and be a slave of big data. However, big data is God. If you obey big data, you can have guidance from God at any time."


Zhou Buqi felt a little dizzy. I thought to myself that this Zheng Xiaoli had been in the United States for a year. Could it be that she had truly converted to a certain religion or established some kind of belief?

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "Let me give you an example. With the development of Internet infrastructure, the live broadcast industry is gradually emerging, and it is also available in China. It is very popular among netizens."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's just YY in China. I see that there are several anchors who do live game broadcasts and they have become Internet celebrities."

Zheng Xiaoli continued: "TV shopping has been around in the United States for decades, and it has been doing very well. This industry has an output value of tens of billions of dollars every year. If we use the thinking of Americans, we can have an industry It’s innovative. Someone can connect TV shopping and online live streaming, thereby launching a live streaming shopping platform that utilizes the Internet.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is likely to be a trend. The Niconico video website of the Japanese branch has recently opened a shopping function. Up owners can bring goods in their own video slices or live broadcasts. This is a very bold move. We have tried it, and the results are pretty good, and the data on Jingtao is growing every month.”

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Yes, that's it. Domestic teams must have strong obedience. It may be difficult for them to be as innovative as American teams, but it doesn't matter, as long as they obey big data. During the live broadcast In the process, anchors will receive advertisements and orders. In this process, there will be anchors who spontaneously do some live shopping behaviors. In this process, data is formed. If the data related to live shopping is in a continuous In the growth process, won’t this opportunity come? This is the guidance of big data, just like the guidance of God. By obeying big data and following the guidance of big data, you can discover the new industry of live shopping, which is equivalent to Innovation is completed in disguise. Americans can think of a live streaming shopping model, and domestic teams can judge the development trend of live streaming shopping through big data analysis. The process is different, but the result is the same."

Zhou Buqi was stunned.

Can you still think about the problem this way?


This is really true!

Data is the realistic feedback of the objective world. Of course there are innovations made out of nothing, but they are minimal. Most innovations are upgrades to existing markets.

How to upgrade?

You must first discover an existing project, and then make key breakthroughs and upgrades.

Just like Steve Jobs upgraded a feature phone to a smart phone.

How to find such a project?

The Americans may have thought of it with a slap on the forehead, relying on some inspiration and whimsy, and then started to start a business with enthusiasm.

China is a little behind in this kind of whimsical ideas, but it can take advantage of obedience, obey big data, and let big data guide us!

Use big data to find out such a project!

Zheng Xiaoli said: "This kind of American innovation comes more from subjective judgment. If you follow the guidance of big data, this is an objective choice. I don't think it is undignified to surrender to data. On the contrary, this is exactly what it should be." The domestic Internet industry must firmly grasp its advantages to stand in the world. It must obey big data, and then let big data guide us in innovation."

Xu Liangjie said slowly: "During the Spring Festival, Xiaoli and I talked about this topic many times. I was a little confused at first, but later on, I felt more and more that her product idea was feasible. Even if Ziweixing International is spun off, But when it comes to employing people to do things, after all, we have lost a relationship with the Americans, and we cannot do as well as local companies like Google and Microsoft. If we want to have long-term and longer-term competitiveness, we must make full use of domestic The advantages."

Zheng Xiaoli's next words were even more outrageous, and she said unabashedly: "Boss, I respect you very much. The most important reason why Ziweixing has developed so well in the past few years is because of your creativity. Almost all projects, They are all successful because of your creativity. You are the big boss of Ziweixing, and every one of us obeys."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Let's just discuss the matter, don't talk about this..."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "That's what I'm talking about. Although you have led Ziweixing to achieve such great results, through data analysis, I have gradually discovered some problems."


"In the past two years, the number of your creative ideas has been 68% less on average than in the previous five or six years! Especially in overseas markets, you have hardly proposed any very good creative projects, such as Snapchat, Shopify, Evernote and other projects. We acquire from outside, and there are some projects that imitate other products on the market. There are also companies such as Netflix, Spotify, Pinterest, Square, PayPal, etc., which are also investments in external companies, not by you. Original.”

"well said."

Zhou Buqi didn't think her words were rude, but felt that she was too accurate.


Be forewarned!

When Ziweixing first started his business, he had a lot of excellent projects in his mind. Of course, there were countless creative ideas that could bring all kinds of wonderful ideas to the team.

In particular, projects such as Micropoint Security Guard, Campus Network, and Friends Network are almost all his personal original creations. But as time goes by, the role of foresight becomes weaker and weaker, and of course there will be less and less creativity.

As for foreign countries, it is even more obvious.

His foresight had limited reach overseas.

It would be too difficult for him to come up with any ideas overseas. If he invests and acquires some excellent projects, it would already be a huge success.

In the final analysis, Boss Zhou’s creativity in the Internet industry does not come from him.

He is not a creative person.

His advantage is foresight.

But as time goes by, the role of foresight will become weaker and weaker.

After ten years, it will be completely lost.

By that time, Zhou Buqi's "creativity" has dried up, and he can no longer single-handedly point out the most correct path for Ziweixing among countless choices. What should he do?

The idea of ​​"obeying data" proposed by Zheng Xiaoli may be a solution.

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