Top of the big era

Chapter 2442 Maintaining independent development of personality

Zhou Buqi saw Liu Qiangdong's shrinkage in the cloud disk business and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this is not enough.

If Jingdong really breaks away from Ziweiyun and creates its own Jingdong Cloud, Ziweiyun's competitiveness in the market will be greatly affected.

You have to completely dispel this idea of ​​his.

Zhou Buqi said: "In today's Internet industry, it has become increasingly difficult to start a business. Large companies have talents, technology, funds and channels, especially with a strong product ecosystem. This kind of cross-subsidization and mutual benefit between products is fundamental. It is not comparable to startups. The cloud disk seems to be an independent product, but as long as there is careful planning, it can be combined with many products."

Liu Qiangdong nodded, "Well, the combination of Microsoft Cloud Disk and Office will have very good application effects. Including the combination of Google Cloud Disk and Google Docs. From this point of view, Dropbox is indeed not competitive."

Zhou Buqi said: "Not only Dropbox, but also independently operated cloud disks in all industries are not very competitive. Just like the domestic cloud disk market, although it is booming and lively now, more than a dozen cloud disks have popped up overnight. Disk manufacturers. But the ones that can really survive to the end are Baidu Netdisk and Weidian Cloud Disk.”

Liu Qiangdong said: "There is a lot of hot money in this industry."

"How much money is that?" Zhou Buqi disagreed, "In the past year, Weidian Cloud Disk lost 500 million, and Baidu Netdisk probably did the same. Who can afford this kind of money-burning game?" ? How can those start-up companies and independently operated products compete? Not to mention those small companies, not even Kingsoft!"

"There are also technical reasons, right?"

Liu Qiangdong has basically sentenced JD Cloud to death.

Human nature is like this, we use past experiences to judge the future. Boss Zhou has been so successful in the past few years, and he has never missed a beat in judging the general situation.

Since he said that, then nine times out of ten that’s what happened!

What value does Jingdong Cloud Disk have?

Zhou Buqi said: "There should be technical reasons. After all, this also belongs to the cloud computing industry. Whoever has a strong cloud computing platform will have better network disk product technology. The Internet has the attribute of winner-take-all, and cloud computing platforms are in Gradually becoming the infrastructure of the Internet...just like China Mobile, China Unicom and Telecom. Looking around the world, there are basically only three telecom giants in each country. If there are too many, it will cause huge duplication and waste of infrastructure construction. , if the number is too small, there will be suspicion of monopoly. The market choice is to leave three companies. The cloud computing industry is similar!"

Liu Qiangdong pondered and said: "Ziwei Cloud, Baidu Cloud, and...Alibaba Cloud?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "From a strength perspective, Baidu is definitely fine, but their strategic route seems to be not quite right. That's what it means in general. Cloud computing also belongs to the Internet industry after all, and it must be done by Internet companies." Get the best.”

Liu Qiangdong has other opinions.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, companies such as ZTE, Huawei, Lenovo, and Inspur that are closely related to the government, although they are not Internet, can rely on the strong official order support, maybe one or two can emerge. This special case illustrates Nothing. has no state-owned assets background."


Liu Qiangdong smiled.

Zhou Buqi continued: "At least in overseas markets, it must be the logic I mentioned. Whoever has a strong Internet level will have a better cloud computing platform. For example, Amazon, Google, and Facebook. As for those traditional IT giants , it is difficult for IBM, Oracle, Adobe, including HP and Dell, which are transforming towards cloud computing, to make any big progress in this industry."

Microsoft is not a traditional IT company.

Microsoft is very powerful. It has always been competing with Google in the Internet business. It has not shown any weakness when it is at a disadvantage. This gives the foundation for the existence of Microsoft Cloud in the future.

A very important factor is technology.

Cloud computing technology is actually a type of Internet technology. The Internet technology of Internet companies must be stronger than those of telecom operators, manufacturers that sell mobile phones and computers, and develop software and produce servers.

Liu Qiangdong sighed, "Then JD Cloud Disk is out of business?"

Zhou Buqi said succinctly: "It's not interesting. Just give up when you have to. Isn't the Weidian Cloud Disk a project that also serves corporate users? That's good. You don't have to worry about the cost at all. It's guaranteed to be the same." The cost of self-research is high. You can charge whatever the cost is and just protect the capital. Not only the Weidian cloud disk, but also the larger Ziweiyun platform, there is no need to make money from"

"It's not about money." Liu Qiangdong waved his hand, "In business, one yard is one yard, and the price is as much as it should be."

Zhou Buqi said: "In this field, it is difficult for to be competitive. In the end, large Internet companies with rich product ecosystems such as Ziweixing, Alibaba, Penguin, and Baidu will win."

Liu Qiangdong said reluctantly: "Alibaba is's biggest competitor. They have everything, but we have nothing..."

This is the main reason.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "How come there isn't one? Isn't there a Ziweixing?"

Liu Qiangdong shook his head, "I'm embarrassed to explain to the company's employees."

Zhou Buqi said: "In the past few years, many people in Ziweixing have given me advice, saying that we should have greater ambitions in the field of e-commerce, not just a niche on-campus group purchase. I have always I didn’t agree. Because in my opinion, if you are only doing the domestic market, one Alibaba is enough. There is also next to it, which is enough to meet all the needs in the e-commerce market. If Ziweixing participates, it will not be able to find it at all. When entering new territories, we can only continue to launch vicious price wars to compete for food from the territories of Alibaba and”

Liu Qiangdong said: "The current price war is really one round after another."

Zhou Buqi said: "Amazon can be so big because they have a global market. Alibaba can be so big because they dominate the entire domestic market. If does the same, where is its territory? There is no territory! It depends on price It is possible to defeat third-rate e-commerce companies such as Dangdang, Suning, and Yi Xun, but it is impossible to defeat Alibaba.”

He talked for a long time.

It boils down to a purpose.

Old Liu, please calm down!

Alibaba is very ambitious and is building a large cloud computing platform with great fanfare... Jingdong should be more cautious. It's great to be yourself, so why imitate others?

The cloud computing industry is not easy to do.

It's best not to do it!

Isn't it good to have Zi Weiyun at your back? Why do we have to do independent research and development?

Zhou Buqi continued: "The secret of's success is that it has found its own e-commerce path, which is a completely different strategy from Taobao. They started by relying on C2C, while does B2C; they do not do express delivery. builds its own logistics; they build a platform with a third party as the core, while builds a platform with self-operation as the main platform. These many differences make and Taobao greatly differentiated, which makes We have emerged from Taobao’s near-monopoly market.”

This is Liu Qiangdong’s proud work. He smiled and said: “ has always followed its own path.”

Zhou Buqi slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, you must go your own way! The cloud disk industry is quite popular, but this is not's strength. Why follow the trend? Alibaba is doing Alibaba Cloud, let them toss. E-commerce The core competitiveness lies in service, and the most important thing for is to do a good job in logistics."

"Okay, let's do it."

Liu Qiangdong was still a little hesitant, but he was still convinced. It's not because of Zhou Buqi's rhetoric, but because of his attitude.

If he strongly objects, Ziweixing will not provide technical support.

With’s current technical strength, it is really difficult to do it on its own.

It's better not to do it than to make a fool of yourself.

It’s also considered a good idea to sell Zhou Buqi.

There is no need to have ideological differences over this trivial matter.

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