Top of the big era

Chapter 2441: The worst case scenario is to turn over the table

Dropbox is in the cloud disk business and is currently the hottest star company in Silicon Valley. As Liu Qiangdong said, its market valuation has reached US$10 billion.

It is no exaggeration to say that the global cloud disk business boom was brought about by this company.

There is something even more shocking.

It was this Internet startup company that actually made a profit!

Jingdong has been an e-commerce company for so many years, and it has always been in a state of loss. They just made a cloud disk product and generated profits... Liu Qiangdong was envious of this, and then wanted to follow up and make a similar product. No wonder.

However, Dropbox has reached its peak in the past two years.

In a few years, competition in the personal cloud disk market will become increasingly fierce, and Dropbox will become more and more in danger, its valuation will become lower and lower, and several attempts to go public have failed.

When financing failed, large-scale layoffs began, and the company became increasingly marginalized.

Zhou Buqi's foresight did not cover Dropbox, and he did not know what the future of this product would be.

His understanding of this product is based on the current status of the cloud disk market.

This is enough!

No matter what, be sure to badmouth Dropbox. Only by badmouthing Dropbox can Liu Qiangdong change his mind and give up the JD cloud disk plan, thereby avoiding the idea of ​​further developing a cloud computing platform in the future.

Zhou Buqi said: "Old Liu, you only know one, but not the other!"

Liu Qiangdong said angrily: "Then you say it!"

Zhou Buqi said: "One of the important reasons why Dropbox has developed so well is that it entered the market relatively early. This product was launched in 2007. At that time, Ziweixing only made micro-note notes in China, a low-end Among notepad products with large capacity, Google only has Google Docs.”

Liu Qiangdong nodded, "Well, Dropbox's entrepreneurial team has a good vision and accurate start, and they seized this track immediately."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "In the past few years, Dropbox has always been the largest cloud disk product in the world. But now, they are already second, and have been surpassed by Google Cloud Disk."

Liu Qiangdong smiled and said, "It's not surprising, it's Google after all."

Zhou Buqi looked at him strangely, "You didn't find anything wrong?"


Liu Qiangdong raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't talk about domestic, let's talk about overseas markets. The top three are Google's Google Cloud Disk, Dropbox and our Ziweixing's Impression Cloud Disk. Do you know how big the gap is between Impression Cloud Disk and Dropbox? "

Liu Qiangdong said: "I'm not sure."

After all, it is not a listed company.

Much of the data is not made public.

Zhou Buqi said: "During the last financing, Dropbox had about 58 million users. Impression Cloud Disk had 48 million users. But don't forget, Dropbox has been around for more than five years, and Impression Cloud Disk has just appeared. Two years. The same goes for Google Cloud Disk, which entered the market in a short period of time but quickly scaled up its product scale. Google Cloud Disk has surpassed Dropbox, and Impression Cloud Disk has also quickly narrowed the gap with Dropbox."

Liu Qiangdong seemed to have heard something, "Are you not optimistic about Dropbox?"

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly: "Of course I'm not optimistic about it! If this shabby company can be valued at US$10 billion, Ziweixing can be valued at US$1 trillion! Or the capitalists on Wall Street have been deceived, they are simply If you don’t understand the Internet, you can’t see the situation clearly.”

Liu Qiangdong was stunned and speechless.

I feel that what Brother Xiao Zhou said is a bit too arbitrary.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "From the current point of view, Dropbox is indeed a very good product and is relatively competitive in the market. But there is a big premise for this, that is, they entered the market earlier and accumulated more experience. It has a longer product operation. As can be seen from the rapid development of Google Cloud Disk and Impression Cloud Disk, Dropbox lacks the most fundamental product competitiveness. Although it entered the market earlier and seized the track early, as long as When big companies enter the market, they can take back the track very quickly.”

Liu Qiangdong remained silent.

Lost in thought.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Apple has launched Apple Cloud Drive, Microsoft also launched SkyDrive in May last year, Amazon Cloud has also entered the personal cloud disk market, and other major companies such as Oracle and IBM also have similar products. . In the past, there was no competition in the market, so Dropbox was able to rise rapidly. Now that major technology giants are making plans, what core competencies does Dropbox have to compete?"

Liu Qiangdong said slowly: "Well, especially Microsoft Cloud Disk. The reason why the number of users of Google Cloud Disk is growing so fast is because of the binding relationship between Google Cloud Disk and Android system. But now Microsoft... Microsoft seems It didn’t pay enough attention to the cloud disk business and didn’t bundle SkyDrive with the Windows system.”

At this point, Zhou Buqi burst out laughing, "You're right. The president of the Windows Division is Steve Sinofsky. He doesn't agree to combine many Microsoft products with the new Windows 8 operating system. The bundling offended many executives. It happened that this time the Win8 system did not perform well enough in the market, so he was fired by Microsoft. Now that the president of Microsoft's Windows division has been replaced, it is conceivable that there will definitely be many Microsoft executives in the next step. The new product is bundled into the Windows system."

"Microsoft cloud disk will be listed among them, right?"

Liu Qiangdong also gradually felt the crisis of Dropbox.

There is no way to compete!

Google, Microsoft, and Apple all have their own operating systems that can be bundled directly. How can third-party products compete?

Zhou Buqi said: "It will definitely happen. Microsoft has acquired UC Group, which includes UC network disk. After the acquisition is completed, Microsoft will definitely integrate SkyDrive and UC network disk. Under the general trend of personal cloud disk, it will definitely happen." It is a product that Microsoft focuses on building."

Liu Qiangdong took a deep breath, "If you look at it this way, Dropbox's round of financing has really screwed up many financial institutions."

Zhou Buqi said: "If Dropbox was really such an excellent company, I would have acquired it a long time ago. The Internet has a very important attribute, which is that the winner takes all. In the cloud disk market, there can be 3-5 companies that are the last to survive. It would be good if they come down. Under the pressure of Microsoft, Google, MSI, Amazon, Oracle, Facebook and other giants, how much room can they have to survive? Can they survive to the finals?"

Liu Qiangdong was a little shaken, "Then... what about Ziweixing?"

"Domestic or foreign?"

"There should be no competitors in the domestic market, but in overseas markets, Ziweixing does not have an operating system. It will be difficult to compete with Google and Microsoft, right?"

"Well, it's difficult." Zhou Buqi nodded, "But there will always be opportunities, it all depends on the product. What Dropbox can do, Ziweixing can do; what Dropbox can't do, Ziweixing can also do. . If it doesn’t work, let’s start a price war! The important reason why foreign cloud disk products can quickly make profits is that they are very expensive. Expanding to a capacity of 100g costs US$60 per year. Domestic Baidu Netdisk, Weidian network disk, Kingsoft Express disk, 115 network disk, etc., as long as you log in, you will receive 500g of capacity for free. If Google and Microsoft really take their monopoly too far... Humph! Then just flip the table, who cares? Don’t even think about making money! I will directly apply domestic strategies to overseas markets.”

Google Cloud Disk and Microsoft Cloud Disk can indeed have a monopoly based on their operating systems.

But after all, you have to make money.

The fees will be high.

If Impression Netdisk has no room to survive, it will simply break the pot and give up profits. It will give away 500G and 1T storage capacity for free to see how its competitors do.

Liu Qiangdong twitched his lips, "Are you too impulsive?"

"Impulsive?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "I'm not impulsive at all. This is the most rational analysis and an innovation in the business model. The English name of Impression Cloud Disk is EverDrive, and the brand 'Ever' is created. If you give up The greatest value of EverDrive's profit is to please users, occupy users' minds, and ingrain the 'Ever' brand."

Liu Qiangdong said with a smile: "Is it like Weidian Anti-Virus? Weidian Anti-Virus is free of charge, which has overturned the domestic anti-virus software market, but it has also completed the drainage and brand building of other related products of Weidian."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's what it means. This is the patent of large companies, and it is also the product ecological concept in business model innovation invented by domestic Internet giants. Only large companies have strong product ecology and financial resources to support this matter . Dropbox is not good at all. To be honest, if I want to defeat Dropbox, it will be as simple as Micropoint Antivirus defeating Rising Antivirus."


Liu Qiangdong was quite emotional.

Xiao Zhou's business operation ideas and product promotion ideas are of course very effective. But this method is really cruel and not as easy as he said.

In areas where you are not very competitive...just flip the table!

Give up profits and even discount the market.

In this way, the market can be disrupted and all the leaders in this field can stop... And consumers will receive huge benefits because of the behavior of turning the table.

Things that you had to spend money to buy before can now be used for free.

Consumers will be grateful to the manufacturer who lifted the table, leaving an excellent impression. At this time, the manufacturer that lifts the table will establish market prestige and influence, and can become more competitive in the fields in which it is good and competitive.

If it gets really desperate, EverDrive might really go after consumers and overturn the entire cloud disk market! Google Cloud Disk and Microsoft Cloud Disk will all be destroyed, and they will not work if they rely on the monopoly of the operating system.

At this time, the "Ever" brand has become famous all over the world, and we can take this opportunity to promote other products in the Ever series, such as EverZoom, EverNote, EverSite, etc.

Liu Qiangdong couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Depend on!

It’s really untouchable!

Looking at what Baidu Netdisk and Weidian Cloud Disk are doing in China, it seems that there is a lot of this logic. They are not thinking about making money at all. They just want to take other companies in the market such as Sina Netdisk, Kingsoft Kuaipan, and Lenovo Netdisk. Competitors such as , 115 Netdisk, Nut Cloud Disk, Yifangyun, Yunnuo, and Weiyun Netdisk are all dead.

Let alone JD Cloud Disk, it can’t be built. Even if it is built, how can it compete in the market?

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