Top of the big era

Chapter 2418 Fission Drive

Zhou Buqi said frankly: "I have been working in the Internet for so many years. Although I have not participated much in front-line work, I still have some experience in product promotion. I can probably... roughly summarize it into three categories, mainly It’s volume driven, sales driven and viral fission driven.”


Zheng Xiaoli was slightly startled.

In this regard, Zhou Buqi has not received any systematic training. He comes from a wild background and has fumbled his way through it all. Zheng Xiaoli is different. She has received very professional training and guidance, has read many related books, and has received countless case analysis classes in the large lecture hall within Ziweixing.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Xiaoli understood what Boss Zhou meant and said with a smile: "Oh, it's MLG, SLG and PLG."

Zhou Buqi didn't know such a professional term, "What does it mean?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "MLG stands for Marketing-led-Growth, which is market-driven growth. It mainly acquires new customers through marketing through various channels, such as content marketing on the website, advertising, public relations activities, etc."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Just buy in quantity!"

"Yes, it's buying volume." Zheng Xiaoli paused and then said, "SLG is Sales-led-Growth, which is sales-driven growth. It is a sales-led growth strategy, but this strategy is more about application In the B-side market.”

This concept is consistent with what Zhou Buqi said.

The purchase model means that merchants spend money to advertise in various places, and then let users be attracted by the advertisements, actively download and install products, and become users;

The sales model means that merchants do not spend money on advertising, but directly spend money to build a strong sales team. Then the sales team goes to the local market and sells door-to-door to guide users to become their customers.

Since it is door-to-door sales, you cannot go door-to-door to people's homes, so it is generally used in B-side business and only goes to some organizations and units such as companies, institutions, and schools.

Once a unit is established, all employees in this unit will become users of the product.

For example, most of Ziweiyun's businesses adopt this strategy.

As for the third viral fission model mentioned by Zhou Buqi...

Zheng Xiaoli said: "PLG is Product-led-Growth, which is product-driven growth. Product-led growth promotes the company's business through the product itself. Let users complete their own understanding of the product, and then become a node for product promotion. , attracting more people around you.”

After a pause, Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "But the concept of this industry is not good, and I don't know who named it. It is not vivid enough. I still think your summary is more accurate, and it is driven by the fission of the product."

"Yes." Zhou Buqi nodded, naturally very satisfied, "Fission drive is the core magic weapon for Ziweixing's rapid development in the past few years!"

Why is the school network developing so fast?

After a college student uses it, he will recommend it to his classmates and roommates, and then it will attract more college students. Once it was passed down to ten, or from ten to a hundred, it developed.

Friends Network also has the same logic.

Including Helo, which is now the world's No. 1 App and focuses on overseas markets, and WeChat, the No. 1 App in China, the reason why they are doing so well is mainly driven by this fission.

Let users discover the value of the product themselves, and then recommend it to people around them...

In the past, sending text messages cost money, and there were many restrictions. Sending pictures was unclear, and it was impossible to send voice messages... The emergence of Helo and WeChat solved such a social need.

After many users have used it, they will enthusiastically invite their friends to use it, and the number of users will increase exponentially.

And this growth-driven model is also the most cost-effective!

There is no need for overwhelming advertising or building a huge sales team.

Let the products speak for themselves.

Zhou Buqi said: "Buying this simple and crude method is the privilege of large companies. Ziweixing is also a big company now, so of course it also has such privileges. Although US$350 million is a lot of money, for Ziweixing It’s nothing. However, we must not forget the product foundation and survival of Ziweixing. It is true that Yahoo is a big company, but the Yahoo mobile business you are responsible for is actually a new venture. Start-up companies often have no money and no talent. , the only way to stand out is to rely on product-driven and viral fission models to drive user growth.”

Zheng Xiaoli first admitted her mistake and said solemnly: "I accept criticism, and I have also considered the fission drive model. But I really can't come up with a good idea. A very important feature of fission-driven products is that they must have social attributes. Pass it to ten, spread it to hundreds, the most important thing is 'pass'. Yahoo App really does not have such social attributes."

Zhou Buqi was dissatisfied, "Does the school network have social attributes? When making Internet products, the most taboo thing is to have a fixed mindset!"

Zheng Xiaoli bit her lip, "I'm still not familiar with the environment here in the United States. Driven by buying volume is the safest strategy. Lu Qi also said that the most important thing for Yahoo App is to succeed. It is to set a goal and then complete it. , to boost morale within Yahoo."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "This is no excuse!"

Zheng Xiaoli took a deep breath, "Then I'll go back and revise the plan."

Zhou Buqi is not the kind of person who only talks about whether this or that doesn't work, let alone him. He asked, "How do you want to change it? We can discuss it."

Looking for the fission point of Yahoo App.

It’s not like Zheng Xiaoli doesn’t know that such a growth drive can save money and be more effective.

But the risk of doing so is too great.

This is different from China.

When making products in China, because this is your own country, you know the customs and culture very well, so you can easily understand the user's temperament and design accordingly.

But Yahoo App is a foreign product.

This is difficult.

Foreign countries are not just one country, but hundreds of countries. Each country has different customs, religious beliefs and cultural environment. How can we find a breakthrough point?

Once you don't find it well, you are very likely to steal the chicken and lose the rice, and mess up the brand image of the product.

In comparison, buying in quantity is the safest and safest.

Although it costs a bit more.

Isn't Ziweixing International a big company? It doesn't lack this kind of money.

Major companies such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook now basically adopt this purchase strategy for their consumer-oriented products.

The fission-driven model sounds wonderful...

The risk is too great.

When making products with this model, it would be good if only one out of a thousand can come out, and the probability of success is less than one in a thousand. The purchase model cannot guarantee success, but there are still five or six out of a hundred, and the probability of success can exceed 5%.

This is the fundamental reason why technology giants like to play with buying volume.

By spending money, you can increase the success rate of new products dozens of times!

Money is the way to go.

This is why many start-up companies would rather have their shares diluted heavily in the early stage and obtain as much financing as possible from the capital market. The founder's shares have been greatly diluted, and that's okay. Having money can greatly improve the success rate of a business.

If you are successful, 1% of the shares is also an amazing wealth; if you take the shares too seriously and are unwilling to dilute your own shares, this is the mentality of a small farmer. Once the business fails, even 100% of the shares are worthless.

This is also the reason why many technology giants can thrive for a long time and can continuously launch new products that are popular in the market.

Compared with fission drive, spending money to buy volume is the most reliable product growth model.

Zheng Xiaoli was very calm at this time.

I still feel a little bit guilty in my heart.

She felt that her vision was still too low and her mind too narrow.

Yahoo App is the product that Boss Zhou is most concerned about.

However, using the models and standards of technology giants such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Amazon to measure Boss Zhou would be too underestimating him.

Boss Zhou has achieved countless successes along the way. The most important thing is not to take the ordinary path!

Using ordinary ideas to develop Yahoo App will certainly not be in line with his wishes.

Zheng Xiaoli was a little ashamed.

I feel that I have failed the big boss’s expectations.

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