Top of the big era

Chapter 2417 Morale

This is actually accounting.

For Internet companies like Ziweixing International, it is very difficult to achieve profits in the short term. Even if they make profits, they will be very small. The valuation of such companies cannot use traditional net profit as a standard parameter.

Revenue scale becomes a crucial parameter.

More income means greater potential and more market value. Ziweixing International will not go public until two years later, which is actually still early.

However, Ziweixing International needs to rely on debt issuance to solve its cash flow problem.

If you want to borrow the most money at the lowest interest rate, you have to prove to the market that this is a high-quality company with potential and a bright future.

This form of accounting is very necessary.

Yahoo App received an astonishing US$350 million in promotion funds, and Zheng Xiaoli plans to invest US$200 million in her own marketing channels... This is equivalent to generating US$200 million in revenue for her other businesses.

This is an operating model that large companies have, especially Hollywood, which is best at this trick. It is the only magic weapon for movie companies to deal with disobedient big stars, producers and directors.

Zhou Buqi is not interested in these financial and technical strategies, and he doesn't know much about it. He only cares about whether Yahoo App can be launched. Ziweixing is now a large company, and has more room for maneuver in terms of product operation and promotion.

The simplest and crudest way to play is to spend money to buy volume!

This is also the most widely used method currently used by mobile apps for promotion.

This cost is not low!

Zhou Buqi asked: “How much does it cost to acquire a customer?”

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Based on the statistics here in the United States, the purchase fee for new users of an App usually reaches 3-8 US dollars. If the channel is well selected and the product is good, it only costs 3 US dollars; if the promotion strategy fails, The product is mediocre, and it might cost you $8 to acquire a new user.”

Even if Zhou Buqi is rich, he can't bear to throw away dollars like this. It's too expensive!

Zheng Xiaoli also knew that the company had not yet been listed, and there was always a potential financial crisis. It would cost so much money at one time. She was also under a lot of pressure. She said calmly: "I, Xu Liangjie, Thompson, and Land and Machine have discussed that with a budget of US$350 million, if we can add 100 million new users to Yahoo App within six months, it will be considered a huge success."


Zhou Buqi was dissatisfied upon hearing this.

Today’s mobile apps are still in their early stages, and apps with more than 100 million users worldwide are already considered super apps. Investing 350 million US dollars to quickly push Yahoo App into the super App field, Yahoo's long-term plan on the mobile side has a basic guarantee.

However, spending US$350 million to add 100 million new users is too little, right?

Zhou Buqi started his business through careful calculation. He led the team to create many top-notch Internet products such as,, Weidian Antivirus, Meitu Xiuxiu, WeChat and so on.

He has never played with buying volume.

They have won market recognition by relying on outstanding marketing strategies and excellent product design.

Especially WeChat.

There is only the domestic market, but the current number of users has reached 270 million...During the promotion process, no money has ever been spent on external channels.

Helo in overseas markets currently has 320 million users, and it did not rely on purchases.

Zheng Xiaoli hesitated for a moment, then said sincerely: "I don't think it's possible either."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "My original promotion plan was to rely on US$80 million in promotion expenses to increase the number of Yahoo App users to 200 million within six months."

Zhou Buqi nodded and his expression relaxed.

This is what suits his taste!

This is the courage and courage that a direct line official should have, and it is also in line with Boss Zhou's consistent tradition.

Zheng Xiaoli sighed and whispered: "Yahoo is special. Everyone within the company has little confidence in Yahoo, including many Yahoo executives. In the past few years, Yahoo has been failing, failing, failing, and failing again. If you fail, you feel... your energy has been worn away. They believe that the goal cannot be set too high."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Aren't you allowed to develop Yahoo App independently from Yahoo's system?"

"How can we be completely independent?" Zheng Xiaoli paused, and then added, "Moreover, Lu Qi, Thompson and Xu Liangjie had several meetings and discussions together, and we also felt that the target should be lowered and focused on stability. Originally it was 8,000 Achieving 200 million customers for US$10,000 has now become 100 million customers for US$350 million.”

Zhou Buqi was very dissatisfied, "This is too conservative!"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "I fought for it, but later I felt that...their reasons were right. In the past few years, Yahoo has experienced too many failures, and many employees have lost confidence. Not only those employees of Yahoo in the past, Even the new recruits on my team are affected by this. Alas, morale is so bad.”


It's hard for Zhou Buqi to say anything.

He has owned many companies and participated in many entrepreneurial projects, but he has never led a disorganized team. Even when working on Ziweixing Global in Hollywood, boss Zhou waved his flag and his team rushed forward regardless of their own safety.

This is actually a paradox in management. Sometimes it doesn’t work without talents, and sometimes it doesn’t work with all talents.

Silicon Valley gathers elite IT talents from all over the world.

There are so many talents!

The more talented people are, the more ideas they have; if there are 100 talented people, there will be 100 ideas, and it will be difficult to form cohesion. If you want to bring a group of talents together and form a strong combat effectiveness, you must have a lofty goal.

For example, the most respected thing here in Silicon Valley is "changing the world."

Now Yahoo is obviously too far away from such an ambitious goal. Whether they are old employees of Yahoo or new employees recruited by Zheng Xiaoli, they will actually be troubled by the shadow of failure.

The smarter the person, the harder it is to manage.

If you want to rely on a few simple slogans and a few team building sessions to change the haze and failure image that Yahoo has accumulated over the past ten years, you can fool fools, but you cannot fool Silicon Valley elites.

Therefore, in ancient governing techniques, there was the term "fooling the people".

The more ignorant the people are, the easier it is to manage. It is easy to control their thinking and then use their thoughts to inspire their actions. The grand scene of united people will easily appear.

In business, for the convenience of management, many companies will only recruit people with low academic qualifications who look silly and simple when recruiting.

The most typical example is the factory.

If you apply for a job with a bachelor's degree, you will be rejected in the first round; if you have a high school degree, you will be very popular; if you have a junior high school degree and have never seen anything like a fool in the world, this kind of employee is the most popular.

The management here at Yahoo is complicated, but there are no fools here.

It is almost impossible to truly mobilize the enthusiasm of the team by simply pumping blood, shouting slogans, engaging in team building, and establishing beliefs.

There is only one way.

That's success!

Speaking with facts is the best evidence and can clear the haze in the hearts of all smart people.

Zhou Buqi also understood why a senior management team such as Lu Qi, Thompson, Xu Liangjie, and Zheng Xiaoli set out such a high budget for Yahoo App and gave a low target of only 100 million new users.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "The most difficult thing about working at Yahoo is team morale. If the goal of Yahoo App is set too high, if the target is not reached within six months, it will be another failure. I think the most important thing now is to ensure that Yahoo App The promotion plan was a great success, allowing the Yahoo App to enter the super App sequence. After the success, hold a grand internal celebration meeting and give out a bonus. It is very likely to sweep away the many Yahoo! The dejection of failure boosts morale.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's the truth."

Zheng Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Zhou Buqi did not let her go easily, "Can't success be guaranteed by adding 200 million new users?"


Zheng Xiaoli was stunned.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "How fast is the mobile Internet market growing? Last year, global smartphone shipments were 470 million units, and this year it is nearly 1 billion units. Next year's sales will definitely exceed 1 billion units. The rapid growth of smartphones The mobile phone market must also increase the scale of mobile apps. Now an app with 100 million users is considered a super app, but after half a year, what will it be? It may not even be ranked in the top 100."

"Well." Zheng Xiaoli accepted the criticism and bravely took responsibility, "I have also considered this, that is... well, I shouldn't take such chances, it's my responsibility."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "You don't need to take the blame for Lu Qi, Xu Liangjie and the others. I don't know who is who? Your thinking must be the same as mine. Lu Qi is the one who is conservative."

Zheng Xiaoli smiled innocently, feeling a little embarrassed.

But my heart was full of emotion.

What subordinate wouldn't like having such a big boss who understands him very well?

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said seriously: "In half a year, Helo's user base will definitely exceed 500 million users. Maybe Snapchat has 200 million users. Yahoo App wants to become Ziweixing International's For the core product, the number of users will conservatively reach 250 million in half a year."

Zheng Xiaoli immediately felt overwhelmed.

In the past, she had heard some rumors in China, saying that boss Zhou had many beautiful little secretaries around him, and many people secretly arranged it, saying that the boss liked to squeeze women.

Zheng Xiaoli has never seen it, and she doesn't make wild guesses. She is not interested in such rumors.

But now I can feel it.

The big boss is really merciless when it comes to suppressing women, and he has no intention of showing mercy at all.

This is really a misunderstanding.

He is not the type of bureaucracy who only makes demands and dares not implement them regardless of whether they can be realized or not. Most of the time when he proposes a difficult task, he will not delegate all responsibilities. He will personally participate in it. Take responsibility together.

Regarding the promotion of Yahoo App, he also has some ideas of his own.

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