Top of the big era

Chapter 2402 The book is in the same text, the car is in the same track

Zhou Buqi's expression was a little strange, "Color management?"

"Yes, it's the color display of images and videos." Zhou Shaoning attaches great importance to this matter. "Whether it is a PC device in the past or a mobile device today, this has always been a major advantage of Apple products."

This is mainly software-level technology.

With the same hardware, Apple computers and mobile phones can always present more beautiful images. Even in many cases, Apple's product configurations are far lower than those of its competitors. With strong color management capabilities, the performance is even better than those of competitors' higher-spec configurations.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Specifically, it's the performance of the color gamut. The reason why Adobe's products are more popular is because they perform better in this aspect."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "According to statistics, users on Ucgram generally prefer to use iPhones to take photos."

"Yeah!" Zhou Shaoning sighed, looking quite helpless, "Aster's lens module is a level better than iPhone, but the results are just a little less interesting. I also got it from Ziweixing Relevant data from Ucgram and Helo Moments confirmed that users prefer iPhone photography. In high-end phones, photography has become a major competitiveness of iPhone. If our mobile phones want to be favored by young people, they must There has been a breakthrough in the camera function.”

It's not just mobile phones.

This has been the case in the field of image and video processing for the past two decades.

Many people prefer Apple computers when doing image processing and video editing. Those computers with Windows systems have higher configurations, but the effect is not good enough.

Therefore, there is basically a consensus in the industry that if you are a professional who has needs for color processing, please stay away from Windows and stay close to Mac.

This has spread to the mobile phone industry.

Zhou Shaoning said: "The overall profit margin of the smartphone industry is declining significantly. The overall gross profit margin of our low-end phones is only 7 or 8 points. But the net profit margin of high-end phones can reach 20 points. The high-end phones have a net profit margin of 20 points." Models are the reflection of Asda’s industry status in the future. For now, we have encountered many difficulties.”

"Nothing compared to Apple."

"It's much different."

"Where's Samsung?"


Zhou Shaoning felt a little helpless and unwilling.

At first glance, Asda’s high-end mobile phones are on the same level as Samsung’s, which seems pretty good. But you have to know that two or three years ago, the Aster system could crush Samsung.

In the smartphone market at that time, there were only two trump cards, one was iPhone and the other was Aster.

However, Samsung has developed rapidly in recent years with the support of Google.

Of course, this is also related to their own strength. They have a solid foundation, strong technology, and a complete industrial chain. As long as they choose the right route, they can quickly catch up even if they fall behind temporarily.

Foundation is exactly what Asda lacks the most.

Zhou Buqi asked: "How does the color performance of Samsung mobile phones compare with Aster?"

Zhou Shaoning was relatively relaxed about this, "It's more or less the same. Each has its own advantages, and there's not much difference. The most important thing is the iPhone, which has become the industry benchmark."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What should we do?"

Zhou Shaoning took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Some of the advantages of Aster can be easily learned by the iPhone. But for some of the advantages of the iPhone, we can't even find a way to get closer. If this continues, the gap will only be Getting bigger and bigger. In the smartphone market, the share of high-end phones may only account for 30%, but the profits can account for 90% of the industry. The strategy of developing mid- to low-end phones can allow Asda to have more revenue , more users, and higher market share, but when it comes to profits, it still depends on the high-end phone business. Faced with some of the advantages of the iPhone, we must find a breakthrough."

Zhou Buqi was a little curious, "What do you want to do? The computer industry has been developing for 20 or 30 years, but isn't it impossible to do anything with Apple computers?"

Zhou Shaoning smiled and said, "Maybe you can find a way."


"In the field of color processing, the strongest technology is not Silicon Valley, but Hollywood."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

I really thought about going together!

He was recently discussing cooperation with Adobe while studying a plan to stab Adobe in the back.

Lucasfilm is the central focus of this plan.

Zhou Shaoning said: "In terms of color management, whether it is a TV, a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone, they are all small screens, and the definition is not actually that high. But it is different on the big screen, especially now that IMAX giant-screen movies have higher special effects requirements for Hollywood blockbusters. Even every strand of hair of the actors is clearly visible, and the level of color requirements will become higher and higher."

Zhou Buqi didn't expect such a coincidence, and asked with a smile: "Then do you know which company is the best in the field of movie special effects?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Industrial Light and Magic is an industry under Ziweixing Global."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, it's Lucasfilm. Whether it's Adobe or Apple, their excellent performance in image color processing comes from Lucasfilm."

Zhou Shaoning obviously has some understanding of this, "Yes, generally speaking, the better the display equipment, the higher the pixels, and the higher the definition, the more difficult it is to manage color. The reason is simple. If the equipment is poor, only the display can Just cover 100% of the sRGB color gamut. But if you want to have higher performance quality, you must have a wide color gamut, and the three-channel value of RGB is not enough."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand these terms, but he was the big boss of Ziweixing Global after all, so he still knew some basic theories. He said: "Digital images are definitely not as good as film images. Hollywood is the place where digital images are closest to film images. This is The best among them is of course Lucasfilm. Industrial Light and Magic is the best special effects company in the world and has the best color processing capabilities in the world."

Zhou Shaoning was very happy, "I think so too. Apple's color work is quite good, but the difficulty is not at the same level as the special effects of Hollywood blockbusters. Whether it's Apple or Adobe, it's just... With a little bit of achievements in the field of wide color gamut, and a little bit of learning from Lucasfilm, I can already surpass those peers who only use the standard color gamut in terms of digital image performance.”

Zhou Buqi vaguely understood the meaning here, "Aster's current color gamut performance, or the standard color gamut?"

"Yes." Zhou Shaoning nodded, "But Apple uses a wide color gamut. Adobe's Photoshop is so easy to use because it can adjust a wider color gamut."

For example, blood is red.

But there are tens of thousands of reds in nature, all with subtle differences.

What kind of red is blood?

The blood of different people and animals will still have different colors.

Film can express this difference, but digital images cannot achieve such fineness. The best ones are Hollywood blockbusters, which can restore true colors to the greatest extent, and may show thousands of reds.

Apples don’t need to be so extreme. They only need to have hundreds of shades of red to be close to the color of blood.

For more electronic devices, there may be only a few dozen red options in stock.

The number has been reduced from tens of thousands to dozens. In this way, the blood color given by the image will be gradually distorted, as if everyone's blood is the same color.

In comparison, it is film images\u003eHollywood's digital images\u003eApple's digital images\u003edigital images of most electronic devices.

This is why smartphones, including the Aster, are not as good as the iPhone in terms of color performance.

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "Is this wide color gamut thing difficult?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It's not difficult, but I don't have experience."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just like red, there are thousands of kinds of red in nature. How do we match the colors in nature with digital colors one by one? This is not technology, but experience, which requires many years of accumulation. If the color tone If it is not good, it will look distorted. If it is too bright, it will be distorted, if it is too dark, it will be distorted. It requires constant trial and error. In color management, a very important concept is that the book is the same as the text and the car is on the same track."

"How to say?"

"Just like an artist-level film director or photographer, the colors of his works are all created by him with countless efforts, and they may represent some of his ideas. When the work is disseminated, what he hopes most is The original color of his work is always maintained on various platforms.”

Zhou Shaoning has obviously done enough homework to be able to speak eloquently in such a field that is not his expertise.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Indeed, when we watch a movie, we all hope that the color of the screen will be the same as what the director saw when editing the film, so that we can feel the impact of color on the atmosphere and emotion to the greatest extent."

Zhou Shaoning said: "This is actually a very simple requirement, but behind this simple requirement is a very complex project, because it is impossible for the photographer or director to know the performance of each person's screen in displaying color. So when doing color When managing, the important thing is not invention and creation, but restoration. Who can restore the original appearance, but this is..."

"Okay!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand and couldn't stand listening anymore, "Why are you talking so much? Don't you just want to learn color management from Lucasfilm."

Zhou Shaoning smiled and said: "It's too complicated to use. The screen of a mobile phone is so small, there is a huge gap between it and the big screen of a movie. It's enough to learn a little bit."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's a coincidence. I was just about to compare myself with Otto, and I also developed a series of products related to image processing. This also relies on Lucasfilm's capabilities in this area. I'll be free tomorrow. ? Let’s go to Lucasfilm together!”

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