Top of the big era

Chapter 2392 Riding on the fence

Zhou Buqi has made up his mind.

Do something big!

One general's success will lead to thousands of bones drying up?

It doesn't matter, this is not in China, there is no need to have any mercy in overseas markets, no matter how many industries his choice may harm in the future.

No matter how great the disaster is, can it still be as great as artificial intelligence?

Just do it!

With the successful listing of Ziweixing Digital Media, Zhou Buqi's core industries have begun to line up to enter the listing process. His wealth will no longer be estimated as before, but will become a real open and transparent asset. It is possible to check the stock.

He has to do something big that matches his status.

You can't always make money for the sake of making money.

Just like Buffett.

He is a stock god and a top rich man. For many years, he was ranked second in the world's richest list after Bill Gates. But in the eyes of many people, what he did was...a bit "boring".

Just keep buying and selling stocks, and keep making money.

What can truly make the world worship them is an achievement that will last forever, such as Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk. Sk these people.

Lu Ji said: "In the past few years, the core force in the promotion of HTML5 technology has been Google. However, Google has spent a lot of money on the development of HTML5, but they have not had a stalemate with Adobe."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Fence-riding faction?"

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Yes, sit on the wall."

There are also three paths before Ziweixing International.

1. Cooperate with Adobe’s Flash;

2. Survive between Flash and HTML5;

Three, stick to HTML5.

Microsoft is the first way, Google is the second way, and Apple is the third way.

This is very interesting.

It is clear that Google is the core force behind the new HTML5 standard, but their attitude is relatively vague. On the contrary, Apple, under the leadership of Jobs, firmly opposed Flash and broke with Adobe many years ago.

This makes many people mistakenly believe that Apple is the backbone of promoting HTML5.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said proudly: "Then it's settled! Ziweixing wants to do something to lead the development of global technology, so it might as well stand up and fight Adobe to death! To change the ecological environment of the software industry ! You can’t just think about making money, you have to do something that suits your identity and do something idealistic. Only in this way will more like-minded talents with ideals join us!"

Next, hold a high-level meeting.

Zhou Buqi presided over the meeting and made a major decision, that is, Ziweixing International changed its past trends and moved towards HTML5.

This, of course, raises a lot of questions.

Shen Xiangyang disagreed, "HTML5 technology is too immature and cannot support world-class products such as Helo and Ucgram. Once it is not handled well, it is very likely to fall into the same old path as Facebook."

Vice President of Technology Craig said with a smile: "It's not that serious. Google has launched Android 5.0, and Webview can be updated in real time through the Google Store, consistent with the upgrade of Google Chrome. Users can enjoy the latest browser without refreshing their phones. engine."

After a pause, he continued: "Not only that, there is also movement on Apple's side. The iPhone 5 launched last month has been well received in the market. The performance of HTML5 on iOS is very satisfactory, and Safari's exclusive JavaScript acceleration engine is also very satisfactory. Make Nitro less important."

Zhou Buqi is a little crazy.

Even Mao couldn't understand what they were saying.

However, other executives have technical backgrounds and are very understanding. Lu Ji said with a smile: "After the release of iOS8, Apple wisely removed the restriction on third-party programs calling Nitro. Now any browser or application can call Nitro on iOS." UIWebview can use Nitro acceleration, so it is possible to use JS to do large operations on the front end."

Kurian said: "Well, the attitudes of the two major mobile operating system overlords and browser giants have changed, which means that the development of HTML5 on mobile phones is no longer restricted."

Lu Qi said: "Yes, and this change is irreversible and we can only continue to move forward. This change is bound to have far-reaching impacts."

Shen Xiangyang disagreed and shook his head, "In the long run, HTML5 certainly has great desirability. It can run faster and be more compatible, and it can overcome all the shortcomings of Flash. But that is for the future. Now, applying such immature technology to our core products is a huge risk."

Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson also has this view, "I support taking the HTML5 route, but I don't think we should have a stalemate with Adobe. On the PC side, we cannot draw a clear line with Flash; on the mobile side, I am also opposed to it. Take the hybrid route of 'native App + HTML5'."

Senior Vice President Kevin Johnson made a suggestion, saying that Boss Zhou should take the time to contact Adobe, meet and chat.

Maybe we can negotiate a result that satisfies both parties?

The head here is hot, and then they start a fight with Adobe. Maybe the other party is sincere and still has a lot of room for maneuver and negotiation!

This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone.

Zhou Buqi could only accept the arrangement, saying that he would come forward to contact Adobe.

Lu Qi said firmly: "No matter what, we must firmly embark on the development route of HTML5. In the past few years, we have been very resistant to HTML5, which has caused the outside world to misunderstand us, as if we are not A technologically enterprising technology company. In this field, we are already far behind Google, Apple, and Facebook. Only by resolutely expressing our stance at this time and clearly showing our attitude can we change the misunderstanding of us by the outside world. Only then can we attract enthusiasm from the job market.”

Xu Liangjie said: "Well, this is the best way."

Kurian also agrees, "No matter how the times change, the Web is the cornerstone of the Internet. HTML4 in the past led an era, and HTML5 will definitely lead the next era. If we don't seize the opportunity to participate, we will It’s difficult to become a technology giant that truly leads the times!”

These words resonated with everyone.


HTML5 is a new Internet standard and can be said to be the most watched event in the current Internet industry. Several major technology giants are actively participating and contributing to this new standard.

Whether you make money or not is another matter. This is the most basic attitude and the social responsibility that a technology giant should have.

Just like when some places are hit by disasters, do you want to donate?

On the surface, donations are voluntary, but in fact they are somewhat compulsory.

If you donate, you will have a good reputation;

If you don’t donate, you’re guaranteed to get a bad reputation.

The HTML5 standard was proposed in 2007, and formal development attempts began in 2008... Because Zhou Buqi was not optimistic about it, Ziweixing International did not participate at all in the past few years.

This is a bit backward.

Just like if there is no donation, the technology elites in Silicon Valley will criticize Ziweixing International. Since it is a technology giant, it should make due contributions to the development of science and technology. It cannot be like Pixiu, who only eats but does not vomit.

Zhou Buqi asked: "When will the HTML5 standard be finalized?"

"Hard to say."

Shen Xiangyang shook his head.

Lu Qi is very confident, "HTML5 is developing very quickly, and Android 5 and iOS 5 have both revealed positive signals. Although Facebook has poured cold water on it, Android and iPhone are the dominant players in the mobile Internet. Technology is developing rapidly. I estimate... within three years, the HTML5 standard will be finalized!"

Kurian said: "I think it only takes two years."

Lu Qi rarely reached a consensus with Kurian. Unexpectedly, the two were surprisingly consistent in their understanding of HTML5. He said with a smile: "Anyway, it will be soon. Time is very tight. Taking advantage of the good opportunity of Facebook's withdrawal, Zi MSI should decisively get involved and replace Facebook. This is not only a blow to competitors, but also a way to catch the last train when the HTML5 standard is established!"

The meeting has not yet come up with a final plan.

Next, we have to wait for the outcome of the meeting between Boss Zhou and Adobe.

But one thing is certain.

Among the three options - cooperate with Flash, sit on the fence between Flash and HTML5, and specialize in HTML5 - the first option has been ruled out by everyone.

What many people are worried about now is that the current HTML5 technology is not enough.

Riding the fence seems like a good solution.

This is not the result Zhou Buqi wants. He also wants to cheer up and lead Silicon Valley!

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