Top of the big era

Chapter 2391 Looking to the future for ideals

Lu Qi was very happy.

From Boss Zhou's words, he has already heard some meaning. This is moving closer to HTML5. This is a very important transformation of the technical route.


Zhou Buqi also realizes the importance of this matter, especially from the comparison with Facebook.

When Facebook was doing it, Ziweixing was not doing it; when Facebook withdrew and poured icy cold water on the HTML5 field, Ziweixing stood up and cheered.

This effect comes out.

After sleeping on the plane, Zhou Buqi arrived in Silicon Valley, went straight to the company, and found Lu Qi.

Lu Qi was very energetic. Before Boss Zhou could speak, he quickly said: "Cooperating with Adobe can indeed bring us great benefits in business and promote Ziweiyun's development." The market is developing. But the price is too high, and they require us to stand firmly on the side of Flash."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "I know."

Lu Ji said: "Adobe is on a roll now. Facebook has withdrawn from HTML5, which makes them seem to have seen the spring of Flash. In addition, Ziweixing International has long publicly stated that it does not think HTML5 will be the future of smartphones. The choice is that independent apps are the main way out. This makes Adobe want to form another camp."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "If we can really win over Facebook and Ziweixing, maybe Flash can really make a difference."

Lu Ji said: "And Microsoft!"

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, a little puzzled, "What's going on with Microsoft? Didn't Microsoft develop products similar to Flash before and compete with them? How come now, Microsoft is still firmly on the side of Flash?" ?”

"Maybe..." Lu Qi hesitated for a moment and shrugged, "Maybe he was riding a tiger and it was hard to get off. The core product in the Web market is the browser, but in the past few years, Microsoft's IE browser has been deeply integrated with Flash. , Microsoft's IE standard and Adobe's Flash standard are both private standards, but they are compatible with each other."

Zhou Buqi said: "Are they having sex with each other?"

Lu Qi smiled, "Yes, that's pretty much what I mean. Microsoft can't change it even if they want to. IE's foundation has been so solid over the past twenty years that it can't be demolished even if it wants to. Microsoft just A press conference was held to announce the new system Windows 8, which was said to have changed a lot, but it was still the same old thing. In the past few years, from IE8 to IE9, users have been observing whether Microsoft will change. This year IE10 was released, and the results were still the same. same as usual."

Zhou Buqi can understand, "Microsoft has worked hard for decades to establish the IE standard. How can we just give up? No one can give up."

"Yes." Lu Qi also had the same idea. "Anyone with insight can understand that HTML5 represents the future. I believe Microsoft can definitely see it. However, if the ship is in trouble, it will be difficult for them to turn around. Even if they see it, it will be difficult for them to turn around." change."

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "They must have seen it, or they are unlikely to be willing to talk to us about the acquisition of UC Group at such a high price level! In fact, they are eyeing UC Browser."

This "we" is a little less accurate.

UC Group is a subsidiary of Ziweixing, not Ziweixing International.

Lu Qi is just a shareholder, director, and president of Ziweixing International and has nothing to do with Ziweixing. In other words, the deal between UC Group and Microsoft has nothing to do with Land Machinery.

But the truth is already very clear.

Lu Qi said seriously: "Yes, this is the answer. Microsoft is a technology giant with strong financial resources. Even if they stick to their own IE standards, it will be difficult to give up the popular HTML5. It seems that they are thinking of two ways. Let’s go together.”

Zhou Buqi asked his secretary for a cup of coffee, half lying on the sofa and half leaning on the floor. He didn't get much rest on the plane, so he stretched out and said, "He's a technology giant, he's rich!"

Lu Qi said: "This decision is quite reliable. While relying on IE browser to stick to its own IE standards, at the same time relying on UC browser to explore new HTML5 fields."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It seems that the price should be raised a little higher!"

Lu Qi thought it made sense, "It's really possible. Microsoft is now in trouble again."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Didn't Microsoft just hold a press conference and announce a new operating system? Isn't this Ballmer's strategy to boost the stock price?"

Lu Qi said with a smile: "Yes, it is a strategy to boost the stock price. But the prerequisite is that this conference is successful enough and the newly launched products bring enough surprises to the market."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what it meant. "What should I say? Microsoft's press conference failed?"

Lu Ji said: "Anyway, after the release of Win8 system, there was a lot of criticism in the market, and many technology media participated in the discussion, saying that this is the worst operating system in Microsoft's history, even worse than the Vista system in previous years. "

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Okay! Good thing!"

Now, Ballmer is in even more trouble!

I became even more impatient.

Then you can better rip him off.

Lu Qi laughed with him for a while, and then asked tentatively: "So, we will firmly enter the field of HTML5?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What do you think?"

Lu Qi said: "I think we should never look back. Cooperating with Adobe to promote Flash, not to mention the potential risks in the future, and the reputation will not be good when it is spread. Isn't this a return to the past? This is not in line with the DNA of Silicon Valley. What Silicon Valley advocates is Innovation and change focus on the future. Another very important point is that Facebook has withdrawn."


Zhou Buqi thought so too.

HTML5 is an open, free and open source standard that all developers around the world can participate in. However, how much strength can those small and small developers have to set standards?

It will mainly be dominated by technology giants.

At present, the most important one is Google, followed by Apple, Facebook and other companies. Everyone has enough R\u0026D funds and a strong R\u0026D team to develop the best industry standards.

After the standard is launched, it is passed by the W3C conference and recognized by the whole world. This is an open and free standard.

But in the final analysis, these standards will fit well with the product ecology of technology giants such as Google, Apple, and Facebook. These standards were originally born around their products, and their application certainly works best.

A few years ago, Ziweixing's strength was still very weak.

I have no money, no resources, no talent, and no social influence. If I want to participate and jointly develop such a new Internet standard, I am actually somewhat unqualified.

It's different now.

Ziweixing International is already famous!

What a coincidence. Facebook leads the mobile Web group, which mainly formulates standards related to HTML5 for mobile. Now that they're out, who is the leader of the HTML5 mobile web team?

In the global W3C alliance, who else is qualified to compete with Ziweixing for the position of team leader?

This means so much.

It’s not just about a little business cooperation with Adobe, it’s about having a say in future technology routes.

In other words, if Ziweixing International does well, then all mobile apps around the world in the future will have to learn from and be developed with reference to Ziweixing International’s philosophy of developing apps.

Products such as Helo, Ucgram, Snapchat, and YikYak owned by Ziweixing International can become industry paradigms and be learned by developers around the world.

To put it bluntly, if you participate in the formulation of this standard, Ziweixing International will be a mentor in the future mobile app field, and then the world will be full of success.

The industry status held by Google in the previous life may be divided up by Ziweixing.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's Ziweiyun's opinion? Kurian is not interested in Adobe's products?"

Lu Qi shook his head, "On the contrary."


"Kurian's attitude is surprisingly consistent with mine. He also believes that he would rather give up all Adobe's products than firmly enter the field of HTML5."

"What's his reason?"

"Talent, Zi Weiyun's business is expanding rapidly, and he is now hungry for talents."

Lu Qi was relatively indifferent to this. In his opinion, Kurian's reasons were relatively low and not worth mentioning.

Zhou Buqi felt it was important, "Well, Xu Liangjie said so too."

There are too many technology companies in Silicon Valley, and major companies are trying to grab some outstanding talents. For some outstanding talents, they have complete right to choose their career.

In other words, they can work wherever they want.

Where will it go?

It depends on the attractiveness of the company.

Google is often the first choice in Silicon Valley because Google's product development and technology route choices have always been future-oriented, full of idealism, and very consistent with Silicon Valley's values.

This is so attractive.

For many top talents, making money is important, but career pursuits and personal ambitions are even more important.

If Ziweixing International cooperates with the backward Flash, its reputation will be very bad. This is looking at the past for the sake of money. If you refuse to cooperate with Adobe and choose the direction of HTML5, then this is very attractive. This is to look towards the future for your ideals.

This can greatly promote the recruitment of talents.

Ziweiyun is developing too fast and is seriously short of people. Investing in HTML5 can increase its attractiveness in recruiting talents.

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