Top of the big era

Chapter 238 The ban is useless

The user orientation of MSN Chinese website is basically college students and white-collar workers in the workplace. Its sections include all-round wonderful white-collar life guides such as automobiles, fashion, financial management, health, and luxury goods.

There are also high-definition pictures of beautiful women in cars, luxurious life, wealth stories, celebrity hot maps, fashion collocations, etc.

At the same time, each piece of content has a sharing function.

You can share it with your MSN friends, or you can share it with friends on

At this time, Zhou Buqi received a call from Lei Jun from Jinshan.

Rebs first expressed his congratulations eagerly, saying that even a person like him who never paid attention to media reports knew about the activity of group buying mobile phones on

It can be seen that this success is unprecedented.

At the same time, Lei Jun also expressed his goodwill, and he told Zhou Buqi that he no longer had to worry about members buying security certificates, since Kingsoft Antivirus had already put the plug-in into the trusted program library. In the future, when users install security certificates, they will not be intercepted by Kingsoft Antivirus.

Zhou Buqi didn't appreciate it.

The current group buying on has become a huge hit, shocking the entire consumer electronics market. The sales volume of 500,000 units in 5 days has almost set a record for mobile phone sales.

Who would not believe such a group buying platform?

Among college students, Xiaonei is more credible than antivirus software.

If they are really blocked by anti-virus software when they install security certificates, they will only think that the anti-virus software is too bad.

"Mr. Lei, it's a friend who gives charcoal in a timely manner, and the Xiaonei website doesn't need to be icing on the cake."


Lei Jun was taken aback by Zhou Buqi's aggressive attitude, and could only laugh dryly: "Yes, this matter was handled by Jinshan inappropriately, and I will definitely make it up for you when I have a chance in the future."

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "Jinshan drug tyrant has passed, Rising and Jiangmin still have to report an error to intercept it? This is not a matter of the Jinshan family, it is a matter of the entire antivirus market."

"Hehe, it's good that you can understand." Lei Jun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this kid finally understood, otherwise he was really afraid that Jinshan and Xiaonei would have some conflicts, which would affect the future cooperation between the two parties.

Zhou Buqi said: "So I feel that if others don't give it to me, then I will get it myself! In the vast ocean of the mobile phone market, I dare to venture into Longtan alone, let alone the mere killing soft market?"


Lei Jun was stunned and speechless.

Only then did I suddenly realize that I seemed to have misunderstood it.

This kid has no intention of backing down at all, this is to be strong to the end! In particular, he compared the antivirus market with the mobile phone industry... Is this going to turn the antivirus market upside down?

"Xiao Zhou, what are you going to do?" After a long silence, Lei Jun asked in surprise.

Zhou Buqi said in a flat tone: "Mr. Lei, you will know when the time comes. Xiaonei has no big ambitions, it just wants to serve the college students all over the country, so that Huaxia college students can enjoy the most colorful campus in the world. Life can retain more top talents and attract more foreign students. Whoever blocks me will die!"

"Xiao Zhou, it's not that serious. No one wants to stop you. There is really a small problem with your security certificate..."

Before Lei Jun finished speaking, Zhou Buqi interrupted him, and said flatly: "Mr. Lei, Xiaonei and Jinshan are partners, so let me remind you. College students represent the future and development of a country. Potential, whoever dares to bully college students is the enemy of Xiaonei!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone very rudely.

What if the other party is a boss?

The unprecedented success of the mobile phone group buying activity has given Zhou Buqi the confidence to compete with the heroes of the world in the Central Plains.

There is still a long way to go.

Those who follow me live, those who oppose me perish.

Half an hour later, Liu Qiangdong called again, with unconcealable excitement in his voice: "Brother, we are saved!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Old Liu, where did you start talking about this? With the great success of mobile phone group buying, and can be said to be in full swing."

"That's what I said!"


"Haven't we been blocked by the mobile phone industry association? Now the opportunity has come! You really let me tell you that, under the conditions of a market economy, chasing profits is the nature of businessmen."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up: "Oh? Could it be that the ban has been lifted? Isn't this slap in the face too fast?"

"The ban has not been lifted, but a mobile phone manufacturer has contacted and said that they are willing to supply us." Liu Qiangdong said excitedly.

"Oh? Which one?"

"Panda Electronics!"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's similar to what I thought. It must be who is under the most pressure and who is the first to be unable to handle it. He wants to find new channels to sell products. The most pressured ones should be Panda and Capitel. Under the circumstances, the background of pandas is deeper, and they don't care about the ban of industry associations."

Liu Qiangdong said: "However, the panda also said one thing, I am a little uncertain."

"What's up?"

"Panda said that they have a batch of machines in stock, with a total of more than 530,000 units. The quality, performance and functions of Kejian mobile phones are good, and the styles are also new. Most of them were newly released in the first half of the year. The cost is close to 500 million."

Zhou Buqi said pleasantly: "They want to transfer this batch of goods to us?"

"It seems that's what it means." Liu Qiangdong's voice was relatively calm.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This is a good thing, eat it! Lao Liu, you send someone to inspect the goods. If there is no problem with the supply of goods, you can eat them all."

Liu Qiangdong said in surprise: "It's decided? Don't you think about it? That's 530,000 mobile phones!"

Zhou Buqi said very easily: "Didn't you see the group buying this time? The batch of Kejian mobile phones in our hands may not be enough to sell!"

Liu Qiangdong said disapprovingly: "That's because your marketing method has worked. With the excuse of Father's Day, you can expand your mobile phone to relatives of college students."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's the way of thinking. The demand for mobile phones among college students may not be that high, especially after this wave of group buying ends, many students who are in urgent need have already placed orders. The next mobile phone group buying It will be more difficult. But at the same time, we must also notice that the media in the whole society have paid attention to our group buying activities, and even some official media have sung praises for our behavior of giving benefits and reciprocity. Group buying activities have become popular , especially the group buying of mobile phones, the brand has been established. The next group buying, we will operate a little bit, and it may not be possible to expand these mobile phones to more people in need through the college student group.”

The truth is this.

College students like to buy good and cheap mobile phones, and other social classes also like it.

As long as the brand of group buying is launched, who would not be tempted to buy a high-quality mobile phone at almost half the market price here?

At that time, those who are interested will help to buy mobile phones through the relationship of colleagues, relatives, and college students at friends' homes.

Maybe college students can resell it and make some difference.

But, like last time, it's big business! and undertook tremendous pressure, and finally made a lot of money through group buying mobile phones. As a result, the money has not yet been warmed up, and a large part of it is going to be invested...

Liu Qiangdong is also a human being, and he also feels distressed.

However, seeing that Zhou Buqi insisted on this and was full of confidence, he stopped talking. He is also a decisive person, and said sternly: "If this is the case, then do it. Mr. Zhang of the Panda contacted me ,when are you coming over?"

"I won't go, just watch and talk over there. In terms of price, let's not press too hard. With the failure of Kejian's mobile phone business, the whole company is ruined. But pandas are different. Pandas don't have mobile phones. The business is still an industry giant.”

Now that group buying is about to end successfully, Zhou Buqi feels relaxed and wants to solve his personal problems.

For example, let Teacher Wen meet Miss Wu.

Escaping is not the solution to the problem. It is better to just meet up and have a chat. The ugly and good things are said in advance, which can avoid future family conflicts.

Liu Qiangdong was very surprised, and asked: "Aren't you coming for the negotiation?"

"No, you can just talk." Zhou Buqi said very easily, and finally added, "Old Liu, although we have known each other for a short time, I still know who you are, and I believe you. As long as you are fully responsible for the negotiations, I agree with both.”

This kind of recognition made Liu Qiangdong deeply feel like-minded, and solemnly said: "That's okay, I will talk to Mr. Zhang from Panda tomorrow, and I will let you know when the time comes."


That night, Jingdong and Xiaonei had a carnival.

The group buying mobile phone activity starts on June 11 and is expected to end on June 20 for a period of ten days.

As a result, on June 18, the eighth day of group buying, at 9:26:57 p.m., the last Kejian A718 was placed.

So far, there are 745,914 mobile phones in this group buying event. Except for the reserved 500 mobile phones that will be rewarded to the employees of and, the rest of the mobile phones are all sold out.

Total sales reached 592.4 million!

Counting the 3.58 million credited funds from the previous limited rush sale, the two parties cooperated and made 596 million credits through online mobile phone direct sales!

Excluding the payment of 160 million yuan to Kejian...

The gross profit of this group purchase reached 435 million yuan!

According to the 37% split agreed earlier... Xiaonei made a net profit of 300 million!

This is really a big deal.

Guo Pengfei looked at the background data and knew the specific income of the financial report. When everyone was celebrating the success of the group buying and the mobile phones were sold out all night, he was alone in a daze.

Earned 300 million...

He was a little dazed.

This is almost a number that he can't even imagine.

You know, he holds a 12% stake in Ziweixing Technology.

Not to mention,, and, the intangible assets of the entire company are ignored, just cash flow... Based on cash flow alone, his net worth is nearly 40 million.

"Pengfei, what's wrong with you?"

When outsiders were away, Guan Ting was relatively close to him. He called her "Tingting" and she called him "Pengfei".

Guo Pengfei stood by the railing at the stairway in the corridor, silently in a daze, and suddenly saw his girlfriend coming over, and then smiled: "Why didn't you come with everyone?"

"Ask you, why are you here?" Guan Ting tilted her head, puzzled.

Guo Pengfei gritted his teeth, not wanting to divulge company secrets, sighed, and said sadly: "Tingting, do you know how much money Xiaonei made from this group buying?"

"How can it be several million? We sold more than 700,000 mobile phones." Then, Guan Ting opened her beautiful eyes wide, with a horrified expression, "It will not be Xiaonei who hollowed out herself and paid for it." Subsidize the sale of mobile phones to college students across the country?"

Guo Pengfei twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Earn too much.

It's scary.

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