Top of the big era

Chapter 237 The most courageous decision

Panda currently has 530,000 mobile phones in stock, including the Panda T160, which is new this year and has the highest configuration on the market.

The cost price of this mobile phone alone is more than 1,400 yuan. Panda produced 200,000 units, sold 70,000 units in the market, and lagged 130,000 units.

The manufacturing cost of this batch of goods alone is 180 million!

The remaining 400,000 mobile phones have an average manufacturing cost of seven or eight hundred yuan each, a total of 300 million yuan!

In other words, the manufacturing cost of the batch of storage machines in Panda's hands is nearly 500 million yuan.

As a result, Backgammon was only willing to pay 80 million yuan.

How can there be such a murderer?

Isn't this just seeing the panda in trouble and wanting to beat the drowning cat?

The mall is ruthless.

What everyone pursues is nothing more than profit, and of course it is a fortune to make a fortune.

From this perspective, Backgammon did the right thing.

But the panda side is unbearable.

"I disagree!"

Tang Peng gritted his teeth and was extremely angry.

Mr. Lu took a deep look at him, "Mr. Tang, now is not the time to be impulsive. I know more or less about the situation of panda mobile phones. Those goods are useless in my hands, so I can only exchange them for cash." Flow can help pandas come back to life."

Another vice president of BBK also persuaded: "Yes, Mr. Tang, those who do big things should have great courage. Now is the critical period for the life and death of pandas. It depends on your strong and courageous leadership to make decisions. .”

Tang Peng took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and used his last strength: "I said, I won't sell! This is the end of today's negotiation, see off!"

Mr. Lu was furious, and charged at the case, "Tang Peng, what do you mean?"

Tang Peng's eyes were cold, mocking and mocking, "I want to ask what you mean, Lu Yong, do you still want to buy and sell by force?"

Mr. Lu swallowed his anger, and said calmly: "Mr. Tang, I didn't mean that. I just want to remind you that mobile phone products are updated very quickly, and prices are also dropping quickly. After today... The next negotiation may not be at this price. I told you this before, it was a reminder; I said it again today, it was an ultimatum. Today’s negotiation failed, and BBK will only offer 75 million in the next negotiation; the next negotiation will not succeed , next time it can only be 70 million..."

"Come on! See off the guests!"

Tang Peng couldn't be bothered to listen any longer, so he simply got up and left with his sleeves thrown.

Backgammon and Panda's fourth negotiation failed again.

Tang Peng, who returned to the office, was still furious, and smashed his favorite ancient animal Taotie carved out of moist yellow Hetian jade on the desk.

Then, he kicked hard on the desk again.

The beautiful female secretary walked to the door, her face turned pale with fright, and she wanted to leave quickly.

"Come back!" Tang Peng turned his head and glared angrily, "What's the matter?"

"Old... Boss, it's... Director Miao is looking for you."

"Let him come over!"

Tang Peng is the vice president of Panda Electronics Group, in charge of the mobile phone business department, and Director Miao is the director of the mobile phone business department.

Director Miao came to the office resentfully, unable to straighten his waist, and said sadly with a bitter face: "Tang...Mr. Tang, this is not going to work. The deadline for the new mobile phone OEM contract is half a month away. If it is not in time The first installment payment of 50 million yuan we delivered in the early stage was in vain. We only have 70 million yuan on the book now, which is 80 million yuan short of the second installment payment of 150 million yuan!"

Tang Pengsheng laughed angrily, "We were short of 80 million, and Backgammon reported 80 million. Miao Laichun, please explain to me, why is this?"


Director Miao was a little dumbfounded.


Is there even a question?

Everyone works in a state-owned enterprise. How can they be called corporate executives just by relying on the salary and bonus? If it weren't for the money, who would want to work in a poor state-owned enterprise with low wages?

Now the mobile phone department is facing abolishment, and the work is unstable. Who doesn't think carefully in the mobile phone business department?

"I'm asking you something!"

Tang Peng slapped the table heavily, his eyes widened.

Director Miao glanced at him and said confidently: "It should be a coincidence. After all, the mobile phone industry is in a downturn, and BBK may not have much cash flow."

He is not afraid.

Because he knew that Tang Peng's butt was not clean either.

Throughout Panda Electronics, from top to bottom, who hasn't taken advantage of the company? If they were really public servants of the people and selfless, state-owned enterprises would have beaten private enterprises to the ground in all walks of life long ago, and the country would not have transformed from a planned economy to a market economy.

Tang Peng rolled his eyes at him, and said calmly: "Miao Laichun, you have been fired, go to the planning department to be a researcher."

"President Tang, you?"

Director Miao turned pale with shock and couldn't believe it.

Tang Peng waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk to him any more, and said to the female secretary on the phone: "Call Zhang Jianmu from the marketing department."

Director Miao still stayed where he was and did not leave for a long time. He said unwillingly, "Why? Mr. Tang, why did you do this? The company only needs 80 million yuan to operate normally. Isn't that okay? Brothers are working hard. After so many years, seeing that the company is failing, it’s too late to earn some money, can’t you?”

"At the end of the day?" Tang Peng turned his head sharply, staring at him coldly, "Miao Laichun, let me tell you, just because you gave up, it doesn't mean that I, Tang Peng, have given up too! Panda phone is not dead yet! People from Backgammon said Yes, the more critical it is, the more it is necessary for someone to stand up and shoulder the heavy responsibility, and make the most decisive decision!"

After a pause, he sighed. Facing this loyal subordinate for many years, he felt somewhat guilty, and said, "You should go to the planning department for a while. After I finish dealing with the matter here, maybe I will have to wait for you." Bring you back."

"President Tang..." Director Miao still wanted to insist.

"Enough! Get out!"

Tang Peng's fiery temper came up again, and he roared angrily.

Director Miao was unwilling to be reconciled, resentful, and helpless, so he left sullenly.

At this time, there was more of a sneer in his heart.

He didn't believe that Tang Peng had any magic tricks to turn things around. As far as domestic mobile phone manufacturers are concerned, only Bird and BBK have the strength to eat this batch of goods.

And he has already communicated with the backgammon and Bird people in private.

The quotation is 80 million yuan, and the card is dead.

After the event, he has at least 8-figure salaries.

As for foreign manufacturers, it is even less likely. The quality of mobile phones of foreign brands is better, the elimination rate of accessories is higher, and the price of second-hand products will be lower.

"In two days, you still have to call me back!"

A sneer sneered in Director Miao's heart.

At this time, Zhang Jianmu, the head of the marketing department, had already gone to Tang Peng's office.

Tang Peng was also unambiguous and concise, " is buying mobile phones, do you know?"

Zhang Jianmu nodded, "Well, I know, this promotional model is novel and unique, and it's an online channel...To be honest, I still don't believe that a few college students can do such a big thing."

"What do you think of that platform?"


Zhang Jianmu raised his eyebrows, he was a little uncertain about the leadership.

Tang Peng said indifferently: "I asked, Kejian's batch of goods is a full 750,000 pieces. Do you think that relying on the group buying platform of can complete this sales volume?"

"The success rate is at least 90%!" Zhang Jianmu made a decisive decision and gave his own opinion.


Tang Peng narrowed his eyes.

Zhang Jianmu said: "To be honest, the marketing department is currently focusing on researching the group buying model of, and has a better understanding of the situation there. This group buying activity is limited to 10 days, and today is the fifth day. According to the sales volume given by the platform According to the data, it should have sold close to 500,000 units..."

Tang Peng was shocked and asked in disbelief: "Have you sold 500,000 mobile phones in 5 days?"

Even in the peak period when the panda won the title of CCTV, there has never been such a brilliance.

An average of 100,000 units per day?

What kind of fairy mode is this!

Zhang Jianmu said solemnly: "Mr. Tang, this data is likely to be true. This time they bought mobile phones, they have a lot of marketing tricks, it is the school beauty selection, and it is also a forum to build momentum. They are still promoting Father's Day today... "

"So, what do you think of the school's online business?"

"I think it's okay!"

Zhang Jianmu took a deep breath, and he was basically sure of the big boss's meaning, and said his own meaning firmly.

Tang Peng gritted his teeth and said, "If you are asked to contact Xiaonei, can you do it?"

Zhang Jianmu hesitated for a moment, but carefully persuaded him: "Mr. Tang, the Xiaonei website has been blocked by the industry association, and even Bird has paid 500,000 in liquidated damages."

Tang Peng twitched his lips and smiled coldly: "Why, do you think the industry association dares to ban pandas as well? Panda mobile phones are not allowed to circulate in the world? Can this shit association suppress Bird and pandas? ?”

Then, he slapped the table and said loudly: "Zhang Jianmu, you can handle this matter with confidence and boldness! If there is any problem, I will take care of it! This batch of storage machines, let Backgammon go! Let's go to for cooperation! "


Entering the sixth day of the group purchase, all 5 models of mobile phones have been sold out, leaving only the Kejian K718 at 999 yuan, the Kejian K18 at 989 yuan, and the Kejian K28 at 979 yuan. quantity.

A total of about 210,000 copies remain.

It can be seen that contemporary college students are relatively simple, or relatively poor, and prefer low-priced mobile phones.

However, this does not mean that there is no market for high-priced machines.

Father's Day is almost here.

A gift for your father must be more expensive, right?

At this stage of group buying, it is no longer a question of success or failure.

It is a 10-day mobile phone group buying activity, and the volume of goods is entangled.

Zhou Buqi's attention has jumped out of the group buying, and he has paid attention to

The MSN Chinese website, which has been in preparation for a long time, is finally online.

This time, MSN imitated QQ. This website is not only a portal, but also a mini version that will automatically pop up on the client when the user logs in to the MSN communication software.

Zhou Buqi logged into his MSN account.

The mini version of the web page popped up as expected.

At the far left of the webpage is a promotional image that occupies a quarter of the size, with a line of words on it: "To make friends, to find friends, please go to the friend website."

Click on the picture, and you will be redirected to the Friends Network page smoothly.

Well, it works well.

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