Top of the big era

Chapter 2363 Star Effect

Before deciding to develop the Go software Rokid-go, Zhou Buqi’s understanding was not that clear. He just imitated the “Alpha Dog” made by Google in his previous life.

With the development of technology, the advancement of the times, market recognition, and the increasingly widespread application of artificial intelligence, the hidden value of Rokid-go has revealed the true face of Lushan.

As far as playing Go is concerned, it has little value in itself.

The real significance is to break through the cognition of many inherent human systems through playing Go and using AI, and then radiating to more industries.

Rokid-go's product team is mainly based in London. Zhou Buqi happened to come to the east coast from the west coast and was about to go to the UK, so he simply went with Shen Xiangyang.

Boss Zhou is very satisfied and hopes everyone can keep up the good work!

If this is done well, it can really change the world.

And the change is not just an industry, it may cover all aspects, and its influence far exceeds cloud computing.

When encouraging these developers, he also stated eloquently that there are only two directions for the future technology industry, one is the metaverse and the other is artificial intelligence. Other technology industries must be developed around these two core systems.

However, the artificial intelligence here is not the traditional artificial intelligence that learns and imitates humans in the past, but artificial intelligence that learns deeply, trains itself, and evolves by itself!

Once the Rokid-go product is ready, it will be a symbol of the new era of artificial intelligence and the beginning of a milestone!

At the same time, Zhou Buqi also promised.

After Rokid-go is developed, a developer list will be added to this product, and the names of every staff member involved in research and development will be included as a commendation.

But this was just a small episode.

The main purpose of Zhou Buqi's visit to London was the listing of Ziweixing Digital Media.

All processes are basically completed.

The prospectus was issued and the listing date was confirmed. It was set for October 10th, which means "perfect" in Chinese, which is Wednesday London time.

Currently, the share capital of Ziweixing Digital Media is 450 million shares. Among them, the largest shareholder is Ziweixing International, holding 240 million shares; the second largest shareholder is Zhou Buqi, holding 42 million shares, SoftBank, CVC, French Venture Capital, and Allianz Capital each hold 21 million shares. Barclays holds 12 million shares, Kohler Capital holds 7.4 million shares, Manchester United holds 3 million shares, Douglas Merrill holds 2.4 million shares, and Richard Carbone holds 1.8 million shares...

There are also a large number of employee stockholdings, with a total number of shareholders of 837.

The IPO strategy is simple: issue an additional 100 million shares, bringing the total share capital to 550 million shares.

The issue price is expected to be between £20 and £25.

The specific issuance price is not determined by investment banks. Investment banks only have the right to make suggestions. Investment banks are not responsible for losses or profits.

In the end, Zhou Buqi had to make the final decision.

If the issue price is low, then for Ziweixing Digital Media, the stock will be sold at a low price, which will cause huge losses and less money. If the issuance price is too high, the shares may not be sold out, resulting in a failed IPO and still less money.

Therefore, in the IPO process, the most important thing is actually the confirmation of the issue price.

For investment banks, the lower the issuance price, the better. This can ensure the success of the IPO. They can also buy stocks at low prices and sell them into the market at high prices, earning a large spread and commission.

For listed companies, it is necessary to raise the issue price as much as possible based on the success of the IPO.

How to raise it?

This requires strategy. For example, Ziweixing Global will use its financial skills to transfer profits around the two blockbusters "Avengers" and "Spider-Man 1: Homecoming".

Seeing that Ziweixing Digital Media is going to IPO in one month, it is time to heat up the market.

The higher the popularity and reputation, the more investors will follow.

After the IPO, everyone became more and more active in subscribing for Ziweixing Digital Media’s shares.

How to do it?

San Dezi, who represented Manchester United on the board of directors of Ziweixing Digital Media, came up with a good idea to introduce stars through business.

Ziweixing Digital Media is engaged in the football business, mainly in four major business sectors.

1. The Internet football community, dominated by Goal, currently has 67 million users. The number of daily active users on the mobile terminal can reach 12 million.

This is the core asset of Ziweixing Digital Media. The valuation of this product can reach 6 billion to 8 billion pounds.

It is also the department with the heaviest losses.

Second, the football club’s official website business.

This is currently the most profitable business of Ziweixing Digital Media, serving 147 clubs in Europe. Its revenue in the first half of this year reached 270 million pounds.

These include official website operating fees, official website product sales commissions, member sales commissions, team brand promotion service fees, soft article public relations fees, etc.

Three, math football.

It uses modern high-tech equipment, big data analysis, and several different football analysis software to lead the new trend of technological football.

Revenue from this segment exceeded £20 million in the first half.

The coverage is still very narrow, and there is still a lot of market space that can be opened up.

4. Multimedia advertising business.

There are mainly two aspects, billboards for club stadiums, and personalized stadium billboard broadcasting business using artificial intelligence that is actively cooperating with broadcasters.

Generally speaking, it revolves around the most important football industry in European life.

In this case, you can definitely take advantage of the celebrity effect of football!

In Europe, the influence of football stars is no worse than that of stars in the entertainment industry. If they were top football stars like Ronaldo and Messi, their influence would not be comparable to that of entertainment stars.

This idea works!

But in what name do we recruit big football stars?

To be a mascot?

This effect is very limited.

Vice President David Dunn put forward a very good idea, "You can recruit a business director."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was a little worried, "False name?"

David Dunn smiled and said: "How can it be a false name? Give real power and actually carry out some business for the company."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What business?"

"Promote stadium advertising." David Dunn sighed, "I have some connections in football, but mainly in British football. Seven of the 20 Premier League clubs have signed with us to use our stadium advertising platform. , and the number of clubs in English League One has reached 11. However, the promotion effect of overseas leagues is not good."

This business was planned and conceived by Zhou Buqi. Because he was usually too busy, he really didn’t pay much attention to it. “How is the application effect here in the UK?”

David Dunn was very confident, "The effect is very good! Especially for small teams, it is very useful!"

A normal club needs a marketing department, sends people out to advertise, and then places the ads on stadium billboards in exchange for revenue.

However, for small teams, the income is small and the cost is high, making operation too difficult.

When the marketing department goes out to advertise, it can only do so nearby. Because when traveling to distant places, the travel expenses for air tickets and hotels are a huge expense.

The cost of running a marketing department is too high.

The cooperation with Ziweixing Digital Media’s multimedia advertising business is different.

Small teams can lay off their marketing departments.

The online advertising platform of Ziweixing Digital Media pulls the ads and then authorizes them to be placed on the billboards of different teams. The platform only takes a 25% commission.

In this way, the burden on small teams is reduced.

David Dunn continued: "This model is very good, but it is not very attractive to big football clubs. These big clubs never lack advertisers. If the marketing department is abolished, all the advertising spaces will be handed over to us to operate. , they lose the communication channel with advertisers, lose the initiative, and worry that we will interfere with it and introduce advertisers that originally belong to them to other customers.”

Santoku nodded, "Manchester United is not worried, because Manchester United has a deep relationship with Ziweixing Digital Media...Many big teams are worried, fearing that once we have the power to distribute advertising, we will use up many of their advertisements. Businessmen are pushing it to Manchester United."

Zhou Buqi became cautious and said in a deep voice: "In this case, it is really ill-considered."

Santoku said: "Indeed, after Ziweixing Digital Media is listed, it is best for Manchester United to find an opportunity to withdraw, clear out its stocks, and leave the board of directors. At least it can avoid suspicion."

Zhou Buqi said: "It should be."

David Dunn said with a smile: "In the plan to introduce football stars, we can use multiple strategies at the same time. We can find some top current players to serve as spokespersons."

"not good."

Zhou Buqi doesn't think this will have any effect in the short term.

Even if Messi is signed and allowed to serve as the image spokesperson of Ziweixing Digital Media, will the issue price of Ziweixing Digital Media be increased during the IPO?

This is not okay.

David Dunn said: "Yes, so we can only start from the business level, so that the market can see the influence while also seeing the results in terms of business and profits. I have already contacted Maldini..."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Martini?"

David Dunn said with a smile: "He is the one you think of, Italy's greatest defender. After retiring in 2009, he has now completed his studies in business management and can engage in some management work."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What do you want him to do? Help us develop the Italian market?"

David Dunn said: "Yes, that's what it means. Appoint him as marketing director and use his status and influence in Italian football to help us develop the Italian market. Promote more Italian fans to use Goal and introduce more of Italian teams use our official website services, allowing more Italian teams to connect to our multimedia advertising platform."

"Good! What a great idea!"

Zhou Buqi thinks this idea is great.

Maldini has played football for decades. Although he studied business administration after retiring, it is all nonsense to say how high his management level is.

But one thing cannot be denied, he has extraordinary influence and appeal in Italian football.

The network is wide enough!

Football is not a purely market-oriented thing. There are too many underwater opaque operations. Giving Maldini a position...there is basically a consensus.

Ziweixing Digital Media will penetrate Italian football in a big way.

Isn’t this what the market is expecting?

Can’t the issue price be increased?

Zhou Buqi approved it and thought it was not enough, "Is there any more? German football? French football? Spanish football? Have you found them all?"

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