Top of the big era

Chapter 2362 Subverting human thinking

Lee Jae-yong’s visit to the United States this time is not just about Yahoo Korea. Recently, he is most concerned about four areas: semiconductors, artificial intelligence, biopharmaceuticals and mobile business.

Ziweixing International is precisely the leader in the fields of artificial intelligence and mobile services, and it is an unavoidable hurdle.

Although Zhou Buqi rejected the request to reduce the price of cloud services, the cooperation between the two parties will only become deeper and deeper.

Lee Jae-yong is not a genius, and even Samsung considers him a bit mediocre.

But he was trained to perfection.

It can be called a standardized and exemplary "Prince".

A handsome young man, warm and polite, with a good external image, he once became Samsung's global image ambassador. The lawsuit between Samsung and Apple was fierce, but he was a guest of Steve Jobs.

This is a treatment that even Zhou Buqi doesn't have.

Jobs had an extremely eccentric personality, and few people were invited to his home. Zhou Buqi has never been there, but Li Zairong has been there several times. For this reason, after Cook took charge of Apple, he continued to promote cooperation between Apple and Samsung.

There is another thing that illustrates his philosophy of life.

When South Korea and Japan were in conflict, Japan banned the export of semiconductor materials such as fluorinated polyimide, photoresist, and hydrogen fluoride to South Korea, which directly dealt a blow to South Korea's technology industry and faced the risk of "stuck".

At that time, Lee Jae-yong did not choose to escalate friction with the Japanese side by reciprocal retaliation. Instead, he led a team to Japan for talks. He is proficient in English and Japanese and has great advantages in language.

Then there was the triumph.

The final result is that Japan still restricts the export of these semiconductor materials to South Korea, but it has lifted all restrictions on Samsung, giving Samsung semiconductors the opportunity to dominate South Korea.

It can be said that Li Zaiyong has the standard mentality of a successful person, without any emotional fluctuations, which is completely different from Zhou Buqi's impulsive behavior from time to time.

This also made Zhou Buqi confident.

No matter how Samsung develops, it must rely on cooperation with Ziweixing International in the future.

Especially the expansion of overseas markets.

Silicon Valley giants are in a league of their own.

Samsung Electronics and Ziweixing International both have Asian backgrounds, so there is no reason not to work closely together.

To this end, Zhou Buqi also specially introduced Musk to Li Zairong.

Musk's products, whether they are cars or rockets, attach great importance to cost reduction. However, American chips are too expensive, so using Samsung's chip solution would be a good choice.

Li Zaiyong’s trip to the United States lasted 23 days, and Zhou Buqi didn’t have that much time to accompany him. Together they met with Netflix’s Hastings, Apple’s Cook, and Tesla’s Musk.

Then, we went to the east together and came to the headquarters of Merck.

This is an American biopharmaceutical giant.

If Samsung wants to continue its business expansion, its next step will be to enter the pharmaceutical industry. When Zhou Buqi came this time, he was accompanied by artificial intelligence expert Shen Xiangyang.

The main purpose is to promote the cooperation between Ziweixing International and Merck, and formally try to use artificial intelligence to analyze the molecular structure of proteins.

What Ziweixing lacks is pharmaceutical data. It has no idea what kind of therapeutic effects different protein molecules may have. Without data, there is no way to analyze and no AI learning.

Merck has relevant data, but does not have such superb artificial intelligence technology.

However, this time Boss Zhou came forward, but still could not reach an agreement.

Merck does not have much trust in artificial intelligence and does not believe that the current level of AI can participate in such a high-end industry as biopharmaceuticals.

Zhou Buqi was a little angry, "When will your chess-playing software be developed?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "It has been developed and is being further studied, improved and tested."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How is the effect?"

Shen Xiangyang smiled and said: "Very good, the two national players from the National Go Academy have played 23 games with our Rokid-go. Rokid-go has 18 wins and 5 losses, and the winning rate..."

"No!" Zhou Buqi interrupted him, "This winning rate is too low. The essence of Go is calculation. Since it is calculation, how can the human brain beat a computer? The winning rate of Rokid-go must be 100%. ! Not only must we win completely, we must also win in a crushing way. Not only must we win in a crushing way, but we must also completely subvert the Go industry and change the world’s understanding of Go! Go is not mysterious, it’s all about calculation!”

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "Now the product has been improved and optimized a lot. The previous Rokid-go only learned human moves, so it was not amazing when facing humans. Now we have self-developed AI neural network The deep learning algorithm is relatively mature, and Rokid-go can learn and research on its own according to the rules of Go."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand these details, "How's the effect?"

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "It's not good. Of the five games I lost, three were lost recently. However, this is a process of growth. There is another point that is very exciting."

"Which point?"

"After Rokid-go has been improved, it can play many moves that are unimaginable to humans. Although the previous generation product has a higher winning rate, according to two national Go players, the moves are within human understanding. It is just a matter of playing. It's more accurate, so I'm not surprised. It's different now, I can always come up with tricks that are confusing but effective."

"Well, this is AI!" Zhou Buqi immediately became excited, "This is the greatest value of the Rokid-go product!"

Rokid-go is just a software for playing Go. No matter how good you are at playing Go, what can you do?

It's just calculation.

It’s not surprising that computers can calculate better than humans.

But the upgraded version of Rokid-go that Shen Xiangyang said is different. It has a completely different "thinking" from humans.

In the old version, Rokid-go imitated humans. Although it was very powerful, its value was not high. This is traditional AI from the past two decades.

This is also the reason why Merck refused to cooperate with Ziweixing International.

Merck has a strong scientific research level and leads the entire biopharmaceutical field. It has long paid attention to artificial intelligence. If it is just calculation, the value is actually not much.

But Rokid-go is different after the algorithm upgrade.

It no longer learns human moves, but self-study, self-improvement, and self-training, giving up all human chess records... In this way, Rokid-go can play many different chess moves from humans.

Many masters have come forward and directly subverted human understanding of Go.

This value is so great!

This can be done in Go, and of course it can be done in the field of biopharmaceuticals!

Traditional artificial intelligence is based on humans learning biological theoretical systems, and then using a lot of calculations to develop new drugs from human perspectives... This application value is not too high.

The new artificial intelligence with self-learning ability is different.

Provide relevant data to the AI ​​model, and the artificial intelligence can analyze and learn by itself based on the data, and then come up with a set of AI analysis on the pharmacological effects of proteins, which can give a pharmacological theory that is completely different from that of humans.

This is disruptive innovation.

Shen Xiangyang is very confident about this, "Yes, this is also the reason why I have not launched the Rokid-go product on the market. If the old version of Rokid-go is launched on the market, as long as we increase the computing power, Basically, it can sweep the entire chess world. But it is difficult to have a shocking or subversive effect. Because Rokid-go is like a super human, still in the thinking framework of human chess players. Rokid-go, which applies the new algorithm, With a completely different thinking. After the new version of Rokid-go has undergone a lot of training, iteration and growth, it can truly use a completely new system to play Go. This will not only win the game, but also benefit human beings. A subversion of the understanding of Go.”

The gloom in Zhou Buqi's heart dissipated, and he said excitedly: "This should be the thinking. This product must be launched with great fanfare. Let the whole world realize the value of artificial intelligence in the new era. At that point At that time, I’m afraid it wasn’t us who took the initiative to come to MSD for cooperation, but they came to us.”

"It's definitely not just Merck!" Shen Xiangyang is a scientist after all, so he can't speak too fully. "However, the AI ​​direction of this neural network is still in the testing stage. Whether it can lead the development trend of artificial intelligence still needs to be verified. . If Rokid-go succeeds and passes the test of the market, then Ziweixing International can really lead the technological development of the artificial intelligence industry."

This is the added value of reputation, reputation and industry status.

After what Shen Xiangyang said, Zhou Buqi finally understood why Google spent so much money to become an alpha dog in his previous life, and why Google is the world leader in industrial technology development.

From this point of view, there is still a big gap between Ziweixing International and Google.

If Rokid-go succeeds, it will be of great significance.

This uses Go as an entry point and provides a new way of thinking for the new development of many human industries. This is a great contribution to all mankind.

Zhou Buqi was a little impatient: "When will the new version of Rokid-go be launched?"

This made Shen Xiangyang feel a little embarrassed, "It still takes time."

"how long?"

"Rokid-go requires deep learning, which is equivalent to understanding Go from scratch. After learning, you need to go through a lot of training and gradually improve..."


Zhou Buqi interrupted him rudely and refused to bargain with him.

Whether they are engaged in scientific research or business, they are all the same. They will work hard to find the maximum comfortable space for themselves. It is really impossible not to put some pressure on them.

Zhou Buqi said decisively: "Kid-go must appear next year!"

Shen Xiangyang immediately frowned, "Time is too tight."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's settled! Ziweixing will be listed in August next year, and Rokid-go will be regarded as a gift to all investors before going public!"

Rokid-go is a product jointly launched by Ziweixing International and Ziweixing.

Launching it before it goes on the market will definitely attract attention and attention from various industries. Under the heated discussion and pursuit, Ziweixing launched its IPO listing with great fanfare, which will make it even more grand and may not even require road shows.

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