Top of the big era

Chapter 2321 The Advantage of the Few

Although it is quite complicated, it is actually easy to understand for Zhou Buqi.

Normal enterprise management employs two strategies: "use relatives" and "use talents". Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Most of the time, the two strategies are used together to complement each other.

The core business of Shoucheng is generally "using relatives".

The growth of this type of business is sluggish, and there is no room for business explosion. It has changed from conquering the country to defending the country. And the business is very important. It belongs to the basic plan and cannot be messed with. Generally, a relatively mediocre but trustworthy person is selected. Just stick to it and don't have too many ambitions.

If it is an emerging business, or the market competition is very fierce, or the business growth space is very large, it is generally necessary to "employ talents" and the capable ones will be promoted to create more value.

However, in traditional culture, there is another way, which is the model always described in "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and taught to emperors. Under the principles of "using relatives" and "using talents", one must also abide by The general direction is to maintain the balance of various factions.

It feels almost like political correctness here in the United States.

It is necessary to maintain a balanced relationship between the several major ethnic groups. Those with a large number of people must be restricted, and those with a small number of people must be supported.

What Kurian did in the Ziweiyun business group was a bit out of place. He focused on cultivating and promoting his fellow Indians...not to mention whether he meant to support cronies and form cliques. , this way of employing people immediately breaks the balance.

In other business groups, this kind of appropriate balance between ethnic groups is being achieved.

Kurian is not politically correct.

This is very troublesome.

Regardless of whether it is employing nepotism or employing people on merit, the performance effects brought about by these two employment strategies are often better than the employment effects of politically correct and balanced employment.

Ziweiyun's amazing achievements in recent years are actually related to Kurian's employment philosophy.

This is a hidden danger.

If it is not dealt with at the company level, then other business groups may follow suit and stop being politically correct, and start promoting cronies internally and re-employing talented people. Then it will be difficult for disadvantaged ethnic groups and even female employees. It's time to get ahead.

If we were in China, Japan and South Korea, it would be okay to do this.

But the same cannot be said for the United States.

Especially at a time when African-American thought is emerging and feminism is on the rise, no one can afford to offend these two groups. It would be better to give them more preferential treatment than to have ideological conflicts with them.

If the proportion of black employees and the proportion of female employees in any company is too low, no matter whether you are discriminating or not, it must be real discrimination.

Xu Liangjie said: "In this regard, we still have some advantages. Whether they are Chinese or Indians, they are all ethnic minorities in the United States. So from an employer's perspective, Ziweixing International has a better position than companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon." A bigger advantage.”


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Xu Liangjie said: "If white executives only use white subordinates, then very fierce conflicts will definitely break out, and it must be racial discrimination. Kurian is different. He is of Indian origin, and he only uses Indian subordinates. It will cause some controversy, but it won’t be too serious. This in itself is the advantage of minorities.”

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, a little surprised, "Do you think you can acquiesce to Kurian's approach?"

Xu Liangjie pondered for a long time and said slowly: "I think it's not a bad idea."

Zhou Buqi remained silent, waiting for his explanation.

Xu Liangjie said: "There has been some controversy over this view, including Lu Qi and Tang Binchen, who disagree and feel that Kurian should not be given too many privileges. However, there are also a few executives who feel that they can tolerate it temporarily and wait and see what happens. . After all, Kurian is of Indian descent and his skin is so dark that he is no different from a black man. Even if there is a dispute, it can only be in a small area and public discussion is prohibited."

This is another feature of political correctness.

There is a language ban in front of ethnic minorities.

You can't say it. If you say it, it's discrimination. Reasonable discussion is not allowed.

Just like you candidly say to a black person: "I have many black friends, and I don't care if you have dark skin..." That's it. It's discrimination. Obviously you are sincere, but the other person will be furious.

It's similar to a disabled person. You say to a cripple: "Although your legs and feet are inconvenient, I will still make friends with you." This statement itself has a certain irony.

Many normal people have never experienced the sensitive psychology of disabled people over the years. They say some words out of the habits of normal people. To normal people, such words may not be malicious, but they can easily irritate the other person's sensitive nerves and scarred hearts.

The topic of ethnicity is what it is in America.

Kurian has dark skin and is of Indian origin.

This is his advantage.

Most people don't dare to talk to him about "discrimination" topics, and they can't discuss it. If they discuss it, it will be discrimination against him. This gives Kurian a certain amount of room to "do whatever he wants" with people.

Just like later, Silicon Valley and the West Coast in Los Angeles became more and more left-leaning, and political correctness became more and more excessive. Many technology giants couldn't stand it anymore... so they all hired Indian CEOs.

First of all, Indians are very capable, and this is a merit-based approach.

Secondly, their skin color also has advantages. They are ethnic minorities and can use magic to defeat magic. To criticize a dark Indian for engaging in discrimination is itself the biggest forbidden area for language discrimination.

Therefore, the controversy over Kurian's employment was not expanded within the company and was only discussed privately on a small scale. But conflicts will accumulate, and over time they will become deeper and deeper.

Zhou Buqi said: "It is a hidden danger after all."

Xu Liangjie smiled and said: "It can be delayed for a while. From the perspective of the company's interests, Kurian's approach is always a good thing. Now, cloud computing has become the biggest trend in the IT industry, and all major technology giants have invested in cloud computing. In the industry, competition is very fierce.”

Zhou Buqi sighed and said: "One thing we all have to admit is that in the past few years, Kurian has led Ziweiyun to achieve greater results overseas, even greater than Helo and Ucgram, which are popular products around the world. "

Xu Liangjie said: "Yes, it is obvious to all. Helo and Ucgram are just individual applications. Ziweiyun has more than a dozen applications. Evernote has more than 14 million overseas users and more than 2 million paid members. The annual membership fee In the first half of this year, the revenue of Ziwei Cloud Business Group exceeded US$3.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 240%. From a long-term perspective, cloud computing is the core industry of Ziweixing International. This It’s much more powerful than a simple social business.”

"Isn't it just social networking?" Zhou Buqi nodded, "If Amazon Cloud continues to develop like this, it will also replace e-commerce and become Amazon's core business."

Xu Liangjie said: "So I would say that it is best for Zi Weiyun to maintain the status quo, turn a blind eye, pretend that he knows nothing, and give Kurian certain privileges. His skin color, his ethnicity , it also has certain privileges.”

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Is this too irresponsible?"

Xu Liangjie said disapprovingly: "This is the best choice for the company's interests. Besides, I don't want to completely let him continue doing this. I will definitely keep an eye on this matter!"


"The situation is still relatively minor now. Many executives have complaints, but they just say a few words in private. Other business groups have done a good job of balancing when hiring people. The negative effects on Kurian's side have not yet emerged. ."

"When it comes out," Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "will it be too late?"

Xu Liangjie was very calm. He is the chief human resources officer of Ziweixing International. His main job is to manage people. He said confidently: "It's okay. If you really have to show it, just correct it in time. I discussed it with Kurian, and he We all understand. Now is a critical period for the competition between Ziwei Cloud and Amazon Cloud, especially Microsoft Cloud and Google Cloud have also invested heavily in the market. It is best to give him some time to avoid too much impact."

"This is the truth, but I'm afraid..." Zhou Buqi didn't have 100% trust in Kurian, "Kurian's level cannot be said, but he has one shortcoming: he likes to brag and talk big. He was patting his chest there. Don’t believe all my guarantees.”

Xu Liangjie saw that the big boss seemed to have an idea, "What do you want?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You have to send one of your own people there. Don't let Kurian really make Ziweiyun look like a black box. We don't know what's going on inside."

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