Top of the big era

Chapter 2279 The Bondage of Marriage

How to increase Helo's traffic?

It is necessary to find new required functions for this product. Users not only need to use Helo in social scenarios, but also need to use this product in many other scenarios.

Combining it with movies is a good choice.

The first thing that needs to be promoted is the cooperation between the ticket purchase website Fandango and AMC theaters. In this process, it is inevitable that NCR, the manufacturer of self-service ticket machines, will need to cooperate.

Normal self-service movie ticket vending machines require theaters to spend money to purchase them from merchants. This type of machine is not cheap, with one unit costing at least $3,000. AMC Cinemas has more than 600 cinemas in North America. Each cinema has 3-4 self-service ticket vending machines and some additional customized services. This is an expenditure of nearly US$10 million.

Not only that, Wanda has great ambitions. It is not satisfied with buying the AMC theater chain. They will also go to Europe to acquire several major theater chains to create the largest theater chain group in the world.

Coupled with domestic Wanda Cinemas, the total may add up to thousands of cinemas.

They have to invest their own money to purchase the self-service ticket vending machines, which is a huge investment.

Working with Fandango is different.

Both parties can contribute money and buy together.

The premise is that these customized self-service ticket machines must be equipped with some functions of Fandango, especially Helo.

For example, if a movie fan purchases tickets online on Fandango, how do they go to collect them offline?

A QR code reader can be added to the self-service ticket vending machine to determine the online ticket purchase information through the QR code information and issue tickets.

For example, some movie fans want to buy tickets offline through self-service ticket machines.

The traditional method is to swipe your card.

It would be too troublesome for a movie theater to create its own membership card, and movie fans can recharge the membership card for consumption. Scan the code directly with your mobile phone and use Helo payment to complete the transaction, which greatly provides convenience.

In this way, the flow from the movie to Helo is completed, which can greatly increase the activity of Helo.

The traffic of a product is often directly proportional to the stickiness of the product.

Even if it’s forced traffic.

Take Helo payment for example, even if the user doesn't like Helo at first, he will always use Helo to pay. Over time, he will get used to Helo and become a loyal user of Helo.

Among foreign social products, except Facebook, which has always been prosperous, other social products have been replaced by one generation after another, with new generations replacing old ones.

On the surface, it seems that foreign companies are more innovative and can always develop interesting social products. In fact, the attributes of the products are too single.

A very important reason why Facebook can maintain its leading position and cannot be replaced is that it is not a purely social product... Many people have actually wanted to give up Facebook for a long time, but the functions provided by Facebook other than social networking are really powerful, making No one can give up even if they want to.

Helo is the core product of Ziweixing International. If you want to stay young forever, you have to be like a vampire, constantly sucking blood from other fields to keep yourself young.

Helo payment was launched last year. It is a payment platform with more than ten online payment products already in it.

Once the online payment system is established, you can then expand into more offline areas to "suck blood" to maintain your youth.

The first thing to start is the movie.

Focusing on the combination of Helo and movies, Zhou Buqi explained to the executives a complete set of traffic ideas for mobile Internet. For free products, traffic is the first competitiveness.

After the meeting, Zhou Buqi specifically found Zheng Xiaoli and said with a smile, "How was it? Are you used to coming to the United States?"

Zheng Xiaoli rolled her hair around her ears and chuckled: "It's okay. I've been to the United States many times. As long as there's no language barrier, everything else seems fine."

"Have you found a house?"

"Not yet, staying in the hotel for now."

"Do you need my help?"

"No need?" Zheng Xiaoli shook her head gently. I want to stay in the hotel for a while and get familiar with it first. It is convenient to stay in a hotel. If you live alone, you have to clean the room and prepare your own food and drinks. Wait until I get used to this place.

Seeing that she had such an idea, Zhou Buqi felt more at ease, "What do you think of traffic flow?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "I have benefited a lot."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Tell the truth."

Zheng Xiaoli blinked and said strangely: "It's actually the truth. This is... it opened up a new idea for me to make mobile Internet products. It's quite shocking."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Tell me about it? Summarize it."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Most products have their own life cycle. Products such as QICQ, Yahoo Messenger, MSN, and Skype were once very popular, but after a few years, they were abandoned by the times. . Internet products are updated and iterated too fast, and they are always constantly introducing new ones, and human nature is generally fickle. It’s a bit like the institution of marriage.”

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Is it still similar to the marriage system?"

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "I think it's quite similar. Men and women, who doesn't like the new and hate the old? Everyone likes novelty and curiosity. This has nothing to do with morality. It is something in human genes. From an individual point of view, it actually doesn't matter, as long as there is no force. As long as others do not break the law. However, if everyone in society indulges human nature in this way, it will cause social problems and be detrimental to social stability. The emergence of the marriage system can effectively solve this society. Who... Li Yinhe The professor said that marriage itself is anti-human."

Zhou Buqi felt that he was half a victim of the marriage system and social ethics, so that many of the women he liked were untouchable, and he sighed: "Yes, that's it!"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Marriage can suppress the wandering nature of human nature to a certain extent, because once a marriage relationship is established, you must return to daily necessities. Once love is absent and returns to life, this little life will be stable."

Zhou Buqi said: "So the sages Confucius and Mencius have long concluded that love is the biggest poison of marriage. Love is illusory and dispensable. People who get married because of love will also get divorced because of the lack of love. So the Confucian etiquette Getting married is the true meaning of a stable marriage. It is a wedding, but love without marriage, and etiquette, not love."

In ancient traditional societies, marriage was considered a "rite".

Not just a courtesy.

It is also necessary to prevent men and women from falling in love, so parents must order matchmakers and prohibit men and women from meeting before marriage.

Treat marriage as a kind of etiquette, so that you can treat each other as guests throughout your life. Even "respecting each other as ice" can maintain the stability of a marriage. If the male master wants to find love, he can take a concubine. If the love is gone, he will give the concubine away. A real wife is a "ceremony", and the ceremony will last forever, so you can't give it away.

As society changes, free love will no longer be possible.

Marry because of love, and divorce because of love. Once the family is unstable, society will easily become unstable.

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "Yes, this is the product idea of ​​your mobile Internet that I have summarized. Users are all erratic. If we want to keep them focused on our products, we cannot rely on love alone. Love is too It’s unreliable. Once users don’t love our products, they will definitely find new love in the future. We have to rely on courtesy and marriage to bind them.”

"Well, that's how it should be."

Zhou Buqi thought her metaphor was too good.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Even men and women who are passionately in love will gradually become indifferent when they return to the daily necessities of life, and slowly fall from the floating state. Helo should also be like this, guiding Helo users towards more functions of daily necessities. To develop, treat this product as a state of life. Watching movies is a kind of life."

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