Top of the big era

Chapter 2278 The empire that never falls

Zhou Buqi didn't call so many executives to Los Angeles just to let them study movies. Instead, it uses the film industry as an entry point to explain a traffic method that should be developed in the mobile Internet era.

Especially now that Helo has launched Moments and Ziweixing International and Facebook are about to compete head-on.

The main profit model for this kind of social platform is advertising.

First, the product attracts users, and then advertisers place ads to attract these users to their products.

What kind of products do advertisers favor?

A large user base is not a core factor; the most important thing is high activity.

One product has a user base of 100 million, but the daily active users are only 100,000; another product has a user base of 10 million, but the daily active users reach 500,000.

Judging from the advertising effect, it is obvious that the latter has more advantages.

If the daily activity is low, it means that the product's appeal is declining and users are gradually moving away from it; if the daily activity is high, it means that the product is very attractive and deeply loved by users.

For products that are deeply loved by users, the advertisements in the products will of course have better promotion effects.

In the concept of "daily activity", there are also more detailed divisions.

For example, the average daily use time of some products is 3 hours, and some only 30 minutes; users of some products open it 10 times a day, and some products only open it once a day.

The longer the product is used and the more frequently it is opened, the more popular it is with users.

If users like it, advertisers will like it even more.

Behind these concepts is actually "flow".

Which product has more traffic means that users like it more, which means that it can compete for more advertisers. The competition between Ziweixing International and Facebook is ultimately a competition for traffic, which is competition for advertisers.

One of the important reasons for Yahoo's decline in recent years is that advertisers have fled and started advertising on Google and Facebook.

From the perspective of user scale, Yahoo is actually similar to Facebook in North America, but the frequency is too low, which means the traffic is too low.

Many Facebook users may log in more than a dozen times a day, reveling in the constant interactions with their friends. Yahoo does not have such a function. There are only so many Yahoo news. Once you finish reading it, you will finish it. There is no need to access it anymore.

Therefore, there are three core ideas for transforming Yahoo: First, focus on users and transform Yahoo into a popular product; second, focus on content and introduce more third-party news content to make the news on Yahoo media platform "Endless", you can't finish it no matter how you read it; third, start with the recommendation mechanism, you can no longer arrange news by timeline, you must always recommend news or old news to users that they have not seen.

Therefore, we can outline and come up with the core ideas.

Zhou Buqi said: "How can we make our product surpass Facebook in terms of traffic? While attracting more users, we should also allow existing users to increase the frequency of product use. For mobile products, the largest traffic often comes from fragmented time. . In this limited fragmented time, we should try our best to get users to open and use our products instead of other people’s products.”

Everyone is sitting in the Fandango conference center.

A bit small.

With the air conditioner on, everyone sat casually in a circle, which seemed more leisurely and comfortable.

The topics discussed are anything but leisurely.

When Zheng Xiaoli first arrived, she was a little bit shy and spoke proactively, "For mobile products, whoever can seize the fragmented time will stand out. In the fragmented time, it is impossible for users to go to Netflix to watch a 2-hour movie It’s impossible to play a big game for an hour when it comes to movies. It must be more detailed content. For example, watch the news for a while, watch a short video of 2-3 minutes, play a relaxing game for a while, and browse the circle of friends. , or reply to a few friends’ messages.”

Lu Qi was convinced and nodded, "Actually, it's not just a mobile product. Facebook can achieve such a large scale and successfully go public in just a few years, essentially seizing the fragmented time on the PC. use."

"That's right!"

Zhou Buqi is a friend network, and he knows exactly what is going on.

In the past PC era, accessing the Internet was a relatively difficult thing to do. If you want to surf the Internet, you have to devote a few hours of free time.

It almost never happens that you surf the Internet for 5 minutes and then get off the plane.

Therefore, on the computer side, we can make products that will be used for a long time, such as 3A large-scale games and streaming media platforms like Netflix. and Facebook have broken this barrier and captured the "fragmented time" in the PC Internet era.

In the early days of, its main users were college students, white-collar workers and civil servants.


It is not only the content tendencies of these products, but also the concept of using fragmented time.

Many young people go to Internet cafes to access the Internet.

When you pay for Internet access, you are short on time and have urgent tasks, so you have to seize the time to get down to business.

It's different for college students, white-collar workers, and civil servants. They can surf the Internet in their dormitories and offices. They usually have their own things to do, such as studying, working, or drinking tea, reading newspapers, chatting, and having sex.

Do whatever you need to do.

When you have time, jump to the friend network to see what your friends are up to, or steal some food in "Happy Farm" and simply interact, it won't take too long.

Then, focus on getting down to business.

In this way, you can spend the main time on business and some fragmented time on platforms like Friends and Facebook.

After grasping the entry point of fragmented time, the traffic suddenly increased.

Yahoo has failed to keep up with the times and is falling behind in this regard.

When many users visit Yahoo, they usually take about 10-20 minutes to browse all the news today. Once you've seen it, it's over.

After watching it for 20 minutes, I visited Yahoo once in total.

If it is fragmented time, even if no third-party news sources are introduced and only Yahoo’s self-operated news is watched, users will watch it for 2 minutes at a time and then go do other things; when they are free, they will watch it for another 2 minutes and then go do other things. ... After browsing all the news, I may need to visit Yahoo 10 times.

This traffic volume has been greatly increased.

And every traffic means profit!

If you open Yahoo once, you can only see Yahoo's main advertisement once, which is not very impressive; if you open Yahoo 10 times, you can see Yahoo's main advertisement 10 times, and the impression will continue to deepen, and the advertising effect will be better. .

Zhou Buqi continued: "The reason why Facebook can surpass Yahoo is that it has seized the entry point of fragmented time. Another reason is that Facebook is richer than Yahoo."

Lu Qi couldn’t agree more with this, “Yes, we need richer services. Facebook is not only a social platform, they also have a Facebook open platform. On this open platform, users can play games, watch videos, and even Watch news here. Many young users go to the news channel on Facebook’s open platform to watch news, which further squeezes Yahoo’s space.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Let's not talk about other products, we must build Helo into a super App! If Helo is just an ordinary social app, it will be eliminated by the market sooner or later. Relying on user relationships alone cannot last long To effectively extend the vitality of a social product, there must be more strongly binding supporting services.”

This is foresight.

Such as QQ.

Many people have all their social networks on QQ, but later many people gradually stopped using QQ. Even in terms of traffic, QQ’s traffic is not as good as Taobao’s.

Because a more powerful social product has emerged - WeChat.

WeChat is more than just a social product.

Whatever users want to do, they can do it through WeChat, which greatly increases the activity of WeChat.

Take WeChat payment for example. Many people don't chat or socialize online. Over time, they may give up on WeChat. However, he always has to go to the mall and supermarket to shop offline, right? You must use WeChat Pay. In this way, he is bound to be a WeChat user almost forever.

This is the most powerful competitiveness.

If any similar social apps appear in the future, they will not be one-dimensional products at all. How can they compete with WeChat?

In the past life, many social products appeared in the social field of overseas markets.

There are many kinds, and they are all very popular.

A very important reason is that these products are relatively low-dimensional and only focus on social networking. There are so many forms of social interaction, and everyone is working hard on their own territory.

In fact, the essence of social interaction is the same.

It is to connect people through an Internet product.

New social products are more interesting and replace old social products. On the one hand, this is because old social products are not innovative enough; on the other hand, it also shows that the moat of the product itself is not enough.

Making a social product is easy.

A small team of just a few people can make it.

But if you want to make a super App, the collaboration of hundreds of people is not enough. It may require a super large team of thousands of people. This must be a technology giant to have such strength.

For example, Ziweixing International wants to transform the film industry and introduce it into Helo, which is equivalent to importing all the traffic from the film industry into Helo.

This kind of big thing is simply not something that a small company or entrepreneurial team can do.

If a small company wants to do something but is unable to do it, it will be the biggest product moat for the super app of a large company.

This concept was developed domestically.

Later, Silicon Valley giants also followed suit, such as Facebook. In order to achieve this goal, they integrated Instagram and even fired the members of Instagram's entrepreneurial team. The so-called Metaverse also integrates all Facebook products into one super application.

Korean kakao completely copies the domestic model.

Including Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, the reason why he is so motivated is that he actually wants to transform Twitter, imitate some domestic super app ideas, and make Twitter a super app.

Only super apps are the unstoppable empire.

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