Top of the big era

Chapter 2247 The demonic clown

Facebook went public. It was an unprecedented success. It was the technology company with the largest financing scale in history. The trading volume in a single day exceeded 570 million shares, which shows the market's enthusiasm for this stock.

After going public, Facebook has become the world's fifth-largest company with the highest market capitalization, following Apple with $500 billion, Microsoft with $250 billion, Google with $230 billion, and Amazon with $120 billion.

However, something went wrong along the way.

Facebook originally planned to open trading at 11 a.m. Eastern Time, but due to excessive retail buying, the system crashed and the opening was delayed twice. Trading finally started half an hour later than originally planned.

This attracted the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which wanted to launch some investigations into the matter.

So much so that the financing accounts were frozen.

But it's not a big problem.

Through this IPO, Ziweixing International received a total of US$2.65 billion in income. After deducting the 15% capital gains tax, there is still US$2.25 billion left.

Zhou Buqi feels that his business is booming recently. Although Facebook's listing was a big deal, relevant reports in the financial media show that Boss Zhou is no less popular than Zuckerberg.

Rumors that Yahoo is for sale have been brewing in the market for many years.

However, there is no time closer to the truth than at this moment.

Yahoo is really for sale!

Zhou Buqi has successively taken down all parties involved in Yahoo. This matter is already a done deal. All parties are conducting final audits and due diligence. It is expected that the transaction plan will be officially announced at the end of this month.

In order to promote the completion of this matter and avoid distraction, Boss Ma also made certain concessions and allowed the transaction between Yahoo and Alibaba to be postponed until July 31.

However, there is one last step to take.

Will US regulatory agencies agree to Ziweixing International's acquisition of Yahoo?

This matter has even risen to the level of a diplomatic topic between China and the United States in the past two years.

Because many Chinese companies investing in the United States have been subject to "censorship."

The U.S. side says it does not do this and welcomes any company to invest and develop in the U.S. There are already tens of thousands of Chinese companies in the U.S., creating more than 5 million jobs, and they do not have any restrictions.

The so-called Chinese-funded enterprises do not mean Chinese enterprises.

If an American company receives investment from Chinese capital, it can be classified as a Chinese-funded enterprise even if it has a Chinese-funded background.

There are too many such companies.

Including Ziweixing International, they are real Chinese-funded enterprises.

Zhou Buqi spent three days, together with Yang Zhiyuan, Alex Jones and others, visiting some people to eliminate this risk.

As it turns out, there are no limits.

Those "reviews" mainly target state-owned enterprises.

According to their side, the United States pursues a free market economy, and competition between companies is led by the market. If it is a state-owned enterprise, the nature is different. In many cases, national strategy can override market competition, which will cause unfair market competition.

Ziweixing International does not have any state-owned shareholders. The entire financial bottom line is open and transparent, and there is no need to hide anything. Moreover, Yahoo is declining, getting worse and worse, and is about to die... Being able to save Yahoo is also something the authorities want to see.

Just like that, the last obstacle was completely removed.

On May 22, Zhou Buqi returned home to Silicon Valley from Washington with great joy.

He received a call from Wanda Wang’s boss.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "How is it? Am I right? The movie market is booming, right? May hasn't even passed yet, and it has already created the best May box office revenue in history."

Boss Wang said repeatedly: "Thank you! Thank you! The acquisition of AMC Cinemas is a good start for Wanda's overseas strategy. In the past few days, the former shareholders of AMC Cinemas have contacted me, saying that they regretted it and sold it at the price It’s low.”

Zhou Buqi said: "As long as there are no big changes, the film market will only get better and better in the future. The era of entertainment to death has arrived."

"Well, it's true." Boss Wang seemed a little hesitant, and then said awkwardly, "Mr. Zhou, have you read some domestic reports?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "What report?"

Boss Wang said: "There are some comments about Wanda's acquisition of AMC theaters. Some of them are very ugly. There are many on Weibo, Toutiao, and friends."

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant and was helpless, "There's nothing I can do about it."

Boss Wang said angrily: "State-owned enterprises have suffered a huge loss in their overseas mergers and acquisitions, which cost tens of billions of dollars. They don't even dare to say a thing. Even if our private enterprises' overseas acquisitions are hugely successful, there are still people who make irresponsible remarks. ."

Zhou Buqi was very indifferent to this, "Just bear with it, out of sight is out of mind. Ask those private companies that have carried out mergers and acquisitions overseas in the past few years. Aren't they all similar? There is nothing strange. Some are open. There are conservative ones.”

Boss Wang was unwilling to give in, "Can't I control the comments? Can I delete the post?"

Zhou Buqi was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "Mr. Wang, of course you can delete the post you said. But I think the reason why we are right is because we are different from them. They can control comments and delete posts. , we don’t bother to do it. Time and financial reports are the best proof.”

Boss Wang stopped talking.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Now is the world of the Internet. Anyone can stand up and talk nonsense. Who hasn't been splashed with dirty water? Who told me last time, I think it makes sense. If a company is on the Internet If there is no negative news at all, then this company must be hopelessly negative; if a person has no negative news at all on the Internet, then this person must be a hopeless liar.”

Boss Wang smiled and said, "You have such a good attitude."

Zhou Buqi said: "Just get used to this kind of thing. There is no need to pay attention to those monsters."

"By the way, I read in the news that you want to acquire Yahoo?"





Boss Wang sighed sincerely.

They are still awesome!

Having dinner at home, there were so many people that there was no room to sit at a long table. On the left were Wen Zhixia, Zhen Yu, Shi Jinglin, Sun Wanran, Ning Lu, and Gu Zanli, and on the right were Aunt Xue, Xue Baoshan, Wu Yu, and Ning Ya Xian, Ning Yameng, Guan Nanqing, Mai Feixue...

And that’s not even counting the kids.

It was really harmonious and lively.

Zhou Buqi sat in the middle position and looked around, trying to find the target of turning the cards tonight. It was really fascinating.

Wen Zhixia was beside him and said softly: "There are reports in China that you want to acquire Yahoo. Some reports are not very friendly."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's not strange."

Wen Zhixia nodded lightly, but was also a little confused, "Forget it for ordinary people, but some media people and experts are very irresponsible. Saying that Ziweixing International's acquisition of Yahoo is just a cover-up and a lie to the common people in China. In fact, The last one is Yahoo’s acquisition of Ziweixing International. This is actually a loss of high-quality domestic assets, and the country should investigate this transaction.”

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds."

Wen Zhixia said: "Linlin said this is a royal expert, which may be a signal sent."

Zhou Buqi said "Yeah", "It's possible."

If Ziweixing International wants to acquire Yahoo, it needs the approval of the United States and the European Union. But it does not need to go through Japan's approval, because Yahoo has no business in Japan, leaving the market to Yahoo Japan.

For the same reason, domestic approval is not required.

Neither Ziweixing International nor Yahoo has developed the domestic market.

This transaction of more than 20 billion US dollars involves huge interests. Just a little bit exposed from between the teeth is enough for many people to eat and drink for a lifetime.

It’s not too surprising that many people want to participate.

Zhou Buqi is not used to them, "This kind of thing does not come from formal channels. It is most likely the result of some people's private desire for profit. They are a group of evil clowns. Don't pay attention to them."

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