Top of the big era

Chapter 2246 Aunt Xue’s good intentions

Boss Ma was very interested in movies, so Zhou Buqi invited him to watch the recently popular Hollywood blockbuster "Avengers".

This is the flagship work of Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Ziweixing Universal. It grossed US$380 million at the box office in the first weekend, igniting the enthusiasm of this summer movie market.

However, this movie is a bit too young.

Boss Ma's reaction was very dull.

The same goes for Zhou Buqi.

I couldn't help but have some feelings.

In his previous life, he loved the Marvel series of movies and was a loyal fan. But watching it again in this life, the feeling is completely different. It seems that I can no longer sympathize with the childish plots in the movie.

On the contrary, he became interested in Kun Opera, Peking Opera, Yue Opera, and even British Shakespeare Opera.

On the positive side, this shows that Boss Zhou's level is higher in this life, his vision is higher, his spiritual pursuits are higher, and he seems to be better.

But there are also hidden dangers.

When others watch "Avengers" and are intoxicated, they laugh when they should laugh, and when they are excited, it seems like every cell in their body is trembling.

Zhou Buqi can't do it.

He couldn't get involved at all.

This means that he has lost the fun of most ordinary people. When facing one thing, others can feel great satisfaction and stir up great enthusiasm, but he is very cold.

Just like Aunt Xue's worries.

If a woman sleeps too much, she will no longer be interested in the normal gameplay, so she will have to keep getting higher and pursue greater excitement. Once a higher stimulation point is satisfied, he will definitely look for a higher stimulation point.

At this moment, Zhou Buqi suddenly understood Aunt Xue's good intentions.

It's pretty good hanging like this.

If she agreed and let him achieve what he wanted... that would be troublesome. Now that we have sisters and mother and daughter, what should we do next? If you fall straight down, it will be dangerous!

Many gay men are born gay, it's something in their genes, and there's nothing you can do about it. But there are still some women who have slept too much and become tired of it, so they move closer to men.

Aunt Xue, at such a wolf-like age, can still keep her integrity for Zhou Buqi, and remains indifferent to Zhou Buqi's teasing, which is really touching.

Boss Ma was not very interested in the movie, so he leaned over and said to him: "Yahoo and Alibaba have a hidden clause, do you know?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "What terms?"

"Alipay Terms."

"How about it?"

"Didn't I separate Alipay from Alibaba two years ago? It caused a lot of controversy." Boss Ma looked helpless, "What can I do? No one knows what I want Alipay to do. "

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What then?"

Boss Ma said: "Later, in order to resolve the dispute, a compensation agreement was proposed to Alibaba's shareholders. Once Alipay is listed separately in the future, up to US$6 billion can be compensated to shareholders based on the scale of the IPO financing. Yahoo and SoftBank As the largest shareholder, according to the ratio, Yahoo can get 2.58 billion US dollars, and SoftBank can get 1.76 billion US dollars."

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "That's okay."

With the future scale of Alipay, once it goes public, Yahoo will definitely be able to receive the full compensation of US$2.58 billion, which is another big sum of money.

No wonder the American media say that in the years when Yang Zhiyuan led Yahoo, the most successful thing was investing in Alibaba, and the most failed thing was not selling it to Microsoft for US$44.8 billion in 2008.

Over the past few years, Yahoo's price has dropped by a full $20 billion.

Boss Ma turned to look at him, "What do you plan to do with the remaining Alibaba shares of Yahoo?"

"Financial investment." Zhou Buqi gave the answer succinctly and then slapped him, "When Alibaba's market value exceeds this amount, it will slowly cash out."

Boss Ma said: "When Alibaba is listed as a whole, it shouldn't be too difficult to exceed US$50 billion."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at him meaningfully, "Old Ma, I'm talking about 500 billion US dollars."


Boss Ma looked shocked and incredulous.

You know, the current Microsoft only has more than 200 billion US dollars, the world's number one Apple has about 500 billion US dollars, and the e-commerce giant Amazon has only 120 billion US dollars... It only starts to cash out after its market value exceeds 500 billion US dollars. This requirement is too high. Already? !

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "I'm not kidding."

Boss Ma said: "Yahoo still has a spot on Alibaba's board of directors."

Zhou Buqi said succinctly: "I'll give you the voting rights. You can do whatever you want. Otherwise... or before the acquisition of Yahoo is completely completed, you can withdraw from Alibaba's board of directors. Anyway, it's just one sentence. , financial investment. When Alibaba’s market value exceeds 500 billion US dollars, we will start to cash out, and within five or six years, we will clear out Alibaba’s shares.”

Boss Ma nodded secretly, very satisfied.

S/M Entertainment is conducting a tour in the United States. Not only Girls' Generation, but also several other major male and female groups are here. It's a lively tour, from the East Coast to the West Coast, and they are currently participating in an event in Silicon Valley.

Forget about the boy band.

As the owner of this place, Zhou Buqi invited Girls' Generation and f(x) to watch "Avengers" together and treated them to a feast in a high-end restaurant.

There are many acquaintances here.

For example, Zhou Buqi was deeply impressed by Seo Joo Hyun, the youngest member of Girls' Generation. He was the one who worked hard and helped Seo Joo Hyun complete the transition from a girl to a young woman.

There are more on f(x).

The youngest maknae's name is Zheng Xiujing. Zhou Buqi has long been paying attention to her, but she was too young a few years ago to start with. It feels almost done now.

During the meal, Zhou Buqi called Zheng Xiujing to his left and asked her in a low voice: "Is anyone bullying you in the company?"

Zheng Xiujing was born in Los Angeles and speaks excellent English. She shook her head slightly, "No."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Has any bad man cheated on you?"

Zheng Xiujing's face immediately turned red.

Zhou Buqi was shocked.

It’s not good to scream secretly!

Depend on!

It's too late to start!

Fortunately, Zheng Xiujing's next words reassured him. She said in a quiet voice: "Many people have made such requests to me, but I have never agreed. My sister and the sisters in the team all He takes good care of me."

Only then did Zhou Buqi think of Ali. Her sister was Jessica from Girls' Generation. He frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, "Where is your sister? Is anyone bullying her?"

Zheng Xiujing bit her lips and stopped talking.

It's the default.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I'm late!"

Zheng Xiujing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "It's okay, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully you in the future. If any bastard man dares to make such a request to you, just tell the company that you are being protected by me."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Zheng Xiujing's eyebrows revealed a bit of joy.

Zhou Buqi nodded and asked in a low voice: "How old are you this year? Are you 18 years old?"

Zheng Xiujing said softly: "It's still a few months away."

Zhou Buqi said: "When you celebrate your 18th birthday, if I have time, I will take the time to help you organize an adult ceremony. An 18th birthday should always have more beautiful memories."

Zheng Xiujing smiled like a flower, "Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "You're welcome."

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