Top of the big era

Chapter 2220 Raising chickens to lay eggs

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Nothing is impossible, it's just about finding a solution that can resolve the final conflict."

Carl Icahn thinks it's almost impossible, "How to solve it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "We all know that Thompson is a very good CEO. Whether he is at PayPal or Yahoo, he has done a good job. But why would such a CEO leave because of some small things that happened many years ago?"

Carl Icahn shook his head, "Some things cannot be decided by the talents of one or two people."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's nothing more than a confrontation between two forces in the Yahoo board of directors."

"It's obvious."

Carl Icahn openly admitted that this was so obvious that this confrontation had been occurring since he joined Yahoo in 2008.

Zhou Buqi said: "The biggest controversy over the disagreement is simply that one party wants to sell Yahoo and cash out, while the other party wants to retain control of Yahoo."

Carl Icahn said calmly: "The greatest responsibility of a company is to create the most value for shareholders. People like Yang Zhiyuan... I am not saying that Yang Zhiyuan is not good. He has deep feelings for Yahoo, but feelings are often the key to many major decisions. The biggest negative factor is that whoever has feelings will fail, and whoever has deep feelings will fail more miserably."

In fact, it's not just him, everyone can see it.

Since 2008, the outside world has clearly seen the internal battles surrounding Yahoo for so many years. The biggest obstacle is the founder team's feelings for the company.

Because the feelings are too deep, it is difficult to maximize benefits.

Regardless of whether it is the capital or the founding team, the goals of both parties are actually the same, and they both want to make money and make a lot of money. But the management believes that without the emotional factors of the founding team, they can earn more!

At least when they sold Yahoo to Microsoft, they had already made huge profits!

In 2008, Yang Zhiyuan's group did not sell Yahoo to Microsoft. Today, Yahoo's stock price has fallen by 50%.

That's not all.

Although Microsoft is a bit "lonely" in the technology industry, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Microsoft is only eclipsed by Apple and Google, but it is still one of the best technology companies in the world.

From 2008 to now, Microsoft's stock has increased by nearly 30%.

It was supposed to be a profit of 30%, but now it is a loss of 50%!

Who wouldn’t get angry when something like this happens?

Can the employer not resort to war and risk his life with Yang Zhiyuan?

As for Scott Thompson, the new CEO of Yahoo... I'm sorry to say that due to the power struggle behind the scenes, he can only become an abandoned son.

Zhou Buqi said: "The operation of a company is really different from the investment on Wall Street. When investing, you must be calm and make decisions calmly. The more ruthless you are, the more money you can make. But if it is normal In company operations, emotional factors are still very important. Only a team that has feelings for the company and a sense of belonging will be more powerful."

Carl Icahn shook his head, disapprovingly, and raised his hand...

Zhou Buqi interrupted him and rushed to say: "Are the companies on Wall Street loyal? The job-hopping rate of employees exceeds 70%. Because Wall Street is engaged in investment business, it can tolerate it. But for some As far as actual operating companies are concerned, without a stable and strong team, nothing can be accomplished at all.”

Carl Icahn glanced at him, "Who cares?"

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

Carl Icahn said calmly: "Just like raising chickens, some people raise chickens to sell eggs, and some people raise chickens to slaughter and sell them. The purpose of chickens is to create wealth, who cares about you? Should we sell eggs slowly and slowly, or should we kill and sell chickens all at once?”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Actually, there can be a better compromise solution."


Carl Icahn disagreed and felt that this kid was a bit talkative and weak in his work.

Zhou Buqi said: "Some people want to raise chickens to lay eggs, and some people want to raise chickens and sell them. They are both making money. In fact, we can also cooperate."

Carl Icahn's heart skipped a beat, "How to cooperate?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Since we are selling chickens, there is no need to slaughter the chickens for sale. We can sell the chickens to chicken farmers, so that the chicken farmers can operate for a long time, and the business of laying eggs will continue to prosper."

Carl Icahn's expression changed immediately, and he already understood what he meant, "What if there is a conflict between the chicken farmer and the chicken seller? Who will negotiate?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm coming!"

Carl Icahn took a deep breath.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "I'll set up a game. I'll buy a bunch of chickens from you, and then invite the chicken farmer to come over and raise the chickens to lay eggs!"

The original plan was to stay in New York for only two days.

However, I saw the U.S. tour of "The Peony Pavilion for Youth", the "ancestor of all operas", in a theater. It was a rare opportunity, so Zhou Buqi changed his plan temporarily and wanted to at least see it with his own eyes.

In the domestic opera industry, it is said that Peking Opera is the quintessence of the country.

Looking back, this is not the case at all.

Peking Opera was developed by the Manchus in the Qing Dynasty because they simply could not understand traditional Han dramas.

In order to cater to the Manchu imperial power, a type of drama with Manchu Chinese as the main body gradually emerged. Manchu Chinese has been passed down and is today’s Mandarin. So now when Chinese people listen to drama, Peking Opera is the only type of drama that has no language barrier. The others are all "dialects".

And because barbarians entered the dynasty and their cultural background was so poor, the lyrics of Peking Opera were all in vernacular, which even lower-level people could understand.

Because it is a common language, it is easy to popularize.

Because the Manchu people in power liked it, it was most widely circulated during the Qing Dynasty.

By the end of the Qing Dynasty, it had become the country's most important drama heritage and a national treasure.

The real cultural treasure is actually Kun Opera.

This is something created by serious Han people, and the language they speak is also one of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang branches of the three schools of ancient Chinese. But culture is so chronological, and everyone speaks Mandarin.

Just like cultural scholars from Baodao, they always object to calling the language "Mandarin" and calling "cheongsam and mandarin jacket" Hanfu. These are all things created by the Manchus, how can they represent the Han world?

In fact, when the People's Republic of China was first founded, the mainland also wanted to use "Guoyu" to refer to it, but it was opposed by many great writers and intellectuals in the South at that time, and they directly wrote to the highest level.

This language cannot represent China.

The authorities followed suit and did not use the name "Guoyu", but instead called it a more neutral name "Putonghua".

But even so, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the reunification of the country, with the general trend of cars running on the same track, books sharing the same text, and languages ​​​​sounding the same pronunciation, Mandarin has become unstoppable.

The orthodox language becomes dialect.

Culture is discontinued.

So much so that today no one can understand what is being sung in Kun Opera. Even if they can understand it, they still don’t know what is being sung. Because the lyrics are so elegant, they are all in the purest classical Chinese, not just ordinary classical Chinese, but also poetry.

"It turns out that the colorful flowers are blooming all over the place, but they are all left to ruined wells and ruined buildings. The beautiful scenery is so good in the sky, flying in the morning and evening, clouds and green pavilions, raindrops and wind, smoke and waves painting boats, the people of Jinping feel that this time is cheap..."

Who can understand this?

The bar is too high.

Ning Lu is not from the opera industry, so she doesn't know much about it.

But it does not matter.

Boss Zhou lacks two things most.

The same thing is money.

The same is a woman.

Ning Lu had already called and found Li Xinwan, who was currently in the entertainment industry, and arranged a private jet for her to fly to New York overnight.

Li Xinwan is not ordinary.

Before entering the entertainment industry through the filming of "A Dream of Red Mansions", she was a well-known boudoir in the Kunqu opera industry. She was once a young artist with high hopes in the Kunqu opera industry.

Because he was so good, he was noticed by director Li of "A Dream of Red Mansions" and visited the thatched cottage several times. The Li family resisted the huge pressure from the Kunqu opera industry and gave their daughter away to play the role of Xue Baochai, thus stepping into the entertainment industry.

Boss Zhou also wants to save face. He knows that the threshold for listening to Kun Opera is too high, so he must prepare lessons in advance.

In the study at night, I didn’t read any other books. In addition to dealing with some work matters, I turned out Tang Xianzu’s masterpiece "The Peony Pavilion" and read it carefully.

It’s so well written!

It's a bit hard to understand.

How embarrassing!

Fortunately, Ning Yameng has a rich artistic flavor and a strong foundation in poetry and poetry. In fact, she is more obsessed with the art of painting. One of her most important hobbies is to go to various studios or museums to see paintings.

It lasted for hours just looking at it.

Others' legs were numb from standing, but she still stood there in the same movement, watching with great interest.

Zhou Buqi told her several times that if you see something you like, just buy it. Our family is not short of money. Whether it’s antiques or modern paintings, it doesn’t matter! You can buy them all!

Ning Yameng smiled and said: "Art is about feeling, not possessing."

Zhou Buqi felt extremely ashamed.

With Ning Yameng interpreting by his side, Zhou Buqi had a relatively clear outline of the story line of Tang Xianzu's drama "The Peony Pavilion".

"The bar is really high!"

Zhou Buqi sighed.

Ning Yameng pursed her lips and said softly: "But as long as you pass this threshold and feel the powerful rendering power of art, you will... It will be like seeing a new world. Just like doing business, the goods The lower the threshold, the more popular it is, and the higher the threshold, the more loyal users will be.”

Zhou Buqi stretched out his hand, hugged her limp body onto his lap, and said with a smile: "No, I have no artistic talent, I can't feel..."

"How is that possible?" Ning Yameng rolled her eyes at him and said angrily, "You are so good, how could you feel it? You are just too lazy, right? The threshold is too high, so you are too lazy to learn and pass."

Zhou Buqi could only find an excuse, "I'm too busy at work."

Ning Yameng bit her red lips and whispered, "Brother-in-law, I think you should really pay attention to art. This is a higher spiritual pursuit. This is both a positive and good thing, and it can also prevent problems before they happen."

"Nip in the bud?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Nip what?"

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