Top of the big era

Chapter 2219 Stay? impossible!

Zhou Buqi said that it was indeed the case.

He had already guessed that with Carl Icahn's evil character, it would be impossible for him to treat Yahoo lightly. Yahoo is a big piece of fat. It has been operating for several years, but it has not even had a drink of soup. How can it be reconciled?

As Yang Zhiyuan resigned from all his duties at Yahoo and left, the truth was exposed bit by bit.

Zhou Buqi sighed: "Is it necessary? We are all friends in the business world. If you do this... your investment in Silicon Valley will be even more difficult in the future."

Carl Icahn said: "I don't want to either, but this is the only solution. To be honest, if there are other options, I don't want to have such a tense relationship with Yahoo's founding team."

"If Yahoo's case cannot be solved smoothly..." Zhou Buqi gave him a deep look, "Wall Street has a crushing IQ advantage in any industry, except Silicon Valley. If Yahoo's case cannot be solved, Well, you will have trouble moving forward in Silicon Valley. Although Yahoo’s momentum is not as good as in previous years, Yahoo is still Yahoo, and it is still an important banner in the Silicon Valley Internet industry.”

Carl Icahn laughed and said: "Naflix?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Not only Netflix, I heard that you are interested in Dell's delisting?"

Carl Icahn fell silent.

Times have changed, and all the PC giants that once dominated the world have fallen behind. Technology companies like European and Japanese companies have basically given up on the PC business.

This industry has been highly centralized, forming an era of monopoly by HP, Dell, and Lenovo.

Although they are a troika, each one is more severely impacted by the times than the last.

Lenovo wants to transform into smartphones and has become famous as the "Chinese Cool Alliance" in China, but its current momentum is not even as good as that of Xiaomi, which was just born a year or two ago;

Last year, HP spent more than 10 billion US dollars to buy a British software company with the intention of transforming itself. When the deal was completed, they were shocked to discover that the software company had made financial fraud and was not worth that much money at all...

HP was already in trouble, but as a result, this wave of operations caused him to vomit blood and cost him half his life.

Dell's life is equally difficult, and it has already given out a signal of privatization and delisting.

Carl Icahn paid attention to Dell's delisting case.

He plans to join forces with the Blackstone Group to compete with Mr. Dell, the founder of Dell, from a capital perspective!

There are often fishy reasons for a company's delisting.

For example, Shanda delisted from the United States.

How to withdraw?

Of course, we are trying to find a way to make Shanda's accounts worse and worse, and to make Shanda's stock price lower and lower. When the price reaches a certain level, you can buy back the stocks scattered in the secondary market at extremely low prices to complete the delisting.

There were too many similar operations in Hong Kong stocks in the 1970s and 1980s.

For example, Liu Dafu, who likes to date female celebrities and play golf, used this routine to make his fortune. His company has been listed, delisted, listed, and delisted four or five times...

Come up with a beautiful financial report and then go public.

I went to the market and raised a lot of money.

When the time was right, the company's financial report was very bad and the stock plummeted. He bought back all the stocks he had sold at a very low price and completed the delisting.

After the delisting, the company was slightly reorganized and its financial reports were impressive again, so it could go public again to make money and make a lot of money again.

Then the financial report was bad, and then delisting...

After a few operations, he became one of the top ten richest men in Hong Kong. He could offer 10 million Hong Kong dollars to play golf with a female star... He didn't regard money as money at all.

Either that or Boss Ma is a conscientious entrepreneur.

Alibaba’s stock price in Hong Kong is now only HK$6, and Alibaba is going to delist.

However, he did not delist at the current stock price, but chose to complete the share repurchase at an issue price of more than 13 Hong Kong dollars to delist.

How much it cost to sell is how much it costs to buy it back.

At least it has to be passable on a large scale.

Mr. Dell is also a leading entrepreneur in the technology field, but his level is still a bit lower than that of Boss Ma... Dell wants to transform its strategy and reorganize its business, and it can do it even when it is listed. Why does it have to delist? In this process, there must be some shady things.

Carl Icahn has the best nose for this kind of thing.

Just rush in firmly and firmly.

If this case is completed, it will be more profitable than running the Yahoo case!

There are so many internal factions at Yahoo, and as it is a listed company, the company's financial aspects must be open, transparent and realistic. Anyone who dares to play tricks will give the opposition an opportunity to take action.

Dell is different.

The founder, Mr. Dell, came to the rescue and everyone was united. Without the supervision and review of the opposition, if there is only one faction with exclusive power, there will definitely be a lack of openness and transparency, and there will definitely be tricks.

If there is something fishy, ​​there is huge room for profit.

The average person may be timid and not dare to walk such a tightrope. What is Carl Icahn afraid of? The helper he found, the Blackstone Group, was just to make money without losing his life, and he was not afraid at all.

This is why Carl Icahn wants to end the Yahoo case quickly.

After taking care of Yahoo, he could spare his energy to attack Dell in a targeted manner.

In comparison, the recent moves against Netflix and Lionsgate are minor matters.

Carl Icahn explained this, "I have recently bought a lot of Netflix stocks, which may have caused some misunderstandings. I really have no other intention, just for investment."

"Is it?"

Zhou Buqi seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and had some reservations about the authenticity of his words.

Carl Icahn said: "Really, I know Netflix is ​​your company, but we have common interests now, and I have no interest in holding Netflix stock long-term."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

This is true.

Carl Icahn continued: "I am currently working hard to get control of Lionsgate Pictures. The most important reason is to carve up the Lionsgate Films library and sell it to Netflix. Once the deal is completed, , Netflix’s stock price will rise sharply. This is my chance to exit Netflix. If everything goes well, it will be over within a year. After it is over, I will sell Netflix’s stock and exit, so you don’t have to worry about anything. ."

Zhou Buqi was not so easy to fool and said with a smile: "I heard that you are going to apply for an extraordinary shareholders' meeting and want to join Netflix's board of directors?"

Carl Icahn said: "Yes, I need the right to know and the right to speak appropriately."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said calmly: "You know, this is impossible."

Carl Icahn knows it.

Whether he can join Netflix's board of directors, the most critical point is the newly-elected world's richest man in front of him.

So he fought hard and said slowly: "This is my plan, it's not complicated at all. Get control of Lionsgate Pictures, and then sell Lionsgate Films' film library to Netflix. I I wanted to be on Netflix's board of directors just to make sure Netflix would run this deal. After all, there was risk here. I worked hard to get control of Lionsgate, but Netflix was unwilling to buy Lionsgate. film library, the plan failed."

Zhou Buqi can actually understand him.

Quite touching.

I feel like this guy is really a super boss in capital operations!

It’s impossible not to admire him.

Such a big event involving two listed companies was as simple as playing house in his mouth.

The plan is certainly wonderful.

First, get control of Lionsgate Pictures, and then spin off the high-quality assets of Lionsgate Pictures. Then he bought Netflix's stock generously, joined Netflix's board of directors, and promoted the cooperation between Netflix and Lionsgate Pictures.

Once cooperation is achieved, it will be great!

Lionsgate got the money and its stock price rose.

Netflix is ​​even more important, and the increase is even greater.

Waiting for the transaction to be completed, Carl Icahn will withdraw from the two companies, cash out at a high price and leave the market...making a lot of money, happy!

As for whether Lionsgate will live or die in the future, and what Netflix will develop in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

Focus on short-term operations, fast in and fast out, capital game!

Zhou Buqi feels that the plan he mentioned is extremely credible because Netflix's power structure is very stable.

Netflix is ​​an AB share, and the decision-making power lies with the entrepreneurial team led by Hastings; while Netflix’s largest shareholder is Zhou Buqi, with a shareholding of up to 46%, and he also has the decisive share advantage in the shareholders’ meeting.

Carl Icahn is unlikely to have much influence on Netflix anyway.

But even so, he cannot be allowed to join Netflix's board of directors.

This will affect Netflix's "brand".

Zhou Buqi gave him a clear response, "You can't join Netflix's board of directors, and you don't need to. Because I can give you a promise. As long as you get control of Lionsgate Pictures and are willing to transfer the film library assets Sell ​​to Netflix… as long as the price is right, this deal will work!”

Carl Icahn is in a bit of a dilemma.

Empty words.

Is this promise useless?

Wall Street doesn't like this the most.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "As long as it is beneficial to Netflix, why would I object? Our cooperation is not this time. PayPal is too long-term. Let's not talk about it. Let's talk about Yahoo now. I think We can decide something.”

"Huh?" Carl Icahn was slightly startled, "What to decide?"

Zhou Buqi sighed and said: "As you just said, the current CEO of Yahoo, Scott Thompson, is a very good CEO, better than the previous ones. After taking office, he faced a mess like Yahoo, and he has not yet Received too much support, especially without financial support, but stabilized Yahoo's business, and several business segments have achieved good growth. Especially the development of mobile business, he continued his previous work at PayPal The emphasis on mobile Internet when serving as CEO."

Carl Icahn was a little strange, "Do you sympathize with him?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not sympathy, but I think he is suitable to stay and continue to run Yahoo. For a large company like Yahoo, it is not easy to choose an excellent CEO."

"Stay?" Carl Icahn's expression changed and he said solemnly, "This is impossible!"

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