Top of the big era

Chapter 2209 More or less money is just a number

Next, there is another highlight, Ziweixing Global.

The prospectus has been distributed.

As an entertainment giant that has led the global film market in the past two years, with an expected market value of US$100 billion, Zhou Buqi can surpass Bill Gates on the Forbes rich list this year. This is the most critical factor.

Because it is going to be listed, we can have a more accurate wealth valuation.

Sun Wanran said: "The current shareholding is 26%. It is expected that the overall dilution will be 10% during the IPO. We will have about... 23% left!"

They were all integers, so there was no need for a calculator. Wu Yu wrote down the number 23 billion in his notebook.

22 billion + 9.6 billion + 28.2 billion + 23 billion...

This is already US$82.8 billion!

That’s already $10 billion more than Forbes estimates!

Wu Yu's mood was up and down, so excited!

It’s so enjoyable!

This is just the beginning!

Next, Sun Wanran talked about Ziweixing Digital Media. This company is also going to be listed, even two months earlier than Ziweixing Global's expected listing time.

"Ziweixing Digital Media is going to be listed in London. According to the issuance price application in the prospectus, the market value after the IPO can reach 12 billion pounds..."

Sun Wanran looked at Zhou Buqi and asked him whether the data was accurate.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It depends on the development of Goal's mobile app this year, but it doesn't matter, the difference is not big, my shareholdings don't seem to be too many, right?"

Sun Wanran nodded lightly, "Well, we mainly hold shares indirectly through Ziweixing International. I only hold 10% personally, and dilute it by 20%, leaving 8%."

Ning Lu said softly: "That's quite a lot. The exchange rate between the British pound and the U.S. dollar seems to be 1.3 now. Let me calculate... it's about 1.25 billion U.S. dollars."

"That's all?"

After Wu Yu heard the exaggerated figure of tens of billions of dollars just now, he lost interest when he heard the shareholding value of 1.25 billion U.S. dollars.

Zhou Buqi held her in his arms, patted her leg gently, and said funnyly: "Remember it quickly! More than one billion US dollars is not considered money? Isn't that too loud?"

Wu Yu smiled and looked up at Sun Wanran, "Go on, keep going! Keep going!"

Sun Wanran looked down at the materials and picked one, "Let's go to Aisda. I personally hold 8% of the shares. Hmm... What's Aisda's valuation?"

Zhou Buqi said: "50 billion US dollars!"

Sun Wanran hesitated for a moment, a little hesitant, "Is it really that high?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The acquisition of Motorola has been completed, and all parties have approved it. Isn't it enough? Just be high, not low! In two or three years, the valuation will double!"

Ning Lu whispered: "Then let's calculate it based on 50 billion US dollars. 8% is 4 billion US dollars."

"This is okay."

Wu Yu shook his head and was very satisfied.

Next, it’s Netflix.

This case is spectacular.

Although the overall performance of the global IT market is relatively sluggish, there are always several companies whose stock prices have been particularly gratifying, and Netflix is ​​definitely the most eye-catching stock.

In two years, it has increased 13 times!

When Zhou Buqi first became a shareholder three years ago, Netflix's market capitalization was only over a billion dollars, and it was still in the transition stage from its DVD rental business to its online streaming business.

Not so now.

Netflix’s market value has reached $26.4 billion!

The soaring stock price mainly comes from several nodes——

1. Successful transformation from disc rental business to streaming media business;

Second, the strategic cooperation between Netflix and Ziweixing International;

Third, Ziweixing Global strategically invested in Netflix and authorized most of the film library copyrights to Netflix’s streaming media platform;

Fourth, Netflix will deepen its cooperation with Ziweixing International. Netflix will join the big membership system that Ziweixing International will launch and become a core product;

Fifth, Netflix launched its self-produced drama strategy;

6. The American drama "Lord of the Rings" series produced by MGM will premiere on Netflix. The first season is expected to be broadcast in May 2013;

7. Netflix’s self-made drama House of Cards became popular all over the world after its launch, becoming a representative work of online dramas in the new era and driving the trend of self-made dramas in the global streaming media market;

8. The streaming media copyright of HBO’s hit American drama “Game of Thrones” is owned by Ziweixing Global and has been authorized to be exclusively broadcast by Netflix;

Nine, this is the latest move. Netflix has completed the acquisition of Dark Horse Comics. Next, it will try to learn from Marvel’s strategies and strive to create an American TV series world based on Dark Horse Comics...

Under Zhou Buqi's guidance, Netflix has stepped on the best development point of the times in almost every step. Every move will cause a carnival in the capital market.

Then the stock price skyrocketed and kept rising, and it has become the biggest star stock on Nasdaq.

Sun Wanran was very happy when talking about Netflix, because it was an investment project rather than a startup project. “The initial investment in Netflix was mainly divided into two phases. The first phase was to spend US$426 million and buy 18.918 million shares; In the second stage, it spent US$420 million and bought 9.63 million shares, holding a total of 28.54 million shares, accounting for 46.3% of the total share capital. Now Netflix’s market value is US$26.4 billion, do the math quickly..."

Ning Lu's fingers were already flying, and she quickly reported the result, "12.2 billion US dollars."

Wu Yu happily recorded it.

so happy!

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Didn't the stock split? Did I remember it wrong?"

Sun Wanran said with a smile: "It was split two years ago, 1 for 10. So the 28.54 million shares we hold are actually 285 million shares now. The current stock price is more than 42 US dollars."

Next, there are Tesla and Changyou.

However, Tesla's current market value is too low, only a few billion US dollars. Although Zhou Buqi's shareholding exceeds 25%, the calculated value is only US$1.6 billion.

Changyou mainly relies on the indirect shareholdings of Ziweixing and Ziweixing International, and individual shareholdings are almost negligible.

The current value of the remaining clubs is not too high.

The global sports industry has not really exploded yet.

Zhou Buqi gave a total valuation of US$2 billion.

Wu Yu turned into Mr. Accountant, summed up the calculations, and then raised his hands in the air, cheering as if to celebrate: "The total is 103.85 billion U.S. dollars! This is still a conservative estimate, and it still does not include all industries! Wow, wow, wow, too much incredible!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, now that you're done, pack it up quickly."

Wu Yu stood up and looked at him strangely, "Hubby, why aren't you excited?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's all numbers, who cares about this."

Wu Yujiao smiled and said, "I feel a sense of accomplishment!"

"What's the sense of accomplishment in making money?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's better to marry more wives."

Wu Yu blinked a few times, "By the way, hubby, Yameng, I, and Shi Jingmei's shareholdings in Chaowan Commune are also included. It's also a big sum..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Those are all in your name, why do you count them in?"

Wu Yu said nonchalantly: "It's all yours in the first place. We all belong to you. Doesn't the money also belong to you?"

Zhou Buqi has always been satisfied with Senior Sister Wu's personal consciousness, but he doesn't agree with her words, "What, Shi Jingmei has nothing to do with our family..."

"Ah?" Wu Yu was a little surprised, her beautiful eyes widened, "Didn't you capture her?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What the hell! Go back and take a shower. Take a clean bath and see what I do with you!" He looked at Sun Wanran next to him and gloated at the misfortune, and snorted coldly: "You two go too, don't leave anyone alone." Want to run!"

After driving all three of them away, Zhou Buqi finally calmed down. Next, he would participate in a domestic video conference, mainly to explain the current development of domestic mobile Internet.

The standards are very high, and all senior executives of the group participate.

The initiator of the meeting was Liu Qing. When she looked at this emerging industry from an investment perspective, she saw many unsatisfactory aspects.

"In the past two years, many venture capitals have launched fishing-like investments in this field. They have created a number of companies that have raised Series A or Series B, but have hardly found any companies with the potential to go public. These startups In view of the fact that capital is tight and financing is hopeless for projects, there is almost no way for investors to successfully exit through high-priced mergers and acquisitions.”

"Most of these mobile Internet companies in China are 'three-no' companies with no revenue, no business model, and no assets, and have little acquisition value. Especially for some large companies, the cost of plagiarizing a product is far lower than acquisition. In this case, why would the giants choose to acquire instead of quickly copying?”

"In the past two months this year, venture capital institutions have invested only US$110 million in the domestic Internet industry, which is a full 87% less than the US$870 million in the same period last year."

"However, the wave of mergers and acquisitions this year is even more intense. They all come from successful companies rather than mobile Internet startups, such as the merger of Youku and Tudou, and the acquisition of Fengxing by Bestcom..."

Liu Qing spoke for 10 minutes first.

It mainly talks about the current entrepreneurial difficulties in the domestic mobile Internet industry.

At this stage, it is really difficult to find a profit model and let capital institutions see hope for the future with just one app.

Some excellent apps have become more popular among giants.

What strategy will Ziweixing adopt next?

Is it necessary to narrow the scope of venture capital?

If you have the money to invest in others, it is better to use the money to copy and plagiarize. You can spend less money to do bigger things.

Of course, this is all trivial.

Because some products are difficult for even technology giants to copy.

Just like UC Browser.

Making a mobile browser is actually an open source solution. It is too easy. Even a few college students can make it, let alone giant companies.

However, it is difficult to make a product with brand value that can win the favor of users.

Baidu has officially contacted Ziweixing.

Want to launch an acquisition of UC Group.

Zhou Buqi didn't think this was a good idea, "Baidu? Can Baidu afford it? The best choice is Microsoft! What's going on with Microsoft recently? Are you paying attention?"

Liu Qingdao: "Microsoft is a giant with many layout directions. Recently, it is busy launching an acquisition to buy Yammer, an enterprise-level community network service provider... The total value may be more than one billion US dollars. Microsoft is now All my energy is focused on this case, and my attitude towards UC has been put on hold."


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Then he quickly opened his mailbox and found an English email... Sure enough, it was sent by Yammer's board of directors.

What a coincidence!

Ziweixing International is an investor in Yammer. It invested US$3 million in Series A and obtained 20% of the shares, and led another US$5 million in Series B...the total shares reached 28%.

If Microsoft wants to acquire Yammer, it must first pass Boss Zhou.

From this point of view, Zhou Buqi has to get involved quickly and let Microsoft turn its focus to UC Group as soon as possible.

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