Top of the big era

Chapter 2208 Settle accounts at home

Sure enough, the domestic media reported overwhelmingly the next day.

The statistics of "Forbes" may not be accurate enough, but it is already the most authoritative organization for wealth statistics of the world's richest people. As soon as this year's list came out, it became popular.

This morning, Zhou Buqi became busy and received many phone calls.

They all wished him congratulations.

Zhou Buqi is quite melancholy. I really don’t know what to be happy about, but considering the current domestic public opinion environment, it is still relatively friendly.

This is very positive good news. Whether it is the official media or the online media, they basically evaluate this matter with the main theme of "promoting our country's prestige", "the rise of a great power", and "making our country powerful".

From this point alone, it is indeed worthy of congratulations.

Because they are all praises.

But this stuff is hard to say.

If you are useful today, you are a national entrepreneur and everyone looks up to you; if you are not useful tomorrow, you will be a traitor, a lackey, a capitalist, and the Donglin Party, which is causing harm to the country and the people.

Zhou Buqi is learning to adjust his mentality.

Only when the applause comes, the heart feels calm, and then when the applause comes, the heart feels calm as well.

It is actually very difficult to do this.

Countless heroes gave up their lives because they could not bear the similar mental change from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley. For example, Lu Zuofu, a national entrepreneur and shipping king during the Anti-Japanese War, kept the national fire with his shipping industry countless times when the country was in danger of life and death.

But later he took sleeping pills and gave up his life.

During the war years, he was not even afraid of death. He risked being wiped out by the Japanese invaders and ran a boat under a hail of bullets. What kind of thing can defeat such a heroic figure?

In fact, it is simple, it is the dignity of a person and an entrepreneur.

This is especially true in South Korea and Japan. Many entrepreneurs cannot bear it when their personal reputations collapse, so they commit suicide because they are too mentally fragile.

While alive, there is still a chance to turn things around in the future.

When you die, there is really nothing.

Gradually, Zhou Buqi began to respect Mr. Chu Shijian, the cigarette king who was almost shot for corruption. It seemed that nothing in the world could defeat him. What kind of spiritual will was this?

After being released from prison, he is almost 80 years old, and he can start over from scratch and use practical actions to turn the tide on his personal reputation. This is the real perseverance that will never be knocked down.

A person's life is only once, but a person's spirit can be passed down from generation to generation.

Zhou Buqi felt that he had made some achievements from business to Taoism and had reached the realm of "refining gods".

At least in the midst of countless praises and praises from the "world's richest man", he can stand on the sidelines and remain motionless, neither happy with things nor sad with himself.

However, other people around him are different.

That night, Zhou Buqi went to discuss with Aunt Xue and Xue Baoshan. Tomorrow, Baoshan would be sent to the hospital to wait for delivery. It was estimated that she would be able to give birth in three or four days.

The conditions of the hospital are absolutely top-notch, and the treatment of high-ranking officials is that of high-ranking officials.

After Baoshan fell asleep, Zhou Buqi flirted with Aunt Xue for a while, then went to the study to deal with some work matters.

When I went to the study room, I found Wu Yu sitting in front of the desk, with Sun Wanran and Ning Lu next to him. One was holding materials, the other was holding a pen and paper, and the other was holding a calculator, seeming to be calculating accounts.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What are you doing?"

Wu Yu looked back and smiled, "It's time to settle the score!"

"What the hell? Can you do it?"

"Why not?"

Wu Yu snorted and wrinkled his nose.

Sun Wanran pursed her lips and said with a smile: "How much money does our big boss have?"


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Wu Yu was very dissatisfied and said: "I think Forbes magazine's calculation is wrong. It seems that it has seriously underestimated our family's wealth. It is only 73.4 billion US dollars, which feels a bit small."


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth and was speechless.

Wu Yu waved and said with a smile: "Honey, you are coming too, let's do the math together and make it clear!"

Zhou Buqi said: "What's the point? You go ask Zhen Yu."

Wu Yu said carelessly: "I asked, and she said she didn't know. Most of the properties have not been listed yet. They are all valuations, and there is no way to make specific statistics."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes."

Wu Yu pulled him over reluctantly, "Come on, come on, let's calculate it together. The valuation must be accurate. When it is listed, it will have an accurate value."

Sun Wanran said softly: "I watched the interview with the CEO of Forbes. He said that the reason why your wealth has grown so fast in the past year is mainly due to two reasons. One is Changyou, Taizun Real Estate, Jieyu Media , Yuanwei Group’s listing, relevant information has been disclosed, and they can make better statistics. Another point is that Ziweixing Global will be listed this year, and some of your shareholding information is also disclosed in the prospectus. And the specific listing value of Ziweixing Global. These two aspects of accurate information will greatly increase your wealth."

This is normal.

Whether it is Forbes, Hurun, or other wealth statistics organizations, they basically rely on this idea to count the assets of the rich.

Rely on public information.

The most important thing is of course stocks.

If the company is not listed, or a lot of asset information is not publicly disclosed, it will be difficult for them to have complete statistics and give an accurate wealth assessment.

So Hurun always says that when he makes a rich list in China, if one person is counted, at least three will be left behind.

Because domestic listed companies are not allowed to disclose all shareholder information. The information of ordinary people can be disclosed, but the information of some people must not be disclosed.

Many people just went into hiding.

Seeing that they were so interested, especially Wu Yu, Zhou Buqi could only sit down and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, let's do the math!"

Wu Yu smiled heartlessly, sat directly in his arms, and handed over the notebook in his hand, "This is what we just calculated, what do you think?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at it casually, then laughed and said, "I told you that you don't know how to count. Why should these cross-shareholdings and indirect shareholdings be included?"

"Ah?" Wu Yu was confused, "What's wrong? Isn't it right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "For example, in, Ziweixing holds 34.5% of the shares... Well, is this data accurate?"

Sun Wanran said quickly: "Accurate, it's the data after's latest round of financing."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Okay, these 34.5% are the shares held by Ziweixing. What are you going to calculate? This part of the stock wealth belongs to Ziweixing, not me. There is also the 9.2% held by Polaris Venture Capital. This is also an indirect shareholding, so don’t count it. If you don’t count it, wouldn’t it be repeated? If you want to count it, it only counts direct shareholdings. I directly hold shares in Ziweixing or Polaris Venture Capital.”

Wu Yu said "Oh", "Then Fangfei Fund holds 2.3% of's shares. Is this a direct shareholding?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, the family fund can represent me to a certain extent and can be counted on my wealth list."

Wu Yu took a pen and drew a few lines.

Only 2.3% of’s shares are retained, which according to the latest round of financing valuation is worth US$200 million.

"That only counts direct shareholdings," Wu Yu twirled her white fingers and counted in detail, "Ziweixing, Ziweixing International, Ziweixing Global, Ziweixing Digital Media, as well as Huayi and Polaris Venture Capital , Asda, Taizun Real Estate, kakao, LinkedIn, Tesla, Netflix, Square, Changyou..."

Zhou Buqi pressed her finger down and said, "Forget about those who come and go, they are not troublesome enough, and they don't have much money. I don't even know how many companies our family has invested in, and the family fund still has I have bought a lot of Apple stocks. I have to ask Senior Sister Zhen Yu to come over. Just be the core holdings of the most important big companies."

"Oh, tell me then and I'll do the math."

When Wu Yu saw her husband actively participating, she smiled like a flower and was very happy.

Zhou Buqi simply said: "The main ones are Polaris Venture Capital, Ziweixing, Ziweixing International, Ziweixing Global, Ziweixing Digital Media, as well as ASDA, Tesla, Netflix, plus Manchester United, Warriors , Giants and other clubs will suffice. Real estate and other things... I estimate that the total price is only 2 billion US dollars. I can’t figure it out, but it’s probably about the same.”

Wu Yu happily calculated.

But this thing is too difficult to evaluate at all.

“What is Polaris Venture Capital’s valuation?”

Wu Yu bit the pen between her teeth and was immediately stumped.

This is not easy to calculate.

Polaris Venture Capital was the main institution for collective investment in the early ten-school alliance. It currently holds 32% of the shares of Jieyu Media, 34.5% of, 27.5% of, 42.2% of Ziweixing, and Yuanwei. 47.6% of the group’s shares…

Zhou Buqi has a big head.

How does this count?

"Let's just say 40 billion US dollars!" This was just Wu Yu and the others messing around, just like playing a game, there was no need to strive for perfection, so Zhou Buqi casually mentioned a number.

Wu Yumei's eyes widened and she took a deep breath, "So many..."

Then erase the numbers on the paper and recalculate.

Zhou Buqi’s shareholding in Polaris Venture Capital reached 55%, and the value of this asset reached US$22 billion.

Next, everyone’s division of labor will be clear.

Sun Wanran read the names, Zhou Buqi talked about the value, Ning Lu calculated with a calculator, and Wu Yu took notes with a pen.

Sun Wanran read: "Ziweixing holds 16% of the shares."

Zhou Buqi gave a rough valuation of the company: "About US$60 billion."

Ning Lu quickly pressed the calculator and gave the result: "9.6 billion US dollars."

Wu Yu took a pen and took notes quickly.

Sun Wanran then read: "Ziweixing International holds 28.2% of the shares."

Zhou Buqi boldly gave a stunning valuation: "At least 100 billion US dollars!"

This eliminates the need for a calculator.

Wu Yu's face turned red, he was inexplicably excited, and he felt as if his emotions were soaring like falling clouds and mist. He wrote down the figure of 28.2 billion US dollars in his notebook.

That’s a lot of money!

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