Top of the big era

Chapter 2089 Bigger Goal

Sun Wanran followed Zhen Yu to meet several owners of the San Francisco Giants, also keeping an eye on this newly pregnant object of protection. Ning Lu and Yao Yao also went to San Francisco for shopping.

Although it is said to be the Greater Bay Area, it is actually not too big. You can easily travel around cities of various sizes within a few dozen minutes of driving. The entire Greater Bay Area together is roughly the same as New York and Los Angeles, with San Francisco being the core city of the Greater Bay Area.

Ning Yaxian and Gu Zanli were in San Jose, the No. 2 city in the Greater Bay Area, accompanying the big boss.

At this time, they were also in the tea room, just next door, in a separate room.

In fact, Boss Ma also has an assistant, but he really can't get together.

Boss Ma is accompanied by the "Four King Kongs", namely Alibaba's chief financial officer, chief investment officer, and senior vice president in charge of international business. These three are all Alibaba's group executives. The last one left is a real assistant, but he is not an ordinary person. He is one of the eighteen people who started Alibaba in its early days.

It's different here with Zhou Buqi. There are only two female secretaries around him. There is no need for executives or senior assistants to make suggestions. His judgment on one thing must be more firm and decisive.

Ning Yaxian and Gu Zanli were two female secretaries who were not familiar with the people around Boss Ma. They really couldn't get together, so they opened a separate room.

The communication between the two had little to do with work. The main reason was that Ning Yaxian gave Gu Zanli some psychological counseling and needed to correctly view the relationship with Boss Zhou. Everything that should have happened last night happened, and indeed it had to do with a lot of people. The fairy tales of "princes and princesses" that girls fantasize about since childhood are different, but this is already a very heart-warming result in the cold real world.

At least the big boss is not a bad person, and he has a sense of responsibility. He is not the kind of scumbag who doesn't recognize others when he puts up his pants.

In terms of experience in female virtues, Secretary Ning Yaxian is obviously much better than Sun Wanran and Ning Lu. Her words are gentle and her voice is soothing, and she really looks like an intimate elder sister.

Gu Zanli pursed her lips and said with a chuckle: "I know everything. We have discussed it in private. This is good. I am willing to do this. I have the opportunity to accompany my boss on a business trip this time, and they are all envious. Basically... basically everyone knows what will happen during this business trip, not only me, but Yao Yao as well."

Ning Yaxian nodded lightly and sighed, "When the Secretariat was recruiting people, I interviewed at least hundreds of girls, and I was very impressed. Girls in modern society have too superficial views on love. . Peeling shrimps, buying milk tea in the middle of the night, what are these? These are not rare things at all, but the reality is that many girls are moved to death by this low-cost contribution. "

Gu Zanli recalled that when she first applied for the job, she seemed to have answered such questions.

She didn't take it seriously at the time.

This is also the reason why she has never been in love after graduating from college and can still maintain her integrity.

Many girls today are easily moved to tears by the low cost. This is not a soft-hearted kindness, but a girl's low self-esteem. She is only worth the price of a cup of milk tea.

Listening to Secretary Ning's words, Gu Zanli was thoughtful. It seemed that the original interview had screened out many girls who were not suitable to be secretaries for the big boss.

So that’s it!

No wonder the girls in the secretary's office all get along so well, and there is no big conflict of values ​​between them. There is no big difference in how they treat the relationship with the big boss.

Ning Yaxian said frankly: "What is a valuable choice? It is the other party's conversation, the other party's knowledge, the other party's vision, the other party's ability to control the situation, and the other party's emotional stability. Remember, emotional stability is particularly important. Many girls suffer from domestic violence, and a very important reason is that they simply do not know how to choose a partner, and have never paid attention to the option of emotional stability, as if sweet words and loving her only for the rest of their lives are all happiness."

Guzanli bit her lip lightly, "Yes, I understand."

Ning Yaxian smiled and said: "In the past few years, there have been two popular books in the business management industry. One is "Strategy Determines Success or Failure" and the other is "Details Determine Success or Failure." These are two contradictory statements. You know What does our boss think?"

Gu Zanli's beautiful eyes flashed, she smiled and said: "I heard the boss said that it is strategy that determines success or failure, and details determine success or failure."

Ning Yaxian nodded, "Yes, running a relationship between a man and a woman is just like running a company. You must first start from the overall situation and choose a correct strategic direction. Then in this general direction, you can filter and filter the details. ."

Gu Zanli is also a very smart girl, and she quickly understood what she meant, "A good man must first have good conversation, rich knowledge, broad vision, strong ability to control situations, and the ability to implement Always maintain a stable mood. This is a strategy. First, set a correct strategic route and choose a good man. The next steps are buying milk tea, peeling shrimps, asking for warmth, tenderness, and even whether you are loyal. These are all details. Yes, it is the measure of how good a good man is."

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and said, "No wonder the big boss said he likes you, you are really smart!"

"Really?" Guzanli's eyes were bright and she was very excited, "Did the boss say it?"

Ning Yaxian said: "I told you, so let me have a good chat with you."

Guzanli's face turned red and she whispered: "Is it because I look different from other girls? I am a Uighur from the border. He has come into contact with too many girls from the mainland. He needs to change." taste."

Ning Yaxian said with a strange expression: "That may be true. He has a goddaughter who is also a Uighur. He usually loves her very much. We can get to know each other in the future. They are all out of town."

Guzanli said with a smile: "The boss also has a goddaughter, okay, I will get to know the little girl when I return to China, and I can help take care of her."

Obviously, she was wrong. She thought that the big boss's goddaughter was only seven or eight years old at most.

Ning Yaxian didn't say much. She thought of something, "By the way, do you like Wu Yanzu?"

"I like him!" Gu Zanli was a little embarrassed, "It's not that I like him, it's just... I just think he's so handsome."

Ning Yaxian smiled and said: "Isn't this normal? Sun Wanran also likes it. Let her take you to the Oracle Arena to watch the Golden State Warriors game tonight."

"Basketball game?"

"Well, Wu Yanzu is a fan of the Warriors and has a VIP package all year round. If you go at night, you can meet him and ask him to sign his autograph for you."

"But..." Gu Zanli was a little worried, not because she was worried that Wu Yanzu wouldn't give her an autograph, but because she was worried that she would make the big boss unhappy if she chased male celebrities just after she had grown up from a girl to a young woman, "Is that okay? ?”

Ning Yaxian said: "What's wrong with this? Wu Yanzu is originally Chinese and grew up in San Francisco. The boss would also go over to watch football in the evening. There are some things, as long as you have a sense of proportion and don't cross the line."

Next door, Boss Ma looked at Zhou Buqi, who was so loud and elegant, and was in a daze.

Depend on!

This kid!

I knew he was extremely ambitious and not a good person!

Zhou Buqi saw that he was stunned and said calmly: "When dealing with the capital, you can be more pure and just talk about interests. Especially the capital of private equity institutions, it is even easier."

Boss Ma shook his head frequently, "How can it be that simple?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Why is it not simple? The short-sightedness of the management is obvious. We are not willing to have more representatives of the management on the board of directors of our company. Why? Isn't it because the management often ignores long-term value and only cares about short-term interests? If the management can fully control Yahoo, we can achieve greater goals more easily!"

Boss Ma stared at him, "What is the bigger goal?"

Zhou Buqi's answer was not what he asked, "Do you know why Yahoo's management is so aggressive now and actively working to drive Yang Zhiyuan away? Because it is already the end of December, and this fiscal year will soon come to an end. Many private equity investments on Wall Street As far as the institution is concerned, this year’s income is not enough and has not yet reached the redline target! This is our biggest bargaining chip in negotiations with employers!”

He really knows this very well, much more familiar than Boss Ma.

Because Zhou Buqi himself has two private equity funds-Pluto Capital and Neptune Capital.

Due to the collective sluggishness of the IT industry this year, it is difficult for these two funds to reach the dividend line of more than 20% of annual income. If they cannot get 25%-30% of profit dividends, they can only earn about 2% of management commissions. .

Fortunately, Boss Zhou is very rich.

If you don't get any dividends this year, you won't get any, so the impact won't be too big.

But the same cannot be said for many private equity fund managers. Their biggest income every year is the year-end dividends. Once the dividends are not received, only a few hundred thousand dollars in basic salary will be left that year.

This small amount of money is really not enough for those fund bosses who spend money like water. They can't even afford to raise a few beauties, let alone luxury cars and yachts.

Therefore, the next half month or so is very important.

They want to get a sum of money as soon as possible to make the funds they manage profitable and get year-end dividends.

It can be seen that it is much easier to negotiate with management than with people like Yang Zhiyuan.

The weakness of the capital side is even more obvious. The purpose of those private equity managers is to make money. They only need to grasp the needs of the other party and then satisfy them.

Not so with Yang Zhiyuan.

He is a rich man and has no shortage of money at all. He will never be able to spend all his money in his lifetime. Yahoo is his child, and he hopes that Yahoo will get better and better. This child of Yahoo can win him face and industry status, instead of becoming a money-making tool in the hands of others.

This is very troublesome.

Although Boss Ma also said that Yang Zhiyuan's current situation is very bad, so his demands have been lowered again and again, and it has been easily satisfied.

But in Zhou Buqi's opinion, it is easier to meet the needs of the employer.

Boss Ma waved his hand, "Don't beat around the bush, what is your big goal?"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Yahoo holds 40% of Alibaba's shares. Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is Yahoo's lowest point, and it is also Alibaba's lowest point. Yahoo's lowest point can kill him while he is sick; Alibaba's Silicon Valley, The repurchase of this share can be completed with minimal expenditure!”

Boss Ma took a deep breath, "All?"

Zhou Buqi said decisively, "Everyone!"

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