Top of the big era

Chapter 2088 Capital shortsightedness

Boss Ma lowered his head to drink tea, still feeling happy. He just looked at Zhou Buqi's expression and said proudly: "The capital market is cold to Yahoo. As long as we give Yang Zhiyuan a little warmth, this matter will basically be done. "

"That's it..."

Zhou Buqi's thoughts were already racing.

Boss Ma said leisurely: "I chatted with Yang Zhiyuan for more than three hours last night. He is under too much pressure now. Both the shareholders and the board of directors are against him."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Why do you object?"

Boss Ma said: "Yahoo's largest shareholder is now the hedge fund ThirdPoint, which has been working recently to expel Yang Zhiyuan from the board of directors, including co-founder David Filo. ThirdPoint CEO Daniel Loeb also He made a public statement, saying that he could contact other private equity investors to take over the shares held by Yang Zhiyuan and Ferro."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "This actually makes sense. The founder treats the company as his own child, and the shareholders treat the company as a tool to make money. This is a fundamental contradiction. Yang Zhiyuan is too concerned about Yahoo's long-term impact, and It’s not about doing something that’s good for Yahoo shareholders.”

This is deception.

The most beneficial thing for Yahoo shareholders is actually to stick to it and not sell it. When Alibaba takes off, Yahoo shareholders will laugh out of their dreams.

Yahoo holds 40% of Alibaba's shares. If it leaves it alone for six or seven years, it will be worth US$300 billion by then. This is the best way to maximize profits.

At its peak, Yahoo's market capitalization was only US$200 billion.

However, this is the difference between entrepreneurs and capitalists. The former is more concerned about the company's future potential and growth, while the latter is more concerned about current tangible benefits.

Especially those private equity institutions and hedge funds, this is determined by the system of their capital institutions.

The managers of these hedge funds earn annual dividends.

In other words, the more they earn this year, the bigger their dividend will be at the end of the year. If the income this year is less, there may not even be a year-end dividend.

As for what happens after six or seven years...

Stop it!

The liquidity on Wall Street is too strong and the elimination rate is too high. After so many years, it is not certain whether I will still be the manager of this private equity institution or hedge fund.

No matter how much you earn in the future, what does it have to do with yourself?

It's better to stay safe and make money in your hands.

This is the inevitability of "capital short-sightedness".

Therefore, this is the most irreconcilable contradiction in Yahoo's shareholder meeting and board of directors. The corporate faction represented by Yang Zhiyuan and David Ferro all hope to operate in the long term and ignore short-term gains; more shareholders and directors are representatives of capital and hope to get money as soon as possible.

This is why the shameless "dividend" operation proposed by Yang Zhiyuan is very effective.

When dividends are paid, the major shareholders get the money.

For those fund managers who represent the interests of the capital, after receiving dividends from Yahoo, they will receive the income from investment funds this year. They will be able to get good dividend income at the end of the year, and only then can they reach a compromise with Yang Zhiyuan.

Zhou Buqi said: "The operation of dividend distribution is so shameless. It is simply kneeling to capital."

Boss Ma said with a smile: "In order not to lose control of Yahoo, Yang Zhiyuan can only do this, otherwise he may really be removed from the board of directors. Once the founder is removed from the board of directors, Yahoo will completely become Private equity takes control.”

In this regard, Boss Ma was still a little complacent, with a sense of luck is in my way, and said eloquently: "If you want to pay dividends, Yahoo must first get enough money, either to raise funds, to obtain loans, or to sell it." Some assets. Microsoft has come to raise funds, and it may give 5 billion US dollars in one time... It can be very demanding. Microsoft must have a say in the selection of Yahoo's new chairman and CEO. This is too harsh, and Yang Zhiyuan will not accept it. ."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's impossible to get a loan. Even if you can get a loan, the interest rate will be as high as the sky."

Boss Ma smiled and said: "Yes, so the only way left is to sell assets. The best way is to sell part of the shares of Yahoo Japan or Alibaba. All Sun Zhengyi thinks about now is organizing a big company The consortium then launched an overall acquisition of Yahoo, and had no intention of repurchasing part of Yahoo Japan's equity. This is Alibaba's opportunity! Of course, it is also your opportunity to fish in troubled waters and make money."

"Stop! Stop!" Zhou Buqi quickly stopped him, with a stern look on his face, "Old Ma, I came all the way here to help you, not to make money from you. Even if I make a little money, it's still mine. Hard work pay.”

Boss Ma said angrily: "I didn't say you were making money improperly!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I have to correct you to prevent you from misunderstanding."

Boss Ma was too lazy to talk nonsense with this kid, and suddenly said with a smile: "Speaking of which, you have contributed to this! Hmm! It seems that it is destined for us to cooperate on this matter, and we will work together to deal with Sun Zhengyi A set."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips and said, "Don't make trouble. Sun Zhengyi and I are gentlemen. I will never lie to him, just like I will never lie to you."

Boss Ma pretended not to hear anything and said: "In the past few years, you took the lead in organizing a consortium, launched more than a dozen acquisitions in Hollywood, and reorganized a large entertainment giant."

"Yes, Ziweixing Global."

"I heard it's going to be listed?"

"Well, the plan is next year."

"This incident has greatly stimulated Sun Zhengyi. He has told me several times." Boss Ma actually admires this guy in his heart. He can actually understand Hollywood. He is really a rare business genius. , "However, Masayoshi Son also said a few bad words about you."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "He said bad things about me? I think it was you who wanted to say bad things about me?"

Boss Ma smiled and said: "That's not true. It's really what Masayoshi Son said. He said that when you organized the consortium and established Ziweixing Global through a series of operations, SoftBank actually invested the most. But you are the trader, and the power lies with you. You, so you got a lot of benefits from it, the allocation of shares and the allocation of investments are completely unequal, and there is nothing he can do about it."

This is the truth.

Money is useless, whoever has the power has the final say. When Zhou Buqi was handling the "Purple Star Global" case, he did squeeze a large part of SoftBank's interests.

However, Zhou Buqi could not admit it, "Nothing. What I care about most in business is fairness and equality. Unlike you, I have not harmed SoftBank's interests. On the contrary, after MSI Global is listed, I will still work for SoftBank." Bringing tens of billions of dollars in revenue. Regardless of any field, as long as it is my partner, I would rather suffer a loss myself than let my partner's interests be harmed."

Ziweixing Universal is now the number one giant in Hollywood, especially Zhou Buqi’s plan for a series of “four elements” new era blockbusters personally planned.

The Marvel series that has been launched has already shocked Hollywood.

Next, there will be a series of sequel blockbusters such as "The Fast and the Furious", "The Twilight Saga", "The Hunger Games", "Star Wars", "Jurassic Park", "007", "Despicable Me", "Kung Fu Panda" and so on. Released.

In the current market environment, after Ziweixing Global is listed, its market value can easily exceed US$100 billion, and many investment banks have given a valuation of US$120 billion.

After the listing, SoftBank's shareholding will be diluted to less than 50%, and the company will be completely dominated by Zhou Buqi in terms of power structure.

But no matter how much Zhou Buqi earns, SoftBank did make a lot of money in this case.

The initial investment was more than US$20 billion. As the company goes public, the value of this share will exceed US$60 billion.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Buqi spoke very toughly to Son Zhengyi.

She said she wanted a brand-new luxury yacht that had just been launched, so it came. Senior sister Zhen Yu wanted to fly around the world, so she asked SoftBank to equip her with a Challenger 300 private jet. The purchase, decoration and future Operation, maintenance, and crew expenses will be borne by SoftBank.

Boss Ma smiled and said: "Anyway, the MSI Global incident had a great impact on Masayoshi Son, so this time we set up a consortium to acquire Yahoo, and he learned his lesson, and he actively wanted to be the trader. "

"I see!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

Boss Ma said: "So, this time we cooperated to tease Sun Zhengyi. In fact, you were the first to do it. You had already laid the groundwork through Ziweixing Global."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Don't let me take the blame!"

After Boss Ma talked with Yang Zhiyuan last night, he felt that his plan was basically certain. He was in a good mood, "That's true."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said, "Are you in a good mood?"

Boss Ma smiled and said: "It's not bad, this matter is basically done, unless Yang Zhiyuan is too screwed up and is kicked out of the board of directors by the management."

Zhou Buqi fell into silence.

"Huh?" Boss Ma finally noticed something was wrong with his state, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Zhou Buqi's eyes were deep and he said meaningfully: "From the perspective of making money, it is much easier to deal with managers of private equity funds than with entrepreneurs. When dealing with capitalists, you only need to talk about money and interests." When dealing with entrepreneurs, it also has to do with the company’s future development, growth potential, etc., which can be very complicated.”

Boss Ma didn't quite understand what he meant and said: "That's normal, but now Yang Zhiyuan is in a lot of trouble, so it will be easier to handle this matter. Let's take back some of Yahoo's shares in Alibaba, and Yang Zhiyuan will get the money and let him continue. Toss Yahoo.”

Zhou Buqi got straight to the point, "Why do you have to put your hope in Yang Zhiyuan?"


Boss Ma's expression suddenly changed.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Have you ever considered a new possibility? If Yang Zhiyuan is really kicked out of Yahoo's board of directors, it might be more in our interests!"

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