Top of the big era

Chapter 2065 Big Membership System

Sign it, done.

The case of Dongpeng Special Drinks was settled smoothly, from start to finish in less than a month.

Zhou Buqi was very emotional.

In terms of efficiency, it is still better in China!

It’s really worrying to look at the things that Americans do. Everything is slow. It was originally agreed that Google would officially announce the acquisition of Twitter at the end of the month, but something went wrong halfway.

It seems that an independent director raised some questions during the financial review, and it is estimated that it will take more than half a month to resolve them.

Not to mention such a big case as Twitter, even Knol, a product that Larry Page wanted to give up and cancel long ago, encountered some obstacles when it was sold.

Zhou Buqi originally thought he could buy it with the asking price of US$3 million.

This was originally a scrap product of Google. It was thrown away, but it could still make some money by selling it to Ziweixing International. Unexpectedly, many people at Google thought they would rather throw it away than sell it to Ziweixing at a low price to take advantage of outsiders.

This is a bit harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself, and the level is too low.

Zhou Buqi called Larry Page and scolded him.

In fact, he knew it very well.

The reason why Google is unwilling to sell Knol at a low price is not because of how valuable the product is, but because of the people behind the product. Ziweixing International wants to acquire the Knol product, including the entire product team of 27 people.

Many people think that they can give Knol to Ziweixing for free, but they cannot give it to talented people.

For this reason, when Zhou Buqi returned to the capital after a business trip south, he made a call to Lu Qi on the plane, "Knol is still a valuable product, and we must get it no matter what."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Yes, Kurian attended the product meeting a few days ago. Everyone is optimistic about the combination of Knol and Quora."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi was a little curious, "Kurian went too?"

With Kurian's level, he can theoretically participate in all high-level meetings of Ziweixing International, but he will not participate in most meetings that have nothing to do with him.

Any company has factions, and Ziweixing International is also inevitable.

Kurian is of Indian origin and is suspected of being an "outsider", so he behaves relatively restrained in this regard. He only focuses on the three acres of Ziweiyun and does not fight for power outside.

Ziwei Cloud is a super large business, including SaaS products based on cloud services such as online notebooks, network disks, ledgers, voice and video, online collaborative office, etc.

Therefore, Kurian is also an expert on the product line.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "It was a coincidence. It came up when we were discussing other products. Everyone agreed that Quora and Knol are closely related. Knol should be the professional version of Quora."

"Well," Zhou Buqi agreed, "online knowledge is gradually replacing traditional media, and more and more paid-for-knowledge products will appear in the future."

Lu Qi was surprised, "Have you communicated with Kurian?"


"What he said is very similar to yours. He scolded Google's product business and said that Knol's existing model is completely wrong. Knol should be built on Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Quora, MSN Information, Professional and paid versions on information platforms such as Google News!”


Zhou Buqi only thought about charging, but Kurian didn't expect to figure out the operation line directly.

This is the product boss.

Much better than those at Google.

Knol should be the most high-end and best knowledge platform in the market currently. However, because the knowledge is too high-end, the number of users will be relatively small.

And the Knol designed by Google is a free version, which can only earn some page advertising fees... This kind of mosquito-like income is completely worthless to the authors of professional articles.

This is very troublesome.

There is no royalties and all the authors rely on their passion to write excellent articles for Knol?

Of course, there will be a group of outstanding intellectuals who are willing to share their knowledge with the whole society for free and make some contributions to the development of people's wisdom, either for fame or profit, but after all, these are a minority.

Most of them are related to fame and fortune.

Either you are rich, and you can earn a lot of money by posting articles on Knol; or you are famous, because Knol has high traffic and a large user base, and publishing articles here can make the author a well-known person recognized by the public. Intellectuals.

Google's Knol cannot do these two things.

This leads to serious problems in the design of the product, and failure is inevitable.

Zhou Buqi also mentioned before when communicating with Lu Qi that among making money and earning fame, making money is easier. Launch Knol's payment model, allowing users to become members to read more excellent articles... Just like buying books when studying, in the Internet era, payment for knowledge becomes online.

But if you want to make more money, you need more paying users.

This kind of high-end product is very niche, and niche means less traffic and insufficient exposure. Once the exposure is not enough, many high-end users who are thirsty for knowledge will have never heard of this product at all.

This is the most regrettable.

They are obviously existing users of this product, but they have never heard of it, and the product and users have missed it.

This is a problem to be solved at the operational level.

Obviously, Google is not doing a good job in this regard. It can even be said to be very bad.

Kurian solved the matter with a random idea.

Zhou Buqi thought it was very reliable, "Yes, it should be like this. Quora is actually relatively niche and cannot support too much traffic. It has attracted big platforms such as Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Google News, MSN News, and America Online Come in, with greater traffic support, it will have influence. This operation idea is right."

Lu Qidao: "The operation idea is right, but the difficulty of the product has also increased. If we want to get the support of so many large platforms, we must make Knol have a higher brand in the field of knowledge content."

Zhou Buqi deeply agreed, "Yes, we need to build a brand! In recent years, it has been a platform stage for knowledge, information, and content. Platforms such as Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Helo, Tumblr, Pinterest, Netflix, and Spotify have all emerged. Once the platforms of various industries are established, it will be difficult to break them. Then we will inevitably enter an era with content as the core competitiveness."

This is a general direction judgment.

Lu Qi is also unsure. The complexity of reality is far beyond what simple logic can reason about. The reason why many conspiracy theories are unreliable is because they are too logical.

However, the big boss has said so, so there is nothing more to say, just believe it and implement it firmly.

This has become a habit in the business landscape of "Ziwei Galaxy".

Unless Boss Zhou is also uncertain and ambiguous, others will have the opportunity to brainstorm and make suggestions. If he makes a decision, he only needs unconditional trust.

The legendary resume is there.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Yes, you have said it many times, from channel as king to content as king."

Zhou Buqi said generously: "Well, let's do it like this! The product idea is right, and it must have high quality and high standards; the operation idea is also right, and we need extensive cooperation. Just like Wanda, a commercial real estate company, in operation The selection of shops on each level is the same.”

The laws of business, no matter how innovative they are, remain the same.

How to choose a newly opened Wanda commercial property when attracting investment?

First of all, they took the initiative to come to the hotel, invite a group of internationally renowned brands to settle in, and give them prime locations for free. With these big brands taking over, Wanda Real Estate’s platform standards have been raised.

Then comes extensive investment promotion.

There are also barriers to investment.

Not just any low-end brand can buy a good location in a prime location of Wanda Real Estate, no matter how much money you pay, it will lower the rank of the entire platform.

For content platforms such as Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Google News, and Wikipedia, Knol should be positioned as a high-end product.

The existence of high-end products can enhance the style of these platforms.

In this way, it will be a pleasure for both parties to cooperate.

For example, if Yahoo opens a content section and selects some Knol professional articles... it can bring a cultural flavor to Yahoo. If Yahoo users are attracted by the article and want to read the full version or more in-depth articles, they need to register as a member on Knol.

Knol can also share the membership fee with Yahoo.

It is mutually beneficial cooperation.

Including Wikipedia.

Cooperating with Wikipedia, users can check basic knowledge, and Wikipedia's own content is enough. If you want to see more and more comprehensive content, you can jump to Knol through Wikipedia... the needs of all parties can be met.

As the times develop, the popularity of online knowledge will become stronger, and the habit of paying for knowledge will become greater. This is a vibrant industry.

Lu Qi said with a smile: "Kurian paid attention to this matter for another reason. He wanted to create a big membership system for Ziweixing."

"Big member?"

"Yes, we have many paid products here, especially Ziweiyun. Products such as online notes, network disks, ledgers, online collaborative offices, and online multi-person videos all have paid functions. Yes. Integrate the membership of all these products into one big membership. As long as you activate the big membership, you can enjoy the membership services of all membership products."

Zhou Buqi was no stranger to this and said with a smile: "Like Amazon?"

Lu Qi said: "Yes, but we don't have e-commerce, which is Amazon's core competitiveness. If Amazon launches similar cloud service products in the future and combines them with Amazon's big membership system, it will be more troublesome for us. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "In the final analysis, Kurian still cares about Ziweiyun, and what he cares about is the competition with Amazon Cloud."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Yes, he is very focused on cloud computing. But...if we can bring Netflix and Spotify into Ziweixing's membership system, then our competitiveness will not be worse than that of Amazon members, or even more competitive." Stronger.”

Zhou Buqi agreed, "It's feasible, but you have to take your time. Let's wait until Netflix and Spotify dominate the world."

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