Top of the big era

Chapter 2034 Imitation

Ziweixing, headquarters, chairman's office.

Yan Qiqi is back from a business trip.

She immediately became the focus of attention of the little secretaries. The moment she stepped into the office, others swarmed around her, just like foreigners seeing a giant panda.

Those eyes were extremely penetrating.

Yan Qiqi quickly explained, "I was very busy on this business trip. I didn't go anywhere. I went to several places with my boss yesterday and my feet are sore. I came back early this morning and I didn't have time to bring gifts to everyone."

"Who wants your gift?"

Li Shuruo, who has a lively personality, is full of banter.

Yan Qiqi was a little strange, "Then what are you doing around me?"

Li Shuruo said with a smile: "Have you seen any changes?"

Yan Qiqi was confused, "Can there be any changes? I left yesterday morning and came back this morning. Isn't it just one day?"

Gu Zanli, who was standing next to her, hummed: "The day is not long, but the night is very long. Maizi, don't you think so? Changes only happen in an instant."

Of course, Mai Feixue knew what she meant, and said funnyly: "Why do I feel like you are reading the lyrics?"

Guzanli rolled her eyes at him, "Maizi, you are dishonest!"


Mai Feixue blinked her smart eyes, half-smiling but not smiling, neither refuting nor admitting.

Only then did Yan Qiqi understand their onlooker mentality.

I just want to judge whether I am a young girl or a virgin from my expression, tone of voice, temperament, walking posture, etc.

It was just like they were secretly talking about Mai Feixue behind their back.

Unexpectedly, the object of discussion this time became himself.

This made Yan Qiqi feel guilty.

Although she kept her integrity, she did have a little incident with her senior. With the little secret they both kept together... wouldn't this be noticed by them?

Zhao Li Muge, who had the best relationship with her, pinched her waist and joked: "Qiqi, be lenient if you confess, but be stern if you resist!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Yan Qiqi blushed a little, and walked towards her work station as she spoke.

"Qiqi, you are dishonest!"

Yao Yao also followed, wanting to get to the bottom of it.

Everyone swarmed up again, surrounding Yan Qiqi in the middle, some opposite her, some on both sides of her, lying on or leaning on the table, their big and smart eyes blinking, as if they wanted to see through her.

Yan Qiqi felt guilty and blushed, "Why are you doing this? Come on... Go back to work soon. The boss has a task to give. He said he would be back in the afternoon and asked us to report to him on the research on the rental market. Sisters, hurry up and get busy. ."

Gu Zanli was the most eager, "It's afternoon, don't be in a hurry, tell us about the business trip with the big boss? Especially last night, where did you stay? I heard you stayed at the boss's house?"

Yan Qiqi had to explain, "The boss's house is quite big, with several bedrooms. I live in the guest room. You...what are you thinking?"




The questions and snorts of contempt revealed that the girls around her didn't believe her nonsense at all.

Zhao Li Muge is a student of the Chinese Opera, and has a good relationship with Yan Qiqi. Then he no longer scratches the surface, but goes straight to the point, "Did nothing happen between you and the boss? Did you kiss?"

As soon as this question came out, the girls nearby became excited.

I feel that the pastoral songs express their feelings.

This is everyone's doubt, but such a slightly impolite question makes many tender-skinned girls unable to ask. Zhao Li Muge has finally lifted the veil this time.

"No way?" Yan Qiqi suddenly blushed and collapsed, "Nothing!"

"Really not?"

Guan Nanqing, Gu Zanli, Yao Yao, Mai Feixue, Zhuo Wensi, Zhao Li Muge, Liang Lexin, Li Shuruo... almost said the same thing.

Yan Qiqi blushed and said, "No, it's not what you think!"

"Really?" When the topic opened up, the girls became bolder. Even Liang Lexin, who is usually quiet and rarely talks, couldn't help it. "You didn't kiss me, so have you touched me?"

Such harsh words made Yan Qiqi a little defensive, and she quickly covered her ears, "Oh, what are you talking about? You rotten girls!"

Liang Lexin said with a smile: "I said touch my little hand, what do you think it is?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Yan Qiqi became the target of teasing, and because she felt guilty, she was a little incoherent, "I haven't touched anything, I haven't held hands, I haven't hugged, I haven't had anything. Stop guessing..."

Zhuo Wensi hummed: "Nothing happened, why are you blushing so much?"


Yan Qiqi almost cried.

Guan Nanqing, the eldest here, patted her on the shoulder and warned everyone, "Okay, everyone, stop joking. It can be seen that Qiqi should...should not have had it."

Guzanli was very curious, "How did you tell?"

Guan Nanqing said: "She is in a different state from Maizi."

Mai Feixue was relatively cheerful, but she was not convinced at the moment, "What are you doing? Why did it fall on me again?"

Guan Nanqing rolled her eyes at her, "Why do you think so?"

Mai Feixue pretended to be stupid, "I don't know."

Guan Nanqing hummed and said, "Tell yourself, are you a girl or a young woman?"

Mai Feixue laughed and said, "I won't tell you anymore. I'm going back to prepare the materials. You rotten women and resentful women love to think wildly every day. After bullying Qiqi, you come to bully me again."

Unexpectedly, Yan Qiqi also turned around and curled her lips and said: "Mai Zi, I'm different from you. I'm a girl, a real girl. You are not."


Mai Feixue snorted and didn't care at all.

Thinking of the opportunity to report to the big boss in person in the afternoon, she felt a little excited. She felt that she should showcase her talents well and gain more favor.

I feel that Yan Qiqi is stupid. I have been on business trips with my boss before and have done proofs. She can't even imitate, so it's not surprising that she is not favored.

Many unplanned things often come from the unexpected complexity of reality.

Changyou's global game distribution and operation platform designed by Zhou Buqi must firmly seize the export resources of domestic games.

It can not only help domestic game manufacturers make more money and obtain more overseas promotion resources, but it is also a very powerful third-party supplement to Changyou's platform.

From what Ren Yuxin said, this matter was far more complicated than imagined.

However, it still needs to be done.

As an international gaming giant, Changyou must have its own global operating system. Even if the domestic game industry is relatively complicated, at least it can distribute American games to Europe and European games to Southeast Asia.

The general direction of the plan has not changed.

Zhou Buqi used Universal Pictures as an example and talked about some strategies adopted to build this global distribution and operation system.

As a Hollywood giant, Universal Pictures has a complete global film distribution system, which is now integrated into the Ziweixing Global Distribution Department.

However, although it is a global distribution system, not all of this system is "direct sales."

The model adopted is “direct operation + strategic cooperation”.

Direct operation is a branch directly under Universal Pictures. A number of mainstream countries in the world, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Singapore, Thailand, Israel, and South Korea, all have this model.

Another type is strategic cooperation.

For example, in China, there are policy restrictions that do not allow foreign film companies to participate in the distribution business. Universal Pictures cannot do it on its own and can only find domestic partners.

Another example is Cuba. The local economic environment is very unstable. If Universal Pictures does it on its own, it will have to spend a lot of money to smoothen the relationship... Not to mention the hard work, it may be a waste of effort.

In this case, it is better to cooperate with a local film distribution company in Cuba.

Generally, these kind of network-based companies are run by the children of powerful Cuban families. They have the strength, connections, and connections. They can make money without worries, while others cannot.

It's too risky for Universal Pictures to do it themselves, so it's better to cooperate with them. Even if he makes less money, at least he has opened up the Cuban market. More market means more income.

In short, in a safe and reliable market, Universal Pictures should adopt a self-operated model and do its own business to maximize profits; in some places with higher market risks, Universal Pictures should adopt a strategic cooperation model. , find a long-term fixed partner locally, while ensuring your own profits, there is no need to bear unnecessary risks in policy, geography, war and other aspects.

If Changyou wants to build such a game-based distribution and operation platform globally, it must also follow this idea.

Zhou Buqi said more relaxedly: "Changyou is different from Perfect. We also have the resources of Ziweixing Global. It will be easier to connect with the distribution department of Ziweixing Global and use their strategies and local connections. Get things done.”

"I'm not very worried about this..." Zhang Chaoyang hesitated, "I'm thinking about the revision of "The Deer and the Cauldron"."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "The current version of "The Deer and the Cauldron" has received rave reviews in China. If it is promoted to overseas markets, it will not be successful. It will only damage Changyou's reputation. Either give up, revise it, or just keep it in the market." It’s a small fight in the domestic market.”

Ren Yuxin said with a smile: "Let's revise it. In this aspect... I'm quite good at it."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, you have 100% support from me."

Blindly imitating is impossible to succeed.

Innovation after imitation is success.

"The Deer and the Cauldron" is a product that imitates "The Legend of the Dragon", which is basically a new skin and shell. Fortunately, both of these games are Changyou games, so there will be no infringement problems.

In contrast, the much-criticized Penguin game is different.

The same is imitation, which is often better than the previous one. It is not simply to change the skin and shell, but to have better breakthroughs in gameplay and details than the original version, and to have more attractive features, so that it can win the favor of players. .

In terms of imitation, Ren Yuxin and Ma Xiaotiao, who were hired from Penguin Games, have richer experience than Changyou's team.

If they are willing to revise the version and try to save "The Deer and the Cauldron", then let them do it.

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