Top of the big era

Chapter 2033 Harvey is an industry liar

When we arrived at the capital, we separated.

Yan Qiqi went to the company, and Zhou Buqi went to Changyou.

Lao Zhang has been waiting there for a long time.

He was sitting in the office of the newly joined "Vice President" Ren Yuxin.

Although he is a vice president, the location of his office speaks for itself. Before that, this office was the CEO's office, but later it changed its name and became the vice president's office.

No one is stupid and knows what this means.

Coupled with the support of Boss Zhou and Boss Zhang during this period, Ren Yuxin has quickly obtained the power of Changyou, and all executives above the vice president must report to him.

Many people are worried that they will become Ren Yuxin's first stab after taking office.

Boss Zhou only promised not to lay off large-scale layoffs, not not to lay off employees. Whether each executive can continue to keep his job depends entirely on whether he can adapt to Ren Yuxin.

Unexpectedly, after Ren Yuxin took office, he was very gentle, treated the old employees with kindness, and at the same time had the courage to take responsibility. He took over Changyou's most difficult case at present - "The Deer and the Cauldron".

This is a major project that Changyou has mobilized all the company's resources in the past few years, claiming to have spent 80 million US dollars in research funds, and was personally spearheaded by CEO Wang Fang.

It is considered to be another major self-developed domestic online game promoted by Sohu after "Dragon"!

After going online, it collapsed immediately.

"The Deer and the Cauldron", which has been postponed for several years because of high expectations from players. After playing it, I discovered that this is a "reskinned game". The various gameplay and models are exactly the same as "Dragon Babu", which is amazing. disappointment.

This is also the direct reason why Wang Fang stepped down.

"The Deer and the Cauldron" fell directly into the hands of Changyou. It became the most difficult and complicated project within Changyou, and no one was willing to take it on. Ren Yuxin rose to the challenge, took the initiative to take over the case, and appointed Ma Xiaotiao, who had worked with him for many years from Penguin Games, as the game director of "The Deer and the Cauldron", intending to comprehensively transform the game.

When Zhou Buqi passed by, Ren Yuxin was talking about the new plan for this game.

Ren Yuxin said: "The performance of "The Deer and the Cauldron" in the domestic market is not good. The previous response plan was to relieve the pressure through exporting. I have made an emergency mediation. Many games cannot be made in China, so they want to go overseas. The market has made a lot of money. Many companies have indeed made money from this. However, Changyou is not a small company and cannot do things that harm long-term value."

"Will game exports harm long-term value?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at Lao Zhang and found that he was also ambiguous.

Ren Yuxin sighed, "Many colleagues in the country are too short-sighted. They only want to make quick money, and just make a sum of money. They don't consider the country, the industry, or even their own future. Focus on immediate interests."

Zhou Buqi was very concerned about this, "What's going on?"

Ren Yuxin said: "I just told Charles about this. Perfect's inability to do overseas business is mainly due to being cheated by domestic game manufacturers. Perfect wants to provide its own channels and resources to Domestic game peers help export their games, but those domestic game peers don’t think so and are only thinking about profits.”

Zhou Buqi said: "They are all small companies, right?"

Ren Yuxin nodded, "Yes, they are mainly small companies. Large companies are better in this regard and their business methods are more disciplined. Many small companies export their games using the buyout model, that is, agents You don’t even need to provide a 20%-30% share. If you pay a buyout fee of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, you can get the agency rights for several years. Many small companies earn this kind of buyout fee. "

Zhou Buqi understood immediately, "After they get the buyout fee, they don't care about their future life or death?"

"Yes, many game studios are pure scammers." Ren Yuxin lamented this, but had no choice but to "steal some internal materials from some big companies in China, and then spend a small amount of money to develop a game." A simple demo came out. Then, with perfect resources, it was connected to foreign agents. The foreign game agents saw the demo and thought the game was very good. When they heard the quotation... it was really low, it could cost several hundred thousand dollars. The buyout took several years. Then the contract was signed. After the money arrived, the domestic game company was emptied of people and disappeared. Change the location, change the trademark, and repeat this pattern."

Zhou Buqi was also very angry about this, "For that small amount of money, I have ruined the future credibility of all domestic peers!"

There's no way, it's like this in all walks of life.

As a result, the domestic market has no credibility in front of foreign countries and is full of deceit and deception, forcing those foreign companies to formulate some special policies to treat them differently.

For example, Apple and Samsung mobile phones used to enjoy the same "exchange-no-refund" policy in China as they did abroad. Later, it was discovered that many people used fake machines to exchange for new mobile phones to cheat money, causing losses of dozens of dollars every year. billion, we can only change policies.

The same is true for the film and television industry.

When Zhou Buqi was in Hollywood, he was even questioned by Harvey Weinstein, which made him very embarrassed.

Harvey Weinstein is a Jew and the most authoritative boss in the field of independent films in Hollywood.

Back then, Lao Mouzi was filming "Hero".

However, it lacked channels to enter the US market, so it relied on Harvey Weinstein’s connections. The two parties cooperated wholeheartedly and achieved great success. It is the Chinese-language film with the highest box office in the North American market after "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in the past and future decades. It is an unprecedented success.

Made a lot of money.

This made Harvey Weinstein very satisfied. During his interactions with the Lao Mouzi team, he also felt the professionalism and professionalism of Chinese filmmakers, and he was particularly happy and appreciative of it.

He just wants to strengthen cooperation with the domestic film industry and take advantage of domestic filmmakers' lack of international channels to earn a distribution fee.

Then, he set his sights on another great domestic director, Brother Kai.

Director Kai Ge was unambiguous and carefully crafted, and he shot a demo of "The Promise" and showed it to Harvey Weinstein. When Harvey saw it, he was immediately shocked. He suddenly discovered that this was actually a greater movie than "Heroes". It was so shocking!

Out of trust, the two parties reached an agreement.

Harvey offered a large sum of money.

It's the same as the game export routine that Ren Yuxin mentioned just now.

Let’s take a sample photo first and show it to foreigners.

Foreigners think it’s very good and like it very much.

At this time, the domestic side said that there is not enough funds and there is a shortage of money now. If foreigners are willing to pay a sum of money, we are willing to sign a contract now and transfer the overseas agency rights to you at a low price.

Many people first came into contact with this group of people in China and fell into the trap because they thought it was profitable.

"The Promise" is it.

Harvey gave the money and expected it. After the movie was finished and Harvey saw it, he was immediately dumbfounded and collapsed. He didn't give anything in the subsequent distribution buyout fee, and the money he gave earlier was just like feeding the dogs.

With this unexpected blessing and the success of the Japanese market, the movie "The Promise" really made a lot of money, so much so that Director Kaige had the capital to spend more than 100 million to make the literary film "Mei Lanfang". 》.

Later, another domestic director Feng Da also wanted to make a similar period martial arts film called "The Banquet", but he still made a wonderful short film and found Harvey Weinstein.

Now, Harvey has experience.

If you want to sign a contract, it's impossible; if you want to make money first, it's impossible.

Just gave a nice verbal promise.

Such a Hollywood boss can't lie to people, right?

Hua Yi believed it, so he happily used his own money to increase the filming expenses, and filmed the blockbuster in accordance with Harvey's requirements.

Then, he happily wanted to get at least US$10 million in agency fees from Harvey.

After Harvey watched the entire film, he was very disappointed and immediately regretted it.

All previous promises were invalid.

Not even a penny.

This caused "Night Banquet" to fall into huge losses.

Director Feng was so angry that he cursed in public several times, saying that Harvey Weinstar was an industry liar and asked his domestic colleagues to be careful.

Later, it became even more difficult and almost impossible for excellent domestic films to export to the U.S. market and make big profits.

It is still in the early stages of exporting domestic games, so many foreign game agencies do not know much about the situation, and they still use international common practices to treat many domestic professional scammers.

Foreign agencies lost money, and the domestic game industry lost credibility.

Ren Yuxin said: "Domestic game exports have surged in the past few years, and the increase mainly comes from small and medium-sized game studios. In these small companies, there are many scammers, which has affected Perfect. Perfect has invested so much money overseas, and it is not easy to It only opened up channels and market relationships, and then helped many small companies export their games, and they suffered."

Zhou Buqi also had a headache about this. No wonder the perfect Mr. Chi remained silent.

This is really fucked up.

His personal abilities are too limited to solve this problem. He said helplessly: "So when foreign agencies understand the situation, it will become more and more difficult for domestic small and medium-sized game studios to export in the future. ."

Ren Yuxin agreed, "Yes, these industry scammers now have blocked the way for a new batch of young game creators who have ideals and pursuits in the future. The game export industry can only rely on a few A big, reputable company will be responsible for maintaining it, unless it’s a particularly outstanding and amazing game.”

Zhang Chaoyang nodded and sighed: "This is a factor I have not considered before. All Changyou's global distribution and operation system must be developed slowly and calmly, and cannot follow the old path of perfection."

"At least for now, we can't send "The Deer and the Cauldron" abroad. Such a martial arts-style game has received rave reviews in China, and it still wants to export it overseas to make money? I think it is based on the success of "Dragon Babu" in the past. If you don’t have good reputation, why don’t you cheat money from old customers?”

Zhou Buqi finally understood the reason why Ren Yuxin stopped the export of "The Deer and the Cauldron", and then he became even more dissatisfied with Wang Fang.

Changyou is a big company.

Reputation is more important than anything else!

It would be better not to make money than to deceive people.

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