Top of the big era

Chapter 2021 The second landlord’s information gap

Zhou Buqi was afraid that he was thinking wrongly, so he asked in a low voice, "Where? The armpit or somewhere else?"

Sun Wanran rolled her eyes at him, "It's not the armpit."

"All right."

Zhou Buqi basically understood it now.

Generally, whole-body hair removal is very popular in Europe and the United States. Most young girls will do this kind of project. Basically, they do it by themselves at home, or with a few friends helping each other.

Because of their physical constitution, they have more body hair.

Oriental women are different, their body hair is lighter.

Especially the arms and thighs, chest and back, face and neck are basically as smooth and delicate as a mirror, so similar services are not very popular throughout East Asia.

If there is a similar cosmetic project for laser hair removal, it mainly refers to the armpits, and to a lesser extent, private parts.

Laser hair removal will destroy the surface cells of the skin. If you are not careful, you will easily become red, swollen and inflamed if you take a shower after this minor surgery, or if you cover your skin because it is too hot in the summer.

Yan Qiqi, a school girl, had armpit inflammation, so there would only be one spot left.

Zhou Buqi was helpless, "What do you want me to think about this?"

Sun Wanran said very strangely: "Why can't you watch? You seniors and junior girls, shouldn't you help each other?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Go aside and stop talking nonsense."

Sun Wanran curled her lips, "What's the point of pretending, isn't it all yours?"

"Okay, let Chen Guohuan come over quickly." Zhou Buqi sat upright and said seriously, "This is a company, not a hospital. Work should still be the main focus."

Next, Zhou Buqi mainly met with Chen Guohuan, Liu Qing and Guo Dan this morning, read several detailed materials, and basically understood the difficulties faced by young people in the current rental market in big cities.

Companies that can take root in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are generally relatively good and offer relatively high salaries to their employees. However, high salaries do not make employees feel easy in life, because the housing market is closely following market trends.

Chen Guohuan’s words make sense, “In April this year, Alibaba Cloud announced its location at the Global Center 4 kilometers east of the city. As soon as the news came out, the rental prices in the surrounding communities rose accordingly, with the highest increase reaching 1,000 yuan. money."

Later Liu Qing also said similar things.

Over in Pengcheng, there were originally "farmer houses" with rents of one to two hundred yuan. Later, the city planning and transformation was transformed into a science and technology park.

Many people got inside information, contracted all the surrounding properties, and became second-hand landlords.

Then, the second-hand landlords rented these "farmer houses" to employees of Internet companies at the price of "apartments", and the rents directly increased 10 times.

Who made the money?

They were not landlords. They only received the rent for the "farmer house" and then signed a long-term contract. Second-hand landlords rented these houses from the landlords and then rented them at high prices to young people working nearby.

All the money was made by the second-hand landlord!

Then, Zhou Buqi asked Liu Qing this very crucial question, "Who are these second-hand landlords?"

Liu Qing was helpless, "How should I answer this question? However, one thing is certain, the Internet has an increasing impact on the price of the real estate market."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's for sure. In the next few years, the domestic Internet will definitely flourish. The sales and rental markets of core properties are mainly borne by Internet practitioners."

Liu Qing analyzed: "The growth in housing prices comes from farmers moving into cities and young people from small towns moving into big cities. In the final analysis, only incremental growth can drive growth. The growth of traditional hydropower, mining, transportation, and film and entertainment industries is limited. The largest The increase actually comes from the financial industry and technology industry. This is related to national policies and is consistent with industrial upgrading."

Zhou Buqi agreed, "Yes, only growing industries can drive the growth of surrounding housing prices. The Internet industry will undoubtedly be the most promising industry in the future, and will also be the industry that has the greatest impact on housing prices and rent prices. "

The Internet has a great impact on the real estate market.

If any Internet giant opens a branch in a certain place, housing prices in that area will rise suddenly. If an Internet company is to go public, the housing prices near the company will increase by thousands of dollars in a short period of time.

This is also related to the national habit of buying a house when you have money.

As long as the company's listing options can be cashed in, collective salaries are raised for employees, and rental subsidies are provided to employees... Anyway, as long as employees are rich, surrounding housing prices will rise rapidly in the short term.

This is a normal function of market regulation.

However, the existence of second-hand landlords like Liu Qing just mentioned is not a market mechanism, which is very problematic.

When a large company chooses to locate in a certain place, the surrounding rental market prices will rise. This is a normal economic phenomenon and a truth that most people understand.

So the question is, why does the landlord still rent the house to the second landlord at a low price, knowing that the rental price will rise in the future?

Because the information is poor!

Because the landlord didn’t even know that a large company was planning to locate nearby, and the second landlord knew the news early, and then took quick action to quickly buy out all the surrounding houses.

Then rent it to young people at a high price to earn the difference and make huge profits.

So the question comes again, how can the second landlord get information in advance that others don’t know?

Liu Qingdao: "No one can stop the market from adjusting rent prices. This is the basic law of the market economy. The existence of second landlords also has a certain value. It can integrate the housing resources of many landlords, and there are also The reason for existing in the market. However, second landlords who make profits by relying on information differences are not market effects. This is inside information, and they are likely to be the black sheep. They have caused the rental dilemma of many young people in Internet companies."

Zhou Buqi pondered and said: "Ziweixing has improved the benefits of rental subsidies, and I believe more and more companies will follow suit. For many emerging industries, these companies have relatively high pursuits and hope to provide Employees create a relatively comfortable living environment. Especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, if the pressure in life is reduced, they will have more fighting spirit at work."

Liu Qing said: "Yes, these companies are constantly improving company benefits, constantly increasing employee salaries, and constantly promising more options..."

"But someone stabbed me in the back!"


Liu Qing did not act too decisively like him.

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly: "Don't underestimate the corruption problem in Internet companies! The existence of second landlords, from my perspective, must be information transactions between internal executives and external real estate brokerage companies! Chen Guohuan said that Alibaba Cloud is in the global After the news about the location of the center was announced, the rental prices in the surrounding areas increased significantly, but one month in advance, all the surrounding houses were sold out by second landlords."

Liu Qing can be sure of this, "It was not Ali who did it."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's for sure. If it is done by Alibaba, after they get the house, they will rent it to employees at a lower price and pay it as employee benefits. Let the employees live near the company, This is also a huge improvement to work efficiency. However, it is very likely that the news leaked from Ali."

Liu Qing hesitated for a moment and said cautiously: "It's not necessarily coming from Alibaba. If Alibaba wants to choose Alibaba Cloud at the Global Center, it may need to communicate and mediate with the local government. They must be I have contacted many places, and the policy conditions provided by this place are the best, so I chose this place.”

Zhou Buqi understood her extended meaning.

This is more complicated.

For example, Zi Weiyun wants to set up a branch company and chooses locations in three locations: A, B, and C.

The leaders of the three places must judge how much help Ziweiyun's branch can bring to the local economy, and through certain calculations, determine what kind of preferential conditions can be offered.

However, the local leaders of C may not calculate this way.

How much value Zi Weiyun can create and how many jobs he can bring to the region has nothing to do with his personal interests. However, if Ziweiyun moves here, it will definitely drive the increase in housing prices in the surrounding areas, and there will be room for maneuver here.

Therefore, Region C may offer a preferential condition far better than that of Region A and Region B, allowing Zi Weiyun to settle here without any doubt.

And he can operate in advance, find a second landlord to take over all the surrounding houses, and make money together through the information gap.

This kind of income is income under the sun, legal and compliant.

If this is really the case, then you really can’t blame the Internet companies.

However, Zhou Buqi was foresight and had experience.

Employees of Internet companies are absolutely unparalleled in terms of "making extra money", and they have endless tricks, which are much more than civil servants. Any Internet company, including Ziweixing, will definitely have internal corruption problems.

Moreover, the methods and methods can always give people a refreshing feeling and are very innovative.

It's about people.

Internet companies recruit the top talents in society, and they recruit students from key prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Their average quality is much higher than that of civil servants.

They have super-intelligent intelligence and are full of high-intelligence crimes that are difficult to detect.

Therefore, Zhou Buqi is not sure that the "second landlord" incident is most likely due to the leakage of information from within the Internet company. It is a means for someone to make money legally from the market by relying on the internal information of the company.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This matter is not simple, so we can't rush into it."

Liu Qing suggested: "Even if Ziweixing really wants to enter the rental market and use the Internet model to reduce the profits of intermediaries, it cannot end up personally. This market is too big, and it is too far away from Ziweixing's main business. It’s better to start from scratch.”

"Of course, there is no rush." ​​Zhou Buqi smiled, "Thank you for your hard work. Do more research on this industry. Big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as the rental websites that exist on the market, such as and Anjuke. , to understand the situation in detail.”

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