Top of the big era

Chapter 2020 Game Exit

Zhou Buqi's schedule is very full.

I am already very busy. I have a lot of things to do when I return to my country. I have to rush to the United States to deal with some things. Then I have to hold Changyou’s shareholder meeting when I return to my country to get this big thing done.

Unexpectedly, a lot more were added temporarily.

The differences over cloud computing have been resolved. Lao Zhang still has arrangements, and Shi Jinglin also has a new goal. She wants to buy Dongpeng Special Drinks and drag Zhou Buqi south with her.

Not long after she got to work this morning, Sun Wanran came to remind her that there was Mr. Zhang’s phone number on line 3.

After answering, Lao Zhang was very happy, saying that he had successfully contacted Chi Youfeng and that they could have a meal and chat together at noon.

As for how many "secrets" about the overseas game market can be extracted from the eccentric guy Chi Youfeng, it all depends on the personal charm of Boss Zhou.

Zhou Buqi disapproved and snorted, "Old Zhang, you are just making a fuss out of a molehill. Do you know who Don Mattrick is? The peak of EA games in the 1990s was due to him; the rise of Microsoft games was also due to him; The development of Ziweixing International's game business depends on him. This is a world-class expert in the game field. I want to hire him as the co-CEO of Changyou. Who knows the overseas market better than him?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "That's different."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's the difference?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "He is engaged in overseas markets, and the development of overseas business can certainly depend on him. However, Changyou's domestic business and the export of domestic games are related to both domestic and overseas cultures. The most important point is that Game export is a big trend!”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Why is it such a big situation?"

Zhang Chaoyang felt helpless, "You are really incompetent. You don't even have some basic information, so you dare to plan for Changyou at the highest level?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "It doesn't matter. Flaws don't cover up flaws. At the strategic level, we don't care about the details. Just like Google wants to acquire Twitter, more money or less money is actually trivial. The key is to be in line with the core strategy."

"Oh?" Zhang Chaoyang was very interested, "Is the negotiation concluded?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's almost done. I'll go to the United States next week to get this matter settled. By the way, I'll also finalize the case of Changyou's acquisition of Ziweixing International's gaming division. Then, we can hold a shareholders' meeting to reorganize the board of directors."

Zhang Chaoyang sighed secretly and introduced: "The crisis in the game industry is actually quite serious. It is similar in the United States, Europe, South Korea, Japan, and China. The domestic game market is highly concentrated, and a few major game companies have a high degree of monopoly. Oh...especially the online game market, this is your fault..."

"Wait!" Zhou Buqi was a little angry, "What are you talking about? I have never been in the online game business before. Even if I were in charge of Changyou, I would not be able to interfere with the specific business."

"Don't come here, I've investigated everything."

"What did you check?"

"Helo's game panel has 10 recommendation slots and recommended 10 online games. Did you forget? It was you who called me to tell me about the recommendation on "Dragon" back then! Helo's significance on the PC side is no worse than QQ. If you do this and push such a huge amount of traffic, players all over the country will focus on these top 10 online games, and won't the concentration become higher and higher?"

"Uh..." Zhou Buqi coughed, "It wouldn't be a bad thing if the concentration was higher... Don't change the subject, and quickly talk about your overall situation."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Because the domestic game market is highly concentrated, many game manufacturers have encountered business crises. They cannot make much money in the domestic market, so they can only take the export route."

Zhou Buqi paid great attention to it, "How many are there?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Last year's data showed that there were a total of 35 domestic game manufacturers, and 91 online games developed by them entered overseas markets, with total sales of nearly US$300 million."

"Quite a few!"

Zhou Buqi was really surprised.

I didn’t expect that!

It turns out that there are so many seniors and warriors in the gaming industry. They are all at the forefront of the times and have chosen to go overseas to create value.

Even if most of them were squeezed out and could not survive at home and had to go overseas to make a living, this is still remarkable.

All beginnings are hard.

With the current group of seniors who are going overseas to conquer the world, their accumulated experience and various business cases can create the most favorable conditions for the domestic technology industry to go overseas in the future.

In the past life, "Genshin Impact" was able to explode overseas.

From this point of view, this is not an isolated phenomenon. It is the accumulation of the entire game industry over the past few years, and then it blooms and bears fruit.

This is also one of Zhou Buqi’s key expectations for Changyou.

The threshold for the gaming industry is actually not too high.

It does not require any high-end technology, and the creative aspect is not necessarily much richer than that of movies. Many of them are adapted from popular IPs.

Therefore, for the domestic technology industry, the game industry should actually stand out the most. This should be the industry that the domestic IT field is best at.

The domestic market is huge enough to make a lot of money.

As a result, many game manufacturers have chosen a comfortable and steady strategy and only develop domestically.

How complicated is it to operate overseas?

Different culture, different language, operation is too difficult.

Many game manufacturers gave up.

The threshold for making games is not high, but the threshold for operating games in overseas markets is very high. Therefore, many domestic game manufacturers can only thrive in China.

This is a bit of a pity.

If you go overseas, you can definitely create huge value!

It’s already 2011, and based on the level of the domestic game industry, it can definitely rank among the best in the world. Domestic games are no worse than games from any other country. This is one of the few areas in the domestic technology industry that can stand upright and speak out.

What kind of skill is it to only make money from domestic players?

If you have the ability, go abroad to harvest overseas players?

Zhou Buqi personally wants to take charge of Changyou. There are several things he particularly wants to do, and this is one of them.

He wants to open up channels for domestic games to go overseas. He wants to lower the threshold for game exports, thereby helping more domestic game manufacturers to make money in overseas markets.

Compared to making money yourself, bringing others to make money together is a more meaningful, safe and socially valuable choice.

What is surprising is that in the domestic game industry, there are really many game manufacturers that have embarked on the road of selling overseas...

It was an instant hit!

Zhou Buqi was particularly interested and said happily: "Good thing, good thing! Changyou has a very important mission in globalization, which is to help domestic colleagues promote their games abroad!"

Zhang Chaoyang snorted, "Now do you understand? Do you know that you take it seriously? Let me tell you, Perfect has been vigorously developing overseas markets in the past few years, and has opened up more than 100 countries and regions."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi came to his senses, "You mean Perfect is doing this kind of thing too?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "There should be this intention. They have opened so many branches overseas and established so many operation studios... Perfect has only a few games, why do they need to make such a big noise? Unless they are a gaming giant, Ordinary game companies will not spread their business on such a large scale."

Zhou Buqi pondered and said, "Well, that makes sense."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "So, I met Chi Youfeng at noon. You have a good talk with him, try to trick him, and see what Perfect does. If he really takes action, we will also There can be more comprehensive planning.”

After getting along with him for so many years, Lao Zhang knows this kid's temperament very well.

Making money is child's play for Boss Zhou.

This kind of thing that can promote the development of the industry and lead everyone to make money together is what he likes most.

"Not that serious."

Zhou Buqi downplayed and acted very relaxed.

Nothing to be impatient about!


Stop it!

Boss Zhou was foresighted.

If Perfect really does this, it will definitely be a great merit. The market often does not treat companies that have made huge contributions to the industry poorly, and their perfect market value has already taken off.

But in fact, the market value of Perfect has not taken off. Just like a number of old game manufacturers in the previous life, such as Giant, Shanda, Changyou, and NetDragon, the stock price has been depressed for a long time.

It can be seen that Perfection did not accomplish this at all.

This important task still has to be shouldered by Boss Zhou.

Here, Zhou Buqi ended the call with Lao Zhang, and Ning Lu came over and whispered: "The girls are ready and want to report their market research results to you."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi glanced at the door, "Where's Wan Wan? Don't rush, let's listen to her arrangements first."

Researching the rental market is not an easy task.

Boss Zhou will definitely not place all his hopes on these young girls who have just entered the society. Asking them to do research is actually just experience. It doesn't matter whether they do well or not.

He sent out three teams in total.

The other two are the most important.

One is Chen Guohuan, the vice president of marketing, and the other is Liu Qing, the senior vice president in charge of investment business.

The former investigated the capital market, while the latter investigated the Shanghai market.

Sun Wanran ran over and told her, "Liu Qing has got off the plane and is rushing to the company. Why don't you call Chen Guohuan over first?"

"Okay." Zhou Buqi nodded, and then pointed to a lot of cosmetics and powdery things in the office, "Pack all these away. Whose makeup box is this? Why is it here with me?"

Sun Wanran said: "Your junior sister's may have been left behind."


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Sun Wanran said with a half-smile: "Yan Qiqi, she is your school girl."


Zhou Buqi really didn't know much about this.

Sun Wanran pursed her lips, "Well, your university alumni are in the same college and major as you."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's quite a coincidence. I didn't expect such a beautiful girl to appear in a science and engineering college like ours. I feel she's even prettier than Guan Ting back then."

"Guan Ting?"

"My classmate in college has married Guo Pengfei a long time ago. Haven't you seen him before?"

"Oh, that Guan Ting..." Sun Wanran finally remembered, "However, Yan Qiqi has a little problem here, and I don't quite understand it."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's wrong with her?"

Sun Wanran said: "It seems to be a bit inflamed."

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "What's the inflammation?"

Sun Wanran said: "The afternoon before yesterday, didn't Ning Lu take them to the beauty salon for beautification? She also had laser hair removal treatment... She may not have been protected well, and the weather was hot, so she became inflamed. She is a female The child was so frightened that she was too embarrassed to go to the hospital, so she came to me. How could I understand? Boss Zhou is very knowledgeable, how about you treat her?"

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