Top of the big era

Chapter 2017 Domestic and International Versions

Zhang Chaoyang had no choice but to take a long-term view, "In the past few years, the Korean online game industry has fallen into a bottleneck of slowing growth. In order to solve this crisis, many Korean companies have looked for new development models overseas."

"So Korean online games come to China?"

Zhou Buqi indeed opened up another idea.

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Yes, they took the right path and achieved great success, which directly led to a qualitative leap in the entire Korean online game industry."

Zhou Buqi suddenly understood and said: "The export of the game is not because it is well done, but because it encounters an internal crisis, so it can only look for solutions externally!"

Zhang Chaoyang nodded, "That's what I mean. South Korea's market is too small, so it encountered a growth bottleneck many years ago, so it chose to export online games very early. In fact, it's not just South Korea, it was also the case in Japan earlier? From Hong Since the era of white consoles, Japan’s game industry has encountered an internal growth crisis, which has pushed them to globalize and export to other countries.”

Zhou Buqi said: "So the domestic gaming industry has also reached such a crossroads."

Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile: "With such a large domestic market, it is still far from saturation! However, the online game industry is a monopoly industry. The top ten online game companies monopolize 99% of the market. The top three online game companies monopolize 70% of the market. For the top three online game giants, they are actually not so anxious about game exports because their games can still have a good growth trend in China. However, Perfect ranks fourth in the country."

"It's really one set after another."

Zhou Buqi was a little ashamed.

He wants to fire Lao Zhang, the incompetent chairman of Changyou, and personally replace him.

But after saying this, I feel that I am not as competent as Lao Zhang!

At least Lao Zhang knows enough about the domestic gaming industry, but he has never been to the grassroots level and is completely unclear about the current status of some industries.

However, it was impossible for Zhou Buqi to admit it. He waved his hand and said, "These are all trivial matters. I really don't pay much attention to them."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Details determine success or failure."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Nonsense! Strategy determines success or failure, and details will only determine whether you win more or lose less. The domestic game market is quite big, but no matter how big it is, it will be saturated one day. Game export is the key to any aspiring company. The inevitable choice for game companies, this is the only way to enjoy the game! The earlier you start, the better the effect will be!"

Zhang Chaoyang felt helpless, "Okay, you are right."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't mention it, I am really lucky. I am ranked fourth in the country in the gaming field. Because I couldn't make it into the top three, I was forced to choose the export route. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Well, in the past five years, Perfect has always been the number one in the field of game exports. More than ten of its products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions, and it has global sales offices in the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Netherlands. Capital subsidiary. I saw their second quarter financial report. The total revenue was 800 million, and overseas revenue exceeded 200 million. Overseas revenue accounted for 25% of the total revenue."

"Isn't this great? Where's the crisis?"

Zhou Buqi was a little puzzled.

Xu Baihui listened for a long time and finally understood it. She was also very surprised, "Yes, I watched CCTV frequently reporting on the perfect world."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "The mainstream media's coverage of Perfect is mainly due to the country's cultural industry policy and the 'going global' policy. Perfect's game exports and overseas expansion are doing very well. However, this is to deceive the leaders, It’s a lie to laymen. It’s precisely because of the crisis that they have to focus on overseas markets. If there had been no crisis, Chi Youfeng would not have put down the game business and turned around to join the film and television industry.”

Zhou Buqi said "hmm" and said, "Tell me more about it."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "The global game industry is now in a sluggish state, and domestic game concept stocks are severely undervalued. Not only is it perfect, but Changyou is also the same? The net profit in the second quarter financial report reached 150 million U.S. dollars, and the current market value is only 12 billion U.S. dollars. …”

"Okay, let me take care of Changyou." Zhou Buqi crossed his legs and said loudly, "This is a problem of capital tendencies. The game industry around the world lacks a dominant player like Gates, Jobs, and Bezos. If entrepreneurs like Ellison and Ellison come to lead, I will do my part. Don’t rush, there is no point in rushing. Let me reverse the collective decline of the global game industry."

Zhang Chaoyang was too lazy to listen to his bragging and said: "Perfect Crisis is ultimately a lack of creativity. Their first online game "Perfect World" is indeed great. It is a domestically developed online game and has gained market recognition. However, in the following years, The other games are not very good, games that follow the trend such as "Wulin Gaiden", "Zhu Xian" and "Red Cliff" are all disappointing."


"It's a reskinned game. The gameplay and engine haven't changed much. Just change the plot, model, and name, and it's now on the market to make money."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chaoyang was somewhat embarrassed.

This is pointing out the shortcomings of perfection, so why not Changyou?

After the success of Changyou's domestic self-developed game "Dragon Babu", several subsequent games developed were also reskinned games that made players look like fools.

In the final analysis, it is still a lack of creativity.

Whoever can solve the problem of creativity well will be able to kill everyone in the game industry!

In this regard, Penguin Games, which has always been criticized for "plagiarism" and "plagiarism", has obviously found the most successful and strategic path.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Being a game company must solve a very difficult creative dilemma. Therefore, Ren Yuxin must be reused. His own lack of creativity is an inevitable situation. Whoever can find a solution will win." Be able to stand out!”

Ren Yuxin is so awesome. He has led Penguin Games, which is not ranked high in the domestic game industry, to become the world's largest game giant.

Zhang Chaoyang agreed, "Well, Ren Yuxin has changed the industry positioning of Penguin Games. With the strong rise of Penguin and NetEase in the game business, Perfect has fallen behind, and there is no longer the possibility of ranking among the top three in the country... By the way, There was also a major business blunder.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "What mistake?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Perfect's flagship game is "Perfect World", and "Perfect World International Edition" was launched in overseas markets. Perfect has been exploring overseas markets for a long time. After entering overseas markets, it suddenly discovered that foreign players have extremely high spending power. Strong. Coincidentally, at this time, "Dragon" and "Conquest" of Giants were also popular in China."

"how is it?"

"In order to make money, overseas players are so rich, so Perfect World wants to make a lot of money. Then, it modified the gameplay of "Perfect World International Edition". Instead of buying some cards, it became an online game that charges for items. Same as "Dragon" and "Conquest"."

Zhou Buqi had never played this kind of game before and asked: "The domestic version of "Perfect World" is a card game? Just like "World of Warcraft"?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Yes, but buying some cards is not as fast as selling props. Especially "Conquest" is completely a game for the rich. "Perfect World International Edition" tried to adopt this new model, and then it was released Big problem."

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment and chose to remain silent for fear of saying something wrong.

He really didn't know much about the specific operation details of this kind of game.

Zhang Chaoyang continued: "The international version is a free game. There is no need to buy cards, so many poor players have gone to play the international version. At the same time, in the international version, you can spend money to buy props. As long as you have money, you can continue to play. When the land becomes stronger, it is no longer a fair game like the point card mode, and many rich people will rush in. Then, there will be fewer and fewer players in the domestic version, and players will all go to the international version."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This is not only a business mistake, it can be said to be a strategic mistake that affects the life and death of this game!"

Just like Douyin and TikTok.

Douyin is the domestic version.

When the international version of TikTok was first born, it blocked all domestic users. However, the "wall" cannot stop many people, and many domestic users can still log in to TikTok.

This is very dangerous. Not only are these people able to see a lot of restricted and harmful information through TikTok, but it is also related to the life and death of this product.

TikTok is an international product with rich languages ​​and players from all over the world.

Once a large number of domestic users flood in, it will become a Chinese-speaking world, and the diversification and variety of products will be lost. Moreover, domestic users are too smart and not as ignorant as foreign users. They are all trying to find ways to steal all kinds of platform subsidies, and those foreign up owners will not get the money.

Therefore, TikTok will further block domestic users, even if they circumvent the firewall. As long as it is a domestic IP, domestic ID, or domestic mobile phone number, you cannot log in and use it.

Obviously, Perfect thought too simplistically when designing the product solutions for the domestic and international versions.

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Once the players in "Perfect World International Edition" are all Chinese players and it becomes a Chinese world, how can those foreign players still have a sense of participation? It will inevitably lead to fewer and fewer foreign players. The significance of export is also It no longer exists.”

"That's true." Zhou Buqi agreed deeply, and then sighed, "The domestic Internet has walls. Since there are walls, when designing domestic and international versions of products, this must be fully taken into consideration. Based on objective factors, domestic users and foreign users must be strictly distinguished.”

Zhang Chaoyang said: "It's still quite complicated after all. Perfect's domestic power is weak, so it can only continue to expand its overseas business layout. However, the overseas business layout is not very successful. Both domestically and overseas have encountered trouble, and Chi Youfen He couldn't solve it, so he made up his mind to hand over the game business to others and start making films himself."

"Then what?"

"You should meet him and talk to him about what mistakes have been made in Perfect Overseas Business. Let's learn from it. We can't let Changyou make the same mistakes again, right?"

"Is this the purpose of coming here today?"

"Isn't this enough?" Zhang Chaoyang stared, "I'll leave Changyou to you, please give me more attention!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If you want to see Chi Youfeng, just see him. What do you mean by pulling me over and letting me watch a movie? It's a waste of my time. If I have time to watch a movie, we can probably write an experience summary report." It’s over.”

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