Top of the big era

Chapter 1956 Team Building of the Board of Directors

Zhou Buqi doesn't go to outside clubs like that.

Mainly because I don't like the service process very much.

The female technician was waiting in line to serve the bell. She had not yet recovered from the intimidation of the previous customer and was about to greet the next customer, which was a bit hard to accept.

Aunt Xue's beauty salon is actually better. This is a women's beauty salon, and it only serves female customers... Even if the technicians are waiting in line to go to work, at least the psychological level is easier.

But women's services are really meaningless.

Where is the excitement of Wan-style service?

Zhou Buqi was not very interested, "I won't go, what do you can take the new girls to relax together, isn't it the weekend soon, it can be regarded as a team building."

"You go ahead!"

Ning Lu acts coquettishly and refuses to obey.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What should I do? It's a women's beauty salon. Why don't I frighten the technicians when I go there?"

Ning Lu whispered: "This is arranged by Sister Linlin, you should go."

"Who?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Shi Jinglin?"

Ning Lu nodded lightly, "Well, that's her. Didn't we open two new stores this year? The store managers of the two stores are her relatives. How should I say...well, they are the mothers of her two younger sisters."

The relationship is too complicated and a bit hard to describe.

Zhou Buqi understood it as soon as he heard it.

That’s what happened!

The father-in-law of the Shi family always came to talk about his teenage madness, divorced his first wife of decades, and cut off relations with many outside wives, and went to enjoy the hard-won love in his later years.

Two of the outer chambers were a bit pitiful, each giving birth to a daughter. The father-in-law of the Shi family didn't care at all, he just walked away and showed no responsibility.

There was no other way, so Shi Jinglin took the initiative to assume this obligation.

He brought those two families to the capital, and cooperated with Aunt Xue to open two branches of a beauty salon. They were made store managers, and both sisters also attended aristocratic schools.

Zhou Buqi felt very embarrassed, "What's going on if I go figure it out?"

Ning Lu pursed her lips and said, "Let's get to know each other. Just go and show your face. Then Wan Wan and I will have some face when we go there. Isn't it okay for a fox to pretend to be a tiger?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and sat up, "Okay, then you can make arrangements and go over and have a look."

"Going right now?"


"It's nothing to do anyway, let's go together... As you said, this is a collective team-building activity organized by the board of directors. After the spa, everyone will go to have a dinner together."

Not to mention, Ning Lu was very smart and good at coaxing people, and she completed the tasks assigned by Sun Wanran very well.

That's what coaxing is.

Whether it’s to coax one person, or to coax an entire group of people in society.

There is no need to face difficulties, just divert your attention.

Zhou Buqi cheered up and said, "Okay, I'll have a day off today, go ahead and notify them, pack your things... we'll leave in half an hour, let's go get a massage together!"

Soon, bursts of crisp cheers came from the office.

Sun Wanran walked over with a sweet smile, "They are changing clothes and they will be leaving in 10 minutes. But with so many people, how are we going to arrange the car?"

"Where's your car?"

"It's not open. Didn't we come to work together?"

"The company doesn't have a car?"

"Official cars? Where are they? They are all personal. Who can't afford a car?"

"What should we do?"

Zhou Buqi's car is definitely not enough. Even if the girls are all thin, a car can only hold five or six people at most, so at least one more is needed.

Sun Wanran said with a smile: "Let's borrow one. I think Meng Houkun's Audi is quite good. Let him take a taxi home after get off work."

Zhou Buqi knew that she was fighting for him, so he laughed and said, "It has nothing to do with him, don't think nonsense."


Sun Wanran's eyes flickered, as if he didn't believe it.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to tell her clearly.

Share happiness, but don’t talk about troubles.

"Didn't I tell you that his third grandfather is hospitalized with liver cancer?"


"This operation is very dangerous. Even if the operation is successful, you may not be able to live for a few years. The cancer cells are too powerful." Zhou Buqi found some relatively acceptable reasons, "That boy Meng Houkun is very filial, so he asked me Zi Can MSI successfully go public?"

Sun Wanran frowned slightly, "What does this have to do with it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Once it is listed on the market, he will be a great success in business, which will make his third grandfather feel at ease."

Sun Wanran said "Oh", a little strange, "Then the listing of Ziweixing will be complicated?"

Zhou Buqi said: "That's for sure. It's not easy to operate such a large-scale IPO. The market has changed so much, and it's not certain when it will go public."

Sun Wanran stared at him for a while, then said with a smile: "Then borrow a car from him! You call him, I'll go change clothes!"

Soon, the group was ready and took the exclusive elevator down to the underground garage.

Set off!

There were 12 people in total. In addition to one man, Zhou Buqi, there were two assistants, Sun Wanran and Ning Lu, and nine other excited and excited girls.

They all took off their uniforms and put on civilian clothes.

Each has its own style, grace and beauty.

Zhou Buqi didn't let Sun Wanran drive. He had so many bodyguards, and everyone knew how to drive. He didn't even borrow Meng Houkun's car, he just gave up the bodyguard's car.

After going there, I met the store manager, who is also the mother of Shi Jinglin's sister. Her name is Wang Yanan. She is a very mature and intellectual woman. She is about thirty-seven or eighteen years old. She is generous and not restrained at all.

After going there, she had arranged everything.

Just start picking out services.

Sun Wanran pointed to the project that charges 1,288 yuan and suggested: "You can choose any other option, but I suggest you do this!"

“Full body laser hair removal?”

Some people can accept it, but some girls are more conservative and a little scared.

Armpit hair is okay, but any more privacy would be too embarrassing.

Sun Wanran smiled and said: "Idiot, if you don't dress up, I'll see how you wear a bikini!"

"Huh? Bikini?"

"During the National Day holiday, we will all go to the beach together... um, to Hawaii. Everyone has to clean up, otherwise you will not be allowed to go with the group."

"Really going to Hawaii?"

"The boss is right here, you still don't believe it?"

After some coaxing and coaxing from Sun Wanran, the girls all selected technicians. Some were in high spirits, some were blushing, and they all went to separate private rooms to enjoy the unique beauty treatments here.

Zhou Buqi was left in the store manager's office, looking at the service list in a daze.

Wang Yanan didn't look like he had experienced many setbacks in life at all. He had a bright and positive attitude. He chuckled and said, "Mr. Zhou, why don't you also go to the spa?"

"I'll forget it..." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "This is a women's beauty salon, you don't even have clothes for me to wear, right?"

Wang Yanan pursed her lips and said, "Be sure to be ready next time."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "You can prepare, but it's not convenient for me. If word gets out, there will be a lot of discussion again."

"It doesn't matter. We have good confidentiality here, and there are still celebrities working on projects..." Wang Yanan lowered his voice, "Zuo Xiaoqing is here and comes often."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's different. She is a female star. Even if the news leaks out when she comes to this kind of women's beauty salon, it is a normal lifestyle and has no adverse effects. I can't do it now. I'm a big man and run away. I came to a women’s beauty salon for services and something didn’t look right at first sight!”

"That's right." Wang Yanan covered his mouth and laughed, feeling that this Mr. Zhou was really approachable, "How about... how about I give you a spa? The technicians are not allowed to participate. I have also practiced with them, and I am a little better at it."

Zhou Buqi was a little unsure.

The word spa covers a wide range of areas. What does it include? Even those spa projects where female technicians serve female clients are often of a private and exciting nature.

Wang Yanan is very beautiful.

This made Zhou Buqi more cautious. He did not accept her proposal. He pointed to one of the service items and asked in surprise: "What is this 1,699 yuan golf in-depth care?"

"It's just a massage project..." Wang Yanan almost laughed. "The technician holds a golf ball in his hand and rolls it on the customer's skin. It can relieve muscle stiffness and relieve muscle soreness. It is a deep massage method."

"Oh, skin."

Zhou Buqi breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was just rolling the golf ball on his skin.

Wang Yanan smiled, "This came from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and it is very popular with customers."

Zhou Buqi was a little confused, "Is the golf ball so useful?"

Wang Yanan couldn't help laughing and said: "That's it, it's better if it's not solved. Maybe... maybe like you, I think this name is very exciting. I'm very curious and want to try it."


Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, then looked up and saw her face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

It dawned on him.

Depend on!

It turns out that she knew everything, and she was just playing a trick to gain popularity!

Gao, master!

However, this kind of topic is indeed a bit off-limits. The two have just met and it’s not too much to joke around. Wang Yanan then suggested: "Mr. Zhou, why don’t you go to a spa? You can open your back with essential oils. I'll do it again." Go get a golf ball and give you a deep massage.”

"Forget it."

Zhou Buqi waved his hands repeatedly to express his refusal.

Wang Yanan chuckled and said, "Then let Chen Yan come over and do it for you next time. She is young and beautiful, and her skills are better than mine."

"Who? Chen Yan?"

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide.

The first thing he thought of was his junior high school history teacher Chen Yan.

However, it probably wasn't her.

The name Chen Yan is too popular and has too many names. Zhou Buqi has seen several employees in many companies.

Wang Yanan smiled slightly and said, "He is the manager of another store."

"Oh, it's her!"

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized.

It turns out that the mother of another sister, Shi Jinglin, is named Chen Yan.

What a coincidence.

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