Top of the big era

Chapter 1955: No scheduled listing

Such a big matter has been discussed, and it is even related to the life cycle that Boss Zhou may continue to control in Ziweixing in the future. Meng Houkun probably meant well. He was giving him a reminder to prepare him mentally.

Zhou Buqi can be regarded as having a traceable understanding of many phenomena.

As for whether Ziweixing will be listed on the market, it is a trivial matter.

Whether it can be done or not, I'm not sure.

The current internal talk of launching the company in 2013 is actually a pie in the sky and an encouragement to employees. As for whether the ticket will be bounced and whether it will be adjusted at that time, even if you are not careful, you can't say. It depends on the changes in the market situation.

Zhou Buqi said: "Now is the transition period from PC Internet to mobile Internet. It is very important for the company. We must maximize the enthusiasm of employees and expand our territory in the new era."

Meng Houkun smiled and said, "Use a listing plan to motivate?"

"Yes..." Zhou Buqi nodded, "You must look at plums to quench your thirst in order to have combat effectiveness. If you eat plums to quench your thirst, not only will you not be able to quench your thirst, but you will also lose your combat effectiveness."

This is the fundamental reason why Ziweixing has not been listed on the market.

Money or not is secondary.

Meng Houkun sighed, "I knew that was the case."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is the best choice. This period is too special. Ziweixing must have cohesion internally and avoid chaos. Only by maintaining internal stability can we continue to make progress externally. In the new Internet Occupy more territory under the circumstances. Too little money will lead to unstable people's hearts; too much money will also lead to unstable people's hearts."

"Yes." Meng Houkun could understand this, "It is very dangerous for a poor person to become rich suddenly."

Don't look at the current market valuation of Ziweixing, which is very high. Some say 60 billion US dollars, some say 80 billion US dollars, some say 100 billion US dollars... However, as long as it is not listed, the stock is paper without face value.

Only when it is listed can the stocks be exchanged for real gold and silver wealth.

So we have to work together as one.

If we don't work hard, the company's business will collapse and the road to listing will be blocked... The opportunity to realize the stock will be completely lost, and all the hard work day and night over the past few years will be in vain.

While the company is not listed, employees can work harder and strive to get more internal shares. These are original shares, and they can be worth several times as soon as they are listed.

Therefore, in order to release the signal of listing, we must "paint the pie" and "look at the plum blossoms to quench our thirst."

However, when you eat plums in your mouth, it is very particular.

Because once a company goes public, many bad phenomena will occur.

Listing requires equity reform, and the stocks held by all employees are legally guaranteed, and no one can take them away at will. Once the value of this stock is too high, millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars... such a large amount of wealth is invested, many people will become confused and lose the motivation to work.

Many people will even retire, become financially free, and stop struggling.

After all large companies go public, they will undergo a large-scale change of middle and senior management. This is actually the reason. There is too much money, and many people don’t want to do it anymore.

This will cause relatively large turbulence to the company.

Zhou Buqi didn't want this situation to happen.

At least I don’t want to see it in the next few years.

Now is the critical transition period from the PC Internet to the mobile Internet. It is a time when everyone needs to work hard together to fight and seize the territory!

If it were to go public at this time, and everyone would become rich, how would there be any motivation to fight for life and death?

At this critical stage, the most important thing for Ziweixing and Ziweixing International is to encourage employees to work together and strive to grab as much territory as possible in the early stages of the industry in this mobile era! Seize a big country!

Never let yourself get into trouble internally.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This is actually a positive application of the 'heart-centered' theory."

Meng Houkun asked: "What is negative?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The positive side is to comply with human nature, not to brainwash or bewitch, but to comply with everyone's inner temperament to design a series of policies and systems of the company. Cao Mengde's "Looking for Plum Blossoms to Quench Thirst" is the best example. Negative side The application is to guide against human nature, which is too much. It is written all over the history books that if you kill your whole family, you have to thank the emperor for his great kindness."


Meng Houkun actually didn't understand much about Inamori Kazuo. He just chatted with the third grandfather for more than an hour and got some information, so he could teach Boss Zhou a lesson.

Zhou Buqi said: "Inamori Kazuo, the most typical example. When I first met and asked him for advice, he said a point of view that disgusted me, and then I never believed him again. He said No matter what situation one is in, one must be grateful.”

"It can't be wrong."

"He also gave an example, saying that when you are in a situation of disaster, suffering, misfortune, or injustice, it is an excellent time to express gratitude. Because this harsh situation can exercise our minds and temper our souls ."

"His level is really high."

"Yes, I believe him, but I don't believe he uses this method to educate other people." Zhou Buqi was somewhat angry, "Praising suffering and taking pleasure in suffering... He is an ascetic, he can stand and speak without pain in his back. ."

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "It's useless to be angry. You have already said that this is to serve the ruling class. For the company's managers, this allows them to better manage their employees, and be able to concentrate on doing big things and create cohesion." . I believe he applied this set of ideas in the process of saving JAL."

Zhou Buqi said: "It is beneficial to experience difficulties. It is a difficulty, not a suffering. It is difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese, and it is also difficult for our middle school students to learn mathematics and foreign languages. Who can overcome these difficulties will be the winner in the future. You will go better on the road of life. But it must not be suffering, trauma is a rift, and a broken mirror cannot be reunited."

Meng Houkun glanced at him and reminded: "Boss Zhou, you are right, but it may not be in line with the overall situation."

Zhou Buqi laughed, waved his hand, and stopped talking, "Actually, there is a more important reason why Ziweixing cannot be listed on the market for the time being, and that is talent."

"How to say?"

Meng Houkun knew how smart Mr. Zhou was, and a brief taste was enough.

Zhou Buqi said: "Now, there are not many elite mobile Internet talents in the world, including Larry Page, Zuckerberg, Boss Ma, and Lei Jun, and there are also huge misjudgements. Many people are using the thinking of the PC Internet era to welcome the next era."

Then, pointing to himself, he said, without humility, "Except for me."

Meng Houkun laughed heartily, "Yes, yes, I believe it! It's hard to say anything else. When it comes to judgment in the business field, no one can compare with you."

Zhou Buqi said: "In the past few years, I have cultivated a group of talents in our company who have a clear understanding of the mobile Internet. They are the most valuable assets in this era."

Meng Houkun understood what he meant immediately, "If Ziweixing goes public and they become financially free, they won't want to work anymore...your years of training will be wasted."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's what it means. There is a lack of relevant talents in the world now! Missing any one person is a loss to the company. So we have to wait until the train of the mobile Internet era is booming. Make your choice after a large number of Internet talents who can adapt to the new era and respond to new trends have emerged."

Meng Houkun nodded, "That's true. This is indeed the core reason. When there are enough talents in this industry, Ziweixing will be listed again. Even if financial freedom will cause Ziweixing to lose many people, there will be more More people will be added.”

Zhou Buqi said: "So, it is not a good plan for Facebook to go public in the near future. Zuckerberg still does not have a clear understanding of the changes in the Internet era."

"This is a good thing. His understanding is not clear enough, so we have a greater chance."


"Wan Wan, what else are you planning for later?"

"1:40, financial meeting; 2:05, cloud computing strategy meeting; 2:45, there is a planning meeting..."

"Push it all away."

After Zhou Buqi had a long talk with Meng Houkun, he felt a little tired and didn't want to do anything else.

Sun Wanran held his schedule in his hand, blinked a few times, and asked a little strangely, "Have they all been postponed? No one will participate?"

"I won't go," Zhou Buqi said irresponsibly as he lay down on the sofa in the office, "They did a good job while I was away, so I won't bother them. Classmate Yiming and Boss He Good leadership.”

Sun Wanran looked at him deeply and nodded gently, "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Then, he had to go back to his office to make the announcement. As he walked, he said loudly: "Ning Lu, go check it out! Our boss is in a bad mood, go and comfort him!"

One sentence almost caused the nine new secretaries in the secretary's room to start jumping up and down.

Ning Lu hurried over and saw the big boss resting on the sofa. She walked over, squatted next to him and whispered: "Boss, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Zhou Buqi stretched out his hand, gently rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, "No, everything is normal."

Ning Lu smiled and said, "How about I give you a massage."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "You know how to massage?"

"Uh... not really." Ning Lu felt a little embarrassed, "But we can go to Aunt Xue's beauty salon."

Aunt Xue runs a women's beauty salon. In fact, there are some massage programs for women, such as beauty, skin care, moisturizing, shaping, detoxification, etc. There are many categories and the fees are very high.

"That's a women's beauty salon, how do I get there?"

Zhou Buqi doesn't think this is a good idea.

A few years ago, he often sneaked up the stairs behind the building and took the girl there to do some beauty treatments like hair removal and skin cleansing, while he chatted with Aunt Xue in her office.

Not so much now.

He is so famous that it is easy to be spotted by taking the back stairs in broad daylight. It is best not to go there to completely eliminate this hidden danger.

Ning Lu chuckled and said, "It's not the same as before, we've opened a new store!"

"New store?" Zhou Buqi suddenly remembered, "Yes, Aunt Xue seemed to have said that the beauty salon was very profitable, and she opened two new stores."

Ning Lu pursed her lips and said: "Yes, there is a new store that is very secretive. It has also added new hydrotherapy and spa items. It is mainly for celebrity groups. It is very confidential and is not open to the public. I took time to go there with Wan Wan the day before yesterday. I took a trip to the spa and felt comfortable. Do you want to try it too?"

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