"Sister Bao, don't worry, I'll take you back to school later." After the meeting, Zhou Buqi said with great concern and enthusiasm.

There were two red clouds hanging on Xue Baoshan's pretty face, and she stomped her feet angrily: "No need!"

After finishing speaking, he took Xu Baihui in his arms, and under the narrow eyes of everyone who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he hurriedly slipped away.

Zhou Buqi gave a smirk, thinking it would be interesting to tease Sister Bao.

Then, he stopped Meng Houkun and asked him about Jinmen.

Meng Houkun said that the operation is not bad.

He found Gong Jianying, a first-year graduate student in energy and power engineering at Jinmen University in Jinmen. His family conditions were not good, and he was engaged in a side job when he was an undergraduate. He earned all the tuition fees by himself. Experienced, fighting spirit, and drive.

Jinmen's business is mainly divided into two parts.

One is to promote the dormitory canteen project, and the other is to organize group buying activities on the school intranet.

Next, Meng Houkun will continue to stay in Jinmen, take Gong Jianying and some people to various colleges and universities, and open the canteens in the dormitory buildings.

Then, in mid-May, I took over an important task of Xiaonei.com - selling mobile phones.

If these two things are done well, Gong Jianying can be the general manager of the Jinmen area.

Zhou Buqi smiled, put his hand on his shoulder, "Go, go to the cafeteria and drink a bottle of Coke."

On the way, I felt a little emotional, "I never expected that among these people, you are the first to stand out."

"Huh?" Meng Houkun was slightly taken aback, confused, "What do you mean? Praise me?"

"Well, praise you."

"Stop talking!"

Meng Houkun didn't believe it, and sighed, "I know that Xiaonei is the core business, and Guo Pengfei is amazing. And Senior Sister Zhenyu, just like a thunderstorm on the ground, suddenly set up Jieyu Media."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "No, I'm talking about realm."

"Boundary?" Meng Houkun was a little surprised.

Went to the cafeteria, bought two bottles of iced Coke, Zhou Buqi took a sip, felt that the anger of confrontation with Liu Wenbo in today's meeting was excreted with carbon dioxide.


Zhou Buqi yelled, then looked at Meng Houkun, who was rolling his eyes, and said with a smile: "I will teach you a lesson today. Do you think that if you want to become a real entrepreneur, should you use people to do things? Or do you need people to do things?"


Meng Houkun was a little confused.

However, after all, he came from an extraordinary background, and has been nurtured by his family for many years. His insight and understanding are much better than others. After a moment of pondering, he gave his own answer: "It should be employing people."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "That's right, it's about employing people to do things, not when you want to do something, and then go to find people. Employing people requires you to focus on the highest level, which is people..."

"I know." Meng Houkun interrupted him, and smiled shyly, "My father always told me these things, turning an ordinary person into a cadre, turning an ordinary cadre into an excellent cadre, turning a junior cadre Become a high-level cadre... If you think about problems like this every day, the first step of organizational innovation will be achieved, and talents will be produced."

Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, and then laughed, "Yes, that's what it means. For example, Senior Sister Zhenyu, she said she wanted to engage in campus media, and I knew that this path was not good, and the possibility of failure was extremely high. But, I still support her to do it. It doesn’t matter if you fail, the point is, this is a process that can make people grow.”

Meng Houkun's expression became serious, and he carefully understood Boss Zhou's precepts and deeds.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "The direction of campus media really doesn't work. Xu Baihui wanted to engage in the entertainment industry. Although we didn't have much book funds at that time, I still supported it. Gradually, Senior Sister Zhenyu also realized that she no longer focused on it. Focusing on campus media, focusing on Internet advertising business, has achieved considerable success. This is growth, as you said, the process of turning a junior cadre into a senior cadre."

Meng Houkun savored his words carefully, raised his head and said tentatively: "So in Jinmen, my task is not to do things, but to employ people. To develop and grow our team, cultivate more outstanding talents."

Zhou Buqi sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, it is the influence of the family, but the quality is different.

In this regard, he is definitely the best in the entrepreneurial league.

"In many ways, we are similar. You are from the Department of Literature, and I am from the Department of Industrial Management, but I haven't taken many classes." Zhou Buqi shook his head, took another big sip of iced Coke, and felt completely clear. , "In individual fields, we are definitely not as good as professionals, such as managing the school network, Guo Pengfei is the best candidate, and all of us are not as good as him."

Meng Houkun comprehended by analogy, and immediately said: "However, you can employ people, you can put the right person in the right position, and help him grow. Guo Pengfei can be what he is today because of your training, uh... me too."

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved his hands, "It's all about promoting each other. The meaning of what I said to you today is that I think you have talent in this area. Others' specialty is professionalism, while your specialty is in employing people and communication. More importantly. Next, our business will expand to the whole country, and how to choose and employ people is a big problem.”

Meng Houkun understood what he meant, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "Okay, I understand. The matter of Jinmen... I will try not to do anything, draw a path, choose the most suitable people, and help them adapt to the new situation." work. If it is done, I will sum up a set of experience and promote this model to the whole country.”

Zhou Buqi said: "The changes in the future will be turbulent. There will be various subdivided industries. Some businesses are unprecedented. If you are looking for someone to do something, you may never be able to find someone in some new industries. People. But it’s different to use people to do things. As long as you recognize this person and firmly believe that he can do a good job, just support him.”

"Well, my dad always said that too."

"Then what if the person you're looking for, with your full support, has achieved certain results but betrays you?"


Meng Houkun's back suddenly felt cold, and he felt his toes tremble subconsciously a few times.

Zhou Buqi stared at him, "Ten years ago, there was an internal strife in Lenovo, and the prince cultivated by Boss Liu himself betrayed him. Not only that, but he also joined forces to make him empty. You know how Lenovo Boss Liu always dealt with it." ?"

Meng Houkun took a deep breath and looked solemn: "I know, that incident...was quite sensational, and my uncle even participated in it. At that time, Boss Liu called the Haidian police, saying that Prince Sun embezzled funds and was arrested and sentenced." He was sentenced to prison and spent several years in prison. The year before last, Prince Sun had achieved great success in the real estate business, so he filed a lawsuit with the court, revoked the judgment of the year, changed the verdict of not guilty, and cleared the case."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Then tell me, was Prince Sun guilty or innocent?"

Meng Houkun thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know, maybe there is, or maybe not. However, Boss Liu's influence is too strong. If he says yes, the court can't say no."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said with a smile: "That's it, there should be some. Boss Liu has worked so hard to train him to become a talent, but he was betrayed in the end? This kind of thing should be done for a few years!"

After finishing speaking, he drank the last bit of Coke in the can, hiccupped and said, "Okay, I still have an appointment, so I'm leaving first."

Clap ass and go.

Meng Houkun sat there alone in a daze.

He understood what Boss Zhou meant.

I wanted to call my uncle, but hesitated again.

He is still too inexperienced to handle this kind of thing.

After hesitating for five minutes, he gritted his teeth and called his father.

"Remember your father?" Father Meng was as strict as ever.

Meng Houkun hurriedly said: "Dad, don't start scolding, I'm not sure about something right now, you can help me analyze it."

Father Meng snorted and said, "I knew it. Only then can I think of your father! Tell me, what's going on? Did you cause trouble?"

"What trouble did I get into? One of our team members was fired." Meng Houkun sighed, and succinctly described everything that happened today.

"Rich boss, gold card member...Hmph!"

Father Meng's tone was not kind, but it wasn't too strange.

He has seen this kind of thing a lot.

To be honest, Liu Wenbo's way of doing this is pretty restrained.

There are many blind dates in the society, that is shocking!

It is required to have good facial features, a beautiful figure, a bachelor's degree or above, and even such ridiculous requirements as having never been in a relationship and having a perfect body. It was a beauty pageant for rich old men, and they dared to publicly advertise a special show for the rich.

Meng Houkun was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "Dad, Zhou Buqi hinted at me just now, saying that Mr. Liu sent Crown Prince Sun to prison due to internal strife in Lenovo. He also asked whether Prince Sun embezzled funds or was involved in crimes. It’s not important, what’s important is that Boss Liu said he has it, so he has it. If he doesn’t take action on such things, he won’t be able to control a company as big as Lenovo.”

Even Meng's father, who was mature and prudent, was also taken aback.

What's wrong with college students these days?

A person who learns from the society and engages in some dirty activities. The other one was even more exaggerated. He took Boss Liu as a role model and wanted to use a butcher's knife!

Father Meng said in a deep voice, "It's hard to get legal evidence for this kind of thing."

Meng Houkun said angrily: "Old man, don't do this with me, is it interesting to perfuse your son?"

"How do you talk?"

That is to say, across the phone, if they were face to face, Meng's father would kick him over. After a long silence, he asked, "How is that college student named Liu Wenbo doing in school?"

Meng Houkun smiled immediately, "I have a criminal record."


"A few years ago, he made his own IC phone card and sold it. He was caught and sentenced, and he sat for more than a year and re-examined."

"I have a criminal record..."

Meng's father's tone was not so severe. If a person with a clean background is not easy to deal with plausible evidence, it will be much easier to handle with a criminal record.

"Then I told my uncle?"

"You can figure it out."

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