Top of the big era

Chapter 194 Expelling Liu Wenbo

"Making money for your ideals is the most dignified way of life in this era!"

Zhou Buqi's words, like an oracle, directly penetrated the hearts of everyone present.

Especially Ma Pingshan, Chen Dong, Zhang Yinlei, Xu Baihui and others, their idealism is a bit heavy, their eyes are red with emotion, and there is undisguised reverence in their eyes.

Yeah, make money!

We not only want to make money, but also make money for ideals!

Not to mention the long-term, the short-term ideal is to serve Huaxia's college students well, so that they can have a comfortable study environment, so that they can feel the care of the motherland.

But what did Liu Wenbo do?

Originally, blind dates and friendships were indeed serving the group of college students and helping them find a partner. But gold card members are too disgusting, how can this serve college students? It's clearly treating college students as a commodity to serve those rich bastards with evil thoughts!

This has seriously violated the purpose and value concept of the Entrepreneurship Alliance.

Liu Wenbo was very disappointed.

In front of such a group of idealistic college students who have been seriously disconnected from society, there is nothing to say.

In contrast, interacting with people in those societies is more comfortable and has more similar values.

"The gold card business will not stop." Liu Wenbo looked indifferently, looking around everyone provocatively, "I earn more money in a month than all of you put together. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

Ji Zian sighed, and said in a deep voice, "Liu Wenbo, you've lost your temper!"

Liu Wenbo slapped the table, "Don't play tricks on me!"

Xu Baihui couldn't bear it anymore, and said loudly: "Okay, let's vote, I object!"

Be the first to raise your hand.

Then, everyone raised their hands.

Liu Wenbo was shaking with anger.

Like other businesses, Polaris Venture Capital holds 55% of the Yuanfen Space Culture Company he runs and is the largest shareholder. If he really voted, let alone cut off the business, he could even be dismissed.


Zhu Zi does not conspire with each other!

Zhou Buqi made a downward gesture, and said lightly: "There is nothing to vote on. If there are differences, it may be possible to vote. But the current situation is a serious conflict of values. If this problem is not resolved, our entrepreneurial alliance will sooner or later One day it will fall apart. I propose to let Liu Wenbo leave."

"I agree!"

Xu Baihui came out with a sweet voice, and was the first to second.

Afterwards, Zhang Yinlei and Chen Dong also expressed their views immediately.

Meng Houkun looked deeply at Liu Wenbo, shook his head in disappointment, and said loudly, "I agree too!"

Ma Pingshan sighed, he was actually very optimistic about Liu Wenbo's ability, and thought that this kid could do great things, but he didn't expect the road to go astray, so he raised his hand and said, "Agreed!"

Then, it was Zhen Yu and Xue Baoshan, Ji Zian and Guo Pengfei who made their final statements.

Everyone agrees surprisingly.

Liu Wenbo, the earliest initiator and organizer of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance, was officially expelled!

Unanimous vote!

Liu Wenbo was dumbfounded and astonished, he looked at Zhou Buqi stupidly, he really didn't expect him to take such a step.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, and said calmly: "Yuanyuan Space Culture Company, Polaris Venture Capital holds 55% of the shares, Xu Baihui and Chen Dong both personally hold 5% of the shares. Now, the book assets of Yuanfen Space alone are nearly 10 million, really Dividing... taking six or seven million yuan is not too much."

Liu Wenbo was a little thankful, but also heartbroken.

Hearing Zhou Buqi's tone, it seems that he didn't want to close the business. Instead, he wanted to lead everyone out of the Fate Space and give the company to himself...

This is a good thing!

Are you afraid that you will not make money if you have a super cash cow business like a gold card member?

It's a pity that with such a division, most of the funds on the book will be divided by them.

Zhou Buqi said: "Liu Wenbo, you are one of the initiators of the Entrepreneurship Alliance, and you also played a certain leading role in the early days, which is indispensable. I don’t want to pressure you with the matter of equity. Transfer 1.5 million from Yuanfen Space’s account to Polaris Venture Capital, and this matter will be over. Go to the industrial and commercial information reform, Yuanfen Space Culture Company, from now on with everyone here None of it matters."

Liu Wenbo's eyes lit up, and he felt that he saw the hope of dawn.

real or fake?

The conditions are so good?

Only need to spend 1.5 million to buy back all the shares in their hands? This price is too cheap!

From this point of view, by quitting the Entrepreneurial Alliance, I have made a lot of money!

Not to mention other things, Yuanfen Space has been in operation for two months, with a total of nearly 10 million on the books, and 1.5 million is taken away, and the remaining 8.5 million is my own...

Get rich!

At this moment, he felt that his whole life was much brighter. Compared with the student organization on the campus of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance, the real society outside is richer and more beautiful.

"Okay! That's it!"

Liu Wenbo felt that he had become Zhuge Liang who was fighting with all Confucians. He was weak, but achieved great success.


That's all!

Looking at the indignant and unwilling expressions on other people's faces, let alone how comfortable they are.

College Students?

Haha, really ignorant and naive, ridiculously innocent.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said coldly: "The meeting continues, outsiders please leave."

The corner of Liu Wenbo's mouth curled up, he smiled and shook his head, but he simply picked up the pen and paper, and strode away.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around, took a deep breath, and said earnestly: "I know, you may not understand the matter of gold card members, but I believe that time will tell everything. When you graduate, when you have more contact with society Now, you will know how naive your choices are today. Everyone can tell the truth, how to do it and how to do it is the problem to be solved... Forget it, I wish you success!"

The final farewell was quite chic.

When the office door was closed, Xu Baihui slapped the table furiously, and said with righteous indignation: "I will never repent if I am stubborn!"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Okay, this matter is over, let's talk about the next topic..."

"Isn't it? Is this the end?"

Xu Baihui was very unwilling.

Did you just let him go so easily?

There was a lot of thunder and little rain, and he even took advantage of it in the end.

"Taking advantage? No way." Zhen Yu seemed to have seen through Zhou Buqi's thoughts, with a slight mockery on the corner of her mouth, "The legal income of Yuanfen Space, which is about 1.5 million, belongs to us. The rest of the money ...Whether it is legal income still needs to be determined, we will not participate.”

"That's it."

Xu Baihui said "oh", but didn't think deeply about it.

Ma Pingshan, who had stayed in a state-owned enterprise, raised his eyebrows suddenly, smelling a conspiracy.


Not so!

What Liu Wenbo did was quite abominable. Just like the bidding advertisements on Baidu, it led countless patients to bad hospitals. But this is only the nature of the platform and does not involve illegal activities.

However, our laws are very flexible.

Some things, some people do not break the law, some people do... may be illegal.

His mind jumped a few times, and he secretly observed Boss Zhou, but found nothing unusual. But he always feels that Boss Zhou is not the kind of person who takes things lightly.

Is there another way behind this?

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's all about Liu Wenbo's affairs, you should clean up when you go back, cut off all the resources and contacts in your hands, and no one or anything can be related to the Fate Space. "

After a pause, he smiled again and said, "Guo Pengfei and Senior Sister Zhen have both allocated cars, and you have seen it too. In this way, you have also seen the report of the milk tea shop. The profit in April was more than 1.8 million, and only 100 was left after tax deduction. Ten thousand, the tax is a bit too much. If there is a good policy, of course we need to use it. Let’s start next month. Buy a car in the name of a milk tea shop. Everyone has a share."

To match the car!

This is a good thing.

The atmosphere in the meeting room, from the cold confrontation just now, has become heated again.

Guo Pengfei asked strangely, "Is it tax deductible for buying a car?"

"You still understand?" Zhou Buqi gave him a mocking look.

Guo Pengfei coughed lightly, and said seriously, "To be an entrepreneur, we must abide by both the law and morality. Is it not good to avoid taxes..."

Zhou Buqi said: "What do you know? This is not tax avoidance, this is called responding to the country's policy call!"

Zhen Yu had just bought a car and knew the market better. She said with a smile, "The tax deduction for car purchases is really different. Our country needs advanced foreign automobile manufacturing technology, so we need to exchange the market for technology. By letting foreigners make money, we can attract Their technical support. If everyone does not buy cars, the auto market will not rise, and advanced foreign technology will not enter.”

Zhou Buqi pointed out: "Our country is a standard way of ruling the country by elites. Every decree issued by the country is foresighted. The country allows enterprises and companies to use the way of car purchases to deduct taxes, which shows that in this era, buying a car is more important than paying for it. Taxes are better for nation building.”

Guo Pengfei was just making a joke, but he didn't expect to go online like this, so he was a little dull, "Okay, I got it."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said, "In May, it's Ji Zi'an and Meng Houkun; in June, it's Zhang Yinlei and Ma Pingshan; in July, it's Chen Dong and Xu Baihui. Let's match the car first, and then choose the best ones." Executives with outstanding ability and loyalty can also be assigned a car. If you don’t have a driver’s license, go back and get a driver’s license! You can ask Meng Houkun for it, he has someone in his family!”


Meng Houkun was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Everyone laughed.

Xu Baihui wondered, "What about Baoshan? Doesn't she deserve a car?"

"Uh... Sister Bao is young, so she won't have a car for now, let's talk about it in a few years."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand.

In this team, Zhou Buqi is the second youngest from the bottom, and the youngest is Xue Baoshan.

Xu Baihui was puzzled, raised her head and asked, "Then what if she needs a car?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Sister Bao wants to use a car, you can find me, and I will be her driver."


In the meeting room, there was a long booing.

Xue Baoshan's pretty face was flushed, and she gave Zhou Buqi a shameful look, then lay down on the table regardless of her appearance, tightly covering her ears.

Xu Baihui felt that what he was sprinkling was not sugar, but vinegar, and she said sourly: "Sister Bao, sister, you are so kind."


Started booing again.

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