Top of the big era

Chapter 1919 Business Diversion

The climate here in the Bay Area is very good. Surrounded by the ocean, it is definitely warm in winter and cool in summer. Zhou Buqi went for a walk with Baoshan. Although it was a hot day, the breeze would make him feel very comfortable.

The two first went to the headquarters park of Ziweixing International, and the overall construction has been completed.

Not so beautiful, just a few rectangular-shaped buildings without any artistic flavor, just the most economical way to build them.

Compared with the headquarters in the capital, it is really far behind.

Baoshan gently held his arm, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The construction has been completed. When will it start?"

"It should be about the same this year. The one in the middle... is the one..." Zhou Buqi stretched out his hand and pointed at the largest office building in the middle. "That one will be put into use first. It will probably be used this year. There will be a big move at the end of the year. ."

Xue Baoshan said sweetly: "It's developing really fast."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "Is this fast? The construction speed is already slow enough. If such a mediocre office building were built in China, it would be over in less than a year."

Xue Baoshan chuckled and said: "No, I said your career is developing really fast. The headquarters building in the United States has been built, and next...the second headquarters in New York is also planned."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's true, but it's hard to say who is the first headquarters and who is the second headquarters. There are enough technical talents here in Silicon Valley, and the others are really at a disadvantage."


Xue Baoshan was a little surprised.

Zhou Buqi said: "The taxes in New York are relatively low, but California is becoming more and more left-leaning, and the taxes are too high. I heard about it in their meeting that day, and they said they wanted to file taxes in New York in the future."

Xue Baoshan's expression was very complicated, "New York has become a tax depression..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Well, it's not that New York has lower taxes, it's that New York has lower taxes than Silicon Valley."

Xue Baoshan raised her head and looked at him, "Have you dealt with the matter at Google?"

"What's going on with Google?" Zhou Buqi winked at her, "There are several things going on with Google!"

Xue Baoshan glanced at him with a slightly charming look, "Actually, it's just one thing. Stop teasing me."

"so smart."

"You're here."

"That's almost it. I've taken action and I can catch him!" Zhou Buqi had an illusion, "I feel like I am Larry Page's idol."

Xue Baoshan smiled, "Idol?"

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "Really, I can really feel that he admires me."

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips, and then whispered: "I admire you too."

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly and put one hand gently on her shoulder, his energy became a little more heroic, "Anyway, he has already let go of the Motorola matter and is willing to cooperate with Asda. The next step is to push Extraordinary."

"Twitter?" Xue Baoshan was very curious, "Isn't Google focusing on the social field? Twitter should be the most important!"

Zhou Buqi said: "We attach great importance to Twitter, but Twitter is not a subsidiary of Ziweixing. Our shareholding is only...less than 40% anyway. If Google wants to win Twitter, it has to find a way to convince other companies." Some investors must at least acquire enough shares to control the board of directors."

Xue Baoshan nodded lightly, "So Google has done your job, and now we have to clear the relationship with those investors."

"Yes." Zhou Buqi felt helpless, "The relationship between Google and those venture capital institutions is not very good. I will have to help when the time comes. This Silicon Valley feels like it won't be able to function normally without me."

Xue Baoshan's eyes were sparkling, her pretty face was flushed, and her smile was as bright as a flower, "Classmate Zhou, you are the best!"

"This is nothing," Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Do you know what I am most proud of?"

"What is it?"

"Made you have a baby."


Xue Baoshan bit her lip lightly, knowing it was a joke, but she admitted it openly.

In her opinion, this is indeed a matter of great pride.

After taking a walk, Zhou Buqi received a call from San Dezi, saying that he was inspecting the land planned by the San Jose city authorities for the earthquake team.

Ziweixing International's headquarters in Silicon Valley is located in a city under San Jose.

Very close.

After getting on the bus, I saw Sandoku and his party 15 minutes later.

There were a lot of people here, but Zhou Buqi did not shy away from everyone's eyes. He gently held Bao Shan's hand, not wanting to let go for a moment, and together they listened to the city planning plan of the city hall staff.

This area is still relatively desolate, it is a dock near the river.

Because it is a marina, there is no private land in this area and it is all owned by the city, so planning is easier. Because of the convenient transportation, it is easy to develop.

There is a commercial district over there, an office building over there, a bar street over here, a campus over there, a museum and a science and technology center over here...

San Dezi is very optimistic and strongly recommends making the decision just like this.

Then find a professional real estate project operation company to operate this stadium real estate project. It is estimated that this new business district can be developed in 3-5 years.

As long as the development of Silicon Valley does not fall behind, this new area will inevitably burst out with great economic vitality.

Zhou Buqi took Sister Bao and had lunch with San Dezi.

It's a nearby Chinese restaurant.

It's really not that good, and there's so much curry on it. I really don't know which Chinese cuisine uses so much curry as a seasoning.

So Zhou Buqi and Baoshan both had poor appetites, but San Dezi ate deliciously, which was in line with his appetite.

Zhou Buqi felt that he would go home and cook a bowl of egg noodles for Sister Bao later. He had to keep up with the nutrition. "By the way, what did you think of the Brazilian team?"

Sandoko put down the spoon and shook his head, "It didn't go well."

"Not smooth?"

"Well, it's similar to your previous guess. The football environment in Brazil is so bad that there has been a trend of state-owned enterprises."

"State-owned enterprise?"

Zhou Buqi is very familiar with this.

Most domestic Chinese Super League teams are supported by state-owned enterprises. If football can't make money, and you still have to play to save face, then only state-owned enterprises that don't regard money as money will be on the front line.

However, Sandoko said that the state-owned enterprise of Brazilian football is not the same. "Brazilian clubs are generally not well run, and they are not transparent in everything. There are too many secret operations. Private companies no longer sponsor football. , only some state-owned enterprises are left sponsoring for the development of national football."

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, "You're talking about sponsorship fees."

Santoku said: "Yes, sponsorship fees. There are three main sources of revenue for Brazilian football, broadcast fees, sponsorship fees and transfer fees. In a few years, it will be the World Cup in Brazil. The state is investing money. Private companies are investing in football. The industry has lost interest.”

This is very embarrassing.

Even local companies in Brazil have lost interest in football. If a foreign company is involved, it will definitely be swallowed up to the bone.

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Isn't it possible to operate in a black box?"

Santoku said: "Maybe, but I don't think it's necessary. It's better not to get involved. Anyway, I don't have confidence. Now that Brazil is engaged in football, it is completely burning the country's money. Did you know that there are 20 teams in Brazil? Among the teams, Postal Bank of Brazil sponsors 7 of them. Because state-owned banks have money, only they can afford it."

"What about the transfer?"

"The transfer market is actually quite good. Brazilian football almost earns approximately US$200 million in transfer fees from Europe every year. This amount of money is more than their main annual income, which is more than broadcasting revenue and sponsorship fees. . But the transfer process is too opaque and needs to be handled layer by layer. If you want to tap the South American market, I think you should be cautious and cautious."

Obviously, Santoku was pessimistic about Boss Zhou's idea of ​​going to Brazil to acquire a football team.

Sandoko continued: "Moreover, the political scene in Brazil...including South America is not stable enough and the risks are very high. Private companies are withdrawing from Brazilian football, which is related to a political scandal this year. Football in Brazil is not market-oriented at all. , will be directly linked to the political arena. Originally, there was a private company called BMG Bank. This bank was the largest sponsor of the Brazilian League, sponsoring a total of 8 Brazilian teams. It can be said that something happened because it was involved in this political scandal. , spending so much money on football has become the main culprit. Private companies are afraid to enter the field, and it has become a game for state-owned companies."

Zhou Buqi had never gone to Brazil to investigate, so he felt that the previous idea was still too good. He sighed, "Some things really can't be solved by imagination. The Red Bull Group failed miserably in Brazil. It is really representative." sex."

Seeing that he was relieved, Sandoko felt relieved and said with a smile: "The football business is really not profitable, it is just a loss-making business. If you want to make money from football, you still have to make money from peripherals. I think the blind box business is It’s very good, rely on football to build a brand, attract fans, and then sell blind boxes to make money. Of course, the best thing is the American model, cooperating with the San Jose authorities to plan a large new business district centered on sports.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "This can be regarded as Internet thinking, using football as a tool to attract traffic."

Santoku thought for a moment and said slowly: "Yes, that's the idea. The Earthquake Team is the diversion work of this new area. Through the team, it can attract enough fans and tourists, thus driving the surrounding employment and economic development. This It is the usual sports model in the United States. Sports is not competition, sports is entertainment. This is different from European sports."

In European sports, sports are competitive competitions.

Especially football, the reason why football has been promoted to the height of belief is a very important reason. This is a war in peacetime. This is the tone of football set by Pele and Maradona. Therefore, when someone is the king of football, it is not just about his skills. good.

Especially Maradona, when Argentina was brutally beaten by the British in the Falklands War, the whole country mourned.

At this time, the ball king appeared.

He completely defeated England on the World Cup pitch. A goal that passed five people in a row can be called the most classic goal in the history of the World Cup; there is even more classic, that is the hand of God, God using Marado Nathan's hand eliminated England.

After raising football to this level, making money is really a trivial matter.

American sports have a completely different logic. Sports is entertainment, and sports is a big party to make everyone happy. Especially American wrestling, which really has nothing to do with competition. It's just a performance based on a script. But even so, it can still cause carnival and drive huge economic value.

Santoku continued: "It is really difficult to make money from football itself. Not to mention that the United States is a football desert, even in the UK it is difficult to do it. The Earthquakes' football games are just a traffic diversion tool. It attracts After the traffic increases, we can make money by relying on other commercial projects at the home court. The construction of the home court should still be designed in the direction of commercial real estate. The core is commercial real estate, not the stadium."

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and smiled, "It's almost like micro-point anti-virus."


Sandoku was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, a little anti-virus."

Back then, domestic anti-virus software companies relied on selling software to make money. How much money can I make from this? The domestic genuine software market has never developed.

Later, Ziweixing acquired Oriental Micropoint and launched free Micropoint antivirus.

The purpose of free is to attract traffic.

After the traffic comes, you can continue to develop other products. Microdot input method, microdot browser and then microdot search, including the early school network and friend network, can develop rapidly, which is also the traffic derived from microdot anti-virus. .

The anti-virus software did not bring revenue to Ziweixing, but the traffic brought by the anti-virus software gave Ziweixing a huge advantage in the subsequent business development.

San Dezi has been engaged in football for so many years, but he really can't find a good way to make money.

Build the home ground of the Earthquakes into a commercial real estate project, just like a department store, with all the area cut off and leased to businesses. Let the merchants do business and the stadium collects rent.

Consumers and passenger traffic are driven by the Earthquakes' brand and home game effects.

This is indeed a good idea to make money.

Zhou Buqi agreed to the plan, "Since you have thought about it, let's do it! Just like you said, go to the market to raise funds. It's impossible for me to invest money in you."

Sandoko was very happy, "No need! With the approval of the overall planning from the authorities and the city hall, there will be many big companies willing to come and cooperate with us!"

"That's it!"

Zhou Buqi got up and wanted to go home.

It's already past 12 noon.

You can't leave Sister Bao hungry and go home to cook for her!

Santoku stood up quickly and asked again, "What about Brazil?"

"Brazil..." Zhou Buqi frowned slightly and looked at him deeply, "What do you think?"

Santoku said: "I don't think it makes sense. An ordinary team in Brazil costs at least 80 million U.S. dollars. A better wealthy team can't even be bought for 200 million U.S. dollars. Just like Santos with Neymar. The asking price of US$500 million is not enough. For such a large investment, it is better to go to developed countries, including South Korea and Japan."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then give up the plan for Brazil for the time being."

EA has acquired Friend Studio, the gaming division of MSI, for US$1.92 billion, and the deal was officially signed.

Next, the other parts of the game division will be integrated into Changyou!

This is a big plan.

When Lao Zhang heard that his friend’s studio had been sold for a sky-high price, he couldn’t hold himself back and flew to Silicon Valley.

There is no problem for Changyou to acquire the game division of MSI. However, the value of the game division is too high. Once the transaction is completed, Sohu's shareholding ratio in Changyou will inevitably be significantly diluted.

Lao Zhang couldn't sit still.

The update is not stable at the end of the year, but it will definitely not stop.

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